fermium 0.0.8

An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings.

name = "fermium"

description = "An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings."

repository = "https://github.com/Lokathor/fermium"

version = "0.0.8"

authors = ["Lokathor <zefria@gmail.com>"]

edition = "2018"

license = "Zlib"

links = "SDL2"

build = "build.rs"


# By default, we will build the crate against the pre-built bindings for

# `SDL2-v2.0.9` that are based on the official development library include files

# on the SDL2 download page (http://libsdl.org/download-2.0.php).

default = []

# Use this if you already have the bindgen _binary_ installed and want that to

# be invoked as part of the build process. This is much faster than using

# bindgen as a library.

use_bindgen_bin = []

# Use this if you want to build the bindgen _library_ and run it as part of the

# build process. This makes rebuilding the crate after `cargo clean` horribly

# slow, and it's not really advised, but do what you want I guess.

use_bindgen_lib = ["bindgen"]

# This will build with a dynamic link instead of a static link. The SDL2

# "dynamic API" is enabled either way, so using actual dynamic linking is not

# particularly necessary these days.

dynamic_link = []


bindgen = { version = "0.49", optional = true }


pkg-config = { version = "0.3" }


libc = "0.2"


features = ["use_bindgen_lib"]


appveyor = { repository = "Lokathor/fermium" }

travis-ci = { repository = "Lokathor/fermium" }