Crate feroxbuster

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all logic related to building/printing the banner seen when scans start
all logic related to instantiating a running configuration
collection of event handlers (typically long-running tokio spawned tasks)
contains all of feroxbuster’s filters


Wrapper Atomic*.fetch_add to save me from writing Ordering::Relaxed a bajillion times
Wrapper around Atomic*.load to save me from writing Ordering::Relaxed a bajillion times
Wrapper around Atomic*.store to save me from writing Ordering::Relaxed a bajillion times
wrapper to improve code readability
while looping, check for a Result, if Ok return the value, if Err, continue


Default filename for config file settings
Maximum number of file descriptors that can be opened during a scan
Default list of status codes to report
Default wordlist to use when -w|--wordlist isn’t specified and not wordlist isn’t set in a ferox-config.toml config file.
The percentage of requests as errors it takes to be deemed too high
Default value used to determine near-duplicate web pages (equivalent to 95%)
User agents to select from when random agent is being used