feroxbuster 2.7.3

A fast, simple, recursive content discovery tool.
use anyhow::Result;
use reqwest::header::HeaderMap;
use reqwest::{redirect::Policy, Client, Proxy};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::time::Duration;

/// Create and return an instance of [reqwest::Client](https://docs.rs/reqwest/latest/reqwest/struct.Client.html)
pub fn initialize(
    timeout: u64,
    user_agent: &str,
    redirects: bool,
    insecure: bool,
    headers: &HashMap<String, String>,
    proxy: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Client> {
    let policy = if redirects {
    } else {

    let header_map: HeaderMap = headers.try_into()?;

    let client = Client::builder()
        .timeout(Duration::new(timeout, 0))

    if let Some(some_proxy) = proxy {
        if !some_proxy.is_empty() {
            // it's not an empty string; set the proxy
            let proxy_obj = Proxy::all(some_proxy)?;
            return Ok(client.proxy(proxy_obj).build()?);


mod tests {
    use super::*;

    /// create client with a bad proxy, expect panic
    fn client_with_bad_proxy() {
        let headers = HashMap::new();
        initialize(0, "stuff", true, false, &headers, Some("not a valid proxy")).unwrap();

    /// create client with a proxy, expect no error
    fn client_with_good_proxy() {
        let headers = HashMap::new();
        let proxy = "";
        initialize(0, "stuff", true, true, &headers, Some(proxy)).unwrap();