feeless 0.1.4

A Nano (cryptocurrency) node and utilities such as nano addresses, hashing blocks, signing, etc.
# ⋰·⋰ Feeless

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## What is Feeless?

**Feeless** is a **Nano** cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate. This is not the official project for Nano,
only an implementation written in Rust. The official Nano node
implementation [lives here](https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node).

⚠ This is a work in progress. ⚠

I decided to start this project as a personal adventure of understanding Nano. I give no promises about my future
motivation to complete this project 🤐.

## Working Features

| Feature | Progress | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [Rust crate]https://crates.io/crates/feeless | 80% | Please [suggest]https://github.com/feeless/feeless/discussions/new if something is missing. |
| [CLI tool]https://github.com/feeless/feeless/blob/main/examples/cli.rs | 60% | Seeds, phrases, public, private, addresses, parse a wireshark network capture<sup>1</sup>. |
| Wallet | 0% | No wallet code yet, but should be quick to implement. |
| Node | 20% | Can connect and communicate. No voting, storage, chain validation, etc. |

<sup>1. `feeless pcap [file.pcapng]` can dump a capture file and dissect the packets. There are additional arguments you
can see with `--help`. To do this as successfully as possible, capture with Wireshark, set the filter to `nano`
, `File -> Export Specified Packets`, make sure `Displayed` is selected.

## What is Nano?

**Nano** is digital money that significantly improves on **Bitcoin** and other cryptocurrencies.

The main features of **Nano** are:

* No transaction fees.
* Extremely fast to send money--less than 1 second for 100% confirmation.

    Bitcoin takes 10 minutes on average for ~80%<sup>1</sup> confirmation.
    Nano is more asynchronous than Bitcoin--individual transactions are voted on separately from the rest of the network.
* Highly decentralized.

  <sup>Using the Nakamoto coefficient measurement, it is more decentralized than Bitcoin<sup>2 3</sup>.
* No inflation.
* Green--Massively less energy use than Bitcoin.

For more information on what Nano is, see the Nano documentation: https://docs.nano.org/what-is-nano/overview/

Nano is also known as: Nano cryptocurrency, Nano coin, RaiBlocks.

1. The Bitcoin white paper, under section 11 "Calculations" explains there's a ~80% chance for an attacker with 10% mining power to overtake the longest chain. https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
2. Measuring Decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum using Multiple Metrics and Granularities https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.10699.pdf
3. List of representative nodes showing a Nakamoto coefficient of 8 at the time of writing (2021-02) https://nanocharts.info/


## Installation

Currently the only way to do this is to [install Rust](https://rustup.rs/), then run `cargo install feeless`. This will
create a file in your rust's bin directory, or to specify a location run `cargo install feeless --root [install-dir]`.

## Goals

### General

* Correctness before performance.

### Rust crate

* A complete library that a Rust developer can use to handle wallets, keys, blocks, signing, proof of work, etc.

### Tools

* A command line tool for particular actions, e.g. generating seeds, conversions between keys, addresses, etc.
* A command line client for the official Nano RPC server.

### Nano node

* A functional Nano node with business logic from the official C++ implementation.
* Correct rebroadcasting rules
* Representative voting
* Bootstrapping
* It has to perform well enough to help the network. I don't want Nano to slow down if people start using this! 🤦‍♀️

## Non-goals

* Only support protocol v18+ (Maybe only v19+ depending on timing)
* No UDP support
* No user interface

## Task list

A medium term task list:

- [x] Seeds
    - [x] Mnemonic (word list) seed generation/parsing (BIP39)
    - [x] Derive keys from mnemonic (BIP33)
    - [x] Hex seeds
- [x] Keys (ed25519/blake2b)
    - [x] Private keys
    - [x] Public keys
    - [x] Nano addresses
        - [x] Validation
        - [x] Parsing
        - [x] Conversion to/from public keys
- [x] Nano amount conversions
    - [x] raw
    - [x] nano
    - [x] Mnano/NANO
- [x] Proof of work (core)
    - [x] Verification against a threshold
    - [x] Generation
    - [x] Dynamic threshold
- [ ] Blocks
    - [x] Hashing
    - [ ] Work
    - [x] State blocks
    - [ ] <v18 blocks?

