#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#define __BSD_VISIBLE 1
/* the following enables scandir on darwin */

#include "errors.h"
#include "fac.h"
#include "build.h"

#include "bigbro.h"
#include "lib/listset.h"

#include <assert.h>

#ifdef _WIN32

#include <direct.h> // for _chdir
#define chdir _chdir
#include <windows.h> // for Sleep and file IO with HANDLEs
#define sleep Sleep

static bigbro_fd_t mkstemp_win(const char *namebuf) {
  char *lpTempPathBuffer = malloc(MAX_PATH);
  char *szTempFileName = malloc(MAX_PATH);
  //  Gets the temp path env string (no guarantee it's a valid path).
  long dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,          // length of the buffer
                              lpTempPathBuffer); // buffer for path 
  if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0)) {
    return invalid_bigbro_fd;
  //  Generates a temporary file name. 
  dwRetVal = GetTempFileName(lpTempPathBuffer, // directory for tmp files
                            namebuf,     // temp file name prefix 
                            0,                // create unique name 
                            szTempFileName);  // buffer for name 
  if (dwRetVal == 0) {
    return invalid_bigbro_fd;
  //  Creates the new file to write to for the upper-case version.
  HANDLE hTempFile =
    CreateFile((LPTSTR) szTempFileName, // file name 
                GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, // open for write 
                0,                    // do not share 
                NULL,                 // default security 
                CREATE_ALWAYS,        // overwrite existing
                NULL);                // no template 
  return hTempFile;


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <dirent.h>

#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/inotify.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>


#include <semaphore.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

static listset *facfiles_used = NULL;

static void save_factum_files(struct all_targets *all) {
  while (facfiles_used) {
    char *donefile = done_name(facfiles_used->path);
    FILE *f = fopen(donefile, "w");
    if (!f) error(1,errno,"oopse");
    fprint_facfile(f, all, facfiles_used->path);
    listset *to_delete = facfiles_used;
    facfiles_used = facfiles_used->next;

static  void dump_to_stdout(bigbro_fd_t fd);

static inline double double_time(void) {
#ifdef _WIN32
  return GetTickCount()*1e-3;
  struct timeval now;
  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  return now.tv_sec + now.tv_usec*1e-6;

// The following is used for tracking paths to watch.
struct a_path {
  struct hash_entry e;
  const char path[];

// This code determines if a file might be in the internal files of a
// git repository (any git repository).  We whitelist the hooks
// directory of each repository, since it is reasonable (or
// semireasonable) for rules to create files in there.  Note that this
// is basically special-casing a "cache" location.  It seems
// worthwhile, because we know that random git commands may modify
// files in ./git.
static inline bool is_git_path(const char *path) {
  while (*path) {
    // Note: the following relies on short-circuit && to maintain
    // memory safety.
    if (path[0] == '/' &&
        path[1] == '.' &&
        path[2] == 'g' &&
        path[3] == 'i' &&
        path[4] == 't' &&
        path[5] == '/') {
      if (path[6] == 'h' &&
          path[7] == 'o' &&
          path[8] == 'o' &&
          path[9] == 'k' &&
          path[10] == 's' &&
          path[11] == '/') {
        return false;
      return true;
  return false;

bool is_interesting_path(struct rule *r, const char *path) {
  const int len = strlen(path);
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_cache_prefixes;i++) {
    bool matches = true;
    for (int j=0;r->cache_prefixes[i][j];j++) {
      if (path[j] != r->cache_prefixes[i][j]) {
        matches = false;
    if (matches) return false;
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_cache_suffixes;i++) {
    bool matches = true;
    for (int j=0;r->cache_suffixes_reversed[i][j];j++) {
      if (path[len-j-1] != r->cache_suffixes_reversed[i][j]) {
        matches = false;
    if (matches) return false;
  return true;

static void check_cleanliness(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r);

static inline void mark_rule(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r) {
  assert(r->status == unknown);
  set_status(all, r, marked);

void mark_facfiles(struct all_targets *all) {
  for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all->r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
    if (r->status == unknown || r->status == unready) {
      for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
        if (is_facfile(r->outputs[i]->path)) {
          set_status(all, r, unknown);
          mark_rule(all, r);
void mark_all(struct all_targets *all) {
  for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all->r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
    if (r->status == unknown && r->is_default) mark_rule(all, r);

static void find_latency(struct rule *r) {
  if (r->latency_handled) return;
  r->latency_handled = true;
  double maxchild = 0;
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
    for (int j=0;j<r->outputs[i]->num_children;j++) {
      if (r->outputs[i]->children[j]->latency_estimate > maxchild)
        maxchild = r->outputs[i]->children[j]->latency_estimate;
  r->latency_estimate = r->build_time + maxchild;
static void rule_is_ready(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r) {
  if (false) {
    set_status(all, r, dirty);
  } else {
    /* the following keeps the read_list sorted by latency */

    /* Note that this costs O(N) in the number of ready jobs, and thus
       could be very expensive.  So we probably should throttle this
       feature based on the number of ready jobs. */


