ferrisetw 1.1.0

Basically a KrabsETW rip-off written in Rust
//! ETW Tracing/Session abstraction
//! Provides both a Kernel and User trace that allows to start an ETW session
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use windows::core::GUID;
use windows::Win32::System::Diagnostics::Etw;
use widestring::U16CString;

use self::private::{PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait, PrivateTraceTrait};

use crate::native::etw_types::{EventTraceProperties, SubscriptionSource};
use crate::native::version_helper;
use crate::native::evntrace::{ControlHandle, TraceHandle, start_trace, open_trace, process_trace, enable_provider, control_trace, control_trace_by_name, close_trace};
use crate::provider::Provider;
use crate::utils;
use crate::EventRecord;
use crate::SchemaLocator;

pub use crate::native::etw_types::LoggingMode;
pub use crate::native::etw_types::DumpFileLoggingMode;

pub(crate) mod callback_data;
use callback_data::CallbackData;
use callback_data::RealTimeCallbackData;
use callback_data::CallbackDataFromFile;

const KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME: &str = "NT Kernel Logger";
const SYSTEM_TRACE_CONTROL_GUID: &str = "9e814aad-3204-11d2-9a82-006008a86939";
const EVENT_TRACE_SYSTEM_LOGGER_MODE: u32 = 0x02000000;

/// Trace module errors
pub enum TraceError {
    /// Wrapper over an internal [EvntraceNativeError](crate::native::EvntraceNativeError)

impl From<crate::native::EvntraceNativeError> for TraceError {
    fn from(err: crate::native::EvntraceNativeError) -> Self {

type TraceResult<T> = Result<T, TraceError>;

/// Trace Properties struct
/// These are some configuration settings that will be included in an [`EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/evntrace/ns-evntrace-event_trace_properties)
/// [More info](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/message-analyzer/specifying-advanced-etw-session-configuration-settings#configuring-the-etw-session)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TraceProperties {
    /// Represents the ETW Session in KB
    pub buffer_size: u32,
    /// Represents the ETW Session minimum number of buffers to use
    pub min_buffer: u32,
    /// Represents the ETW Session maximum number of buffers in the buffer pool
    pub max_buffer: u32,
    /// Represents the ETW Session flush interval.
    /// This duration will be rounded to the closest second (and 0 will be translated as 1 second)
    pub flush_timer: Duration,
    /// Represents the ETW Session [Logging Mode](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/logging-mode-constants)
    pub log_file_mode: LoggingMode,

impl Default for TraceProperties {
    fn default() -> Self {
        // Sane defaults, inspired by https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/evntrace/ns-evntrace-event_trace_properties
        TraceProperties {
            buffer_size: 32,
            min_buffer: 0,
            max_buffer: 0,
            flush_timer: Duration::from_secs(1),
            log_file_mode: LoggingMode::EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE | LoggingMode::EVENT_TRACE_NO_PER_PROCESSOR_BUFFERING,

/// Trait for common methods to user, kernel and file traces
pub trait TraceTrait: private::PrivateTraceTrait + Sized {
    // This must be implemented for every trace, as this getter is needed by other methods from this trait
    fn trace_handle(&self) -> TraceHandle;

    // This utility function should be implemented for every trace
    fn events_handled(&self) -> usize;

    // The following are default implementations, that work on both user and kernel traces

    /// This is blocking and starts triggerring the callbacks.
    /// Because this call is blocking, you probably want to call this from a background thread.<br/>
    /// See [`TraceBuilder::start`] for alternative and more convenient ways to start a trace.
    fn process(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {
            .map_err(|e| e.into())

    /// Process a trace given its handle.
    /// See [`TraceBuilder::start`] for alternative and more convenient ways to start a trace.
    fn process_from_handle(handle: TraceHandle) -> TraceResult<()> {
            .map_err(|e| e.into())

    /// Stops the trace
    /// This consumes the trace, that can no longer be used afterwards.
    /// The same result is achieved by dropping `Self`
    fn stop(mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {

