Struct fixed_buffer::FixedBuf[][src]

pub struct FixedBuf<const SIZE: usize> { /* fields omitted */ }
Expand description

FixedBuf is a fixed-length byte buffer. You can write bytes to it and then read them back.

It is not a circular buffer. Call shift periodically to move unread bytes to the front of the buffer.


Makes a new empty buffer with space for SIZE bytes.

Be careful of stack overflows!

Makes a new empty buffer.

Consumes mem and uses it as the internal memory array.

Makes a new full buffer containing the bytes in mem. Reading the buffer will return the bytes in mem.

Consumes mem and uses it as the internal memory array.

Drops the struct and returns its internal array.

Returns the number of unread bytes in the buffer.


let mut buf: FixedBuf<16> = FixedBuf::new();
assert_eq!(0, buf.len());
assert_eq!(3, buf.len());
assert_eq!(1, buf.len());
assert_eq!(1, buf.len());
assert_eq!(0, buf.len());

Returns true if there are unread bytes in the buffer.


let mut buf: FixedBuf<16> = FixedBuf::new();

Discards all data in the buffer.

Copies all readable bytes to a string. Includes printable ASCII characters as-is. Converts non-printable characters to strings like “\n” and “\x19”.

Uses core::ascii::escape_default( internally to escape each byte.

This function is useful for printing byte slices to logs and comparing byte slices in tests.

Example test:

use fixed_buffer::FixedBuf;
let mut buf: FixedBuf<8> = FixedBuf::new();
assert_eq!("abc\\xe2\\x82\\xac", buf.escape_ascii());

Borrows the entire internal memory buffer. This is a low-level function.

Returns the slice of readable bytes in the buffer. After processing some bytes from the front of the slice, call read to consume the bytes.

This is a low-level method. You probably want to use std::io::Read::read or tokio::io::AsyncReadExt::read , implemented for FixedBuffer in fixed_buffer_tokio::AsyncReadExt.

Reads a single byte from the buffer.

Panics if the buffer is empty.

Reads a single byte from the buffer.

Returns None if the buffer is empty.

Reads bytes from the buffer.

Panics if the buffer does not contain enough bytes.

Reads bytes from the buffer.

Returns None if the buffer does not contain num_bytes bytes.

Reads all the bytes from the buffer.

The buffer becomes empty and subsequent writes can fill the whole buffer.

Reads bytes from the buffer and copies them into dest.

Returns the number of bytes copied.

Returns 0 when the buffer is empty or dest is zero-length.

Reads byte from the buffer and copies them into dest, filling it, and returns ().

Returns None if the buffer does not contain enough bytes tp fill dest.

Returns () if dest is zero-length.

Try to parse the buffer contents with f.

f must return None to indicate that the buffer contains an incomplete data record. When try_parse returns None, the caller should add more data to the buffer and call try_parse again.

Undoes any reads that f made to the buffer if it returns None.

f should not write to the buffer. If f writes to the buffer and then returns None, the buffer’s contents will become corrupted.

enum ReadError {

fn parse_record<const SIZE: usize>(buf: &mut FixedBuf<SIZE>)
-> Option<Result<String, ReadError>>
    let len = buf.try_read_byte()? as usize;
    if len > SIZE - 1 {
        return Some(Err(ReadError::TooLong));
    let bytes = buf.try_read_bytes(len)?.to_vec();
        .map_err(|_| ReadError::NotUtf8))

let mut buf: FixedBuf<16> = FixedBuf::new();
loop {
    // Try reading bytes into the buffer.
    match read_input(&mut buf) {
        Err(ReadError::EOF) if buf.is_empty() => break,
        other => other?,
    // Try parsing bytes into records.
    loop {
        if let Some(result) = buf.try_parse(parse_record) {
            let record = result?;
        } else {
            // Stop parsing and try reading more bytes.

Reads from reader once and writes the data into the buffer.

Returns InvalidData if there is no empty space in the buffer. See shift.

Writes s into the buffer, after any unread bytes.

Returns Err if the buffer doesn’t have enough free space at the end for the whole string.

See shift.


let mut buf: FixedBuf<8> = FixedBuf::new();
assert_eq!("123456", buf.escape_ascii());
buf.write_str("9").unwrap_err();  // End of buffer is full.

Tries to write data into the buffer, after any unread bytes.

Returns Ok(data.len()) if it wrote all of the bytes.

Returns NotEnoughSpaceError if the buffer doesn’t have enough free space at the end for all of the bytes.

See shift.


let mut buf: FixedBuf<8> = FixedBuf::new();
assert_eq!(3, buf.write_bytes("123".as_bytes()).unwrap());
assert_eq!(3, buf.write_bytes("456".as_bytes()).unwrap());
assert_eq!("123456", buf.escape_ascii());
assert_eq!(2, buf.write_bytes("78".as_bytes()).unwrap());  // Fills buffer.
buf.write_bytes("9".as_bytes()).unwrap_err();  // Error, buffer is full.

