ferrisetw 1.1.0

Basically a KrabsETW rip-off written in Rust
//! ETW Types Parser
//! This module act as a helper to parse the Buffer from an ETW Event

use crate::native::etw_types::EVENT_HEADER_FLAG_32_BIT_HEADER;
use crate::native::etw_types::event_record::EventRecord;
use crate::native::sddl;
use crate::native::tdh;
use crate::native::tdh_types::{Property, PropertyFlags, TdhInType, TdhOutType};
use crate::property::PropertySlice;
use crate::schema::Schema;
use crate::utils;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use widestring::U16CStr;
use windows::core::GUID;

/// Parser module errors
pub enum ParserError {
    /// No property has this name
    /// An invalid type
    /// Some properties are not supported by this crate (yet?)
    /// Error parsing
    /// Length mismatch when parsing a type
    /// An error while transforming an Utf-8 buffer into String
    /// An error trying to get an slice as an array
    /// Represents an internal [SddlNativeError](crate::native::SddlNativeError)
    /// Represents an internal [TdhNativeError](crate::native::TdhNativeError)

impl From<crate::native::TdhNativeError> for ParserError {
    fn from(err: crate::native::TdhNativeError) -> Self {

impl From<crate::native::SddlNativeError> for ParserError {
    fn from(err: crate::native::SddlNativeError) -> Self {

impl From<std::str::Utf8Error> for ParserError {
    fn from(err: std::str::Utf8Error) -> Self {

impl From<std::array::TryFromSliceError> for ParserError {
    fn from(err: std::array::TryFromSliceError) -> Self {

type ParserResult<T> = Result<T, ParserError>;

/// Cache of the properties we've extracted already
/// This is useful because computing their offset can be costly
struct CachedSlices<'schema, 'record> {
    slices: HashMap<String, PropertySlice<'schema, 'record>>,
    /// The user buffer index we've cached up to
    last_cached_offset: usize,

/// Represents a Parser
/// This structure provides a way to parse an ETW event (= extract its properties).
/// Because properties may have variable length (e.g. strings), a `Parser` is only suited to a single [`EventRecord`]
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use ferrisetw::EventRecord;
/// # use ferrisetw::schema_locator::SchemaLocator;
/// # use ferrisetw::parser::Parser;
/// let my_callback = |record: &EventRecord, schema_locator: &SchemaLocator| {
///     let schema = schema_locator.event_schema(record).unwrap();
///     let parser = Parser::create(record, &schema);
///     // There are several ways to define the type requested for `try_parse`
///     // It is possible to use type inference...
///     let property1: Option<String> = parser.try_parse("PropertyName").ok();
///     // ...or to use the turbofish operator
///     match parser.try_parse::<u32>("OtherPropertyName") {
///         Ok(_) => println!("OtherPropertyName is a valid u32"),
///         Err(_) => println!("OtherPropertyName is invalid"),
///     }
/// };
/// ```
pub struct Parser<'schema, 'record> {
    properties: &'schema [Property],
    record: &'record EventRecord,
    cache: Mutex<CachedSlices<'schema, 'record>>,

impl<'schema, 'record> Parser<'schema, 'record> {
    /// Use the `create` function to create an instance of a Parser
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `schema` - The [Schema] from the ETW Event we want to parse
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use ferrisetw::EventRecord;
    /// # use ferrisetw::schema_locator::SchemaLocator;
    /// # use ferrisetw::parser::Parser;
    /// let my_callback = |record: &EventRecord, schema_locator: &SchemaLocator| {
    ///     let schema = schema_locator.event_schema(record).unwrap();
    ///     let parser = Parser::create(record, &schema);
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn create(event_record: &'record EventRecord, schema: &'schema Schema) -> Self {
        Parser {
            record: event_record,
            properties: schema.properties(),
            cache: Mutex::new(CachedSlices::default())

    fn find_property_size(&self, property: &Property, remaining_user_buffer: &[u8]) -> ParserResult<usize> {
        // There are several cases
        //  * regular case, where property.len() directly makes sense
        //  * but EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO.length is an union, and (in its lengthPropertyIndex form) can refeer to another field
        //    e.g.: the WinInet provider manifest has fields such as `<data name="Verb" inType="win:AnsiString" length="_VerbLength"/>`
        //    In this case, we defer to TDH to know the right length.