/// Trait for common methods to real-time traces
pub trait RealTimeTraceTrait: TraceTrait + private::PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait {
    // This differs between UserTrace and KernelTrace
    fn trace_guid() -> GUID;

    // This utility function should be implemented for every trace
    fn trace_name(&self) -> OsString;

impl TraceTrait for UserTrace {
    fn trace_handle(&self) -> TraceHandle {

    fn events_handled(&self) -> usize {

impl RealTimeTraceTrait for UserTrace {
    fn trace_guid() -> GUID {

    fn trace_name(&self) -> OsString {

// TODO: Implement enable_provider function for providers that require call to TraceSetInformation with extended PERFINFO_GROUPMASK
impl TraceTrait for KernelTrace {
    fn trace_handle(&self) -> TraceHandle {

    fn events_handled(&self) -> usize {

impl RealTimeTraceTrait for KernelTrace {
    fn trace_guid() -> GUID {
        if version_helper::is_win8_or_greater() {
        } else {

    fn trace_name(&self) -> OsString {

impl TraceTrait for FileTrace {
    fn trace_handle(&self) -> TraceHandle {

    fn events_handled(&self) -> usize {

/// A real-time trace session to collect events from user-mode applications
/// To stop the session, you can drop this instance
#[allow(clippy::redundant_allocation)] // see https://github.com/n4r1b/ferrisetw/issues/72
pub struct UserTrace {
    properties: EventTraceProperties,
    control_handle: ControlHandle,
    trace_handle: TraceHandle,
    // CallbackData is
    // * `Arc`ed, so that dropping a Trace while a callback is still running is not an issue
    // * `Boxed`, so that the `UserTrace` can be moved around the stack (e.g. returned by a function) but the pointers to the `CallbackData` given to Windows ETW API stay valid
    callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>,

/// A real-time trace session to collect events from kernel-mode drivers
/// To stop the session, you can drop this instance
#[allow(clippy::redundant_allocation)] // see https://github.com/n4r1b/ferrisetw/issues/72
pub struct KernelTrace {
    properties: EventTraceProperties,
    control_handle: ControlHandle,
    trace_handle: TraceHandle,
    // CallbackData is
    // * `Arc`ed, so that dropping a Trace while a callback is still running is not an issue
    // * `Boxed`, so that the `UserTrace` can be moved around the stack (e.g. returned by a function) but the pointers to the `CallbackData` given to Windows ETW API stay valid
    callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>,

/// A trace session that reads events from an ETL file
/// To stop the session, you can drop this instance
#[allow(clippy::redundant_allocation)] // see https://github.com/n4r1b/ferrisetw/issues/72
pub struct FileTrace {
    trace_handle: TraceHandle,
    // CallbackData is
    // * `Arc`ed, so that dropping a Trace while a callback is still running is not an issue
    // * `Boxed`, so that the `UserTrace` can be moved around the stack (e.g. returned by a function) but the pointers to the `CallbackData` given to Windows ETW API stay valid
    callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>,

/// Various parameters related to an ETL dump file
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct DumpFileParams {
    pub file_path: PathBuf,
    /// Options that control how the file is written. If you're not sure, you can use [`DumpFileLoggingMode::default()`].
    pub file_logging_mode: DumpFileLoggingMode,
    /// Maximum size of the dump file. This is expressed in MB, unless `file_logging_mode` requires it otherwise.
    pub max_size: Option<u32>,

/// Provides a way to crate Trace objects.
/// These builders are created using [`UserTrace::new`] or [`KernelTrace::new`]
pub struct TraceBuilder<T: RealTimeTraceTrait> {
    name: String,
    etl_dump_file: Option<DumpFileParams>,
    properties: TraceProperties,
    rt_callback_data: RealTimeCallbackData,
    trace_kind: PhantomData<T>,

pub struct FileTraceBuilder {
    etl_file_path: PathBuf,
    callback: crate::EtwCallback,

impl UserTrace {
    /// Create a UserTrace builder
    pub fn new() -> TraceBuilder<UserTrace> {
        let name = format!("n4r1b-trace-{}", utils::rand_string());
        TraceBuilder {
            etl_dump_file: None,
            rt_callback_data: RealTimeCallbackData::new(),
            properties: TraceProperties::default(),
            trace_kind: PhantomData,