    /* remove from its former list */
    if (r->status_prev) {
      (*r->status_prev) = r->status_next;
    if (r->status_next) {
      r->status_next->status_prev = r->status_prev;

    r->status = dirty;
    all->estimated_times[dirty] += r->build_time;

    struct rule **list = &all->lists[dirty];
    while (*list && (*list)->latency_estimate > r->latency_estimate) {
      list = &(*list)->status_next;
    r->status_next = *list;
    r->status_prev = list;
    if (r->status_next) r->status_next->status_prev = &r->status_next;
    *list = r;

static void built_rule(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r) {
  set_status(all, r, built);
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
    for (int j=0;j<r->outputs[i]->num_children;j++) {
      if (r->outputs[i]->children[j]->status == unready)
        check_cleanliness(all, r->outputs[i]->children[j]);
static void rule_failed(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r) {
  if (r->status == failed) return; /* just in case! */
  r->num_inputs = r->num_explicit_inputs;
  /* We do not want to throw away old non-explicit outputs, since
     these outputs may still exist in the repository. */

  set_status(all, r, failed);
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
    for (int j=0;j<r->outputs[i]->num_children;j++) {
      rule_failed(all, r->outputs[i]->children[j]);

static void find_target_sha1(struct target *t, const char *why) {
  if (t->is_file) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    printf("FIXME: I could use stdio here rather than file descriptors.\n");
    int fd = open(t->path, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd > 0) {
      if (false) verbose_printf(" *** sha1sum %s (%s)\n", pretty_path(t->path), why);
      const int bufferlen = 4096*1024;
      char *buffer = malloc(bufferlen);
      int readlen, total_size = 0;
      sha1nfo sh;
      while ((readlen = read(fd, buffer, bufferlen)) > 0) {
        sha1_write(&sh, buffer, readlen);
        total_size += readlen;
      if (readlen == 0) {
        t->stat.hash = sha1_out(&sh);
  } else if (t->is_symlink) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    int bufferlen = 0;
    char *buffer = NULL;
    int readlen;
    do {
      bufferlen += 4096;
      buffer = realloc(buffer, bufferlen);
      readlen = readlink(t->path, buffer, bufferlen);
      if (readlen < 0) error(1, errno, "error reading symlink %s", t->path);
    } while (readlen > bufferlen);
    sha1nfo sh;
    sha1_write(&sh, buffer, readlen);
    t->stat.hash = sha1_out(&sh);
  } else if (t->is_dir) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    struct dirent **namelist;
    int n;
    n = scandir(t->path, &namelist, NULL, alphasort);
    if (n >= 0) {
      if (false) verbose_printf(" *** sha1directory %s (%s)\n", pretty_path(t->path), why);
      sha1nfo sh;

      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        sha1_write(&sh, namelist[i]->d_name, strlen(namelist[i]->d_name)+1); // write the null byte!
      t->stat.hash = sha1_out(&sh);

static struct target *create_target_with_stat(struct all_targets *all,
                                              const char *path) {
  struct target *t = create_target(all, path);
  if (!t->stat.time) {
#ifndef _WIN32
    struct stat st;
    if (lstat(t->path, &st)) return NULL;
    t->is_file = S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
    t->is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
    t->is_symlink = S_ISLNK(st.st_mode);
    t->stat.size = st.st_size;
    t->stat.time = st.st_mtime;
  return t;

static inline void erase_and_printf(const char *format, ...) {
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
    char *total_format = malloc(strlen(format) + 4096);
    sprintf(total_format, "                                                   \r%s", format);
    vfprintf(stdout, total_format, args);
  } else {
    vfprintf(stdout, format, args);

static bool have_announced_rebuild_excuse = false;
static inline void rebuild_excuse(struct rule *r, const char *format, ...) {
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  if (verbose && !have_announced_rebuild_excuse) {
    have_announced_rebuild_excuse = true;
    char *total_format = malloc(strlen(format) + 4096);
    sprintf(total_format, "                                                   \r *** Building %s\n     because %s.\n",
            pretty_rule(r), format);
    vfprintf(stdout, total_format, args);

