fastobo 0.13.0

Faultless AST for Open Biomedical Ontologies.
//! `Error` and `Result` types for this crate.

use std::io::Error as IOError;

use pest::error::Error as PestError;
use thiserror::Error;

use pest::Span;

use crate::ast::*;
use crate::syntax::Rule;

/// An error for cardinality violation.
/// This error is highly dependent on the function that returns it: the `name`
/// field can provide more information about the specific clause that errored
/// to the end-user.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum CardinalityError {
    #[error("missing {name} clause")]
    MissingClause { name: String },
    #[error("duplicate {name} clauses")]
    DuplicateClauses { name: String },
    #[error("invalid single {name} clause")]
    SingleClause { name: String },

impl CardinalityError {
    pub fn missing<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Self {
        CardinalityError::MissingClause { name: name.into() }

    pub fn duplicate<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Self {
        CardinalityError::DuplicateClauses { name: name.into() }

    pub fn single<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Self {
        CardinalityError::SingleClause { name: name.into() }

/// A syntax error.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum SyntaxError {
    /// An unexpected rule was used in `FromPair::from_pair`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # extern crate fastobo;
    /// # use fastobo::ast::*;
    /// # use fastobo::parser::*;
    /// # use fastobo::syntax::*;
    /// let pairs = Lexer::tokenize(Rule::UnquotedString, "hello, world!");
    /// # let err =
    /// QuotedString::from_pair(pairs.unwrap().next().unwrap()).unwrap_err();
    /// # match err {
    /// #   fastobo::error::SyntaxError::UnexpectedRule { expected, actual } => {
    /// #       assert_eq!(expected, Rule::QuotedString);
    /// #       assert_eq!(actual, Rule::UnquotedString);
    /// #   }
    /// #   e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
    /// # };
    /// ```
    #[error("unexpected rule: {actual:?} (expected {expected:?})")]
    UnexpectedRule { expected: Rule, actual: Rule },

    /// The underlying parser encountered an error.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # extern crate fastobo;
    /// # use std::str::FromStr;
    /// # use fastobo::ast::*;
    /// # let err =
    /// QuotedString::from_str("definitely not a quoted string").unwrap_err();
    /// # match err {
    /// #   fastobo::error::SyntaxError::ParserError { .. } => (),
    /// #   e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
    /// # };
    /// ```
    #[error("parser error: {error}")]
    ParserError {
        error: Box<PestError<Rule>>,

impl SyntaxError {
    /// Update the line of the error, if needed.
    pub(crate) fn with_offsets(self, line_offset: usize, offset: usize) -> Self {
        use self::SyntaxError::*;
        use pest::error::InputLocation;
        use pest::error::LineColLocation;
        match self {
            e @ UnexpectedRule { .. } => e,
            ParserError { mut error } => {
                error.location = match error.location {
                    InputLocation::Pos(s) => InputLocation::Pos(s + offset),
                    InputLocation::Span((s, e)) => InputLocation::Span((s + offset, e + offset)),
                error.line_col = match error.line_col {
                    LineColLocation::Pos((l, c)) => LineColLocation::Pos((l + line_offset, c)),
                    LineColLocation::Span((ls, cs), (le, ce)) => {
                        LineColLocation::Span((ls + line_offset, cs), (le + line_offset, ce))
                ParserError { error }

    /// Update the path of the error, if needed.
    pub(crate) fn with_path(self, path: &str) -> Self {
        use self::SyntaxError::*;
        match self {
            e @ UnexpectedRule { .. } => e,
            ParserError { error } => ParserError {
                error: Box::new(error.with_path(path)),

    /// Update the span of the error, if needed.
    pub(crate) fn with_span(self, span: Span) -> Self {
        use self::SyntaxError::*;
        match self {
            e @ UnexpectedRule { .. } => e,
            ParserError { error } => {
                // FIXME(@althonos): the new error should be spanned only if
                //                   the original error is spanned, but there
                //                   is no clean way to create an error at
                //                   the right position with `pest::error`.
                ParserError {
                    error: Box::new(PestError::new_from_span(error.variant, span)),

impl From<PestError<Rule>> for SyntaxError {
    fn from(error: PestError<Rule>) -> Self {

/// A threading error.
#[cfg(feature = "threading")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "_doc", doc(cfg(feature = "threading")))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum ThreadingError {
    /// A communication channel unexpectedly disconnected.
    #[error("disconnected channel")]

/// The result type for this crate.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// The error type for this crate.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
    /// A syntax error occurred.
    #[error("syntax error: {error}")]
    SyntaxError {
        error: SyntaxError,

    /// An IO error occurred.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # extern crate fastobo;
    /// # use fastobo::ast::*;
    /// # let err =
    /// fastobo::from_file("some/non-existing/path").unwrap_err();
    /// # match err {
    /// #   fastobo::error::Error::IOError { .. } => (),
    /// #   e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
    /// # };
    #[error("IO error: {error}")]
    IOError {
        error: IOError,

    /// A cardinality-related error occurred.
    #[error("cardinality error: {inner}")]
    CardinalityError {
        id: Option<Ident>,
        inner: CardinalityError,

    /// A threading-related error occurred.
    #[cfg(feature = "threading")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "_doc", doc(cfg(feature = "threading")))]
    #[error("threading error: {error}")]
    ThreadingError {
        error: ThreadingError,