extism-runtime 0.5.5

Extism runtime component
#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define EXTISM_FUNCTION(N) extern void N(ExtismCurrentPlugin*, const ExtismVal*, ExtismSize, ExtismVal*, ExtismSize, void*)
#define EXTISM_GO_FUNCTION(N) extern void N(void*, ExtismVal*, ExtismSize, ExtismVal*, ExtismSize, uintptr_t)

 * A list of all possible value types in WebAssembly.
typedef enum {
   * Signed 32 bit integer.
   * Signed 64 bit integer.
   * Floating point 32 bit integer.
   * Floating point 64 bit integer.
   * A 128 bit number.
   * A reference to a Wasm function.
   * A reference to opaque data in the Wasm instance.
} ExtismValType;

 * A `Context` is used to store and manage plugins
typedef struct ExtismContext ExtismContext;

typedef struct ExtismCancelHandle ExtismCancelHandle;

 * Wraps host functions
typedef struct ExtismFunction ExtismFunction;

 * Internal stores data that is available to the caller in PDK functions
typedef struct ExtismCurrentPlugin ExtismCurrentPlugin;

typedef uint64_t ExtismSize;

 * A union type for host function argument/return values
typedef union {
  int32_t i32;
  int64_t i64;
  float f32;
  double f64;
} ExtismValUnion;

 * `ExtismVal` holds the type and value of a function argument/return
typedef struct {
  ExtismValType t;
  ExtismValUnion v;
} ExtismVal;

 * Host function signature
typedef void (*ExtismFunctionType)(ExtismCurrentPlugin *plugin,
                                   const ExtismVal *inputs,
                                   ExtismSize n_inputs,
                                   ExtismVal *outputs,
                                   ExtismSize n_outputs,
                                   void *data);

typedef int32_t ExtismPlugin;

 * Create a new context
ExtismContext *extism_context_new(void);

 * Free a context
void extism_context_free(ExtismContext *ctx);

 * Returns a pointer to the memory of the currently running plugin
 * NOTE: this should only be called from host functions.
uint8_t *extism_current_plugin_memory(ExtismCurrentPlugin *plugin);

 * Allocate a memory block in the currently running plugin
 * NOTE: this should only be called from host functions.
uint64_t extism_current_plugin_memory_alloc(ExtismCurrentPlugin *plugin, ExtismSize n);

 * Get the length of an allocated block
 * NOTE: this should only be called from host functions.
ExtismSize extism_current_plugin_memory_length(ExtismCurrentPlugin *plugin, ExtismSize n);

 * Free an allocated memory block
 * NOTE: this should only be called from host functions.
void extism_current_plugin_memory_free(ExtismCurrentPlugin *plugin, uint64_t ptr);

 * Create a new host function
 * Arguments
 * - `name`: function name, this should be valid UTF-8
 * - `inputs`: argument types
 * - `n_inputs`: number of argument types
 * - `outputs`: return types
 * - `n_outputs`: number of return types
 * - `func`: the function to call
 * - `user_data`: a pointer that will be passed to the function when it's called
 *    this value should live as long as the function exists
 * - `free_user_data`: a callback to release the `user_data` value when the resulting
 *   `ExtismFunction` is freed.
 * Returns a new `ExtismFunction` or `null` if the `name` argument is invalid.
ExtismFunction *extism_function_new(const char *name,
                                    const ExtismValType *inputs,
                                    ExtismSize n_inputs,
                                    const ExtismValType *outputs,
                                    ExtismSize n_outputs,
                                    ExtismFunctionType func,
                                    void *user_data,
                                    void (*free_user_data)(void *_));

 * Set the namespace of an `ExtismFunction`
void extism_function_set_namespace(ExtismFunction *ptr, const char *namespace_);

 * Free an `ExtismFunction`
void extism_function_free(ExtismFunction *ptr);

 * Create a new plugin with additional host functions
 * `wasm`: is a WASM module (wat or wasm) or a JSON encoded manifest
 * `wasm_size`: the length of the `wasm` parameter
 * `functions`: an array of `ExtismFunction*`
 * `n_functions`: the number of functions provided
 * `with_wasi`: enables/disables WASI
ExtismPlugin extism_plugin_new(ExtismContext *ctx,
                               const uint8_t *wasm,
                               ExtismSize wasm_size,
                               const ExtismFunction **functions,
                               ExtismSize n_functions,
                               bool with_wasi);

 * Update a plugin, keeping the existing ID
 * Similar to `extism_plugin_new` but takes an `index` argument to specify
 * which plugin to update
 * Memory for this plugin will be reset upon update
bool extism_plugin_update(ExtismContext *ctx,
                          ExtismPlugin index,
                          const uint8_t *wasm,
                          ExtismSize wasm_size,
                          const ExtismFunction **functions,
                          ExtismSize nfunctions,
                          bool with_wasi);

 * Remove a plugin from the registry and free associated memory
void extism_plugin_free(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin);

 * Get plugin ID for cancellation
const ExtismCancelHandle *extism_plugin_cancel_handle(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin);

 * Cancel a running plugin
bool extism_plugin_cancel(const ExtismCancelHandle *handle);

 * Remove all plugins from the registry
void extism_context_reset(ExtismContext *ctx);

 * Update plugin config values, this will merge with the existing values
bool extism_plugin_config(ExtismContext *ctx,
                          ExtismPlugin plugin,
                          const uint8_t *json,
                          ExtismSize json_size);

 * Returns true if `func_name` exists
bool extism_plugin_function_exists(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin, const char *func_name);

 * Call a function
 * `func_name`: is the function to call
 * `data`: is the input data
 * `data_len`: is the length of `data`
int32_t extism_plugin_call(ExtismContext *ctx,
                           ExtismPlugin plugin_id,
                           const char *func_name,
                           const uint8_t *data,
                           ExtismSize data_len);

 * Get the error associated with a `Context` or `Plugin`, if `plugin` is `-1` then the context
 * error will be returned
const char *extism_error(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin);

 * Get the length of a plugin's output data
ExtismSize extism_plugin_output_length(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin);

 * Get a pointer to the output data
const uint8_t *extism_plugin_output_data(ExtismContext *ctx, ExtismPlugin plugin);

 * Set log file and level
bool extism_log_file(const char *filename, const char *log_level);

 * Get the Extism version string
const char *extism_version(void);