static void check_cleanliness(struct all_targets *all, struct rule *r) {
  if (r->status != unknown && r->status != unready && r->status != marked) {
    /* We have already determined the cleanliness of this rule. */
  if (r->num_inputs == 0 && r->num_outputs == 0) {
    /* Presumably this means we have never built this rule, and its
       inputs are in git. */
    rule_is_ready(all, r);
  have_announced_rebuild_excuse = false;
  int old_status = r->status;
  r->status = being_determined;
  bool am_now_unready = false;
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_inputs;i++) {
    if (r->inputs[i]->rule) {
      if (r->inputs[i]->rule->status == unknown ||
          r->inputs[i]->rule->status == marked) {
        check_cleanliness(all, r->inputs[i]->rule);
      if (r->inputs[i]->rule->status == being_determined)
        error_at_line(1, 0, pretty_path(r->facfile_path), r->facfile_linenum,
                      "error: cycle involving %s, %s and %s\n",
      if (r->inputs[i]->rule->status == dirty ||
          r->inputs[i]->rule->status == unready ||
          r->inputs[i]->rule->status == building) {
        am_now_unready = true;
  r->status = old_status;
  if (am_now_unready) {
    set_status(all, r, unready);
  bool is_dirty = false;
  if (r->num_inputs == 0 && r->num_outputs == 0) {
    rebuild_excuse(r, "we have never built it");
    is_dirty = true;
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_inputs;i++) {
    if (!r->inputs[i]->is_in_git && !is_git_path(r->inputs[i]->path) &&
        !r->inputs[i]->rule && is_in_root(r->inputs[i]->path)) {
      if (i < r->num_explicit_inputs) {
        set_status(all, r, unready);
      } else if (r->inputs[i]->is_file) {
        rebuild_excuse(r, "input %s does not exist", pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
        rule_is_ready(all, r);
    if (is_dirty) continue; // no need to do the rest now
    if (r->inputs[i]->rule && r->inputs[i]->rule->status == built) {
      if (sha1_is_zero(r->inputs[i]->stat.hash)) find_target_sha1(r->inputs[i], "just built");
      if (sha1_same(r->input_stats[i].hash, r->inputs[i]->stat.hash)) {
        if (false) verbose_printf(" *** hashing saved us work on %s due to rebuild of %s\n",
                                  pretty_rule(r), pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
        r->input_stats[i].time = r->inputs[i]->stat.time;
        r->input_stats[i].size = r->inputs[i]->stat.size;
        insert_to_listset(&facfiles_used, r->facfile_path);
      } else {
        rebuild_excuse(r, "%s has been rebuilt", pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
        is_dirty = true;
    if (r->input_stats[i].time) {
      if (!create_target_with_stat(all, r->inputs[i]->path) ||
          r->input_stats[i].time != r->inputs[i]->stat.time ||
          r->input_stats[i].size != r->inputs[i]->stat.size) {
        if (!sha1_is_zero(r->input_stats[i].hash) && r->input_stats[i].size == r->inputs[i]->stat.size) {
          if (sha1_is_zero(r->inputs[i]->stat.hash)) find_target_sha1(r->inputs[i],
                                                                      "same size input, but zero input_stats");
          if (sha1_same(r->input_stats[i].hash, r->inputs[i]->stat.hash)) {
            if (false) verbose_printf(" *** hashing saved us work on %s due to %s\n",
                                      pretty_rule(r), pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
            r->input_stats[i].time = r->inputs[i]->stat.time;
            r->input_stats[i].size = r->inputs[i]->stat.size;
            insert_to_listset(&facfiles_used, r->facfile_path);
          } else {
            rebuild_excuse(r, "%s is definitely modified", pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
            is_dirty = true;
        } else {
          rebuild_excuse(r, "%s is modified", pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
          is_dirty = true;
    } else {
      if (!r->inputs[i]->is_dir) {
        /* In case of an input that is a directory, if it has no input
           time, we conclude that it wasn't actually readdired, and
           only needs to exist.  Otherwise, if there is no input time,
           something is weird and we must need to rebuild. */
        rebuild_excuse(r, "#%d %s has no input time",
                       i, pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
        is_dirty = true;
  if (is_dirty) rule_is_ready(all, r);
  for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
    if (r->output_stats[i].time) {
      if (!create_target_with_stat(all, r->outputs[i]->path) ||
          r->output_stats[i].time != r->outputs[i]->stat.time ||
          r->output_stats[i].size != r->outputs[i]->stat.size) {
        /* If the rule creates a directory, we want to ignore any
           changes within that directory, there is no reason to
           rebuild just because the directory contents changed. */
        if (!r->outputs[i]->is_dir) {
          rebuild_excuse(r, "%s has wrong output time",
          is_dirty = true;
    } else {
      rebuild_excuse(r, "%s has no output time", pretty_path(r->outputs[i]->path));
      is_dirty = true;
  if (is_dirty) {
    rule_is_ready(all, r);
  } else {
    set_status(all, r, clean);
    if (old_status == unready) {
      for (int i=0;i<r->num_outputs;i++) {
        for (int j=0;j<r->outputs[i]->num_children;j++) {
          if (r->outputs[i]->children[j]->status == unready)
            check_cleanliness(all, r->outputs[i]->children[j]);

struct building {
  int all_done;
  bool blind;
  pid_t child_pid;
  sem_t *slots_available;
  bigbro_fd_t stdouterrfd;
  double build_time;
  struct rule *rule;
  char **readdir, **mkdir, **read, **written;

static void *run_bigbrother(void *ptr) {
  struct building *b = ptr;

  b->readdir = NULL;
  b->mkdir = NULL;
  b->read = NULL;
  b->written = NULL;
  if (dry_run || b->blind) {
    b->readdir = malloc(sizeof(char *));
    *b->readdir = NULL;
    b->mkdir = malloc(sizeof(char *));
    *b->mkdir = NULL;
    b->read = malloc(sizeof(char *));
    *b->read = NULL;
    b->written = malloc(sizeof(char *));
    *b->written  = NULL;
  if (dry_run) {
    b->build_time = rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
    // memory barrier to ensure b->all_done is not modified before we
    // finish filling everything in:
    b->all_done = failed;
    return NULL;

  double started = double_time();
  int ret;
  if (b->blind) {
    ret = bigbro_blind(b->rule->working_directory,
                       b->stdouterrfd, b->stdouterrfd, NULL,
  } else {
    ret = bigbro(b->rule->working_directory,
                 b->stdouterrfd, b->stdouterrfd, NULL,
                 &b->readdir, &b->mkdir, &b->read, &b->written);

  b->build_time = double_time() - started;
  // memory barrier to ensure b->all_done is not modified before we
  // finish filling everything in:
  if (ret != 0) {
    b->all_done = failed;
  } else {
    b->all_done = built;
  return NULL;

static struct building *build_rule(struct all_targets *all,
                                   struct rule *r,
                                   sem_t *slots_available,
                                   const char *log_directory,
                                   bool blind) {
  struct building *b = malloc(sizeof(struct building));
  b->blind = blind;
  b->rule = r;
  b->slots_available = slots_available;
  b->stdouterrfd = invalid_bigbro_fd; /* start with an invalid value */
  if (log_directory) {
    char *path = absolute_path(root, log_directory);
    add_cache_prefix(r, path);
    const char *rname = pretty_rule(r);
    char *fname = malloc(strlen(log_directory) + strlen(rname)+2);
#ifdef _WIN32
    mkdir(log_directory, 0777); // ignore failure
    strcpy(fname, log_directory);
    int start = strlen(log_directory);
    fname[start++] = '/';
    const int rulelen = strlen(rname);
    for (int i=0;i<rulelen;i++) {
      switch (rname[i]) {
      case '/':
      case ' ':
      case '"':
      case '\'':
        fname[start+i] = '_';
        fname[start+i] = rname[i];
    fname[start+rulelen] = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
    b->stdouterrfd = CreateFileA(fname,
                                 GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ,
                                 NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
                                 CREATE_ALWAYS, // dwCreationDisposition
                                 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // dwFlagsAndAttributes
                                 NULL // hTemplateFile
    printf("Do something here!\n");
    b->stdouterrfd = open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
  if (b->stdouterrfd == invalid_bigbro_fd) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    const char *templ = "fac-";
    b->stdouterrfd = mkstemp_win(templ);
    // FIXME: figure out how to unlink file!
    const char *templ = "/tmp/fac-XXXXXX";
    char *namebuf = malloc(strlen(templ)+1);
    strcpy(namebuf, templ);
    b->stdouterrfd = mkstemp(namebuf);
  b->all_done = building;
  set_status(all, r, building);

