finch_lib 0.4.0

An implementation of min-wise independent permutation locality sensitive hashing ('MinHashing') for genomic data and command-line utility for manipulation.
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::fs::File;

use numpy::{PyArray, PyArray1, PyArray2};
use pyo3::class::*;
use pyo3::exceptions::{PyIndexError, PyKeyError};
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::{PyAny, PyBytes, PyDict, PyList, PyTuple, PyType};
use pyo3::{create_exception, wrap_pyfunction};

use crate::distance::{distance, minmer_matrix};
use crate::errors::FinchResult;
use crate::filtering::FilterParams;
use crate::serialization::{write_finch_file, Sketch as SketchRs};
use crate::sketch_schemes::{KmerCount, SketchParams};
use crate::{bail, open_sketch_file, sketch_files as rs_sketch_files};

create_exception!(finch, FinchError, pyo3::exceptions::PyException);
macro_rules! py_try {
    ($call:expr) => {
        $call.map_err(|e| PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>(format!("{}", e)))?

fn merge_sketches(sketch: &mut SketchRs, other: &SketchRs, size: Option<usize>) -> FinchResult<()> {
    // update my parameters from the remote's
    sketch.seq_length += other.seq_length;
    sketch.num_valid_kmers += other.num_valid_kmers;

    // TODO: do something with filters?
    if let Some((name, v1, v2)) = sketch
            "First sketch has {} {}, but second sketch has {0} {}",

    // now merge the hashes together; someday it would be nice to use something idiomatic like:
    let sketch1 = &sketch.hashes;
    let sketch2 = &other.hashes;

    let mut new_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(sketch1.len() + sketch2.len());
    let (mut i, mut j) = (0, 0);
    while (i < sketch1.len()) && (j < sketch2.len()) {
        if sketch1[i].hash < sketch2[j].hash {
            i += 1;
        } else if sketch2[j].hash < sketch1[i].hash {
            j += 1;
        } else {
            new_hashes.push(KmerCount {
                hash: sketch1[i].hash,
                kmer: sketch1[i].kmer.clone(),
                count: sketch1[i].count + sketch2[j].count,
                extra_count: sketch1[i].extra_count + sketch2[j].extra_count,
                label: sketch1[i].label.clone(),
            i += 1;
            j += 1;

    // now clip to the appropriate size
    let scale = sketch.sketch_params.hash_info().3;
    match (size, scale) {
        (Some(s), Some(sc)) => {
            let max_hash = u64::max_value() / (1. / sc) as u64;
            // truncate to hashes <= max/sc (or) s whichever is higher
            new_hashes = new_hashes
                .take_while(|(ix, h)| (h.hash <= max_hash) || (*ix < s))
                .map(|(_, h)| h)
        (None, Some(sc)) => {
            let max_hash = u64::max_value() / (1. / sc) as u64;
            // truncate to hashes <= max/sc
            new_hashes = new_hashes
                .take_while(|h| h.hash <= max_hash)
        (Some(s), None) => {
            // truncate to size
        (None, None) => {
            // no filtering
    sketch.hashes = new_hashes;

/// A Multisketch is a collection of Sketchs with information about their
/// generation parameters (to make sure they're consistant for distance
/// calculation).
pub struct Multisketch {
    pub sketches: Vec<SketchRs>,

impl Multisketch {
    /// open(filename: str)
    /// Takes a file path to a `.sk`, `.bsk` or a `.mash` file and returns the
    /// Multisketch contained within that file.
    pub fn open(_cls: &PyType, filename: &str) -> PyResult<Multisketch> {
        Ok(Multisketch {
            sketches: py_try!(open_sketch_file(filename)),

    /// from_sketches(sketches: List[Sketch])
    /// Create a Multisketch from a list of sketches. Useful for, e.g.
    /// workflows where a bunch of individual sketches are processed and then
    /// need to be outputed to one sketch file.
    pub fn from_sketches(_cls: &PyType, sketches: Vec<PyRef<Sketch>>) -> PyResult<Multisketch> {
        let sketches = sketches.iter().map(|s| s.s.clone()).collect();
        Ok(Multisketch { sketches })

