fltk-webview 0.1.1

Webview for embedded fltk windows
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This provides webview functionality for embedded fltk windows. This currently works on Windows:


use fltk::{prelude::*, *};

fn main() {
    let app = app::App::default();
    let mut win = window::Window::default()
        .with_size(800, 600)
    let mut wv_win = window::Window::default()
        .with_size(790, 590)
    let mut wv = fltk_webview::Webview::create(false, &mut wv_win);



  • On windows, webview requires winrt headers, that means it's basically buildable with the MSVC toolchain. For Msys2/mingw, there are efforts to provide such headers, but nothing yet upstream.
  • On macos, unhandled objective-c exceptions can lead to application crashes.
  • On linux, I can't construct a GtkWindow from an FLTK window nor from an FLTK raw handle (xid). If you're able to do so, your help is needed!
