fastcmp 1.0.1

A fast byte slice comparison library
//! Code generation for bytewise slice comparison. Target is to provide a compile time optimization
//! within a single macro which looks like:
//! ```
//! macro_rules! slice_compare (
//!     ($a:expr, $b:expr, $len:expr) => {{
//!         match $len {
//!             1 => cmp!($a, $b, u8, 0),
//!             2 => cmp!($a, $b, u16, 0),
//!             3 => cmp!($a, $b, u16, 0) && cmp!($a, $b, u8, 2),
//!             4 => cmp!($a, $b, u32, 0),
//!             ...
//! ```
//! The supported slice length can be set by changing the `OPT_LEN` variable.

static OPT_LEN: usize = 256;

use std::{env, iter, io};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use std::error::Error;

pub fn main() {
    run().expect("Could not generate needed source code.");

fn fill(indent: usize) -> String {
    iter::repeat(' ').take(indent).collect()

fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR")?;
    let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");
    let mut f = File::create(&dest_path)?;

    // Generate the slice comparison source code
    writeln!(f, "macro_rules! slice_compare (")?;
    writeln!(f, "{}($a:expr, $b:expr, $len:expr) => {{{{", fill(4))?;
    writeln!(f, "{}match $len {{", fill(8))?;

    for i in 1..OPT_LEN + 1 {
        let mut bits = i * 8 as usize;
        let mut sizes = vec![8, 16, 32, 64];
        let mut offset = 0;

        write!(f, "{}{} => ", fill(12), i)?;
        while !sizes.is_empty() {
            let size = sizes.last().ok_or(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::Other))?.clone();
            if bits >= size {
                if offset > 0 {
                    write!(f, " && ")?;
                write!(f, "cmp!($a, $b, u{}, {})", size, offset)?;
                bits = bits.checked_sub(size).ok_or(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::Other))?;
                offset += size / 8;
            } else {
            if bits == 0 {
        writeln!(f, ",")?;

             "{}_ => unsafe {{ memcmp($a, $b, $len) == 0 }},",

    writeln!(f, "{}}}", fill(8))?;
    writeln!(f, "{}}}}}", fill(4))?;
    writeln!(f, ");")?;