flat-tree 4.1.0

Rust module for encoding/decoding varints that doesn't do any IO. Inspired by the Node.js varint module
# flat-tree

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Map a binary tree to a list. Adapted from

- [Documentation][8]
- [Crates.io][2]

## Usage
extern crate flat_tree;

let parent = flat_tree::parent(0);
println!("parent of 0 is {}", parent);

## Why?
You can represent a binary tree in a simple flat list using the following

  1       5
0   2   4   6  ...

Each number represents an **index** in a flat list. So a tree:

  B       C
D   E   F   G  ...

would be represented as a list: `[D B E A F C G]`

Furthermore, indexes `0`, `2`, `4`, `6` are on **depth** `0`. `1`, `5`, `9` on depth `1`. And so forth.

depth = 2  ^        3
depth = 1  |    1       5
depth = 0  |  0   2   4   6  ...

In some cases it is also useful to calculate an **offset**. Indexes `0`, `1`, `3`, `7` have an offset `0`:

  (1)       5
(0)   2   4   6      ...

`2`, `5`, `11`, `23` offset `1`:

       3                  (11)
  1        (5)        9          13
0   (2)   4   6    10   12    14    15

This module exposes a series of functions to help you build and maintain
this data structure.

## License

[1]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/flat-tree.svg?style=flat-square
[2]: https://crates.io/crates/flat-tree
[3]: https://img.shields.io/travis/datrs/flat-tree.svg?style=flat-square
[4]: https://travis-ci.org/datrs/flat-tree
[5]: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/flat-tree.svg?style=flat-square
[6]: https://crates.io/crates/flat-tree
[7]: https://docs.rs/flat-tree/badge.svg
[8]: https://docs.rs/flat-tree