file-sniffer 0.1.14

Command-line tool to find build artifacts and junk on your computer.


Build Status

If you do a significant amount of programming, you'll probably end up with build artifacts scattered about. sniff is a tool to help you find those artifacts. It's also a useful aid when you're writing build systems (because you can make sure your clean command actually cleans everything).

sniff can be used to find big files/directories, but so can nimble use of the gnu coreutils. What makes sniff special is that it can look only at files that are likely build artifacts e.g. files with .a or .o extensions.


  • find "fat" files and directories
  • colorized output
  • find "likely build artifact" directories
    • use .gitignore/path to make decision
  • multilingual command options
  • match speed of gnu utils
    • beat the crap out of the gnu utils when using regex excludes


Binary install

The easiest way to install for Linux or Windows is to download a binary from the releases page.


If your platform doesn't have binaries, get cargo. Then:

 $ cargo install file-sniffer


Search current directory for directories with build artifacts:

 $ sniff artifacts

Look for subdirectories/files that consume the most disk space:

 $ sniff sort dir

Look for in the current directory for directories/files that occupy more than 1GB of disk space:

 $ sniff fat --threshhold G


To turn off colorized output:

export CLICOLOR=0


Replicating the benchmarks

The benchmarks use an ion shell script and bench to perform the actual benchmarks. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how meaningful they are, because as far as I know, there aren't any comparable tools.

I ran them on the built source of cabal, but you can use any directory to benchmark them with:

./ion/bench --path $PATH_TO_DIR