fancy-regex 0.11.0

An implementation of regexes, supporting a relatively rich set of features, including backreferences and look-around.
use std::fmt;

/// Result type for this crate with specific error enum.
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;

pub type ParseErrorPosition = usize;

/// An error as the result of parsing, compiling or running a regex.
pub enum Error {
    /// An error as a result of parsing a regex pattern, with the position where the error occurred
    ParseError(ParseErrorPosition, ParseError),
    /// An error as a result of compiling a regex
    /// An error as a result of running a regex

    /// This enum may grow additional variants, so this makes sure clients don't count on exhaustive
    /// matching. Otherwise, adding a new variant could break existing code.

/// An error for the result of parsing a regex pattern.
pub enum ParseError {
    /// General parsing error
    /// Opening parenthesis without closing parenthesis, e.g. `(a|b`
    /// Invalid repeat syntax
    /// Pattern too deeply nested
    /// Backslash without following character
    /// Invalid escape
    /// Unicode escape not closed
    /// Invalid hex escape
    /// Invalid codepoint for hex or unicode escape
    /// Invalid character class
    /// Unknown group flag
    /// Disabling Unicode not supported
    /// Invalid back reference
    /// Quantifier on lookaround or other zero-width assertion
    /// Couldn't parse group name
    /// Invalid group id in escape sequence

    /// This enum may grow additional variants, so this makes sure clients don't count on exhaustive
    /// matching. Otherwise, adding a new variant could break existing code.

/// An error as the result of compiling a regex.
pub enum CompileError {
    /// Regex crate error
    /// Look-behind assertion without constant size
    /// Couldn't parse group name
    /// Invalid group id in escape sequence
    /// Invalid back reference
    /// Once named groups are used you cannot refer to groups by number

    /// This enum may grow additional variants, so this makes sure clients don't count on exhaustive
    /// matching. Otherwise, adding a new variant could break existing code.

/// An error as the result of executing a regex.
pub enum RuntimeError {
    /// Max stack size exceeded for backtracking while executing regex.
    /// Max limit for backtracking count exceeded while executing the regex.
    /// Configure using
    /// [`RegexBuilder::backtrack_limit`](struct.RegexBuilder.html#method.backtrack_limit).

    /// This enum may grow additional variants, so this makes sure clients don't count on exhaustive
    /// matching. Otherwise, adding a new variant could break existing code.

impl ::std::error::Error for Error {}

impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            ParseError::GeneralParseError(s) => write!(f, "General parsing error: {}", s),
            ParseError::UnclosedOpenParen => {
                write!(f, "Opening parenthesis without closing parenthesis")
            ParseError::InvalidRepeat => write!(f, "Invalid repeat syntax"),
            ParseError::RecursionExceeded => write!(f, "Pattern too deeply nested"),
            ParseError::TrailingBackslash => write!(f, "Backslash without following character"),
            ParseError::InvalidEscape(s) => write!(f, "Invalid escape: {}", s),
            ParseError::UnclosedUnicodeName => write!(f, "Unicode escape not closed"),
            ParseError::InvalidHex => write!(f, "Invalid hex escape"),
            ParseError::InvalidCodepointValue => {
                write!(f, "Invalid codepoint for hex or unicode escape")
            ParseError::InvalidClass => write!(f, "Invalid character class"),
            ParseError::UnknownFlag(s) => write!(f, "Unknown group flag: {}", s),
            ParseError::NonUnicodeUnsupported => write!(f, "Disabling Unicode not supported"),
            ParseError::InvalidBackref => write!(f, "Invalid back reference"),
            ParseError::InvalidGroupName => write!(f, "Could not parse group name"),
            ParseError::InvalidGroupNameBackref(s) => {
                write!(f, "Invalid group name in back reference: {}", s)
            ParseError::TargetNotRepeatable => write!(f, "Target of repeat operator is invalid"),

            ParseError::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

impl fmt::Display for CompileError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            CompileError::InnerError(e) => write!(f, "Regex error: {}", e),
            CompileError::LookBehindNotConst => {
                write!(f, "Look-behind assertion without constant size")
            CompileError::InvalidGroupName => write!(f, "Could not parse group name"),
            CompileError::InvalidGroupNameBackref(s) => write!(f, "Invalid group name in back reference: {}", s),
            CompileError::InvalidBackref => write!(f, "Invalid back reference"),
            CompileError::NamedBackrefOnly => write!(f, "Numbered backref/call not allowed because named group was used, use a named backref instead"),

            CompileError::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

impl fmt::Display for RuntimeError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            RuntimeError::StackOverflow => write!(f, "Max stack size exceeded for backtracking"),
            RuntimeError::BacktrackLimitExceeded => {
                write!(f, "Max limit for backtracking count exceeded")

            RuntimeError::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Error::ParseError(position, parse_error) => {
                write!(f, "Parsing error at position {}: {}", position, parse_error)
            Error::CompileError(compile_error) => {
                write!(f, "Error compiling regex: {}", compile_error)
            Error::RuntimeError(runtime_error) => {
                write!(f, "Error executing regex: {}", runtime_error)

            Error::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

impl From<CompileError> for Error {
    fn from(compile_error: CompileError) -> Self {