    /// Stops the trace
    /// This consumes the trace, that can no longer be used afterwards.
    /// The same result is achieved by dropping `Self`
    pub fn stop(mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {

impl KernelTrace {
    /// Create a KernelTrace builder
    pub fn new() -> TraceBuilder<KernelTrace> {
        let builder = TraceBuilder {
            name: String::new(),
            etl_dump_file: None,
            rt_callback_data: RealTimeCallbackData::new(),
            properties: TraceProperties::default(),
            trace_kind: PhantomData,
        // Not all names are valid. Let's use the setter to check them for us
        builder.named(format!("n4r1b-trace-{}", utils::rand_string()))

    /// Stops the trace
    /// This consumes the trace, that can no longer be used afterwards.
    /// The same result is achieved by dropping `Self`
    pub fn stop(mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {

mod private {
    //! The only reason for this private module is to have a "private" trait in an otherwise publicly exported type (`TraceBuilder`)
    //! See <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/34537>
    use super::*;

    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub enum TraceKind {

    pub trait PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait: PrivateTraceTrait {
        const TRACE_KIND: TraceKind;
        #[allow(clippy::redundant_allocation)] // Being Boxed is really important, let's keep the Box<...> in the function signature to make the intent clearer (see https://github.com/n4r1b/ferrisetw/issues/72)
        fn build(properties: EventTraceProperties, control_handle: ControlHandle, trace_handle: TraceHandle, callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>) -> Self;
        fn augmented_file_mode() -> u32;
        fn enable_flags(_providers: &[Provider]) -> u32;

    pub trait PrivateTraceTrait {
        // This function aims at de-deduplicating code called by `impl Drop` and `Trace::stop`.
        // It is basically [`Self::stop`], without consuming self (because the `impl Drop` only has a `&mut self`, not a `self`)
        fn non_consuming_stop(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()>;

impl private::PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait for UserTrace {
    const TRACE_KIND: private::TraceKind = private::TraceKind::User;

    fn build(properties: EventTraceProperties, control_handle: ControlHandle, trace_handle: TraceHandle, callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>) -> Self {
        UserTrace {

    fn augmented_file_mode() -> u32 {
    fn enable_flags(_providers: &[Provider]) -> u32 {

impl private::PrivateTraceTrait for UserTrace {
    fn non_consuming_stop(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {
        close_trace(self.trace_handle, &self.callback_data)?;
        control_trace(&mut self.properties, self.control_handle, Etw::EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP)?;

impl private::PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait for KernelTrace {
    const TRACE_KIND: private::TraceKind = private::TraceKind::Kernel;

    fn build(properties: EventTraceProperties, control_handle: ControlHandle, trace_handle: TraceHandle, callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>) -> Self {
        KernelTrace {

    fn augmented_file_mode() -> u32 {
        if version_helper::is_win8_or_greater() {
        } else {

    fn enable_flags(providers: &[Provider]) -> u32 {
        providers.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc | x.kernel_flags())

impl private::PrivateTraceTrait for KernelTrace {
    fn non_consuming_stop(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {
        close_trace(self.trace_handle, &self.callback_data)?;
        control_trace(&mut self.properties, self.control_handle, Etw::EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP)?;

impl private::PrivateTraceTrait for FileTrace {
    fn non_consuming_stop(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {
        close_trace(self.trace_handle, &self.callback_data)?;

impl<T: RealTimeTraceTrait + PrivateRealTimeTraceTrait> TraceBuilder<T> {
    /// Define the trace name
    /// For kernel traces on Windows Versions older than Win8, this method won't change the trace name. In those versions the trace name will be set to "NT Kernel Logger".
    /// Note: this trace name may be truncated to a few hundred characters if it is too long.
    pub fn named(mut self, name: String) -> Self {
        if T::TRACE_KIND == private::TraceKind::Kernel && version_helper::is_win8_or_greater() == false {
            self.name = String::from(KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME);
        } else {
            self.name = name;