    /// save(self, filename: str)
    /// Save the collection of sketches to the filename provided. The format
    /// written will be a `bsk` or Finch-formatted binary sketch file.
    pub fn save(&self, filename: &str) -> PyResult<()> {
        // TODO: support other file formats
        let mut out = File::create(&filename)
            .map_err(|_| PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>(format!("Could not create {}", filename)))?;
        py_try!(write_finch_file(&mut out, &self.sketches));

    /// add(self, sketch: Sketch)
    /// Add a Sketch to the current Multisketch
    pub fn add(&mut self, sketch: &Sketch) -> PyResult<()> {

    /// best_match(self, query: Sketch) -> (usize, Sketch)
    /// Return the index of and the closest sketch to the query Sketch.
    /// Closest is defined by the containment so this is most appropriate
    /// for e.g. comparing a query sketch against a library of known genome
    /// sketches.
    pub fn best_match(&self, query: &Sketch) -> PyResult<(usize, Sketch)> {
        // TODO: this should return an error if self.sketches is empty?
        let mut best_sketch: usize = 0;
        // since this is a query against a set of references we're using
        // containment as our metric
        let mut max_containment: f64 = 0.;
        for (ix, sketch) in self.sketches.iter().enumerate() {
            let dist = py_try!(distance(&query.s, &sketch, false));
            if dist.containment > max_containment {
                max_containment = dist.containment;
                best_sketch = ix;
        Ok((best_sketch, self.sketches[best_sketch].clone().into()))

    /// filter_to_matches(self, sketch: Sketch, threshold: f64)
    /// Remove sketches that don't match the provided sketch within some
    /// threshold. The threshold is a containment threshold so higher values
    /// are more stringent.
    pub fn filter_to_matches(&mut self, query: &Sketch, threshold: f64) -> PyResult<()> {
        let mut filtered_sketches = Vec::new();
        for sketch in &self.sketches {
            // TODO: use best_distance here and elsewhere?
            let dist = py_try!(distance(&query.s, &sketch, false));
            if dist.containment >= threshold {
        self.sketches = filtered_sketches;

    /// filter_to_names(self, names: List[str])
    /// Mutably remove any sketches without names in the provided list.
    /// Convenience method to allow faster preprocessing with lower memory
    /// use than iterating over all the sketches in python and composing
    /// a new Multisketch.
    pub fn filter_to_names(&mut self, names: &PyList) -> PyResult<()> {
        let sketch_names: Vec<&str> = names.extract()?;
        let name_set: HashSet<&str> = sketch_names.into_iter().collect();
            .retain(|s| name_set.contains::<str>(;

    // TODO: this is a little niche/untested; do we want this?
    // pub fn squash(&self) -> PyResult<Sketch> {
    //     let mut sketch_iter = self.sketches.iter();
    //     let mut s = sketch_iter
    //         .next()
    //         .ok_or_else(|| PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>("No sketches to squash"))?
    //         .clone();
    //     let mut sketch_size = Some(s.sketch_params.expected_size());
    //     if sketch_size == Some(0) {
    //         sketch_size = None;
    //     }
    //     for sketch in sketch_iter {
    //         merge_sketches(&mut s, &sketch, sketch_size).map_err(to_pyerr)?;
    //     }
    //     Ok(s.into())
    // }

impl PyIterProtocol for Multisketch {
    fn __iter__(slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> PyResult<SketchIter> {
        let sketches = slf.sketches.iter().map(|s| s.clone().into()).collect();
        Ok(SketchIter { sketches })

pub struct SketchIter {
    sketches: VecDeque<Sketch>,

impl PyIterProtocol for SketchIter {
    fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> PyResult<Option<Sketch>> {

impl PyObjectProtocol for Multisketch {
    fn __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<String> {
        let n_sketches = self.sketches.len();
        let sketch_plural = if n_sketches == 1 {
        } else {
        Ok(format!("<Multisketch ({} {})>", n_sketches, sketch_plural))

