finalfusion-utils 0.12.0

finalfusion utilities
finalfusion-utils-0.12.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: finalfusion-utils-0.8.1

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finalfusion-utils is a Rust crate offering various functionalities to process and query embeddings. finalfusion-utils supports conversion between different formats, quantization of embedding matrices, similarity and analogy queries as well as evaluation on analogy datasets.


Using cargo

finalfusion-utils can be installed using an up-to-date Rust toolchain, which can be installed with rustup.

With a valid Rust toolchain, the crate is most easily installed through cargo:

$ cargo install finalfusion-utils

Using Nix

The development version of finalfusion-utils can be directly installed from its repository using the Nix package manager. To install the current version from the master branch into your user profile:

$ nix-env -i \

To install the latest release version of finalfusion-utils, we recommend you to use the finalfusion package set. To install the current release version into your user profile:

nix-env -i \
  -f \
  -A finalfusion-utils

You can get prebuilt Linux/macOS binaries using the finalfusion Cachix cache:

# If you haven't installed Cachix yet:
$ nix-env -iA cachix -f
$ cachix use finalfusion

Building from source

finalfusion-utils can also be built from source, after cloning this repository execute the following command in the directory to find the exectuable under target/release/finalfusion:

$ cargo build --release


finalfusion-utils is built as a single binary, the different functionality is invoked through subcommands:

Converting embeddings

# Convert embeddings in fastText format to finalfusion
$ finalfusion convert -f fasttext -t finalfusion \
    embeddings.bin embeddings.fifu

# Convert embeddings in word2vec format to finalfusion
$ finalfusion convert -f word2vec -t finalfusion \
    embeddings.w2v embeddings.fifu

# Print help with all supported combinations:
$ finalfusion convert --help

Quantizing an embedding matrix

# Quantize embeddings in finalfusion format with a
# single attempt through product quantization 
$ finalfusion quantize -f finalfusion -q pq  -a 1 \

Analogy and similarity queries

# Get the 15 nearest neighbours of "Tübingen" for
# embeddings in finalfusion format.
$ finalfusion similar -f finalfusion -k 15 \

# Get the 5 best answers for the analogy query
# "Berlin" is to "Deutschland" as "Amsterdam" to:
$ finalfusion analogy -f finalfusion -k 5 \
    Berlin Deutschland Amsterdam embeddings.fifu

Evaluation on analogy datasets

# Evaluate embeddings on some analogy dataset
$ finalfusion compute-accuracy embeddings.fifu \

Dump metadata

# Dump optionally stored metadata and store in
# metadata.txt, only supported for finalfusion
# format
$ finalfusion metadata embeddings.fifu \
    > metadata.txt

Convert Bucket Vocab to Explicit Vocab

# Converts a hash-bucket based subword vocab to
# one with explicitly stored n-grams.
$ finalfusion bucket-to-explicit buckets.fifu \

Print completion script

# Print completion script for zsh
$ finalfusion completions zsh