ffizer 0.11.3-dev

ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. Create any kind (or part) of project from template.
# ffizer

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ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. Create any kind (or part) of project from template.

keywords: file generator, project template, project scaffolding, quickstart, project initializer, project skeleton

<!-- TOC -->

- [ffizer]#ffizer
  - [Motivations]#motivations
    - [Main features]#main-features
    - [Sub features]#sub-features
  - [Limitations]#limitations
  - [Usages]#usages
    - [Install]#install
      - [via homebrew]#via-homebrew
      - [via github releases]#via-github-releases
      - [via cargo]#via-cargo
    - [Run]#run
      - [Self upgrade the executable]#self-upgrade-the-executable
      - [Apply a template]#apply-a-template
    - [Authoring a template]#authoring-a-template
  - [Templates]#templates
  - [Build]#build
  - [Alternatives]#alternatives
    - [Generic]#generic
    - [Specialized]#specialized

<!-- /TOC -->

<a id="markdown-motivations" name="motivations"></a>
## Motivations

<a id="markdown-main-features" name="main-features"></a>
### Main features

- [X] project generator as a standalone executable (no shared/system dependencies (so no python + pip + ...))
- [X] a simple and generic project template (no specialisation to one ecosystem)
- [X] template as simple as possible, like a
  - [X] copy or clone with file/folder renames without overwrite
  - [X] few search and replace into file
- [X] template hosted as a local folder on the file system
- [X] template hosted as a git repository on any host (not only public github)
  - [X] at root of the repository
  - [X] in subfolder of the repository
  - [X] in any revision (branch, tag, commit)
- [X] template composed of other template
  - [X] composite template are regular standalone template
  - [X] composite template can be apply at root folder
- [X] a fast enough project generator

<a id="markdown-sub-features" name="sub-features"></a>
### Sub features

- [X] dry mode (usefull to test)
- [ ] chain commands (eg: 'git init') (like a post-hook)
  - [ ] raw command
- [ ] composite template include under conditions
- [X] file / folder ignored under conditions (ignores'item in ffizer.yaml are defined as handlerbar expression)
- [X] handlebars helpers
  - [X] transform strings (toUpperCase, toLowerCase, Capitelize,...)
  - [X] render content of GET url
  - [X] render content from https://gitignore.io
  - [ ] suggestions welcomes ;-)
- [ ] ability to update / diff / overwrite existing file

<a id="markdown-limitations" name="limitations"></a>
## Limitations

Some of the following limitations could change in the future (depends on gain/loss):

- no conditionals file or folder creation
- no framework X dedicated features
- no plugin and not extensible (without change the code)
- handlebars is the only template language supported (support for other is welcome)

<a id="markdown-usages" name="usages"></a>
## Usages

<a id="markdown-install" name="install"></a>
### Install

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ffizer/ffizer/master/scripts/getLatest.sh | sh

<a id="markdown-via-homebrew" name="via-homebrew"></a>
#### via homebrew

brew tap ffizer/ffizer
brew install ffizer-bin
ffizer upgrade

<a id="markdown-via-github-releases" name="via-github-releases"></a>
#### via github releases

Download the binary for your platform from [github releases](https://github.com/ffizer/ffizer/releases), then unarchive it and place it your PATH.

<a id="markdown-via-cargo" name="via-cargo"></a>
#### via cargo

cargo install ffizer

<a id="markdown-run" name="run"></a>
### Run

➜  ffizer --help

ffizer 0.10.0
ffizer is a files and folders initializer / generator. Create any kind (or part) of project from template.

    ffizer [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Verbose mode (-v, -vv (very verbose / level debug), -vvv) print on stderr

    apply      Apply a template into a target directory
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    upgrade    Self upgrade ffizer executable

<a id="markdown-self-upgrade-the-executable" name="self-upgrade-the-executable"></a>
#### Self upgrade the executable

➜  ffizer upgrade --help

ffizer-upgrade 0.10.0
Self upgrade ffizer executable

    ffizer upgrade

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

<a id="markdown-apply-a-template" name="apply-a-template"></a>
#### Apply a template

