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fdg (Force Directed Graph)

A Force Directed Graph Framework for Rust. This manages your forces and event loop for a visualization of a graph. I’ve also created compatible visualizers for it. This simulation sits on top of petgraph.

fdg-simLatest versionDocumentationMIT
fdg-macroquadLatest versionDocumentationGPL-3.0
fdg-imgLatest versionDocumentationGPL-3.0
fdg-wasmNPM PackageView ReadmeMIT

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Basic Example

use fdg_sim::{ForceGraph, ForceGraphHelper, Simulation, SimulationParameters};

fn main() {
    // initialize a graph
    let mut graph: ForceGraph<(), ()> = ForceGraph::default();

    let one = graph.add_force_node("one", ());
    let two = graph.add_force_node("two", ());
    let _three = graph.add_force_node("three", ());
    graph.add_edge(one, two, ());

    // create a simulation from the graph
    let mut simulation = Simulation::from_graph(&graph, SimulationParameters::default());

    // your event/render loop
    for frame in 0..50 {
        // update the nodes positions based on force algorithm

        // render (print) your nodes new locations.
        println!("---- frame {frame} ----");
        for node in simulation.get_graph().node_weights() {
            println!("\"{}\" - {:?}", node.name, node.location);


pub use glam;
pub use petgraph;


Forces that define how your graph moves.


Import and export graphs with gml.


Import and export graphs with json.


A node on a ForceGraph.

A simulation for managing the main event loop and forces.

Parameters for the simulation.


Number of dimensions to run the simulation in.


Syntactic sugar to make adding Nodes to a ForceGraph easier.

Type Definitions

A helper type that creates a StableGraph with our custom Node as the weight.