fltk-webview 0.2.6

Webview for embedded fltk windows
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This provides webview functionality for embedded fltk windows. The webview bindings are based on the webview-official-sys crate, which was modified for use with FLTK and to use the static WebView2Loader library on Windows along with a newer version of webview.


Add fltk-webview to your fltk application's Cargo.toml file:

fltk = "1"
fltk-webview = "0.2"

Then you can embed a webview using fltk_webview::Webview::create:

use fltk::{app, prelude::*, window};

fn main() {
    let app = app::App::default();
    let mut win = window::Window::default()
        .with_size(800, 600)
    let mut wv_win = window::Window::default()
        .with_size(790, 590)

    let mut wv = fltk_webview::Webview::create(false, &mut wv_win);


  • fltk-rs's dependencies, which can be found here.
  • On Windows: No other dependencies.
  • On MacOS: No other dependencies.
  • On X11/wayland platforms, webkit2gtk:
    • Debian-based distros: sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev.
    • RHEL-based distros: sudo dnf install webkit2gtk3-devel.

Known Issues

  • On windows, building using the gnu toolchain will still require deploying the dlls (webview.dll and WebView2Loader.dlls, which can be found in the target/<profile> directory.
  • On X11/wayland platforms:
    • Need help with Gnome's mutter window manager fighting for ownership of the webview window, causing flickering in text fields!
    • If running on Wayland, you need to pass the GDK_BACKEND=x11 environment variable for webkit2gtk to work properly.

