
from __future__ import print_function
import string, os, sys, platform, subprocess

myplatform = sys.platform
if myplatform == 'linux2':
    myplatform = 'linux'

def is_in_path(program):
    """ Does the program exist in the PATH? """
    def is_exe(fpath):
        return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        return is_exe(program)
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            path = path.strip('"')
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return True
    return False

def can_run(cmd):
    print('# trying', cmd, file=sys.stdout)
        subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        print("# error: ", e)
        return False

have_sass = can_run('sass -h')
have_help2man = can_run('help2man --help')
have_checkinstall = can_run('checkinstall --version')

os.system('rm -rf testing-flags')
with open('testing-flags/test.c', 'w') as f:
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <ftw.h> /* If we can't use ftw.h, then we've got a problem (e.g. old mingw) */

int main() {
  return 0;

optional_flags = ['-Wall', '-Werror', '-g', '-O2', '-flto']
optional_linkflags = ['-lprofiler', '-flto']

# To enable coverage testing define the environment variable $COVERAGE
if os.getenv('COVERAGE') != None:
    optional_flags += ['--coverage', "-DCOVERAGE"]
    optional_linkflags += ['--coverage']

possible_flags = ['-std=c11', '-std=c99']
possible_linkflags = ['-lpthread', '-lm']

if os.getenv('MINIMAL') == None:
    print('# We are not minimal')
    possible_flags += optional_flags
    possible_linkflags += optional_linkflags

if os.getenv('MINIMAL') == None:
    print('# We are not minimal')
    variants = {'': {'cc': os.getenv('CC', 'gcc'),
                     'flags': [os.getenv('CFLAGS', '') + ' -Ibigbro', '-g'],
                     'linkflags': [os.getenv('LDFLAGS', '')],
                     'os': platform.system().lower(),
                     'arch': platform.machine()},
                '-static': {'cc': os.getenv('CC', 'gcc'),
                            'flags': [os.getenv('CFLAGS', '') + ' -Ibigbro'],
                            'linkflags': [os.getenv('LDFLAGS', ''), '-static'],
                            'os': platform.system().lower(),
                            'arch': platform.machine()},
                '-afl': {'cc': 'afl-gcc',
                            'flags': [os.getenv('CFLAGS', '') + ' -Ibigbro'],
                            'linkflags': [os.getenv('LDFLAGS', ''), '-static'],
                            'os': platform.system().lower(),
                            'arch': platform.machine()},
                '-win': {'cc': 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc',
                         'flags': ['-Ibigbro'],
                         'linkflags': [''],
                         'os': 'win32',
                         'arch': 'amd64'}}
    print('# We are minimal')
    cc = os.getenv('CC', 'oopsies')
    variants = {'': {'cc': os.getenv('CC', 'gcc'),
                     'flags': [os.getenv('CFLAGS', '${CFLAGS} -Ibigbro')],
                     'linkflags': [os.getenv('LDFLAGS', '${LDFLAGS-}')],
                     'os': platform.system().lower(),
                     'arch': platform.machine()}}

    print('# compiling with just the variant:', variants)

def compile_works(flags):
    return can_run('%s %s -c -o testing-flags/test.o testing-flags/test.c' % (cc, ' '.join(flags)))
def link_works(flags):
    return can_run('%s -o testing-flags/test testing-flags/test.c %s' % (cc, ' '.join(flags)))

for variant in variants.keys():
    print('# Considering variant: "%s"' % variant)
    cc = variants[variant]['cc']
    flags = variants[variant]['flags']
    linkflags = variants[variant]['linkflags']

    if not compile_works(flags):
        print('# unable to compile using %s %s -c test.c' % (cc, ' '.join(flags)))
    if not link_works(linkflags):
        print('# unable to link using %s %s -o test test.c\n' % (cc, ' '.join(linkflags)))

    for flag in possible_flags:
        if compile_works(flags+[flag]):
            flags += [flag]
            print('# %s%s cannot use flag:' % (cc, variant), flag)
    if len(flags) > 0 and flags[0] == ' ':
        flags = flags[1:]
    for flag in possible_linkflags:
        if link_works(linkflags + [flag]):
            linkflags += [flag]
            print('# %s%s linking cannot use flag:' % (cc, variant), flag)

    if '-std=c11' in flags:
        flags = [f for f in flags if f != '-std=c99']
    linkflags = list(filter(None, linkflags))
    flags = list(filter(None, flags))

    variants[variant]['flags'] = flags
    variants[variant]['linkflags'] = linkflags

