fizyr-rpc 0.8.0

Native Rust implementation of the Fizyr RPC protocol
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}};

use crate::error::private::{
use crate::peer::Command;
use crate::{Error, Message};

pub(crate) enum RequestHandleCommand<Body> {

/// A handle for a sent request.
/// The handle can be used to receive updates and the response from the remote peer,
/// and to send update messages to the remote peer.
pub struct SentRequestHandle<Body> {
	write_handle: SentRequestWriteHandle<Body>,
	incoming_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RequestHandleCommand<Body>>,
	peek_buffer: Option<Message<Body>>,

/// A write handle for a sent request.
/// Unlike [`SentRequestHandle`], write handles can be cloned.
/// But unlike regular handles, they can not be used to receive updates or the response from the remote peer.
/// Write handles can be used to send updates even when the regular handle is mutably borrowed.
/// You can get more write handles using [`SentRequestHandle::write_handle()`] or by cloning an existing one.
pub struct SentRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	request_id: u32,
	service_id: i32,
	closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,
	command_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Command<Body>>,

/// A handle for a received request.
/// The handle can be used to receive updates from the remote peer,
/// and to send updates and the response to the remote peer.
pub struct ReceivedRequestHandle<Body> {
	write_handle: ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body>,
	incoming_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RequestHandleCommand<Body>>,

/// A write handle for a received request.
/// Unlike [`ReceivedRequestHandle`], write handles can be cloned.
/// But unlike regular handles, they can not be used to receive updates or the response from the remote peer.
/// Write handles can be used to send updates even when the regular handle is mutably borrowed.
/// You can get more write handles using [`ReceivedRequestHandle::write_handle()`] or by cloning an existing one.
pub struct ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	request_id: u32,
	service_id: i32,
	closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,
	command_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Command<Body>>,

/// An incoming request or stream message.
pub enum ReceivedMessage<Body> {
	/// An incoming request.
	Request(ReceivedRequestHandle<Body>, Body),

	/// An incoming stream message.

impl<Body> SentRequestHandle<Body> {
	/// Create a new sent request.
	pub(crate) fn new(
		request_id: u32,
		service_id: i32,
		closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,
		incoming_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RequestHandleCommand<Body>>,
		command_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Command<Body>>,
	) -> Self {
		let write_handle = SentRequestWriteHandle {
		Self {
			peek_buffer: None,

	/// Get the request ID of the sent request.
	pub fn request_id(&self) -> u32 {

	/// Get the service ID of the initial request message.
	pub fn service_id(&self) -> i32 {

	/// Create a write handle for this request.
	/// The write handle can be cloned and used even while this handle is mutably borrowed.
	pub fn write_handle(&self) -> SentRequestWriteHandle<Body> {

	/// Receive the next update message of the request from the remote peer.
	/// This function returns `None` if the final response is received instead of an update message.
	/// If that happens, the response message can be read using [`Self::recv_response`].
	pub async fn recv_update(&mut self) -> Option<Message<Body>> {
		let message = self.recv_message().await?;
		if message.header.message_type.is_responder_update() {
		} else {
			self.peek_buffer = Some(message);

	/// Receive the final response of the request from the remote peer.
	/// This function returns an error if the received message is an update message.
	/// You can detect this situation using [`Error::is_unexpected_message_type()`].
	/// Afterwards, the update message can be read using [`Self::recv_update`].
	/// To ensure that there are no update messages left, keep calling [`Self::recv_update`] untill it returns `Ok(None)`.
	pub async fn recv_response(&mut self) -> Result<Message<Body>, Error> {
		let message = self.recv_message()
		let kind = message.header.message_type;
		if kind.is_response() {
		} else {
			self.peek_buffer = Some(message);
					UnexpectedMessageType {
						value: kind,
						expected: crate::MessageType::Response,

	/// Receive the next message of the request from the remote peer.
	/// This could be an update message or a response message.
	async fn recv_message(&mut self) -> Option<Message<Body>> {
		if let Some(message) = self.peek_buffer.take() {
		} else {
			match self.incoming_rx.recv().await? {
				RequestHandleCommand::Message(message) => {
					// Close the channel when reading a response message.
					if message.header.message_type.is_response() {
				// Close the channel when instructed to do so.
				// This is sent by the request tracker when unregistering the request.
				RequestHandleCommand::Close => {

	/// Send an update for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_update(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		self.write_handle.send_update(service_id, body).await

impl<Body> SentRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	/// Get the request ID of the sent request.
	pub fn request_id(&self) -> u32 {

	/// Get the service ID of the initial request message.
	pub fn service_id(&self) -> i32 {

	/// Send an update for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_update(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		use crate::peer::SendRawMessage;

		// If the response has already arrived, we're not allowed to send messages anymore.
		// The request ID could have been re-used already.
		if self.closed.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
			return Err(InnerError::RequestClosed.into())

		let body = body.into();
		let (result_tx, result_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		let message = Message::requester_update(self.request_id, service_id, body);
			.send(SendRawMessage { message, result_tx }.into())
			.map_err(|_| connection_aborted())?;
		result_rx.await.map_err(|_| connection_aborted())??;

impl<Body> ReceivedRequestHandle<Body> {
	/// Create a new received request.
	pub(crate) fn new(
		request_id: u32,
		service_id: i32,
		closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,
		incoming_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RequestHandleCommand<Body>>,
		command_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Command<Body>>,
	) -> Self {
		let write_handle = ReceivedRequestWriteHandle {
		Self {

	/// Get the request ID of the received request.
	pub fn request_id(&self) -> u32 {

	/// Get the service ID of the received request message.
	pub fn service_id(&self) -> i32 {

	/// Create a write handle for this request.
	/// The write handle can be cloned and used even while this handle is mutably borrowed.
	pub fn write_handle(&self) -> ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body> {

	/// Receive the next update message of the request from the remote peer.
	pub async fn recv_update(&mut self) -> Option<Message<Body>> {
		match self.incoming_rx.recv().await? {
			RequestHandleCommand::Message(x) => Some(x),
			// Close the channel when instructed to do so.
			// This is sent by the request tracker when unregistering the request.
			RequestHandleCommand::Close => {

	/// Send an update for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_update(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		self.write_handle.send_update(service_id, body).await

	/// Send the final response for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_response(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		self.write_handle.send_response(service_id, body).await

	/// Send the final response with an error message.
	pub async fn send_error_response(&self, message: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
		Body: crate::Body,

impl<Body> ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	/// Get the request ID of the sent request.
	pub fn request_id(&self) -> u32 {

	/// Get the service ID of the initial request message.
	pub fn service_id(&self) -> i32 {

	/// Send an update for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_update(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let body = body.into();
		self.send_raw_message(Message::responder_update(self.request_id, service_id, body)).await

	/// Send the final response for the request to the remote peer.
	pub async fn send_response(&self, service_id: i32, body: impl Into<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let body = body.into();
		self.send_raw_message(Message::response(self.request_id, service_id, body)).await

	/// Send the final response with an error message.
	pub async fn send_error_response(&self, message: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
		Body: crate::Body,
		self.send_raw_message(Message::error_response(self.request_id, message)).await

	/// Send a raw message.
	async fn send_raw_message(&self, message: Message<Body>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		use crate::peer::SendRawMessage;

		// If the response has already arrived, we're not allowed to send messages anymore.
		// The request ID could have been re-used already.
		if self.closed.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
			return Err(InnerError::RequestClosed.into())

		let (result_tx, result_rx) = oneshot::channel();
			.send(SendRawMessage { message, result_tx }.into())
			.map_err(|_| connection_aborted())?;
		result_rx.await.map_err(|_| connection_aborted())??;

impl<Body> std::fmt::Debug for SentRequestHandle<Body> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
			.field("request_id", &self.request_id())
			.field("service_id", &self.service_id())

impl<Body> std::fmt::Debug for SentRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
			.field("request_id", &self.request_id())
			.field("service_id", &self.service_id())

impl<Body> std::fmt::Debug for ReceivedRequestHandle<Body> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
			.field("request_id", &self.request_id())
			.field("service_id", &self.service_id())

impl<Body> std::fmt::Debug for ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
			.field("request_id", &self.request_id())
			.field("service_id", &self.service_id())

impl<Body> std::fmt::Debug for ReceivedMessage<Body> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		match self {
			Self::Request(x, _body) => write!(f, "Request({:?})", x),
			Self::Stream(x) => write!(f, "Stream({:?})", x),

impl<Body> Clone for SentRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {
		Self {
			request_id: self.request_id,
			service_id: self.service_id,
			closed: self.closed.clone(),
			command_tx: self.command_tx.clone(),

impl<Body> Clone for ReceivedRequestWriteHandle<Body> {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {
		Self {
			request_id: self.request_id,
			service_id: self.service_id,
			closed: self.closed.clone(),
			command_tx: self.command_tx.clone(),

mod test {
	use super::*;
	use crate::{Peer, UnixStreamTransport};
	use tokio::net::UnixStream;
	use assert2::{assert, let_assert};

	/// Test that request handles can not be used for sending messages after they are closed.
	/// They should be closed automatically by the request tracker when the response is sent or received.
	async fn test_closed_after_respone() {
		let_assert!(Ok((peer_a, peer_b)) = UnixStream::pair());

		let (peer_a, handle_a) = Peer::new(UnixStreamTransport::new(peer_a, Default::default()));
		let (peer_b, mut handle_b) = Peer::new(UnixStreamTransport::new(peer_b, Default::default()));

		let task_a = tokio::spawn(;
		let task_b = tokio::spawn(;

		// Send a request from A.
		let_assert!(Ok(mut sent_request) = handle_a.send_request(1, &[2][..]).await);

		// Receive the request on B.
		let_assert!(Ok(ReceivedMessage::Request(mut received_request, _body)) = handle_b.recv_message().await);

		// Check that sending requests works.
		assert!(let Ok(()) = sent_request.send_update(1, vec![]).await);
		assert!(let Some(_) = received_request.recv_update().await);

		assert!(let Ok(()) = received_request.send_update(1, vec![]).await);
		assert!(let Some(_) = sent_request.recv_update().await);

		// Now we send and receive a response.
		// After that, sending responses should be impossible.
		assert!(let Ok(()) = received_request.send_response(1, vec![]).await);
		assert!(let Err(_) = received_request.send_update(1, vec![]).await);
		assert!(let Err(_) = received_request.send_response(1, vec![]).await);

		assert!(let Ok(_) = sent_request.recv_response().await);
		assert!(let Err(_) = sent_request.send_update(1, vec![]).await);


		assert!(let Ok(()) = task_a.await);
		assert!(let Ok(()) = task_b.await);