fitsio 0.21.1

Rust implmentation of astronomy fits file handling
`ndarray` compability

This adds support for reading data into [`ndarray`][ndarray] array objects. This primarily
enables support for automatically reshaping the resulting arrays to have the dimensionality of
the image that was asked for.

Data is read into the [`ndarray::ArrayD`][arrayd] type. The following methods from
[`FitsHdu`][fits-hdu] are supported:

* [`read_image`][read-image]
* [`read_region`][read-region]
* [`read_row`][read-row]
* [`read_rows`][read-rows]
* [`read_section`][read-section]

## `read_image`

use fitsio::FitsFile;
# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
use ndarray::ArrayD;

# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
# fn main() {
let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_image(&mut f).unwrap();
let dim = data.dim();
assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
assert_eq!(dim[0], 100);
assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
assert_eq!(data[[20, 5]], 152);
# }
# #[cfg(not(feature = "array"))]
# fn main() {}

## `read_region`

use fitsio::FitsFile;
# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
use ndarray::ArrayD;

# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
# fn main() {
let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_region(&mut f, &[&(70..80), &(20..50)]).unwrap();
let dim = data.dim();
assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
assert_eq!(dim[0], 10);
assert_eq!(dim[1], 30);
assert_eq!(data[[5, 10]], 177);
# }
# #[cfg(not(feature = "array"))]
# fn main() {}

## `read_row`

use fitsio::FitsFile;
# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
use ndarray::ArrayD;

# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
# fn main() {
let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_row(&mut f, 49).unwrap();
assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 1);
assert_eq!(data[20], 156);
# }
# #[cfg(not(feature = "array"))]
# fn main() {}

## `read_rows`

use fitsio::FitsFile;
# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
use ndarray::ArrayD;

# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
# fn main() {
let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_rows(&mut f, 0, 2).unwrap();
let dim = data.dim();
assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
assert_eq!(dim[0], 2);
assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
assert_eq!(data[[1, 52]], 184);
# }
# #[cfg(not(feature = "array"))]
# fn main() {}

## `read_section`

use fitsio::FitsFile;
use fitsio::errors::Error;
# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
use ndarray::ArrayD;

# #[cfg(feature = "array")]
# fn main() {
let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

match hdu.read_section::<ArrayD<u32>>(&mut f, 0, 250) {
    Err(Error::Message(msg)) => {
            "must request number of pixels exactly divisible by image width".to_string()
    _ => panic!("invalid result"),

let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_section(&mut f, 0, 200).unwrap();
let dim = data.dim();
assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
assert_eq!(dim[0], 2);
assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
assert_eq!(data[[0, 10]], 160);
# }
# #[cfg(not(feature = "array"))]
# fn main() {}

[fits-hdu]: hdu/struct.FitsHdu.html
[read-image]: images/struct.FitsHdu.html#method.read_image
[read-region]: images/struct.FitsHdu.html#method.read_region
[read-row]: images/struct.FitsHdu.html#method.read_row
[read-rows]: images/struct.FitsHdu.html#method.read_rows
[read-section]: images/struct.FitsHdu.html#method.read_section

use crate::errors::Result;
use crate::fitsfile::FitsFile;
use crate::hdu::{FitsHdu, HduInfo};
use crate::images::ReadImage;
use ndarray::{Array, ArrayD};
use std::ops::Range;

impl<T> ReadImage for ArrayD<T>
    T: Clone,
    Vec<T>: ReadImage,
    fn read_section(fits_file: &mut FitsFile, hdu: &FitsHdu, range: Range<usize>) -> Result<Self> {
        match {
            HduInfo::ImageInfo { ref shape, .. } => {
                if shape.len() != 2 {
                    return Err("Only 2D images supported for now".into());

                let width = shape[1];

                if range.start % width != 0 {
                    return Err("range must start on row boundary".into());
                let start_pixel = range.start / width;

                let n_pixels_requested = range.end - range.start;
                if n_pixels_requested % width != 0 {
                    return Err(
                        "must request number of pixels exactly divisible by image width".into(),

                let n_rows = n_pixels_requested / width;
                ReadImage::read_rows(fits_file, hdu, start_pixel, n_rows)
            HduInfo::TableInfo { .. } => Err("Cannot read image data from a FITS table".into()),
            _ => unreachable!(),

    fn read_rows(
        fits_file: &mut FitsFile,
        hdu: &FitsHdu,
        start_row: usize,
        num_rows: usize,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let data: Vec<T> = ReadImage::read_rows(fits_file, hdu, start_row, num_rows)?;
        let arr = Array::from(data);
        let row_length = arr.len() / num_rows;
        Ok(arr.into_shape(vec![num_rows, row_length]).unwrap())

    fn read_row(fits_file: &mut FitsFile, hdu: &FitsHdu, row: usize) -> Result<Self> {
        let data: Vec<T> = ReadImage::read_row(fits_file, hdu, row)?;
        let shape = vec![data.len()];
        Ok(Array::from_shape_vec(shape, data).unwrap())

    fn read_region(
        fits_file: &mut FitsFile,
        hdu: &FitsHdu,
        ranges: &[&Range<usize>],
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let data: Vec<T> = ReadImage::read_region(fits_file, hdu, ranges)?;
        let shape: Vec<usize> = (0..ranges.len())
            .map(|i| ranges[i].end - ranges[i].start)
        let arr = Array::from_shape_vec(shape, data).unwrap();

    fn read_image(fits_file: &mut FitsFile, hdu: &FitsHdu) -> Result<Self> {
        match {
            HduInfo::ImageInfo { ref shape, .. } => {
                let data: Vec<T> = ReadImage::read_image(fits_file, hdu)?;
                let shape: Vec<usize> = (0..2).map(|i| shape[i]).collect();
                let arr = Array::from_shape_vec(shape, data).unwrap();
            _ => unreachable!(),

mod tests {
    use super::super::errors::Error;
    use super::*;

    fn test_read_image() {
        let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
        let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

        let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_image(&mut f).unwrap();
        let dim = data.dim();
        assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[0], 100);
        assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
        assert_eq!(data[[20, 5]], 152);

    fn test_read_rows() {
        let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
        let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

        let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_rows(&mut f, 0, 2).unwrap();
        let dim = data.dim();
        assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[0], 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
        assert_eq!(data[[1, 52]], 184);

    fn test_read_row() {
        let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
        let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

        let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_row(&mut f, 49).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 1);
        assert_eq!(data[20], 156);

    fn test_read_region() {
        let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
        let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

        let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_region(&mut f, &[&(70..80), &(20..50)]).unwrap();
        let dim = data.dim();
        assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[0], 10);
        assert_eq!(dim[1], 30);
        assert_eq!(data[[5, 10]], 177);

    fn test_read_section() {
        let mut f = FitsFile::open("../testdata/full_example.fits").unwrap();
        let hdu = f.primary_hdu().unwrap();

        match hdu.read_section::<ArrayD<u32>>(&mut f, 0, 250) {
            Err(Error::Message(msg)) => {
                    "must request number of pixels exactly divisible by image width".to_string()
            _ => panic!("invalid result"),

        let data: ArrayD<u32> = hdu.read_section(&mut f, 0, 200).unwrap();
        let dim = data.dim();
        assert_eq!(data.ndim(), 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[0], 2);
        assert_eq!(dim[1], 100);
        assert_eq!(data[[0, 10]], 160);