fn _get_sketch_index(sketches: &[SketchRs], key: &PyAny) -> PyResult<usize> {
    if let Ok(int_key) = key.extract::<isize>() {
        let l = sketches.len() as isize;
        if -l <= int_key && int_key < 0 {
            Ok((l - int_key) as usize)
        } else if 0 <= int_key && int_key < l {
            Ok(int_key as usize)
        } else {
            Err(PyErr::new::<PyIndexError, _>("index out of range"))
    } else if let Ok(str_key) = key.extract::<&str>() {
        // TODO: we should maybe build an internal HashMap cache for this?
        // (note we have to handle non-unique keys then unless we want to
        // just standardize on returning the first matching item always)
        let remove_idx = sketches.iter().position(|s| == str_key);
        if let Some(idx) = remove_idx {
        } else {
            Err(PyErr::new::<PyKeyError, _>(str_key.to_string()))
    } else {
        Err(PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>(
            "key is not a string or integer",

impl PyMappingProtocol for Multisketch {
    fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {

    fn __getitem__(&self, key: &PyAny) -> PyResult<Sketch> {
        let idx = _get_sketch_index(&self.sketches, key)?;

    fn __delitem__(&mut self, key: &PyAny) -> PyResult<()> {
        // TODO: if we ever allow sketches to just reference back to the
        // Multisketch this function could prove problematic?
        let idx = _get_sketch_index(&self.sketches, key)?;

impl PySequenceProtocol for Multisketch {
    fn __contains__(&self, key: &str) -> PyResult<bool> {
        // TODO: also use the same cache as above?
        for sketch in &self.sketches {
            if == key {
                return Ok(true);

/// A Sketch is a collection of deterministically-selected hashes from a single
/// sequencing file.
pub struct Sketch {
    pub s: SketchRs,

impl Sketch {
    fn new(name: &str) -> Self {
        // TODO: take a hashes parameter: Vec<(usize, &[u8], u16, u16)>,
        // and a sketch_params?
        let sketch_params = SketchParams::Mash {
            kmers_to_sketch: 1000,
            final_size: 1000,
            no_strict: true,
            kmer_length: 21,
            hash_seed: 0,
        let s = SketchRs {
            name: name.to_string(),
            seq_length: 0,
            num_valid_kmers: 0,
            comment: String::new(),
            hashes: Vec::new(),
            filter_params: FilterParams::default(),
        Sketch { s }

    fn get_name(&self) -> PyResult<String> {

    fn set_name(&mut self, value: &str) -> PyResult<()> { = value.to_string();

    fn get_seq_length(&self) -> PyResult<u64> {

    fn get_num_valid_kmers(&self) -> PyResult<u64> {

    fn get_comment(&self) -> PyResult<String> {

    fn set_comment(&mut self, value: &str) -> PyResult<()> {
        self.s.comment = value.to_string();

    // TODO: self.hashes should probably be returning named tuple instances
    // instead? this should be harmonized with whatever we do for `set_hashes`
    // too

    fn get_hashes(&self) -> PyResult<Vec<(u64, PyObject, u32, u32)>> {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
            .map(|i| {
                    PyBytes::new(py, &i.kmer).into(),

    // TODO: there are a lot of issues to fix in here; we should also try to destructure the
    // list depending on the format of the tuples; i.e. allow (usize, &[u8], u16, u16),
    // (usize, &[u8], u16), (usize, u16), (usize, &[u8]), usize, etc

    // #[setter]
    // fn set_hashes(&self, value: &PyObject) -> PyResult<()> {

    //     let value: &[(usize, PyBytes, u16, u16)] = PyObjectRef::extract(value)?;
    //     let kmers: Vec<KmerCount> = value.iter().map(|(hash, kmer, count, extra_count)| {
    //         KmerCount {
    //             hash: *hash,
    //             kmer: kmer.as_bytes().to_vec(),
    //             count: *count,
    //             extra_count: *extra_count,
    //         }
    //     }).collect();
    //     self.s.set_kmers(&kmers);
    //     Ok(())
    // }