  /* Now we go ahead and actually start running the build. */
  pthread_t child = 0;
  pthread_create(&child, NULL, run_bigbrother, b);

  return b;

static double starting_time;
static double elapsed_seconds, elapsed_minutes;
static bool am_interrupted = false;

void initialize_starting_time(void) {
  starting_time = double_time();

static sem_t *slots_available = NULL;

#ifndef _WIN32
static void handle_interrupt(int sig) {
  am_interrupted = true;
  if (slots_available) sem_post(slots_available); // interrupt things now!

static void find_elapsed_time(void) {
  double et = double_time() - starting_time;
  elapsed_minutes = floor(et/60);
  elapsed_seconds = et - elapsed_minutes*60;

static void delete_from_array(char **array, const char *str) {
  for (int i=0; array[i]; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(array[i], str)) {
      array[i] = "/dev/null"; // hokey hokey way to delete an entry

static void build_marked(struct all_targets *all, const char *log_directory,
                         bool git_add_files, bool happy_building_at_least_one,
                         bool ignore_missing_files, bool blind,
                         struct hash_table *files_to_watch) {
  int num_built_when_we_started = all->num_with_status[built];
  if (!all->lists[marked] && !all->lists[dirty]) {
    if (all->num_with_status[failed]) {
      printf("Failed to build %d files.\n", all->num_with_status[failed]);
    return; /* nothing to build */

  if (!num_jobs) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    num_jobs = 1;
    num_jobs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
    verbose_printf("Using %d jobs\n", num_jobs);

  struct building **bs = malloc(num_jobs*sizeof(struct building *));
  slots_available = malloc(sizeof(sem_t));
  if (sem_init(slots_available, 0, 0) == -1) {
    error(1, errno, "unable to create semaphore");
  for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) bs[i] = NULL;
#ifndef _WIN32
  struct sigaction act, oldact;
  act.sa_handler = handle_interrupt;
  act.sa_flags = 0;
  sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oldact);

  bool need_to_try_again = false;
  do {
    need_to_try_again = false;

    for (struct rule *r = all->lists[marked]; r; r = all->lists[marked]) {
      check_cleanliness(all, r);

    do {
      int threads_in_use = 0;
      for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) {
        if (bs[i]) threads_in_use++;

      if (threads_in_use) {
        sem_wait(slots_available); // wait for *someone* to finish
        sem_post(slots_available); // to get the counting right.
        for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) {
          if (bs[i] && bs[i]->all_done != building) {

            all->estimated_times[bs[i]->rule->status] -= bs[i]->rule->build_time;
            bs[i]->rule->old_build_time = bs[i]->rule->build_time;
            bs[i]->rule->build_time = bs[i]->build_time;
            all->estimated_times[bs[i]->rule->status] += bs[i]->rule->build_time;
            /* the blank spaces below clear out the progress message */
            const int num_built = 1 + all->num_with_status[failed] + all->num_with_status[built];
            const int num_total = all->num_with_status[failed] + all->num_with_status[built] +
              all->num_with_status[building] + all->num_with_status[dirty] +
            if (bs[i]->build_time < 10) {
              erase_and_printf("%d/%d [%.2fs]: %s\n",
                               num_built, num_total, bs[i]->build_time, bs[i]->rule->command);
            } else if (bs[i]->build_time < 100) {
              erase_and_printf("%d/%d [%.1fs]: %s\n",
                               num_built, num_total, bs[i]->build_time, bs[i]->rule->command);
            } else {
              erase_and_printf("%d/%d [%.0fs]: %s\n",
                               num_built, num_total, bs[i]->build_time, bs[i]->rule->command);
            double estimated_time = (all->estimated_times[building] +
                                     all->estimated_times[dirty] +
            if (estimated_time > 1.0) {
              int build_minutes = (int)(estimated_time/60);
              double build_seconds = estimated_time - 60*build_minutes;
              double total_seconds = elapsed_seconds + build_seconds;
              double total_minutes = elapsed_minutes + build_minutes;
              if (total_seconds > 60) {
                total_minutes += 1;
                total_seconds -= 60;
              if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
                erase_and_printf("Build time remaining: %d:%02.0f / %.0f:%02.0f\r",
                                 build_minutes, build_seconds, total_minutes, total_seconds);
              } else {
                erase_and_printf("Build time remaining: %d:%02.0f / %.0f:%02.0f\n",
                                 build_minutes, build_seconds, total_minutes, total_seconds);
            if (bs[i]->all_done != built || show_output) {
            if (bs[i]->all_done != built && bs[i]->all_done != failed) {
              erase_and_printf("INTERRUPTED! or crashed?  bs[i]->all_done == %d\n",
              // pretty_status(bs[i]->all_done));
              am_interrupted = true;
            if (files_to_watch) {
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->read[nn]; nn++) {
                if (!lookup_in_hash(files_to_watch, bs[i]->read[nn])) {
                  struct a_path *foo = malloc(sizeof(struct a_path) + strlen(bs[i]->read[nn])+1);
                  foo->e.key = foo->path;
                  strcpy((char *)foo->path, bs[i]->read[nn]);
                  foo-> = NULL;
                  add_to_hash(files_to_watch, &foo->e);
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->readdir[nn]; nn++) {
                if (!lookup_in_hash(files_to_watch, bs[i]->readdir[nn])) {
                  struct a_path *foo = malloc(sizeof(struct a_path) + strlen(bs[i]->readdir[nn])+1);
                  foo->e.key = foo->path;
                  strcpy((char *)foo->path, bs[i]->readdir[nn]);
                  foo-> = NULL;
                  add_to_hash(files_to_watch, &foo->e);

            if (bs[i]->all_done == failed) {
              rule_failed(all, bs[i]->rule);
              erase_and_printf("build failed: %s\n", pretty_rule(bs[i]->rule));
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->written[nn]; nn++) {
                // Delete any files that were created, so that they
                // will be properly re-created next time this command
                // is run.
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->mkdir[nn]; nn++) {
                // Delete any directories that were created, so that
                // they will be properly re-created next time this
                // command is run.
              bs[i] = NULL;

            struct rule *r = bs[i]->rule;
            insert_to_listset(&facfiles_used, r->facfile_path);

