fixed-slice-vec 0.5.0

`FixedSliceVec` is a dynamic length Vec with runtime-determined maximum capacity backed by a slice.
# fixed-slice-vec

`FixedSliceVec` is a dynamic length Vec with runtime-determined maximum capacity backed by a slice.

### Overview

This library is focused on meeting the following, narrow use case:
* **`no_std`** : Rust programming without the std library.
* **No global allocator**: No access to the `alloc` crate
* **Runtime capacity** : Maximum possible items in a collection or maximum
possible backing bytes of storage is unknown until runtime.

### Getting Started

`fixed-slice-vec` is a Rust library, built and tested via Cargo. It
has no dependencies outside of the Rust core library.

To add `fixed-slice-vec` to your Rust project, add a dependency to it
in your Cargo.toml file.

fixed-slice-vec = "0.5"

### Usage

#### FixedSliceVec

In your Rust project source code, you can create a FixedSliceVec a number of
ways (see the project Rust API docs for details).
The most common form of construction is from a slice of bare bytes.

use fixed_slice_vec::FixedSliceVec;
let mut bytes = [0u8; 1024];
let byte_slice = &mut bytes[..512];
let mut vec: FixedSliceVec<f64> = FixedSliceVec::from_bytes(byte_slice);

assert_eq!(0, vec.len());
assert!(vec.capacity() >= 63, "The exact capacity will depend on source-slice alignment");

vec.try_push(2.7f64).expect("Ran out of capacity unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(1, vec.len());


#### single module

As a companion to `FixedSliceVec`, the `single` submodule provides
functions for working with individual Rust values backed by arbitrary
byte slices. See the API Docs for details and examples.

#### Comparison

Several other `Vec`-like crates exist and should be considered
as possible alternatives to `FixedSliceVec`.

* The standard library's [Vec]
has a runtime dynamic capacity backed by an allocator. This should probably
be your first choice if you have access to an allocator.
* [ArrayVec] has a compile-time
fixed capacity. It is widely used and available on stable.
* [StaticVec] has a compile-time
fixed capacity. It uses recent const generic features and is currently
* [SliceVec] has runtime fixed capacity.
This is the closest in its target use case to `FixedSliceVec`. We
only discovered it existed after developing `FixedSliceVec`, so there's some
evidence of convergent design or needs. It appears largely
unmaintained over the last few years, does not make use of the
pattern for handling uninitialized data in Rust, and does not drop items
correctly in some cases. It does not support creating an instance from raw bytes
and requires `Default` elements for some operations.

### License

Copyright 2020 Auxon Corporation, released under the [Apache 2.0 license](./LICENSE).