    pub fn get_sketch_params(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
        let ret = PyDict::new(py);
        match self.s.sketch_params {
            SketchParams::Mash {
            } => {
                ret.set_item("sketch_type", "mash")?;
                ret.set_item("kmers_to_sketch", kmers_to_sketch)?;
                ret.set_item("final_size", final_size)?;
                ret.set_item("no_strict", no_strict)?;
                ret.set_item("kmer_length", kmer_length)?;
                ret.set_item("hash_seed", hash_seed)?;
            SketchParams::Scaled {
            } => {
                ret.set_item("sketch_type", "scaled")?;
                ret.set_item("kmers_to_sketch", kmers_to_sketch)?;
                ret.set_item("kmer_length", kmer_length)?;
                ret.set_item("scale", scale)?;
                ret.set_item("hash_seed", hash_seed)?;
            SketchParams::AllCounts { kmer_length } => {
                ret.set_item("sketch_type", "none")?;
                ret.set_item("kmer_length", kmer_length)?;

    // TODO: filtering method

    // TODO: clip to n kmers/hashes method

    /// merge(self, sketch: Sketch, size: int)
    /// Merge the second sketch into this one. If size is specified, use
    /// that as the new sketch's size. If scale is specified, merge the
    /// sketches together as if they are scaled sketches (for scaled sketches
    /// that have 'high' hashes because they're under `size`, this will
    /// potentially remove those hashes if the new sketch is large enough).
    pub fn merge(&mut self, sketch: &Sketch, size: Option<usize>) -> PyResult<()> {
        Ok(py_try!(merge_sketches(&mut self.s, &sketch.s, size)))

    /// compare(self, sketch: Sketch, old_mode: bool = False) -> (float, float)
    /// Calculate the containment within and jaccard similarity to another
    /// sketch. If old_mode is set, consider the entirety of the reference
    /// sketch (self) when computing containment as finch versions v0.2 and
    /// older did; for most uses you probably don't want this.
    #[args(old_mode = false)]
    pub fn compare(&self, sketch: &Sketch, old_mode: bool) -> PyResult<(f64, f64)> {
        let dist = py_try!(distance(&sketch.s, &self.s, old_mode));

        Ok((dist.containment, dist.jaccard))

    /// compare_counts(self, sketch: Sketch) -> (int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float)
    /// Experimental.
    /// Return count and moment information about the intersection of
    /// the query sketch against this sketch. e.g.
    /// common, ref_pos, query_pos, ref_count, query_count, var, skew, kurt = db_sketch.compare_counts(query)
    pub fn compare_counts(
        sketch: &Sketch,
    ) -> PyResult<(u64, u64, u64, u64, u64, f64, f64, f64)> {
        let reference = &self.s.hashes;
        let query = &sketch.s.hashes;
        let mut common: u64 = 0;
        let mut ref_pos: usize = 0;
        let mut ref_count: u64 = 0;
        let mut query_pos: usize = 0;
        let mut query_count: u64 = 0;
        // statistical moment calculation code derived from the example at:
        let mut query_mean: f64 = 0.;
        let mut query_m2: f64 = 0.;
        let mut query_m3: f64 = 0.;
        let mut query_m4: f64 = 0.;

        while (ref_pos < reference.len()) && (query_pos < query.len()) {
            if reference[ref_pos].hash < query[query_pos].hash {
                ref_pos += 1;
            } else if query[query_pos].hash < reference[ref_pos].hash {
                query_pos += 1;
            } else {
                // bump counts
                ref_count += u64::from(reference[ref_pos].count);
                query_count += u64::from(query[query_pos].count);
                // bump query stats
                let n = common as f64 + 1.;
                let float_count = f64::from(query[query_pos].count);
                let delta: f64 = float_count - query_mean;
                let delta_n: f64 = delta / n;
                let delta_n2: f64 = delta_n * delta_n;
                let term1 = delta * delta_n * (n - 1.);

                query_mean += delta_n;
                query_m4 += term1 * delta_n2 * (n * n - 3. * n + 3.) + 6. * delta_n2 * query_m2
                    - 4. * delta_n * query_m3;
                query_m3 += term1 * delta_n * (n - 2.) - 3. * delta_n * query_m2;
                query_m2 += term1;

                // bump counters
                ref_pos += 1;
                query_pos += 1;
                common += 1;