    /// Define several low-level properties of the trace at once.
    /// These are part of [`EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/evntrace/ns-evntrace-event_trace_properties)
    pub fn set_trace_properties(mut self, props: TraceProperties) -> Self {
        self.properties = props;

    /// Define a dump file for the events.
    /// If set, events will be dumped to a file on disk.<br/>
    /// Such files usually have a `.etl` extension.<br/>
    /// Dumped events will also be processed by the callbacks you'll specify with [`crate::provider::ProviderBuilder::add_callback`].
    /// It is possible to control many aspects of the logging file (whether its size is limited, whether it should be a circular buffer file, etc.).
    /// If you're not sure, `params` has a safe [`default` value](`DumpFileParams::default`).
    /// Note: the file name may be truncated to a few hundred characters if it is too long.
    pub fn set_etl_dump_file(mut self, params: DumpFileParams) -> Self {
        self.etl_dump_file = Some(params);

    /// Enable a Provider for this trace
    /// This will invoke the provider's callback whenever an event is available
    /// # Note
    /// Windows API seems to support removing providers, or changing its properties when the session is processing events (see <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/evntrace/nf-evntrace-enabletraceex2#remarks>)    /// Currently, this crate only supports defining Providers and their settings when building the trace, because it is easier to ensure memory-safety this way.
    /// It probably would be possible to support changing Providers when the trace is processing, but this is left as a TODO (see <https://github.com/n4r1b/ferrisetw/issues/54>)
    pub fn enable(mut self, provider: Provider) -> Self {

    /// Build the `UserTrace` and start the trace session
    /// Internally, this calls the `StartTraceW`, `EnableTraceEx2` and `OpenTraceW`.
    /// To start receiving events, you'll still have to call either:
    /// * Worst option: `process()` on the returned `T`. This will block the current thread until the trace is stopped.<br/>
    ///   This means you'll probably want to call this on a spawned thread, where the `T` must be moved to. This will prevent you from re-using it from the another thread.<br/>
    ///   This means you will not be able to explicitly stop the trace, because you'll no longer have a `T` to drop or to call `stop` on. The trace will stop when the program exits, or when the ETW API hits an error.<br/>
    /// * Most powerful option: `T::process_from_handle()` with the returned [`TraceHandle`].<br/>
    ///   This will block, so this also has to be run in a spawned thread. But, as this does not "consume" the `T`, you'll be able to call `stop` on it (or to drop it) to explicitly close the trace. Stopping a trace will make the `process` function return.
    /// * Easiest option: [`TraceBuilder::start_and_process()`].<br/>
    ///   This convenience function spawns a thread for you, call [`TraceBuilder::start`] on the trace, and returns immediately.<br/>
    ///   This option returns a `T`, so you can explicitly stop the trace, but there is no way to get the status code of the ProcessTrace API.
    pub fn start(self) -> TraceResult<(T, TraceHandle)> {
        // Prepare a wide version of the trace name
        let trace_wide_name = U16CString::from_str_truncate(self.name);
        let mut trace_wide_vec = trace_wide_name.into_vec();
        let trace_wide_name = U16CString::from_vec_truncate(trace_wide_vec);

        // Prepare a wide version of the ETL dump file path
        let wide_etl_dump_file = match self.etl_dump_file {
            None => None,
            Some(DumpFileParams { file_path, file_logging_mode, max_size }) => {
                let wide_path = U16CString::from_os_str_truncate(file_path.as_os_str());
                let mut wide_path_vec = wide_path.into_vec();
                Some((U16CString::from_vec_truncate(wide_path_vec), file_logging_mode, max_size))

        let flags = self.rt_callback_data.provider_flags::<T>();
        let (full_properties, control_handle) = start_trace::<T>(
            wide_etl_dump_file.as_ref().map(|(path, params, max_size)| (path.as_ucstr(), *params, *max_size)),

