fbleau 0.1.0

A tool for measuring black-box security


F-BLEAU is a tool for estimating the leakage of a system about its secrets in a black-box manner (i.e., by only looking at examples of secret inputs and respective outputs). It considers a generic system as a black-box, taking secret inputs and returning outputs accordingly, and it measures how much the outputs "leak" about the inputs.

F-BLEAU is based on the equivalence between estimating the error of a Machine Learning model of a specific class and the estimation of information leakage [1,2,3].

This code was also used for the experiments of [2] on the following evaluations: Gowalla, e-passport, and side channel attack to finite field exponentiation.

Getting started

F-BLEAU takes as input CSV data containing examples of system's inputs and outputs. It currently requires two CSV files as input: a training file and a validation (or test) file, such as:

0, 0.1, 2.43, 1.1
1, 0.0, 1.22, 1.1
1, 1.0, 1.02, 0.1

where the first column specifies the secret, and the remaining ones indicate the output vector.

It runs a chosen method for estimating the Bayes risk (smallest probability of error of an adversary at predicting a secret given the respective output), and relative security measures.

The general syntax is:

fbleau <estimate> [options] <train> <test>


Currently available estimates:

log k-NN estimate, with k = ln(n), where n is the number of training examples.

log 10 k-NN estimate, with k = log10(n), where n is the number of training examples.

frequentist (or "lookup table") Standard estimate. Note that this is only applicable when the outputs are finite; also, it does not scale well to large systems (e.g., large input/output spaces).

Bounds and other estimates:

nn-bound Produces a lower bound of R* discovered by Cover and Hard ('67), which is based on the error of the NN classifier (1-NN).

--knn Runs the k-NN classifier for a fixed k to be specified. Note that this does not guarantee convergence to the Bayes risk.

Further options

By default, fbleau runs until a convergence criterion is met. We usually declare convergence if an estimate did not vary more than --delta, either in relative (default) or absolute (--abs) value, from its value in the last q examples (where q is specified with --qstop). One can specify more than one deltas as comma-separated values, e.g.: --delta=0.1,0.01,0.001.

Optionally, one may choose to let the estimator run for all the training set (--run-all), in which case fbleau will still report how many examples where required for convergence.

When the system's outputs are vectors, fbleau by default scales their values. The option --no-scale prevents this (not recommended in general).


The code is written in Rust, but it is thought to be used as a standalone command line tool. Bindings to other programming languages (e.g., Python) may happen in the future.

Install rustup (and, consequently, cargo). Then run:

git clone https://github.com/gchers/fbleau
cd fbleau
cargo install

You should now find the binary fbleau in your $PATH (if not, check out rustup again).

Note If rustup is not available on your system (e.g., *BSD systems), you should still be able to install cargo and compile fbleau as shown above.

Note I'll also put fbleau on https://crates.io, hopefully soon.


Currently, the code provided here:

  • is based on frequentist and nearest neighbor methods; in the future we hope to extend this to other ML methods; note that this does not affect the generality of the results, which hold against any classifier,
  • computes one estimate at the time (i.e., to compute multiple estimates one needs to run fbleau several times); this can change in the future.

Short term

  • return various leakage measures (instead of just R*)
  • resubstitution estimate

Mid term

  • predictions for multiple estimators at the same time
  • get training data from standard input (on-line mode)


  • other ML methods (e.g., SVM, neural network)
  • Python and Java bindings


Giovanni Cherubin (current maintainer), Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi.


[1] 2017, "Bayes, not Naïve: Security Bounds on Website Fingerprinting Defenses". Giovanni Cherubin

[2] 2018, "F-BLEAU: Practical Channel Leakage Estimation". Giovanni Cherubin, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi.

[3] "Machine Learning methods for Quantifying the Security of Black-boxes". https://giocher.com/pages/bayes.html