[][src]Crate fixed_buffer

This is a Rust library with fixed-size buffers, useful for network protocol parsers and file parsers.

unsafe forbidden


  • No unsafe
  • Depends only on std
  • Write bytes to the buffer and read them back
  • Lives on the stack
  • Does not allocate memory
  • Use it to read a stream, search for a delimiter, and save leftover bytes for the next read.
  • Easy to learn & use. Easy to maintain code that uses it.
  • Works with Rust latest, beta, and nightly
  • No macros
  • fixed_buffer_tokio provides AsyncRead and AsyncWrite


  • Not a circular buffer. You can call shift() periodically to move unread bytes to the front of the buffer.
  • There is no iterate_delimited(AsyncRead). Because of borrowing rules, such a function would need to return non-borrowed (allocated and copied) data.




Read and handle requests from a remote client:

use fixed_buffer::{
    deframe_line, FixedBuf, ReadWriteChain};
use std::io::{Error, Read, Write};
use std::net::TcpStream;

fn handle_request<RW: Read + Write>(
    reader_writer: &mut RW,
    request: Request,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // ...

fn handle_conn(mut tcp_stream: TcpStream
) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut buf: FixedBuf<[u8; 4096]> =
        FixedBuf::new([0; 4096]);
    loop {
        // Read a line
        // and leave leftover bytes in `buf`.
        let line_bytes = match buf.read_frame(
            &mut tcp_stream, deframe_line)? {
                Some(line_bytes) => line_bytes,
                None => return Ok(()),
        let request = Request::parse(line_bytes)?;
        // Read any request payload
        // from `buf` + `TcpStream`.
        let mut reader_writer = ReadWriteChain::new(
            &mut buf, &mut tcp_stream);
        handle_request(&mut reader_writer, request)?;

For a complete example, see tests/server.rs.

Read and process records:

use fixed_buffer::FixedBuf;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Read};
use std::net::TcpStream;

fn try_process_record(b: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    if b.len() < 2 {
        return Ok(0);
    if b.starts_with("ab".as_bytes()) {
        println!("found record");
    } else {
        Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, "bad record"))

fn read_and_process<R: Read>(mut input: R)
    -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut buf: FixedBuf<[u8; 1024]> =
        FixedBuf::new([0; 1024]);
    loop {
        // Read a chunk into the buffer.
        if buf.copy_once_from(&mut input)? == 0 {
            return if buf.len() == 0 {
                // EOF at record boundary
            } else {
                // EOF in the middle of a record
        // Process records in the buffer.
        loop {
            let bytes_read =
            if bytes_read == 0 {
        // Shift data in the buffer to free up
        // space at the end for writing.

The filled constructor is useful in tests.


Release Process

  1. Edit Cargo.toml and bump version number.
  2. Run ./release.sh



  • DONE - Try to make this crate comply with the Rust API Guidelines.
  • DONE - Find out how to include Readme.md info in the crate's docs.
  • DONE - Make the repo public
  • DONE - Set up continuous integration tests and banner.
    • https://github.com/actions-rs/example
    • https://alican.codes/rust-github-actions/
  • DONE - Add some documentation tests
    • https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/documentation-tests.html
    • https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/testing/doc_testing.html
  • DONE - Set up public repository on Gitlab.com
    • https://gitlab.com/mattdark/firebase-example/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml
    • https://medium.com/astraol/optimizing-ci-cd-pipeline-for-rust-projects-gitlab-docker-98df64ae3bc4
    • https://hub.docker.com/_/rust
  • DONE - Publish to creates.io
  • DONE - Read through https://crate-ci.github.io/index.html
  • DONE - Get a code review from an experienced rustacean
  • DONE - Add and update a changelog
    • Update it manually
    • https://crate-ci.github.io/release/changelog.html
  • Implement async-std read & write traits
  • Switch to const generics once they are stable:
    • https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44580
    • https://stackoverflow.com/a/56543462
  • Set up CI on:
    • DONE - Linux x86 64-bit
    • macOS
    • Windows
    • https://crate-ci.github.io/pr/testing.html#travisci
    • Linux ARM 64-bit (Raspberry Pi 3 and newer)
    • Linux ARM 32-bit (Raspberry Pi 2)
    • RISCV & ESP32 firmware?



FixedBuf is a fixed-length byte buffer. You can write bytes to it and then read them back.


A wrapper for a pair of structs. The first implements Read. The second implements Read+Write.


Wraps a struct that implements Read+Write. Passes through reads and writes to the struct. Limits the number of bytes that can be read.



Deframes lines that are terminated by b"\r\n". Ignores solitary b'\n'.


Deframes lines that are terminated by either b'\n' or b"\r\n".


Convert a byte slice into a string. Includes printable ASCII characters as-is. Converts non-printable or non-ASCII characters to strings like "\n" and "\x19".