        // TODO: For kernel traces, implement enable_provider function for providers that require call to TraceSetInformation with extended PERFINFO_GROUPMASK

        if T::TRACE_KIND == private::TraceKind::User {
            for prov in self.rt_callback_data.providers() {
                enable_provider(control_handle, prov)?;

        let callback_data = Box::new(Arc::new(CallbackData::RealTime(self.rt_callback_data)));
        let trace_handle = open_trace(SubscriptionSource::RealTimeSession(trace_wide_name), &callback_data)?;


    /// Convenience method that calls [`TraceBuilder::start`] then `process`
    /// # Notes
    /// * See the documentation of [`TraceBuilder::start`] for more info
    /// * `process` is called on a spawned thread, and thus this method does not give any way to retrieve the error of `process` (if any)
    pub fn start_and_process(self) -> TraceResult<T> {
        let (trace, trace_handle) = self.start()?;

        std::thread::spawn(move || UserTrace::process_from_handle(trace_handle));


impl FileTrace {
    /// Create a trace that will read events from a file
    pub fn new<T>(path: PathBuf, callback: T) -> FileTraceBuilder
        where T: FnMut(&EventRecord, &SchemaLocator) + Send + Sync + 'static,
            etl_file_path: path,
            callback: Box::new(callback),

    fn non_consuming_stop(&mut self) -> TraceResult<()> {
        close_trace(self.trace_handle, &self.callback_data)?;

impl FileTraceBuilder{
    /// Build the `FileTrace` and start the trace session
    /// See the documentation for [`TraceBuilder::start`] for more information.
    pub fn start(self) -> TraceResult<(FileTrace, TraceHandle)> {
        // Prepare a wide version of the source ETL file path
        let wide_etl_file_path = U16CString::from_os_str_truncate(self.etl_file_path.as_os_str());

        let from_file_cb = CallbackDataFromFile::new(self.callback);
        let callback_data = Box::new(Arc::new(CallbackData::FromFile(from_file_cb)));
        let trace_handle = open_trace(SubscriptionSource::FromFile(wide_etl_file_path), &callback_data)?;


    /// Convenience method that calls [`TraceBuilder::start`] then `process`
    /// # Notes
    /// * See the documentation of [`TraceBuilder::start`] for more info
    /// * `process` is called on a spawned thread, and thus this method does not give any way to retrieve the error of `process` (if any)
    pub fn start_and_process(self) -> TraceResult<FileTrace> {
        let (trace, trace_handle) = self.start()?;

        std::thread::spawn(move || FileTrace::process_from_handle(trace_handle));


impl Drop for UserTrace {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ignored_error_in_drop = self.non_consuming_stop();

impl Drop for KernelTrace {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ignored_error_in_drop = self.non_consuming_stop();

impl Drop for FileTrace {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ignored_error_in_drop = self.non_consuming_stop();

/// Stop a trace given its name.
/// This function is intended to close a trace you did not start yourself.
/// Otherwise, you should prefer [`UserTrace::stop()`] or [`KernelTrace::stop()`]
pub fn stop_trace_by_name(trace_name: &str) -> TraceResult<()> {
    let trace_properties = TraceProperties::default();
    let flags = Etw::EVENT_TRACE_FLAG::default();
    let wide_name = U16CString::from_str(trace_name)
        .map_err(|_| TraceError::InvalidTraceName)?;

    let mut properties = EventTraceProperties::new::<UserTrace>( // for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP, we don't really care about most of the contents of the EventTraceProperties, so using new::<UserTrace>() is fine, even when stopping a kernel trace
        None,   // MSDN says the dump file name (if any) must be populated for a EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP, but experience shows this is not necessary.

        &mut properties,


mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_enable_multiple_providers() {
        let prov = Provider::by_guid("22fb2cd6-0e7b-422b-a0c7-2fad1fd0e716").build();
        let prov1 = Provider::by_guid("A0C1853B-5C40-4B15-8766-3CF1C58F985A").build();

        let trace_builder = UserTrace::new().enable(prov).enable(prov1);

        assert_eq!(trace_builder.rt_callback_data.providers().len(), 2);