            /* First, we want to save as many of the old inputs as
               possible. */
            for (int ii=0; ii<r->num_inputs; ii++) {
              struct target *t = create_target_with_stat(all, r->inputs[ii]->path);
              if (t
                  && sha1_is_zero(t->stat.hash)
                  && t->stat.time == r->input_stats[ii].time
                  && t->stat.size == r->input_stats[ii].size) {
                /* Assume with same modification time and size that
                   the file contents are not changed. */
                t->stat.hash = r->input_stats[ii].hash;
            /* Forget the non-explicit imputs, as we will re-add those
               inputs that were actually used in the build */
            r->num_inputs = r->num_explicit_inputs;
            for (int ii=0;ii<r->num_inputs;ii++) {
              struct target *t = create_target_with_stat(all, r->inputs[ii]->path);
              if (!t) {
                error(1, 0, "Unable to stat input file %s (this should be impossible)\n",
              } else {
                if (!t->is_dir) {
                  /* If this was a directory, let us only output its
                     properties later, if it turns out we actually saw
                     a readdir.  Otherwise, we conclude that it only
                     needed to exist, not to have any particular
                     contents. */
                  if (sha1_is_zero(t->stat.hash)) find_target_sha1(t, "we have no hash");
                  add_input(r, t);
                  delete_from_array(bs[i]->read, r->inputs[ii]->path);
                  delete_from_array(bs[i]->written, r->inputs[ii]->path);
            for (int ii=0;ii<r->num_outputs;ii++) {
              struct target *t = lookup_target(all, r->outputs[ii]->path);
              if (t) {
                t->stat.time = 0;
                t->stat.size = 0;
              t = create_target_with_stat(all, r->outputs[ii]->path);
              if (!t && ii < r->num_explicit_outputs) {
                erase_and_printf("build failed to create: %s\n",
                rule_failed(all, r);
                if (!show_output) {
                bs[i] = NULL;
              } else if (!t) {
                /* This file was previously created, but is no longer
                   there, so we should remove it from the list of
                   outputs. */
                r->outputs[ii]->rule = NULL; // dissociate ourselves with this output
                r->outputs[ii]->status = dirty; // mark it as dirty, since we didn't create it

                r->num_outputs -= 1;
                for (int j=ii;j<r->num_outputs;j++) {
                  r->outputs[j] = r->outputs[j+1];
                ii -= 1; /* we need to do "ii" one more time, since we
                            shifted everything else back */
              } else {
                find_target_sha1(t, "t");
                t->rule = r;
                add_output(r, t);
                delete_from_array(bs[i]->read, r->outputs[ii]->path);
                delete_from_array(bs[i]->written, r->outputs[ii]->path);
                delete_from_array(bs[i]->mkdir, r->outputs[ii]->path);
            if (!bs[i]) break; // happens if we failed to create an output

            for (int nn=0; bs[i]->read[nn]; nn++) {
              char *path = bs[i]->read[nn];
              if (is_interesting_path(r, path)) {
                struct target *t = create_target_with_stat(all, path);
                if (!t) {
                  /* Assume that the file was deleted, and there's no
                     problem. */
                  // error(1, errno, "Unable to input stat file %s", path);
                } else {
                  if (!t->rule && is_in_root(path) && !t->is_in_git && !is_git_path(path)) {
                    if (git_add_files) {
                      t->is_in_git = true;
                    } else {
                      erase_and_printf("error: %s should be in git for %s\n",
                                       pretty_path(t->path), pretty_rule(r));
                      rule_failed(all, r);
                  if (sha1_is_zero(t->stat.hash)) find_target_sha1(t, "fixed case");
                  add_input(r, t);

            for (int nn=0; bs[i]->readdir[nn]; nn++) {
              char *path = bs[i]->readdir[nn];
              if (is_interesting_path(r, path)) {
                struct target *t = create_target_with_stat(all, path);
                if (t && t->is_dir) {
                  find_target_sha1(t, "new readdir");
                  add_input(r, t);

            for (int nn=0; bs[i]->written[nn]; nn++) {
              char *path = bs[i]->written[nn];
              // The following ignores writes to files in the .git/
              // directory, in order to avoid situations where running
              // fac -c cleans up such files, causing repository
              // corruption.  It also ignores paths that have been
              // marked as "cache" paths by the user.
              if (!is_git_path(path) && is_interesting_path(r, path)) {
                struct target *t = lookup_target(all, path);
                if (t) {
                  t->stat.time = 0;
                  t->stat.size = 0;
                t = create_target_with_stat(all, path);
                if (t && (t->is_file || t->is_symlink)) {
                  if (t->rule && t->rule != r) {
                    erase_and_printf("error: two rules generate same output %s:\n\t%s\nand\n\t%s\n",
                                     pretty_path(path), r->command, t->rule->command);
                    rule_failed(all, r);
                  if (path == pretty_path(path)) {
                    // Changed behavior in February 2017: We will just
                    // ignore files created outside the repository,
                    // rather than treating this as an error.  I have
                    // not yet found a real bug through this checking,
                    // and it ends up being a nuisance because of
                    // software (such as matplotlib or inkscape) that
                    // either uses caches or log files in the home
                    // directory.

