flickr 0.0.2

Rust binding to Flickr API
# Flickr-Rust

Flickr-Rust is an unofficial Rust HTTP binding to [Flickr API].

## Example

extern crate flickr;

use flickr::{FlickrAPI};

fn main() {
    let mut flickr = FlickrAPI::new(
    match flickr.init() {
        Ok(()) => {
            let photos = flickr
            println!("{:#?}", photos);
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Flickr initialization failed: {}", e);

You have to get your custom Flickr API key and Flickr API secret to use this binding.

## Method group support status

~~activity~~, ~~auth~~, **auth.oauth**, ~~blogs~~, ~~cameras~~, ~~collections~~, ~~commons~~, ~~contacts~~, **favorites**, ~~galleries~~, ~~groups~~, ~~groups.discuss.replies~~, ~~groups.discuss.topics~~, ~~groups.members~~, ~~groups.pools~~, ~~interestingness~~, ~~machinetags~~, ~~panda~~, ~~people~~, ~~photos~~, ~~photos.comments~~, ~~photos.geo~~, ~~photos.licenses~~, ~~photos.notes~~, ~~photos.people~~, ~~photos.suggestions~~, ~~photos.transform~~, ~~photos.upload~~, ~~photosets~~, ~~photosets.comments~~, ~~places~~, ~~prefs~~, ~~profile~~, ~~push~~, ~~reflection~~, ~~stats~~, ~~tags~~, ~~test~~, ~~testimonials~~, ~~urls~~

## License

Flickr-Rust is licensed under [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE).

[Flickr API]: