fixed_bitmaps 0.4.0

A small crate implementing bitmap functionality around primitive Rust unsigned integers.

Fixed Bitmaps

A small crate implementing bitmap functionality around primitive Rust unsigned integers. I ended up making this after wanting a simple data structure to use for bit flags. Other options definitely exist such as bitmap and bitmaps, but they looked intimidating, and besides, I just wanted to make a crate I was willing to publish!

These bitmaps are simply for when you want a data structure to hold boolean flags, which can be AND-ed, OR-ed and XOR-ed together, in as compressed a format as possible, while still holding enough functionality to easily view the bitmap for display, or get a particular bit.


  • There are now wrappings for all basic types of unsigned integers, from u8 up to u128.

  • Both bitwise (and, or, xor) and arithmetic (add, subtract, multiply, divide) operations supported between bitmaps, and between bitmaps and their respective integer type.

  • Implements Display to show the bitmap in all its 1's and 0's glory. (May end up changing this to the Debug trait however, that'll have to be something to think about before releasing 1.0.0).

  • Easy conversion between a Bitmap and the integer type it's associated with. For example, a Bitmap64 and a u64 can easily be converted back and forth like the following:

    use fixed_bitmaps::Bitmap64;
    let mut bitmap = Bitmap::from(53);
    // Use and mutate bitmap as much as you like
    // Get the resulting u64 value back easily
    let final_value = bitmap.to_u64();

To be done

  • I'm also thinking of implementing a wrapper for usize, which I imagine will be the fastest type to use in general production when it doesn't matter whether you want a bitmap length of 32 or 64.
  • Documentation is always something to be improved, any documentation changes or minor bug fixes result in a patch update.
  • Anytime a new structure is defined and implemented, a minor update will be published.
  • When this has been fully tested and benchmarked, and any other important components I might have missed have been added, I will publish fixed_bitmaps 1.0.0 as a major update, to indicate its readyness for full production.
  • Bitwise shifts would probably be a good next step.
  • I'm also considering using the dereference operator as an extra option to convert a bitmap back to its integer type.


Contributions are always welcome, whether for better documentation, bugfixing or optimizations in the code itself!