pub trait Protocol: 'static {
    type Frame: Framing;
    type Sizer: ProtocolWriter<Final = usize>;
    type Serializer: ProtocolWriter<Final = <<Self::Frame as Framing>::EncBuf as BufMutExt>::Final>;
    type Deserializer: ProtocolReader;

    const PROTOCOL_ID: ProtocolID;

    // Required methods
    fn serializer<SZ, SER>(
        sz: SZ,
        ser: SER
    ) -> <Self::Serializer as ProtocolWriter>::Final
       where SZ: FnOnce(&mut Self::Sizer),
             SER: FnOnce(&mut Self::Serializer);
    fn deserializer(buf: <Self::Frame as Framing>::DecBuf) -> Self::Deserializer;
    fn into_buffer(_: Self::Deserializer) -> <Self::Frame as Framing>::DecBuf;
Expand description

An instance of Protocol glues a Framing implementation to a serializer (ProtocolWriter) and deserializer (ProtocolReader). It constructs, as needed, a serializer to construct a frame with a given protocol, or a deserializer from a frame into a stream of deserialized objects.

Required Associated Types§


type Frame: Framing

Type of the framing implementation


type Sizer: ProtocolWriter<Final = usize>

Compute the size of a frame for a given protocol. This can be exact or too large, but must not be too small.


type Serializer: ProtocolWriter<Final = <<Self::Frame as Framing>::EncBuf as BufMutExt>::Final>

Serialize into a buffer. The buffer is allocated with the size computed by Sizer, so it must be large enough.


type Deserializer: ProtocolReader

Set up a deserializer from a frame’s buffer.

Required Associated Constants§

Required Methods§


fn serializer<SZ, SER>( sz: SZ, ser: SER ) -> <Self::Serializer as ProtocolWriter>::Final
where SZ: FnOnce(&mut Self::Sizer), SER: FnOnce(&mut Self::Serializer),


fn deserializer(buf: <Self::Frame as Framing>::DecBuf) -> Self::Deserializer


fn into_buffer(_: Self::Deserializer) -> <Self::Frame as Framing>::DecBuf

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