- [ ] Packet dissector

    - [x] Parse pcap file

    - [x] Dump some message types to console

    - [ ] Mark this done when all packets are decoded successfully (see below)

- [ ] Node

    - [ ] Configuration

        - [x] Initial command line interface

        - [ ] Network

        - [ ] Database

        - [ ] ...

    - [ ] Networks

        - [x] Live (Don't worry, I'm only connecting to my own node at the moment!)

        - [ ] Test

        - [ ] Beta

    - [ ] Bootstrap peer connection (peering.nano.org)

    - [x] Validate given peer network

    - [ ] Validate given peer versions

    - [ ] Multiple peer connectivity (currently only connects to one peer)

        - [ ] Configurable maximum peer limit

    - [x] Header parsing

        - [x] Network

        - [x] Versions

        - [x] Extensions

            - [x] Handshake query/response flags

            - [x] Count

            - [x] Block type

            - [ ] Telemetry size

            - [ ] Extended params present

    - [ ] Logic

        - [ ] Rebroadcasting

        - [ ] Representatives

        - [ ] Publish retries (difficulty changes)

        - [ ] Respond to telemetry request

        - [ ] ...

    - [ ] Messages

        - [ ] Node ID Handshake

            - [x] Serialize (TODO: needs small refactor)

            - [x] Deserialize

            - [x] Send cookie

            - [ ] Cookie/peer store and logic

            - [x] Validate response

            - [x] Validate signature

        - [ ] Confirm Req

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

                - [x] Hash pairs

                - [x] Block selector

            - [ ] Handle response

        - [ ] Confirm Ack

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [ ] Deserialize

                - [x] Vote by hash

                - [ ] Block

            - [x] Validate signature

        - [ ] Keepalive

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

        - [ ] Publish

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

                - [x] State blocks

                - [ ] Other blocks

        - [ ] Bulk pull

        - [ ] Bulk pull account

        - [ ] Bulk pull blocks

        - [ ] Bulk push

        - [x] Telemetry Req

            - [x] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

        - [ ] Telemetry Ack

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

                - [x] Most fields

                - [ ] Timestamp

                - [ ] Active difficulty

            - [ ] Validate signature

        - [ ] Frontier Req

            - [ ] Serialize

            - [x] Deserialize

    - [ ] Storage

        - [x] Basic KV store to file

        - [x] Basic cookie/peer storage

        - [ ] Peers

        - [ ] Blocks

        - [ ] ...

    - [ ] RPC

- [ ] Rust

    - [ ] Ask around for a code review

    - [ ] Use either `zerocopy` or make all core types zero-copy with storing `[u8]` and methods as

      accessors. `zerocopy`

      did work for most things when I tried but had problems with enums. Might revisit.

    - [ ] Use `thiserror` instead of `anyhow` in certain places.

    - [ ] Github actions CI (including `cargo clippy`)

- [ ] Future things

    - [ ] Fast bootstrapping related to the user's wallet

    - [ ] Performance

        - [ ] Automated comparison

    - [ ] Proof of work

        - [ ] Server

        - [ ] GPU

    - [ ] WASM

## Credits and references

* Thanks to the hard work from the Nano Foundation.

* https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node

    * The actual Nano implementation as a source of truth.

* https://forum.nano.org/, https://old.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/, Nano Discord: https://chat.nano.org/

    * A very friendly community helping out others and myself.

* https://docs.nano.org/

    * General useful information.

* https://nanoo.tools/

    * Helped me understand technical details on state blocks and hashing, and also with validating conversions between


* https://github.com/nanocurrency/protocol/blob/master/reference

    * Node protocol specification.

* https://iancoleman.io/bip39/

    * Helped me test out my BIP 39/BIP 44 implementations.

## Other implementations

* nano-rs (Rust) https://github.com/termhn/nano-rs

* Railroad (Rust) https://github.com/PlasmaPower/railroad

* nano-python (Python) https://github.com/orhanhenrik/nano-python-node

* gonano (Go) https://github.com/alexbakker/gonano

* Go Nano (Go)  https://github.com/frankh/nano

* Node.js Nano Node (JavaScript) https://github.com/numtel/node-nano-node

* nanocurrency-node (TypeScript) https://github.com/pRizz/nanocurrency-node

* Prailude (Lua, C) https://github.com/slact/prailude

* RaiSharp (C#) https://github.com/vardthomas/Aggrex.RaiSharp

## License

Licensed under either of these at your option:

* Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)

* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as

defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.