flatgeobuf 4.1.0

FlatGeobuf for Rust

FlatGeobuf for Rust

Rust implementation of FlatGeobuf.

FlatGeobuf is a performant binary encoding for geographic data based on flatbuffers that can hold a collection of Simple Features including circular interpolations as defined by SQL-MM Part 3.


use flatgeobuf::*;

fn main() {
    let mut filein = BufReader::new(File::open("countries.fgb")?);
    let mut fgb = FgbReader::open(&mut filein)?.select_all()?;
    while let Some(feature) = fgb.next()? {
        println!("{}", feature.property::<String>("name").unwrap());
        println!("{}", feature.to_json()?);

With async HTTP client:

use flatgeobuf::*;

async fn process() {
    let mut fgb = HttpFgbReader::open("https://flatgeobuf.org/test/data/countries.fgb")
        .select_bbox(8.8, 47.2, 9.5, 55.3)
    while let Some(feature) = fgb.next().await? {
        let props = feature.properties()?;
        println!("{}", props["name"]);
        println!("{}", feature.to_wkt()?);

See documentation and tests for more examples.

Run tests and benchmarks

cargo test

cargo criterion

Run fuzzer

cargo install cargo-fuzz

cargo +nightly fuzz run read