fbleau 0.2.0

A tool for measuring black-box security via Machine Learning


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F-BLEAU is a tool for estimating the leakage of a system about its secrets in a black-box manner (i.e., by only looking at examples of secret inputs and respective outputs). It considers a generic system as a black-box, taking secret inputs and returning outputs accordingly, and it measures how much the outputs "leak" about the inputs.

F-BLEAU is based on the equivalence between estimating the error of a Machine Learning model of a specific class and the estimation of information leakage [1,2,3].

This code was also used for the experiments of [2] on the following evaluations: Gowalla, e-passport, and side channel attack to finite field exponentiation.

Getting started

F-BLEAU takes as input CSV data containing examples of system's inputs and outputs. It currently requires two CSV files as input: a training file and a validation (or test) file, such as:

0, 0.1, 2.43, 1.1
1, 0.0, 1.22, 1.1
1, 1.0, 1.02, 0.1

where the first column specifies the secret, and the remaining ones indicate the output vector.

It runs a chosen method for estimating the Bayes risk (smallest probability of error of an adversary at predicting a secret given the respective output), and relative security measures.

The general syntax is:

fbleau <estimate> [options] <train> <test>


Currently available estimates:

log k-NN estimate, with k = ln(n), where n is the number of training examples.

log 10 k-NN estimate, with k = log10(n), where n is the number of training examples.

frequentist (or "lookup table") Standard estimate. Note that this is only applicable when the outputs are finite; also, it does not scale well to large systems (e.g., large input/output spaces).

Bounds and other estimates:

nn-bound Produces a lower bound of R* discovered by Cover and Hard ('67), which is based on the error of the NN classifier (1-NN).

--knn Runs the k-NN classifier for a fixed k to be specified. Note that this does not guarantee convergence to the Bayes risk.

Further options

It is often useful to know the value of an estimate at every step (i.e., for training size 1, 2, ...). fbleau can output this into a file specified by --verbose=<logfile>.

By default, fbleau runs for all trainng data. However, one can specify a stopping criterion, in the form of a (delta, q)-convergence: fbleau stops when the estimate's value has not changed more than delta (--delta), either in relative (default) or absolute (--absolute) sense, for at least q steps (--qstop).

fbleau can scale the individual values of the system's output ("features") in the [0,1] interval by specifying the --scale flag.

By default, fbleau uses a number of threads equal to the number of CPUs. To limit this number, you can use --nprocs.


The code is written in Rust, but it is thought to be used as a standalone command line tool. Bindings to other programming languages (e.g., Python) may happen in the future.

Install rustup, which will make cargo available on your path. Then run:

cargo install fbleau

You should now find the binary fbleau in your $PATH (if not, check out rustup again).

If rustup is not available on your system (e.g., some *BSD systems), you should still be able to install cargo with the system's package manager, and then install fbleau as above. If this doesn't work, please open a ticket.


Currently, the code provided here:

  • is based on frequentist and nearest neighbor methods; in the future we hope to extend this to other ML methods; note that this does not affect the generality of the results, which hold against any classifier,
  • computes one estimate at the time (i.e., to compute multiple estimates one needs to run fbleau several times); this can change in the future.

Short term

  • return various leakage measures (instead of just R*)
  • resubstitution estimate

Mid term

  • predictions for multiple estimators at the same time
  • get training data from standard input (on-line mode)


  • other ML methods (e.g., SVM, neural network)
  • Python and Java bindings


Giovanni Cherubin (current maintainer), Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi.


[1] 2017, "Bayes, not Naïve: Security Bounds on Website Fingerprinting Defenses". Giovanni Cherubin

[2] 2018, "F-BLEAU: Practical Channel Leakage Estimation". Giovanni Cherubin, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi.

[3] "Machine Learning methods for Quantifying the Security of Black-boxes". https://giocher.com/pages/bayes.html