file-sniffer 1.2.2

Command-line tool to find build artifacts and junk on your computer.


Build Status

If you do a significant amount of programming, you'll probably end up with build artifacts scattered about. sniff is a tool to help you find those artifacts. It's especially useful when you're writing build systems, because you can make sure your clean command gets everything.

Anecdotally, I found around 2GB of junk with this tool.


Binary install

The easiest way to install for Linux or Windows is to download a binary from the releases page.


If your platform doesn't have binaries, get cargo. Then:

 $ cargo install file-sniffer

If you want the absolute latest version:

 $ cargo install --git 

Make sure you are on nightly; if in doubt run

rustup run nightly cargo install file-sniffer


Currently, sniff looks for files that either have an extension associated with artifacts or executable files listed in the relevant .gitignore.

Search current directory for directories with build artifacts:

 $ sniff ar

Look in $DIR for build artifacts and sort by size:

 $ sniff ar $DIR --sort

Look for artifacts or directories containing artifacts that occupy more than 1GB of disk space:

 $ sniff ar -t1G


To turn off colorized output:

export CLICOLOR=0


  • find "likely build artifact" directories
    • use .gitignore/path to make decision
  • match speed of gnu utils on traversals
    • faster when finding artifacts
    • faster with excludes
    • faster on small directories
  • colorized output
  • sort results by size

Languages Supported

The intent is to support basically anything, so if your DOC is not on the list, feel free to open a PR or start an issue.

  • Haskell (incl. GHCJS)
  • rust
  • julia
  • python
  • Elm
  • nim
  • Vimscript
  • Idris
  • C

Foreign-language binaries

These still need a bit of work; as of now errors and warnings are still in English. Binaries will be available once things stabilize.


cargo install file-sniffer --no-default-features --feature francais # doesn't permit unicode there


cargo install file-sniffer --no-default-features --feature deutsch