fedimint-dbtool 0.4.3

Tool to inspect Fedimint client and server databases


CAUTION: dbtool is a potentially destructive expert-tool, handle with care and if in doubt make a copy of your database.

For database layout see database.md, but verify the information in the code before taking potentially destructive action.

If your federation is running, a database lock should cause a panic when running these commands so be sure to stop the federation first.


$ fedimint-dbtool --help
Tool to inspect and manipulate rocksdb databases. All binary arguments (keys, values) have to be hex encoded

Usage: fedimint-dbtool <DATABASE> <COMMAND>

  list    List all key-value pairs where the key begins with `prefix`
  write   Write a key-value pair to the database, overwriting the previous value if present
  delete  Delete a single entry from the database identified by `key`
  dump    Dump the database (or a subset) to the console as a json serialized string
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  <DATABASE>  - file path of the database

  -h, --help  Print help

Deleting multiple elements

Other than the list command, the delete command only works on single keys. To delete entire key prefixes you can use standard unix tools to build that functionality:

fedimint-dbtool <DATABASE> list <PREFIX> | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 -- fedimint-dbtool <DATABASE> delete
  • cut selects a column from the space-separated output of fedimint-dbtool
    • -d ' ' sets its delimiter to space
    • -f 1 selects the first column
  • xargs calls fedimint-dbtool delete <key> for each line of input
    • -n 1 specifies that only one element will be passed to the specified command at a time

Hex encoding

To en-/decode hex you can use xxd, although the raw binary data will not be of use that often.

$ echo -n "my binary data ..." | xxd -ps -c 0

$ echo "6d792062696e6172792064617461202e2e2e" | xxd -r -p
my binary data ...

## Dump

The dump command can be used to dump a json-serialized portion of the database. Dump takes two required parameters <CFG_DIR> and <PASSWORD>. Password is used to decrypt the configuration file so the dbtool understand the type of module.
The dump command also takes optional parameters <MODULE> and <PREFIX> to dump only a subset of the database.

For more information on the modules and prefixes available to dump, see https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint/blob/master/docs/database.md. Table headers are modules and the Name column are prefixes.

First, run a local federation in mprocs:
just mprocs

Dump the entire database of fedimintd-0

fedimint-dbtool $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-0/database dump -- $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-0 pass

Dump the consensus db entries of fedimintd-0

fedimint-dbtool $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-0/database dump -- $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-0 pass consensus

Dump the blocks from the wallet module of fedimintd-1

fedimint-dbtool $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-1/database dump -- $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-1 pass consensus blockhash

Dump the used notes from the mint module and the accepted transactions from consensus

fedimint-dbtool $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-1/database dump -- $FM_DATA_DIR/fedimintd-1 pass consensus,mint notenonce,acceptedtransaction

Dump the entire client database (client password can be anything since it doesn't require decryption)

fedimint-dbtool $FM_CLIENT_DIR/client.db dump $FM_CLIENT_DIR clientpass client