    sources = ['main', 'fac', 'files', 'targets', 'clean-all', 'build', 'git',
               'mkdir', 'arguments']

    libsources = ['listset', 'iterablehash', 'sha1']

    for s in sources:
        print('| %s %s -o %s%s.o -c %s.c' % (cc, ' '.join(flags), s, variant, s))
        print('> %s%s.o' % (s, variant))
        if '-flto' in flags and s == 'main':
            print('c %s%s.gcno' % (s, variant))
        if s == 'fac':
            print('< version-identifier.h')

    for s in libsources:
        print('| cd lib && %s %s -o %s%s.o -c %s.c' % (cc, ' '.join(flags), s, variant, s))
        print('> lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant))

    ctests = ['listset', 'spinner', 'iterable_hash_test', 'assertion-fails']

    if variant != '-win':
        for test in ctests:
            print('| %s '%cc+' '.join(linkflags)+' -o tests/%s%s.test' % (test, variant),
                  'tests/%s%s.o' % (test, variant),
                  ' '.join(['lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant) for s in libsources]))
            print('> tests/%s%s.test' % (test, variant))
            print('< tests/%s%s.o' % (test, variant))
            for s in libsources:
                print('< lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant))

            print('| cd tests && %s %s -o %s%s.o -c %s.c'
                  % (cc, ' '.join(flags), test, variant, test))
            print('> tests/%s%s.o' % (test, variant))

    def build_fac(postfix=''):
        print('| %s -o fac%s%s %s' %
              (cc, variant, postfix,
               ' '.join(['%s%s.o' % (s, variant) for s in sources]
                        + ['bigbro/bigbro-%s.o' % myplatform]
                        + ['lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant) for s in libsources]
                        + linkflags)))
        print('< bigbro/bigbro-%s.o' % myplatform)
        for s in sources:
            print('< %s%s.o' % (s, variant))
        for s in libsources:
            print('< lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant))
        print('> fac%s%s' % (variant, postfix))
        print('c .gcno')

    if variant != '-win':
        print('| %s -o fac.exe -static %s' %
               ' '.join(['%s%s.o' % (s, variant) for s in sources]
                        + ['bigbro/libbigbro-windows.a']
                        + ['lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant) for s in libsources]
                        + linkflags)))
        print('< bigbro/libbigbro-windows.a')
        for s in sources:
            print('< %s%s.o' % (s, variant))
        for s in libsources:
            print('< lib/%s%s.o' % (s, variant))
        print('> fac.exe')

os.system('rm -rf testing-flags')

if have_checkinstall and have_help2man:
| sh build/
> web/fac-latest.deb
< fac-static
< fac.1
C target
c ~
C src
c .html
    print("# no checkinstall+help2man, so we won't build a debian package")

if have_help2man:
| help2man --no-info ./fac > fac.1
< fac''')
    print("# no help2man, so we won't build the man page")

if have_sass:
| sass -I. web/style.scss web/style.css
> web/style.css
C .sass-cache
    print("# no sass, so we won't build style.css")

def cargo_cmd(cmd, inps, outs):
        print('\n| {}'.format(cmd))
        for i in inps:
            print("< {}".format(i))
        for o in outs:
            print("> {}".format(o))
        if 'cargo-test-output.log' not in outs:
            print('c .log')
        print('''c ~
c #
C .nfs
c ~
c .fac
c .tum
c .pyc
c .o
c fac.exe
c __pycache__
c .gcda
c .gcno
c .gcov
c src/
c Cargo.lock
c fac
c fac-afl
c -pak
c .deb
c .1
C doc-pak
C bench
C tests
C bugs
C web
C target
C bigbro

if is_in_path('cargo'):
    cargo_cmd("cargo build --features strict && mv target/debug/fac debug-fac", [],
    # cargo_cmd("cargo test --features strict > cargo-test-output.log",
    #           [], ['cargo-test-output.log'])
    cargo_cmd("cargo doc --no-deps && cp -a target/doc web/", [],
    cargo_cmd("cargo build --release && mv target/release/fac rust-fac", [],
# make copies of the executables, so that if cargo fails we will still
# have an old version of the executable, since cargo deletes output on
# failure.
| cp debug-fac backup-debug-fac
< debug-fac
> backup-debug-fac

| cp rust-fac backup-rust-fac
< rust-fac
> backup-rust-fac""")
    print('# no cargo, so cannot build using rust')

    targets = subprocess.check_output('rustup show', shell=True)
    if b'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu' in targets:
        cargo_cmd("cargo build --features strict --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu", [], [])
    print('# no rust for windows')