        if property
            .contains(PropertyFlags::PROPERTY_PARAM_LENGTH) == false
            && (property.len() > 0)
            let size = if property.in_type() != TdhInType::InTypePointer {
            } else {
                // There is an exception regarding pointer size though
                // When reading captures, we should take care of the pointer size at the _source_, rather than the current architecture's pointer size.
                // Note that a 32-bit program on a 64-bit OS would still send 32-bit pointers
                if (self.record.event_flags() & EVENT_HEADER_FLAG_32_BIT_HEADER) != 0 {
                } else {
            return Ok(size);

        if property.flags.is_empty() {
            if property.len() > 0 {
                return Ok(property.len())
            } else {
                // Length is not set. We'll have to ask TDH for the right length.
                // However, before doing so, there are some cases where we could determine ourselves.
                // The following _very_ common property types can be short-circuited to prevent the expensive call.
                // (that's taken from krabsetw)

                // Strings that appear at the end of a record may not be null-terminated.
                // If a string is null-terminated, propertyLength includes the null character.
                // If a string is not-null terminated, propertyLength includes all bytes up
                // to the end of the record buffer.
                if property.flags.contains(PropertyFlags::PROPERTY_STRUCT) == false
                && property.out_type() == TdhOutType::OutTypeString {
                    match property.in_type() {
                        TdhInType::InTypeAnsiString => {
                            let mut l = 0;
                            for char in remaining_user_buffer {
                                if char == &0 {
                                    l += 1; // include the final null byte
                                l += 1;
                            return Ok(l)

                        TdhInType::InTypeUnicodeString => {
                            let mut l = 0;
                            for bytes in remaining_user_buffer.chunks_exact(2) {
                                if bytes[0] == 0 && bytes[1] == 0 {
                                    l += 2;
                                l += 2;
                            return Ok(l);

                        _ => (),


        Ok(tdh::property_size(self.record, &property.name)? as usize)

    fn find_property(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<PropertySlice<'schema, 'record>> {
        let mut cache = self.cache.lock().unwrap();

        // We may have extracted this property already
        if let Some(p) = cache.slices.get(name) {
            return Ok(*p);

        let last_cached_property = cache.slices.len();
        let properties_not_parsed_yet = match self.properties.get(last_cached_property..) {
            Some(s) => s,
            // If we've parsed every property already, that means no property matches this name
            None => return Err(ParserError::NotFound)

        for property in properties_not_parsed_yet {
            let remaining_user_buffer = match self.record.user_buffer().get(cache.last_cached_offset..) {
                None => return Err(ParserError::PropertyError("Invalid buffer bounds".to_owned())),
                Some(s) => s,

            let prop_size = self.find_property_size(property, remaining_user_buffer)?;
            let property_buffer = match remaining_user_buffer.get(..prop_size) {
                None => return Err(ParserError::PropertyError("Property length out of buffer bounds".to_owned())),
                Some(s) => s,

            let prop_slice = PropertySlice {
                buffer: property_buffer
            cache.slices.insert(String::clone(&property.name), prop_slice);
            cache.last_cached_offset += prop_size;

            if property.name == name {
                return Ok(prop_slice);


    /// Return a property from the event, or an error in case the parsing failed.
    /// You must explicitly define `T`, the type you want to parse the property into.<br/>
    /// In case this type is not compatible with the ETW type, [`ParserError::InvalidType`] is returned.
    pub fn try_parse<T>(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<T>
    where Parser<'schema, 'record>: private::TryParse<T>
        use crate::parser::private::TryParse;

mod private {
    use super::*;

    /// Trait to try and parse a type
    /// This trait has to be implemented in order to be able to parse a type we want to retrieve from
    /// within an Event.
    /// An implementation for most of the Primitive Types is created by using a Macro, any other needed type
    /// requires this trait to be implemented
    pub trait TryParse<T> {
        /// Implement the `try_parse` function to provide a way to Parse `T` from an ETW event or
        /// return an Error in case the type `T` can't be parsed
        /// # Arguments
        /// * `name` - Name of the property to be found in the Schema
        fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> Result<T, ParserError>;

macro_rules! impl_try_parse_primitive {
    ($T:ident) => {
        impl private::TryParse<$T> for Parser<'_, '_> {
            fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<$T> {
                let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

                // TODO: Check In and Out type and do a better type checking
                if std::mem::size_of::<$T>() != prop_slice.buffer.len() {
                    return Err(ParserError::LengthMismatch);


/// The `String` impl of the `TryParse` trait should be used to retrieve the following [TdhInTypes]:
/// * InTypeUnicodeString
/// * InTypeAnsiString
/// * InTypeCountedString
/// * InTypeGuid
/// On success a `String` with the with the data from the `name` property will be returned
/// # Arguments
/// * `name` - Name of the property to be found in the Schema
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use ferrisetw::EventRecord;
/// # use ferrisetw::schema_locator::SchemaLocator;
/// # use ferrisetw::parser::Parser;
/// let my_callback = |record: &EventRecord, schema_locator: &SchemaLocator| {
///     let schema = schema_locator.event_schema(record).unwrap();
///     let parser = Parser::create(record, &schema);
///     let image_name: String = parser.try_parse("ImageName").unwrap();
/// };
/// ```
/// [TdhInTypes]: TdhInType
impl private::TryParse<String> for Parser<'_, '_> {
    fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<String> {
        let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