                    // Bugs that this would have caught would be:
                    // a) temp files that aren't cleaned up
                    // b) installing files using fac

                    /* erase_and_printf("error: created file outside source directory: %s (%s)\n", */
                    /*                  path, pretty_rule(r)); */
                    /* rule_failed(all, r); */
                  } else {
                    t->rule = r;
                    t->status = unknown; // if it is a facfile, we haven't yet read it
                    find_target_sha1(t, "new output");
                    add_output(r, t);
            for (int nn=0; bs[i]->mkdir[nn]; nn++) {
              char *path = bs[i]->mkdir[nn];
              // The following ignores creation of directories in the
              // .git/ directory, in order to avoid situations where
              // running fac -c cleans up such directories, causing
              // repository corruption.  It also ignores paths that
              // have been marked as "cache" paths by the user.
              if (!is_git_path(path) && is_interesting_path(r, path)) {
                struct target *t = lookup_target(all, path);
                if (t) {
                  t->stat.time = 0;
                  t->stat.size = 0;
                t = create_target_with_stat(all, path);
                if (t && (t->is_dir)) {
                  if (path == pretty_path(path)) {
                    // Changed behavior in March 2017: We will just
                    // ignore directories created outside the repository,
                    // rather than treating this as an error.  I have
                    // not yet found a real bug through this checking,
                    // and it ends up being a nuisance because of
                    // software (such as matplotlib or inkscape) that
                    // either uses caches or log files in the home
                    // directory.

                    // Bugs that this would have caught would be:
                    // a) temp files that aren't cleaned up
                    // b) installing files using fac

                    /* erase_and_printf("error: created directory outside source directory: %s (%s)\n", */
                    /*                  path, pretty_rule(r)); */
                    /* rule_failed(all, r); */
                  } else {
                    // We allow multiple rules to mkdir the same
                    // directory.  This is fine, since we do not apply
                    // strict ordering to the creation of a directory.
                    if (!t->rule) t->rule = r;
                    add_output(r, t);
            if (r->status != failed) built_rule(all, r);
            insert_to_listset(&facfiles_used, r->facfile_path);

            if (!show_output) {
#ifdef _WIN32
            bs[i] = NULL;

        int N = num_jobs - threads_in_use;
        struct rule **toqueue = calloc(N, sizeof(struct rule *));
        int i = 0;
        for (struct rule *r = all->lists[dirty]; r && i < N; r = r->status_next) {
          toqueue[i++] = r;
        for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
          if (toqueue[i]) {
            for (int j=0;j<num_jobs;j++) {
              if (!bs[j]) {
                bs[j] = build_rule(all, toqueue[i],
                                   slots_available, log_directory,
      if (am_interrupted) {
        for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) {
          if (bs[i]) {
            verbose_printf("killing %d (%s)\n", bs[i]->child_pid,
#ifdef _WIN32
            erase_and_printf("do not know how to kill %d\n", (int)-bs[i]->child_pid);
            kill(-bs[i]->child_pid, SIGTERM); /* ask child to die */
        sleep(1); /* give them a second to die politely */
        for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) {
          if (bs[i]) {
#ifdef _WIN32
            erase_and_printf("do not know how to kill %d\n", (int)-bs[i]->child_pid);
            kill(-bs[i]->child_pid, SIGKILL); /* kill with extreme prejudice */
        for (int i=0;i<num_jobs;i++) {
          if (bs[i]) {
            if (bs[i]->written) {
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->written[nn]; nn++) {
                // Delete any files that were created, so that they
                // will be properly re-created next time this command
                // is run.
                verbose_printf("deleting %s\n", bs[i]->written[nn]);
            for (int nn=0; nn < bs[i]->rule->num_outputs; nn++) {
              verbose_printf("deleting %s\n", bs[i]->rule->outputs[nn]->path);
            if (bs[i]->mkdir) {
              for (int nn=0; bs[i]->mkdir[nn]; nn++) {
                // Delete any files that were created, so that they
                // will be properly re-created next time this command
                // is run.
            bs[i] = NULL;


    } while (all->lists[dirty] || all->lists[building]);

    int num_finally_built = all->num_with_status[built];
    for (struct rule *r = all->lists[unready]; r; r = all->lists[unready]) {
      if ((happy_building_at_least_one && num_built_when_we_started != num_finally_built)
          || ignore_missing_files) {
        set_status(all, r, unknown);
      } else {
        for (int i=0;i<r->num_inputs;i++) {
          if (!r->inputs[i]->rule && !r->inputs[i]->is_in_git &&
              !is_git_path(r->inputs[i]->path) && is_in_root(r->inputs[i]->path)) {
            if (!access(r->inputs[i]->path, R_OK)) {
              char *thepath = realpath(r->inputs[i]->path, NULL);
              if (thepath && strcmp(thepath, r->inputs[i]->path) != 0) {
                // The canonicalization of the path has changed! See
                // issue #17 which this fixes. Presumably a directory
                // has been created or a symlink modified, and the
                // path is now different.
                struct target *t = lookup_target(all, thepath);
                if (!t) t = create_target_with_stat(all, thepath);
                // There is a small memory leak here, since we don't
                // free the old target.  The trouble is that we don't
                // know if it is otherwise in use, e.g. as the output
                // or input of a different rule.  This *shouldn't* be
                // common, since once the path exists, future runs
                // will not run into this leak.
                r->inputs[i] = t;
                need_to_try_again = true;
              } else if (git_add_files) {
                need_to_try_again = true;
              } else {
                erase_and_printf("error: add %s to git, which is required for %s\n",
                                 pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path), pretty_reason(r));
            } else {
              erase_and_printf("error: missing file %s, which is required for %s\n",
                               pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path), pretty_reason(r));
        if (need_to_try_again) {
          check_cleanliness(all, r);
        rule_failed(all, r);
  } while (need_to_try_again);