        // mean is just (query_count / common) so we don't need to return it
        let var = query_m2 / common as f64;
        let skew = (common as f64).sqrt() * query_m3 / query_m2.powf(1.5);
        let kurt = (common as f64) * query_m4 / (query_m2 * query_m2) - 3.;

            ref_pos as u64,
            query_pos as u64,

    /// compare_matrix(self, *sketches: Sketch)
    /// Experimental.
    /// Generate a numpy matrix of hash/kmer counts aligned to the hashes in
    /// this sketch as the reference. This matrix can then be used for
    /// comparisons of several query Sketch against this sketch by generating
    /// this sketch's count array (`self.counts`).
    #[args(args = "*")]
    pub fn compare_matrix(&self, args: &PyTuple) -> PyResult<Py<PyArray2<i32>>> {
        let sketches: Vec<PyRef<Sketch>> = args.extract()?;
        let sketch_kmers: Vec<&[KmerCount]> = sketches.iter().map(|s| &s.s.hashes[..]).collect();
        let result = minmer_matrix(&self.s.hashes, &sketch_kmers);

        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        Ok(PyArray::from_owned_array(py, result).to_owned())

    pub fn get_counts(&self) -> PyResult<Py<PyArray1<i32>>> {
        let result = self.s.hashes.iter().map(|k| k.count as i32);

        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        Ok(PyArray::from_exact_iter(py, result).to_owned())

    pub fn set_counts(&mut self, value: &PyArray1<i32>) -> PyResult<()> {
        let val: Vec<i32> = value.extract()?;
        if val.len() != self.s.hashes.len() {
            return Err(PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>(
                "counts must be same length as sketch",
        let mut new_hashes = Vec::new();
        for (s, v) in self.s.hashes.iter_mut().zip(val.iter()) {
            if *v < 0 {
                return Err(PyErr::new::<FinchError, _>(format!(
                    "Negative count {} not supported",
            } else if *v > 0 {
                let mut new_s = s.clone();
                new_s.count = *v as u32;
        self.s.hashes = new_hashes;

    /// copy(self)
    /// Create a copy of the current Sketch.
    pub fn copy(&self) -> PyResult<Sketch> {
        Ok(Sketch { s: self.s.clone() })

impl PyObjectProtocol for Sketch {
    fn __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<String> {
        Ok(format!("<Sketch \"{}\">",

impl PyMappingProtocol for Sketch {
    fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {

impl From<SketchRs> for Sketch {
    fn from(s: SketchRs) -> Self {
        Sketch { s }

// TODO: impl PyNumberProtocol addition or subtraction for Sketch to allow merging/
// set difference calculations for sketches?
// see for details

// TODO: also it would be sweet to add a `str` to the Sketch to kmerize it and
// add the kmers; this might be better done with a new "Sketch scheme" that
// allows non-nucleic acid bases?

/// sketch_file(
///     filename: str,
///     /,
///     n_hashes: int,
///     final_size: int,
///     kmer_length: int,
///     filter: bool,
///     seed: int
/// ) -> Sketch
/// ---
/// From the FASTA or FASTQ file path, create a Sketch.
#[pyfunction(n_hashes = 1000, kmer_length = 21, filter = true, seed = 0)]
pub fn sketch_file(
    filename: &str,
    n_hashes: usize,
    final_size: Option<usize>,
    kmer_length: u8,
    filter: bool,
    seed: u64,
) -> PyResult<Sketch> {
    // TODO: allow more filter customization?
    let sketch_params = SketchParams::Mash {
        kmers_to_sketch: n_hashes,
        final_size: final_size.unwrap_or(n_hashes),
        no_strict: false,
        hash_seed: seed,
    let filters = FilterParams {
        filter_on: Some(filter),
        abun_filter: (None, None),
        err_filter: 1.,
        strand_filter: 0.1,
    let mut sketches = py_try!(rs_sketch_files(&[filename], &sketch_params, &filters));
    Ok(Sketch {
        s: sketches.pop().unwrap(),

/// Finch is a MinHash sketch processing library.
fn finch(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    m.add("FinchError", py.get_type::<FinchError>())?;
