feedly_api 0.3.0

rust implementation of the feedly REST API


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Rust implementation of the feedly API.


Add the dependency to your Cargo.toml.

feedly_api = "0.2"

Getting up and running

Generate the URL to the login page

The client id and secret are issued by feedly for each client on formal request (can also be denied by feedly).

let login_url = FeedlyApi::login_url("client_id", "client_secret").unwrap();
let redirect_base_url = FeedlyApi::redirect_uri().unwrap();

The login_url will redirect to a URL with the base of redirect_base_url. This URL contains the AuthCode and is needed for the next step.

Parsing the redirected URL after successful login

let auth_code = FeedlyApi::parse_redirected_url(redirect_url).unwrap();

Getting the access_token

With the AuthCode form the previous step the access_token and friends can finally be requested.

let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let token_response = FeedlyApi::request_auth_token("client_id", "client_secret", auth_code, &client).unwrap();

Creating a FeedlyApi instance

let access_token_expires = FeedlyApi::parse_expiration_date(&token_response.expires_in.to_string()).unwrap();
let feedly_api = FeedlyApi::new(