#ifndef _WIN32
  sigaction(SIGINT, &oldact, NULL);

static void summarize_build_results(struct all_targets *all, bool am_continual,
                                    const char *missing_dependencies) {
  if (all->lists[failed] || all->num_with_status[failed]) {
    erase_and_printf("Build failed %d/%d failures\n", all->num_with_status[failed],
                     all->num_with_status[failed] + all->num_with_status[built]);
    if (am_continual) {
      printf("Waiting for change to try again...\n");
    } else if (dry_run) {
      printf("But it is only a dry run, so it's all cool!\n");
    } else {
  } else {
    if (missing_dependencies) {
      erase_and_printf("Build failed due to %s! %.0f:%05.2f\n", missing_dependencies,
                       elapsed_minutes, elapsed_seconds);
    } else {
      erase_and_printf("Build succeeded! %.0f:%05.2f\n",
                       elapsed_minutes, elapsed_seconds);

static bool have_lock = false;
static char *lockfilename = NULL;

static void find_lockfilename(void) {
  if (!lockfilename) {
    char *gitdir = git_revparse("--git-dir");
    int len = 50 + strlen(gitdir);
    lockfilename = malloc(len);
    snprintf(lockfilename, len, "%s/fac-lock", gitdir);

static void free_lock(void) {
  if (have_lock) {
    have_lock = false;

static bool fac_is_already_running(void) {
  int lockfd = open(lockfilename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
  if (lockfd >= 0) {
    have_lock = true;
    return false;
  return true;

static const char *require_exhaustive_dependencies(struct all_targets *all) {
  // Here we just need to check that there are NO local inputs
  // (i.e. ones in our repository directory) for any rules that are
  // not explicit.
  erase_and_printf("Checking for exhaustive dependencies...\n");
  const char *fails = NULL;
  static const char *missing_deps = "missing dependencies";
  static const char *missing_outs = "missing outputs";
  static const char *missing_both = "missing dependencies and outputs";
  for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all->r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
    for (int i=r->num_explicit_inputs; i<r->num_inputs; i++) {
      const char *path = r->inputs[i]->path;
      if (is_in_root(path)) {
        erase_and_printf("missing dependency: \"%s\" requires %s\n",
                         easy_rule(r), pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
        if (fails == missing_outs) {
          fails = missing_both;
        } else if (!fails) {
          fails = missing_deps;
    for (int i=r->num_explicit_outputs; i<r->num_outputs; i++) {
      if (r->outputs[i]->num_children) {
        erase_and_printf("missing output: \"%s\" builds %s\n",
                         easy_rule(r), pretty_path(r->outputs[i]->path));
        if (fails == missing_deps) {
          fails = missing_both;
        } else if (!fails) {
          fails = missing_outs;
  return fails;
static const char *require_strict_dependencies(struct all_targets *all) {
  // Checking for strict dependencies is harder than for exhaustive,
  // because we need to ensure that everything will be built prior to
  // being needed.  For each input there must be an explicit input
  // that has the same rule that generates that input.
  erase_and_printf("Checking for strict dependencies...\n");
  const char *fails = NULL;
  for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all->r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
    for (int i=r->num_explicit_inputs; i<r->num_inputs; i++) {
      if (r->inputs[i]->rule) {
        bool have_rule = false;
        for (int j=0; j<r->num_explicit_inputs; j++) {
          have_rule = have_rule || (r->inputs[j]->rule == r->inputs[i]->rule);
        if (!have_rule) {
          erase_and_printf("missing dependency: \"%s\" requires %s\n",
                           easy_rule(r), pretty_path(r->inputs[i]->path));
          fails = "missing dependencies";
  return fails;

void do_actual_build(struct cmd_args *args) {
  do {
      int seconds_waited = 0;
      while (fac_is_already_running()) {
        if (seconds_waited > 9) {
          printf("Giving up after %d seconds... remove %s?\n",
                 seconds_waited, lockfilename);
        printf("fac is already running... sleeping a bit.\n");
        if (am_interrupted) {
    struct all_targets all;

    struct hash_table *files_to_watch = NULL;
    if (args->continual) {
      files_to_watch = (struct hash_table *)malloc(sizeof(struct hash_table));
      init_hash_table(files_to_watch, 2048);

    bool still_reading;
    do {
      still_reading = false;
      for (struct target *t = (struct target *)all.t.first; t; t = (struct target *)t-> {
        if (t->status == unknown &&
            (!t->rule ||
             t->rule->status == clean ||
             t->rule->status == built)) {
          t->status = built;
          if (is_facfile(t->path)) {
            still_reading = true;
            read_fac_file(&all, t->path);
      build_marked(&all, args->log_directory, args->git_add_files, true, still_reading,
                   args->blind, files_to_watch);
      for (struct target *t = (struct target *)all.t.first; t; t = (struct target *)t-> {
        if (t->status == unknown &&
            (!t->rule ||
             t->rule->status == clean ||
             t->rule->status == built)) {
          if (is_facfile(t->path)) still_reading = true;
    } while (still_reading);
    if (!all.r.first) {
      erase_and_printf("Please add a .fac file containing rules!\n");
    if (args->clean) {
    if (args->targets_requested) {
      for (listset *a = args->targets_requested; a; a = a->next) {
        struct target *t = lookup_target(&all, a->path);
        if (t && t->rule) {
          mark_rule(&all, t->rule);
        } else {
          error(1, 0, "No rule to build %s\n", pretty_path(a->path));
    } else {

    build_marked(&all, args->log_directory, args->git_add_files, false, false,
                 args->blind, files_to_watch);

    const char *missing_dependencies = NULL;
    if (args->strictness == strict) {
      missing_dependencies = require_strict_dependencies(&all);
    } else if (args->strictness == exhaustive) {
      missing_dependencies = require_exhaustive_dependencies(&all);
    summarize_build_results(&all, args->continual, missing_dependencies);