        // TODO: Handle errors and type checking better
        let res = match prop_slice.property.in_type() {
            TdhInType::InTypeUnicodeString => {
                let wide_vec = bytes_to_u16_vec(prop_slice.buffer)?;

                match U16CStr::from_slice(&wide_vec) {
                    Err(_) => {
                        return Err(ParserError::PropertyError(
                            "Widestring is not null-terminated".into(),
                    Ok(s) => s.to_string_lossy(),
            TdhInType::InTypeAnsiString => std::str::from_utf8(prop_slice.buffer)?
            TdhInType::InTypeSid => {
                sddl::convert_sid_to_string(prop_slice.buffer.as_ptr() as *const _)?
            TdhInType::InTypeCountedString => unimplemented!(),
            _ => return Err(ParserError::InvalidType),


impl private::TryParse<GUID> for Parser<'_, '_> {
    fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> Result<GUID, ParserError> {
        let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

        let guid_string = utils::parse_utf16_guid(prop_slice.buffer);

        if guid_string.len() != 36 {
            return Err(ParserError::LengthMismatch);


impl private::TryParse<IpAddr> for Parser<'_, '_> {
    fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<IpAddr> {
        let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

        if prop_slice.property.out_type() != TdhOutType::OutTypeIpv4
            && prop_slice.property.out_type() != TdhOutType::OutTypeIpv6
            return Err(ParserError::InvalidType);

        // Hardcoded values for now
        let res = match prop_slice.property.len() {
            16 => {
                let tmp: [u8; 16] = prop_slice.buffer.try_into()?;
            4 => {
                let tmp: [u8; 4] = prop_slice.buffer.try_into()?;
            _ => return Err(ParserError::LengthMismatch),


#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Pointer(usize);

impl std::ops::Deref for Pointer {
    type Target = usize;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl std::ops::DerefMut for Pointer {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        &mut self.0

impl std::fmt::LowerHex for Pointer {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let val = self.0;

        std::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&val, f) // delegate to u32/u64 implementation

impl std::fmt::UpperHex for Pointer {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let val = self.0;

        std::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&val, f) // delegate to u32/u64 implementation

impl std::fmt::Display for Pointer {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let val = self.0;

        std::fmt::Display::fmt(&val, f) // delegate to u32/u64 implementation

impl private::TryParse<Pointer> for Parser<'_, '_> {
    fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> ParserResult<Pointer> {
        let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

        let mut res = Pointer::default();
        if prop_slice.buffer.len() == std::mem::size_of::<u32>() {
            res.0 = private::TryParse::<u32>::try_parse_impl(self, name)? as usize;
        } else {
            res.0 = private::TryParse::<u64>::try_parse_impl(self, name)? as usize;


impl private::TryParse<Vec<u8>> for Parser<'_, '_> {
    fn try_parse_impl(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ParserError> {
        let prop_slice = self.find_property(name)?;

// TODO: Implement SocketAddress
// TODO: Study if we can use primitive types for HexInt64, HexInt32 and Pointer

fn bytes_to_u16_vec(input: &[u8]) -> ParserResult<Vec<u16>> {
    if input.len() % 2 != 0 {
        return Err(ParserError::PropertyError(
            "odd length in bytes for a widestring".into(),

    let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() / 2);
    for wide_slice in input.chunks_exact(2) {
        let two_bytes = wide_slice.try_into().unwrap();


mod test {
    use super::bytes_to_u16_vec;

    fn test_bytes_to_u16_vec() {
        let unicode_array: [u8; 14] =     [0xd8,0, 0x20,0, 0x8c,1, 0xeb,0, 0x61,0, 0x72,0, 0,0];
        let expected_u16_array: [u16;7] = [0xd8,   0x20,   0x18c,  0xeb,   0x61,   0x72,   0];

        let u16_slice = bytes_to_u16_vec(&unicode_array).unwrap();
        let decoded_string = widestring::ucstr::U16CStr::from_slice(&u16_slice).unwrap().to_string().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(bytes_to_u16_vec(&unicode_array).unwrap(), &expected_u16_array);
        assert_eq!(&decoded_string, "Ø ƌëar");

        let empty_array = [];
        assert_eq!(bytes_to_u16_vec(&empty_array).unwrap(), &[]);

        let odd_length_array = [1,2,3];