fftw3 0.0.2

Bindings to FFTW3: the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. This library aims to expose the full power of FFTW3 in high-performance, safe and idiomatic manner. NB. FFTW3 is licensed GPLv2 (or later) by default, and so applications using it must be distributed under those terms (the license of these bindings is independent).

//! High-level bindings to [FFTW3](http://fftw.org/): Fastest Fourier
//! Transform in the West.
//! At the moment, this only provides one-dimensional
//! complex-to-complex transforms via `c2c_1d`, with no explicit plan
//! reuse.
//! There are some modules that provide helpers to make using the
//! low-level interface manually slightly nicer and safer, in
//! particular the `lock` module assists with keeping the use of FFTW3
//! threadsafe, and the `plan` module gives a nicer interface to
//! creating and using plans.
//! # Licensing
//! The FFTW3 library is licensed under GPLv2 (or later) with
//! non-free/commercial licenses available from MIT via the FFTW
//! website. On the other hand, these bindings are dual-licensed
//! MIT/Apache-2.0, however, any application using FFTW3 via these
//! bindings *must* still be distributed under the terms of the GPL
//! (unless a non-free license has been arranged). The explicit
//! difference in licenses is to enable code-reuse between these
//! bindings and bindings to other FFT libraries.

#![feature(std_misc, core)]

extern crate libc;
extern crate num;

extern crate "fftw3-sys" as ffi;

use std::{error, fmt, mem};
use num::Complex;

pub mod plan;
pub mod lock;

/// Errors that can occur while planning or running a fourier transform.
pub enum FftError {
    /// The input slice was too long for the the output (elements are
    /// the lengths of those respective slices).
    InsufficientSpace(usize, usize),
    /// FFTW returned an error (a null plan) when planning.

impl fmt::Display for FftError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmtr: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            FftError::InsufficientSpace(in_, out) => {
                write!(fmtr, "insufficient output space: given {}, needed {}", out, in_)
            FftError::FailedPlan => write!(fmtr, "planning failed"),

impl error::Error for FftError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            FftError::InsufficientSpace(_, _) => "insufficient output space",
            FftError::FailedPlan => "planning failed"

/// Perform a complex-to-complex one-dimensional Fourier transform of
/// `in_`, writing to `out`.
/// The direction is controlled by `forward`: `true` for the forward
/// transform (that is, multiplying by `exp(-2πi/N)`) and `false` for
/// the inverse (`exp(2πi/N)`). This uses the ESTIMATE rigor for
/// making a plan to avoid overwriting `in_` and `out` while planning,
/// hence this definitely does not achieve the peak performance
/// possible with FFTW.
/// An error is returned if `out` is shorter than `in_`, since there
/// is insufficient space to perform the transform, or if the FFTW3
/// planning function does not succeed.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate fftw3;
/// extern crate num;
/// use num::Complex;
/// fn main() {
///     let input = [Complex::new(2.0, 0.0), Complex::new(1.0, 1.0),
///                  Complex::new(0.0, 3.0), Complex::new(2.0, 4.0)];
///     let mut output = [Complex::new(0.0, 0.0); 4];
///     fftw3::c2c_1d(&input, &mut output, true).unwrap(); // panic on error
///     println!("the transform of {:?} is {:?}", &input[..], &output[..]);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn c2c_1d(in_: &[Complex<f64>], out: &mut [Complex<f64>],
              forward: bool) -> Result<(), FftError> {
    assert!(in_.len() < (1 << (8*mem::size_of::<libc::c_int>() - 1)) - 1);

    if out.len() < in_.len() {
        return Err(FftError::InsufficientSpace(in_.len(), out.len()))

    let sign = if forward { ffi::FFTW_FORWARD } else { ffi::FFTW_BACKWARD };

    unsafe {
        let plan = plan::RawPlan::new(|| {
            ffi::fftw_plan_dft_1d(in_.len() as libc::c_int,
                                  // this is only correct because we use ESTIMATE
                                  in_.as_ptr() as *mut ffi::fftw_complex,
                                  out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut ffi::fftw_complex,

        match plan {
            None => Err(FftError::FailedPlan),
            Some(mut p) => {

mod tests {
    use num::Complex;
    extern crate rand;
    fn c2c_1d_roundtrip() {
        let input = (0..1000)
            .map(|_| Complex::new(rand::random(),
        let mut output = (0..1000).map(|_| Complex::new(0.0,0.0)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
        let mut output2 = output.clone();

        super::c2c_1d(&*input, &mut *output, true).unwrap();
        super::c2c_1d(&*output, &mut *output2, false).unwrap();

        for (x, raw_y) in input.iter().zip(output2.iter()) {
            let y = raw_y.unscale(1000.0);
            if (*x - y).norm() >= 1e-10 {
                panic!("roundtrip elements too far apart: {}, {}", *x, y)