feattle-core 0.1.0

Featture toggles for Rust, extensible and with background synchronization and administation UI
use crate::definition::{SerializedFormat, StringFormat};
use crate::json_reading::{
    extract_array, extract_bool, extract_f64, extract_i64, extract_object, extract_str,
use crate::{SerializedFormatKind, StringFormatKind};
use serde_json::{Number, Value};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
use uuid::Uuid;

/// The base trait for types that can be used for feattles.
/// This lib already implements this trait for many base types from the std lib, but the user can
/// make their own types compatible by providing their own logic.
/// For types that are string based, it suffices to implement the somewhat simpler
/// [`FeattleStringValue`] trait.
pub trait FeattleValue: Debug + Sized {
    /// Convert the value to its JSON representation.
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value;

    /// Return a short overview of the current value. This is meant to give an overall idea of the
    /// actual value. For example, it can choose to display only the first 3 items of a large list.
    fn overview(&self) -> String;

    /// Parse from a JSON representation of the value, if possible.
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError>;

    /// Return a precise description of a feattle type. This will be consumed, for example, by the
    /// UI code to show an appropriate HTML form in the admin panel.
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat;

/// The base trait for string-types that can be used for feattles.
/// This trait should be used for types that behave like string. A blanked implementation of
/// [`FeattleValue`] for types that implement this trait will provide the necessary compatibility
/// to use them as feattles.
/// Note that this trait also requires that the type implements:
/// * [`Debug`]
/// * [`ToString`]
/// * [`FromStr`], with a compatible error
pub trait FeattleStringValue: FromStr + ToString + Debug
    <Self as FromStr>::Err: Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Return a precise description of a feattle type. This will be consumed, for example, by the
    /// UI code to show an appropriate HTML form in the admin panel.
    fn serialized_string_format() -> StringFormat;

impl<T> FeattleValue for T
    T: FeattleStringValue,
    <T as FromStr>::Err: Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        let f = Self::serialized_string_format();
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::String(f.kind),
            tag: f.tag,

impl FeattleValue for bool {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Bool,
            tag: "bool".to_owned(),

macro_rules! impl_try_from_value_i64 {
    ($kind:ty) => {
        impl FeattleValue for $kind {
            fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
            fn overview(&self) -> String {
            fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
            fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
                SerializedFormat {
                    kind: SerializedFormatKind::Integer,
                    tag: stringify!($kind).to_owned(),

impl_try_from_value_i64! {u8}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {i8}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {u16}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {i16}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {u32}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {i32}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {u64}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {i64}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {u128}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {i128}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {usize}
impl_try_from_value_i64! {isize}

impl FeattleValue for f32 {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
        Value::Number(Number::from_f64(*self as f64).unwrap())
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
        let n_64 = extract_f64(value)?;
        let n_32 = n_64 as f32;
        if n_64 != n_32 as f64 {
            Err(FromJsonError::WrongKind {
                actual: "Number::f64",
                expected: "Number::f32",
        } else {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Float,
            tag: "f32".to_owned(),

impl FeattleValue for f64 {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Float,
            tag: "f64".to_owned(),

#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
impl FeattleStringValue for Uuid {
    fn serialized_string_format() -> StringFormat {
        StringFormat {
            kind: StringFormatKind::Pattern(
            tag: "Uuid".to_owned(),

impl FeattleStringValue for String {
    fn serialized_string_format() -> StringFormat {
        StringFormat {
            kind: StringFormatKind::Any,
            tag: "String".to_owned(),

impl<T: FeattleValue> FeattleValue for Vec<T> {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
        Value::Array(self.iter().map(|item| item.as_json()).collect())
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
        format!("[{}]", iter_overview(self.iter()))
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
        let mut list = Vec::new();
        for item in extract_array(value)? {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        let f = T::serialized_format();
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::List(Box::new(f.kind)),
            tag: format!("Vec<{}>", f.tag),

impl<T: FeattleValue + Ord> FeattleValue for BTreeSet<T> {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
        Value::Array(self.iter().map(|item| item.as_json()).collect())
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
        format!("[{}]", iter_overview(self.iter()))
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
        let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
        for item in extract_array(value)? {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        let f = T::serialized_format();
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Set(Box::new(f.kind)),
            tag: format!("Set<{}>", f.tag),

impl<K: FeattleStringValue + Ord, V: FeattleValue> FeattleValue for BTreeMap<K, V>
    <K as FromStr>::Err: Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
                .map(|(item_key, item_value)| (item_key.to_string(), item_value.as_json()))
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
        // Group by value
        let mut keys_by_value: BTreeMap<_, Vec<_>> = BTreeMap::new();
        for (key, value) in self {

        let overview_by_value: Vec<_> = keys_by_value
            .map(|(value, keys)| format!("{}: {}", iter_overview(keys.into_iter()), value))

        format!("{{{}}}", iter_overview(overview_by_value.iter()))
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
        let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
        for (item_key, item_value) in extract_object(value)? {
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        let fk = K::serialized_string_format();
        let fv = V::serialized_format();
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Map(fk.kind, Box::new(fv.kind)),
            tag: format!("Map<{}, {}>", fk.tag, fv.tag),

impl<T: FeattleValue> FeattleValue for Option<T> {
    fn as_json(&self) -> Value {
        match self {
            None => Value::Null,
            Some(inner) => inner.as_json(),
    fn overview(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            None => "None".to_owned(),
            Some(s) => format!("Some({})", s.overview()),
    fn try_from_json(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, FromJsonError> {
        match value {
            Value::Null => Ok(None),
            other => T::try_from_json(other).map(Some),
    fn serialized_format() -> SerializedFormat {
        let f = T::serialized_format();
        SerializedFormat {
            kind: SerializedFormatKind::Optional(Box::new(f.kind)),
            tag: format!("Option<{}>", f.tag),

fn iter_overview<'a, T: FeattleValue + 'a>(iter: impl Iterator<Item = &'a T>) -> String {
    const MAX_ITEMS: usize = 3;
    let mut overview = String::new();
    let mut iter = iter.enumerate();

    while let Some((i, value)) = iter.next() {
        if i == MAX_ITEMS {
            overview += &format!(", ... {} more", iter.count() + 1);
        } else if i > 0 {
            overview += ", ";
        overview += &value.overview();