    if (args->create_dotfile || args->create_makefile || args->create_tupfile
        || args->create_script || args->create_tarball) {
      for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all.r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
        set_status(&all, r, unknown);
      if (args->targets_requested) {
        for (listset *a = args->targets_requested; a; a = a->next) {
          struct target *t = lookup_target(&all, a->path);
          if (t && t->rule) {
            mark_rule(&all, t->rule);
          } else {
            error(1, 0, "No rule to build %s", pretty_path(a->path));
      } else {

      if (args->create_dotfile) {
        FILE *f = fopen(args->create_dotfile, "w");
        if (!f) error(1,errno, "Unable to create dotfile: %s", args->create_dotfile);
        fprint_dot(f, &all);
      if (args->create_tarball) {
        // If we're creating a tarball, we want to generate build
        // files that do not try to rebuild things that we are
        // including in the tarball.  Note that this is a horrible,
        // ugly, hack.
        for (int i=0; args->include_in_tar[i]; i++) {
          struct target *t = lookup_target(&all, absolute_path(root, args->include_in_tar[i]));
          if (t) {
            t->rule = NULL;
            t->is_in_git = true;
      if (args->create_makefile) {
        FILE *f = fopen(args->create_makefile, "w");
        if (!f) error(1,errno, "Unable to create makefile: %s", args->create_makefile);
        fprint_makefile(f, &all);
      if (args->create_tupfile) {
        FILE *f = fopen(args->create_tupfile, "w");
        if (!f) error(1,errno, "Unable to create tupfile: %s", args->create_tupfile);
        fprint_tupfile(f, &all);
      if (args->create_script) {
        FILE *f = fopen(args->create_script, "w");
        if (!f) error(1,errno, "Unable to create script: %s", args->create_script);
        fprint_script(f, &all);
      if (args->create_tarball) {
        char *dirname = malloc(strlen(args->create_tarball)+1);
        const char *flags  = "cf";
        int dirlen = strlen(args->create_tarball)-4;
        if (dirlen < 1) {
          fprintf(stderr, "invalid tar filename: %s", args->create_tarball);
        if (dirlen > 3 && strcmp(args->create_tarball+dirlen-3, ".tar.gz") == 0) {
          flags = "czf";
          dirlen -= 3;
        } else if (dirlen > 0 && strcmp(args->create_tarball+dirlen, ".tgz") == 0) {
          flags = "czf";
        } else if (dirlen > 4 && strcmp(args->create_tarball+dirlen-4, ".tar.bz2") == 0) {
          flags = "cjf";
          dirlen -= 4;
        strncpy(dirname, args->create_tarball, dirlen);
        dirname[dirlen] = 0;
        rm_recursive(dirname); // ignore errors, which are probably does-not-exist
#ifdef _WIN32
        int mkdir_error = _mkdir(dirname);
        int mkdir_error = mkdir(dirname, 0777); // ignore failure

        if (mkdir_error) {
          error(1,errno, "Unable to create tar directory: %s", dirname);
        for (int i=0; args->include_in_tar[i]; i++) {
          cp_to_dir(args->include_in_tar[i], dirname);
        cp_inputs(dirname, &all);
        if (args->create_script) cp_to_dir(args->create_script, dirname);
        if (args->create_makefile) cp_to_dir(args->create_makefile, dirname);
        if (args->create_tupfile) cp_to_dir(args->create_tupfile, dirname);
        // fixme: avoid using system in favor of fork+exec!
        char *cmdline = malloc(4096);
        snprintf(cmdline, 4096, "tar %s '%s' '%s'", flags, args->create_tarball, dirname);
        if (system(cmdline)) {
          printf("Error running tar!\n");


#ifdef __linux__
    if (args->continual) {
      int ifd = inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC);
      for (struct target *t=(struct target *)all.t.first; t; t = (struct target *)t-> {
        t->status = unknown;
        if (t->num_children || is_facfile(t->path)) {
          inotify_add_watch(ifd, t->path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE_SELF);
      for (int i=0; i<files_to_watch->size; i++) {
        if (files_to_watch->table[i]) {
          inotify_add_watch(ifd, files_to_watch->table[i]->key,
                            IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE_SELF);
      for (struct rule *r = (struct rule *)all.r.first; r; r = (struct rule *)r-> {
        r->status = unknown;
      /* Wait until we have seen a file change.  If we were careful, we
         could check which file was changed, and trigger a minimal
         rebuild without scanning the entire tree again.  But instead, I
         am just rerunning the entire build process. */
      char *buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct inotify_event) + 8192 + 1);
      if (read(ifd, buffer, sizeof(struct inotify_event) + 8192 + 1) <= 0) {
        error(1, errno, "trouble waiting for a file to change.");

    if (files_to_watch) {
      // the following is a hokey and sloppy way to free all the
      // entries, but freeing a linked list is a little tedious.
      for (int i=0; i<files_to_watch->size; i++) {
        if (files_to_watch->table[i]) free(files_to_watch->table[i]);
  } while (!am_interrupted && args->continual);

  free_listset(args->targets_requested); // avoid harmless memory leaks
  if (lockfilename) free(lockfilename);
  lockfilename = NULL;

static void dump_to_stdout(bigbro_fd_t fd) {
  void *buf = malloc(4096);
#ifdef _WIN32
  unsigned long mysize = 0;
  SetFilePointer(fd, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
  while (ReadFile(fd, buf, 4096, &mysize, NULL) && mysize) {
    if (fwrite(buf, 1, mysize, stdout) != mysize) {
      erase_and_printf("\nerror: trouble writing to stdout!\n");
  size_t mysize = 0;
  lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
  while ((mysize = read(fd, buf, 4096)) > 0) {
    if (write(1, buf, mysize) != mysize) {
      erase_and_printf("\nerror: trouble writing to stdout!\n");