filecmp 0.1.0

Utilities for comparing files and directories, the rust implementation for CPython filecmp module.
//! Utilities for comparing files and directories.
//! Struct:
//!     DirCmp
//! Functions:
//!     cmp(f1, f2, shallow=True) -> int
//!     cmpfiles(a, b, common) -> ([], [], [])
//!     clear_cache()

mod os;
mod stat;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

use lazy_static::lazy_static;

const BUFSIZE: usize = 8 * 1024;
const FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT: bool = true;
const MAX_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 100;

lazy_static! {
    /// Cache for File Comparison
    static ref CACHE: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(PathBuf, PathBuf, Signature, Signature), bool>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));

/// Clear the filecmp cache.
pub fn clear_cache() {

/// Compare two files.
///   Arguments:
///     f1 -- First file name
///     f2 -- Second file name
///     shallow -- Just check stat signature (do not read the files).
///                defaults to True.
///   Return value:
///     True if the files are the same, False otherwise.
///   This function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results,
///     with cache entries invalidated if their stat information
///     changes.  The cache may be cleared by calling clear_cache().
pub fn cmp(f1: impl AsRef<Path>, f2: impl AsRef<Path>, shallow: bool) -> io::Result<bool> {
    let s1 = sig(os::stat(f1.as_ref(), FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT)?);
    let s2 = sig(os::stat(f2.as_ref(), FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT)?);

    if s1.s_ifmt != stat::S_IFREG || s2.s_ifmt != stat::S_IFREG {
        return Ok(false);
    if shallow && s1 == s2 {
        return Ok(true);
    if s1.st_size != s2.st_size {
        return Ok(false);

    let key = (f1.as_ref().into(), f2.as_ref().into(), s1, s2);
    let c_cache = Arc::clone(&CACHE);
    let outcome = c_cache.lock().unwrap().get(&key).copied();
    let outcome = if let Some(outcome) = outcome {
    } else {
        let outcome = do_cmp(f1, f2)?;
        if c_cache.lock().unwrap().len() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE {
            // limit the maximum size of the cache
        c_cache.lock().unwrap().insert(key, outcome);


/// Compare common files in two directories.
/// dir1, dir2 -- directory names
/// common -- list of file names found in both directories
/// shallow -- if true, do comparison based solely on stat() information
/// Returns a tuple of three lists:
///   files that compare equal
///   files that are different
///   filenames that aren't regular files.
pub fn cmpfiles<A, B, C, D>(
    _dir1: A,
    _dir2: B,
    _common: D,
    _shallow: bool,
) -> io::Result<(Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<PathBuf>)>
    A: AsRef<Path>,
    B: AsRef<Path>,
    C: AsRef<Path>,
    D: AsRef<[C]>,

/// A struct that manages the comparison of 2 directories.
/// dircmp(a, b, ignore=None, hide=None)
///   A and B are directories.
///   IGNORE is a list of names to ignore,
///     defaults to DEFAULT_IGNORES.
///   HIDE is a list of names to hide,
///     defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir].
/// High level usage:
///   x = dircmp(dir1, dir2)
/// -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2
///    or
///   x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1
///         and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories.
///   x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure,
///         but fully recursive.
/// Attributes:
///  left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2,
///     filtered by hide and ignore.
///  common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2.
///  left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2.
///  common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2.
///  common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2.
///  common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between
///     dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able.
///  same_files: list of identical files.
///  diff_files: list of filenames which differ.
///  funny_files: list of files which could not be compared.
///  subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs.
pub struct DirCmp;

impl DirCmp {
    // TODO
    pub fn new(_a: impl AsRef<Path>, _b: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {

    pub fn report_full_closure(&self) {

    pub fn report(&self) {

fn sig(st: os::StatResult) -> Signature {
    Signature {
        s_ifmt: stat::S_IFMT(st.st_mode),
        st_size: st.st_size,
        st_mtime: st.st_mtime,

fn do_cmp(f1: impl AsRef<Path>, f2: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<bool> {
    let mut f1 = File::open(f1.as_ref())?;
    let mut f2 = File::open(f2.as_ref())?;
    loop {
        let mut buf1: [u8; BUFSIZE] = [0; BUFSIZE];
        let mut buf2: [u8; BUFSIZE] = [0; BUFSIZE];
        let len1 = buf1)?;
        let len2 = buf2)?;
        if len1 != len2 {
            return Ok(false);
        let read_size = len1;
        if read_size == 0 {
            return Ok(true);
        if &buf1[..read_size] != &buf2[..read_size] {
            return Ok(false);

struct Signature {
    s_ifmt: u32,
    st_size: u64,
    st_mtime: f64,

impl Signature {
    fn canonicalize(&self) -> (u32, u64, [u8; 8]) {
        (self.s_ifmt, self.st_size, self.st_mtime.to_ne_bytes())

impl PartialEq for Signature {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.canonicalize() == other.canonicalize()

impl Eq for Signature {}

impl Hash for Signature {
    fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
        H: Hasher,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::env;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Write;

    fn test_stat() {
        let temp_dir = env::temp_dir();

        let mut foo_path = temp_dir.clone();
        let mut bar_path = temp_dir.clone();
        let mut baz_path = temp_dir.clone();


        let mut foo = File::create(&foo_path).unwrap(); // b"0123456789abcdeg"
        let mut bar = File::create(&bar_path).unwrap(); // b"0123456789abcdeg"
        let mut baz = File::create(&baz_path).unwrap(); // b"0123456789"

        let buf_digit: &[u8; 10] = b"0123456789";
        let buf_alphabet: &[u8; 6] = b"abcdeg";
        let buf: &[u8] = &[&buf_digit[..], &buf_alphabet[..]].concat();


        let shallow = true;
        assert!(cmp(&foo_path, &foo_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(cmp(&bar_path, &bar_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(cmp(&baz_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());

        assert!(cmp(&foo_path, &bar_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(!cmp(&foo_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(!cmp(&bar_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());

        let shallow = false;
        assert!(cmp(&foo_path, &foo_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(cmp(&bar_path, &bar_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(cmp(&baz_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());

        assert!(cmp(&foo_path, &bar_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(!cmp(&foo_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());
        assert!(!cmp(&bar_path, &baz_path, shallow).unwrap());