fiberplane-templates 1.0.0-beta.15

Programmatically generate Fiberplane Notebooks for repeatable workflows
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# Fiberplane Templates

> Programmatically generate Fiberplane Notebooks for repeatable workflows

## Overview

Fiberplane Templates are built with the [Jsonnet]( data
templating language.

This crate includes:

- Fiberplane [Jsonnet library]./fiberplane.libsonnet with functions for
  creating notebooks
  ([API Docs]
- Rust library for expanding templates into notebooks and for converting
  existing notebooks into templates

## Quickstart

The [Fiberplane CLI]( is the recommended way to
interact with Templates (see the
[docs]( or run
`fp help templates`).

## Structure of a Template

Most Fiberplane Templates export a Jsonnet function that accepts some parameters
and creates a notebook using the helper functions provided by the Fiberplane
Jsonnet library.

local fp = import 'fiberplane.libsonnet';
local c = fp.cell;
local fmt = fp.format;

// Parameters are named and can have default values
function(incidentName='API Outage')
    .new('Incident Response for: ' + incidentName)
      // The library exposes helper functions for creating every cell type
        // There are also helper functions for formatting text
        fmt.bold('Hello World!')

See the [templates repo]( for more
detailed, use-case-specific templates.

## Snippets

Snippets are smaller pieces of Jsonnet code that produce reusable arrays of
notebook cells, rather than whole notebooks.

local fp = import 'fiberplane.libsonnet';
local c = fp.cell;
local fmt = fp.format;

  c.h2('I am a snippet'),
  c.code('Here is some code'),

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## Example Templates

There are [example templates]( for
various use cases such as incident response, root cause analysis, etc.

## Template API Documentation

See the [generated API docs](

## Development

### VS Code

If you want to edit Jsonnet files in VS Code, you can use the
[Jsonnet NG](

You should add the following to your VS Code `settings.json` file to edit
template files without it showing errors. This includes the Fiberplane Jsonnet
library and external variables normally provided by the template expansion

  "jsonnet.libPaths": ["path/to/fiberplane/templates/"]

### Running Tests

To run the tests (including the examples), run:

cargo test --lib --examples

### Generating Documentation

The Jsonnet library API documentation is generated from
[JSDoc]( comments in
[fiberplane.libsonnet](./fiberplane.libsonnet) using

To (re)generate the documentation, you can use this Docker command:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD node:17 npx -y jsdoc-to-markdown -c $PWD/jsdoc.json $PWD/fiberplane.libsonnet > docs/

Alternatively, you can use Node.js directly by using the following command:

npx -y jsdoc-to-markdown -c jsdoc.json fiberplane.libsonnet > docs/