fb_futures_01_ext 0.1.0

Extensions for future 0.1 crate


rust-shed is a repository containing Rust crates common between other Facebook open source projects (like Mononoke or Eden).

Building rust-shed


You can use cargo to build and test the project.

When using thrift_compiler you have to have fbthrfit compiler installed. For MacOS/Unix to install it inside $HOME/build do:

[rust-shed]$ mkdir $HOME/build
[rust-shed]$ ./build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py build fbthrift --install-prefix $HOME/build

After that add THRIFT=$HOME/build/fbthrift/bin/thrift1 to your environment or make sure thrift1 is accessible by adding $HOME/build/fbthrift/bin to PATH.

Alternatively you can build and run tests with:

[rust-shed]$ ./build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py build rust-shed
[rust-shed]$ ./build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py test rust-shed


  • Cargo is used for building and testing
  • The thrift_compiler crate requires fbthrift to be installed or the THRIFT environment variable to point to the thrift compiler


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


rust-shed is both MIT and Apache License, Version 2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files.