➜  ffizer apply --help

ffizer-apply 0.10.0
Apply a template into a target directory

    ffizer apply [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --destination <dst_folder> --source <uri>

    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --offline                   in offline, only local templates or cached templates are used
    -V, --version                   Prints version information
        --x-always_default_value    should not ask for valiables values, always use defautl value or empty

        --confirm <confirm>               ask confirmation 'never' or 'always' [default: never]
    -d, --destination <dst_folder>        destination folder (created if doesn't exist)
        --rev <rev>                       git revision of the template [default: master]
        --source-subfolder <subfolder>    path of the folder under the source uri to use for template
    -s, --source <uri>                    uri / path of the template

- use a local folder as template

    ffizer apply --source $HOME/my_templates/tmpl0 --destination my_project

- use a remote git repository as template

    ffizer apply --source https://github.com/ffizer/template_sample.git --destination my_project


    Configure variables

    project_name: my_project

    Plan to execute

      - mkdir "my_project/"
      - mkdir "my_project/dir_1"
      - copyraw "my_project/dir_1/file_1_1.txt"
      - mkdir "my_project/dir_2_my_project"
      - copyraw "my_project/dir_2_my_project/file_1_2.txt"
      - copyraw "my_project/file_1.txt"
      - copyrender "my_project/file_2.txt"
      - keep "my_project/file_2.txt"
      - copyrender "my_project/file_3.txt"
      - copyraw "my_project/file_4_my_project.txt"
      - copyrender "my_project/file_5_my_project.txt"
      - copyraw "my_project/file_6.hbs"
<a id="markdown-authoring-a-template" name="authoring-a-template"></a>
### Authoring a template

see [Template Authoring - ffizer](https://ffizer.github.io/ffizer/book/template_authoring.html) *WIP*

<a id="markdown-templates" name="templates"></a>
## Templates

- [ffizer/templates_default: the default collections of templates for ffizer]https://github.com/ffizer/templates_default (WIP)
- [davidB31 / cg-starter-multi-rust · GitLab]https://gitlab.com/davidB31/cg-starter-multi-rust Project template for Multi-Bot in Rust on CodinGame.
- samples (used for test, demo)
  - [test_1]tests/test_1/template
  - [test_2]tests/test_2/template (demo of usage of gitignore.io)
  - [ffizer/template_sample: a simple template for ffizer used for demo and test]https://github.com/ffizer/template_sample

<a id="markdown-build" name="build"></a>
## Build

cargo install cargo-make --force
cargo make ci-flow

<a id="markdown-alternatives" name="alternatives"></a>
## Alternatives

<a id="markdown-generic" name="generic"></a>
### Generic

- [Cookiecutter]https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/, lot of templates, require python + pip + install dependencies on system (automatic)
- [Cookiecutter — Similar projects]https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html#similar-projects
- [sethyuan/fgen]https://github.com/sethyuan/fgen: A file generator library to be used to generate project structures, file templates and/or snippets. Templates are based on mustache. require nodejs
- [project_init]https://crates.io/crates/project_init in rust, use mustache for templating but I have some issues with it (project template creation not obvious, github only) I could contributes but I have incompatible requirements.
- [skeleton]https://crates.io/crates/skeleton, good idea but no template file, more like a script.
- [porteurbars]https://crates.io/crates/porteurbars, very similar but I discovered it too late.

<a id="markdown-specialized" name="specialized"></a>
### Specialized

specialized to a platform, build tool,...

- [The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps | Yeoman]http://yeoman.io/, nodejs ecosystem
- [JHipster - Generate your Spring Boot + Angular/React applications!]https://www.jhipster.tech/ require java, dedicated to java web ecosystem, optionnated template (not generic)
- [Giter8]http://www.foundweekends.org/giter8/ require java + [Conscript]http://www.foundweekends.org/conscript/index.html
- [Typesafe activator]https://developer.lightbend.com/start/, require java, target scala ecosystem
- [Maven – Archetypes]https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-archetypes.html require java + maven, target maven ecosystem
- [cargo-generate]https://github.com/ashleygwilliams/cargo-generate, limited capabilities, target rust/cargo ecosystem