Returns the writable part of the buffer.

To use this, first modify bytes at the beginning of the slice. Then call wrote(usize) to commit those bytes into the buffer and make them available for reading.

Returns an empty slice when the end of the buffer is full.

See shift.

This is a low-level method. You probably want to use std::io::Write::write or tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt::write, implemented for FixedBuffer in fixed_buffer_tokio::AsyncWriteExt.


let mut buf: FixedBuf<8> = FixedBuf::new();
buf.writable()[0] = 'a' as u8;
buf.writable()[1] = 'b' as u8;
buf.writable()[2] = 'c' as u8;
assert_eq!("abc", buf.escape_ascii());

Commits bytes into the buffer. Call this after writing to the front of the writable slice.

This is a low-level method.

Panics when there is not num_bytes free at the end of the buffer.

See writable().

Recovers buffer space.

The buffer is not circular. After you read bytes, the space at the beginning of the buffer is unused. Call this method to move unread data to the beginning of the buffer and recover the space. This makes the free space available for writes, which go at the end of the buffer.

This is a low-level function. Use read_frame instead.

Calls deframer_fn to check if the buffer contains a complete frame. Consumes the frame bytes from the buffer and returns the range of the frame’s contents in the internal memory.

Use mem to immutably borrow the internal memory and construct the slice with &buf.mem()[range]. This is necessary because deframe borrows self mutably but read_frame needs to borrow it immutably and return a slice.

Returns None if the buffer is empty or contains an incomplete frame.

Returns InvalidData when deframer_fn returns an error.

Reads from reader into the buffer.

After each read, calls deframer_fn to check if the buffer now contains a complete frame. Consumes the frame bytes from the buffer and returns a slice with the frame contents.

Returns None when reader reaches EOF and the buffer is empty.

Returns UnexpectedEof when reader reaches EOF and the buffer contains an incomplete frame.

Returns InvalidData when deframer_fn returns an error or the buffer fills up.

Calls shift before reading.

Provided deframer functions:

let mut buf: FixedBuf<32> = FixedBuf::new();
let mut input = std::io::Cursor::new(b"aaa\r\nbbb\n\nccc\n");
loop {
  if let Some(line) =
      buf.read_frame(&mut input, deframe_line).unwrap() {
    println!("{}", escape_ascii(line));
  } else {
    // EOF.
// Prints:
// aaa
// bbb
// ccc
Deframer Function deframe_fn

Checks if data contains an entire frame.

Never panics.

Returns Err(MalformedInputError) if data contains a malformed frame.

Returns Ok(None) if data contains an incomplete frame. The caller will read more data and call deframe again.

Returns Ok((range, len)) when data contains a complete well-formed frame of length len and contents &data[range].

A frame is a sequence of bytes containing a payload and metadata prefix or suffix bytes. The metadata define where the payload starts and ends. Popular frame protocols include line-delimiting (CSV), hexadecimal length prefix (HTTP chunked transfer encoding), and binary length prefix (TLS).

If the caller removes len bytes from the front of data, then data should start with the next frame, ready to call deframe again.

A line-delimited deframer returns range so that &data[range] contains the entire line without the final b'\n' or b"\r\n". It returns len that counts the bytes of the entire line and the final b'\n' or b"\r\n".


A CRLF-terminated line deframer:

assert_eq!(Ok(None), deframe_crlf(b""));
assert_eq!(Ok(None), deframe_crlf(b"abc"));
assert_eq!(Ok(None), deframe_crlf(b"abc\r"));
assert_eq!(Ok(None), deframe_crlf(b"abc\n"));
assert_eq!(Ok(Some((0..3, 5))), deframe_crlf(b"abc\r\n"));
assert_eq!(Ok(Some((0..3, 5))), deframe_crlf(b"abc\r\nX"));

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

Pull some bytes from this source into the specified buffer, returning how many bytes were read. Read more

Like read, except that it reads into a slice of buffers. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (can_vector)

Determines if this Reader has an efficient read_vectored implementation. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (read_initializer)

Determines if this Reader can work with buffers of uninitialized memory. Read more

Read all bytes until EOF in this source, placing them into buf. Read more

Read all bytes until EOF in this source, appending them to buf. Read more

Read the exact number of bytes required to fill buf. Read more

Creates a “by reference” adapter for this instance of Read. Read more

Transforms this Read instance to an Iterator over its bytes. Read more

Creates an adapter which will chain this stream with another. Read more

Creates an adapter which will read at most limit bytes from it. Read more

Write a buffer into this writer, returning how many bytes were written. Read more

Flush this output stream, ensuring that all intermediately buffered contents reach their destination. Read more

Like write, except that it writes from a slice of buffers. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (can_vector)

Determines if this Writer has an efficient write_vectored implementation. Read more

Attempts to write an entire buffer into this writer. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (write_all_vectored)

Attempts to write multiple buffers into this writer. Read more

Writes a formatted string into this writer, returning any error encountered. Read more

Creates a “by reference” adapter for this instance of Write. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.