extism-runtime 0.2.0

Extism runtime component
use crate::*;

// PluginRef is used to access a plugin from a context-scoped plugin registry
pub struct PluginRef<'a> {
    pub id: PluginIndex,
    pub(crate) epoch_timer_tx: std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender<TimerAction>,
    plugin: *mut Plugin,
    _t: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,

impl<'a> PluginRef<'a> {
    /// Initialize the plugin for a new call
    /// - Resets memory offsets
    /// - Updates `input` pointer
    pub fn init(mut self, data: *const u8, data_len: usize) -> Self {
        trace!("PluginRef::init: {}", self.id,);
        self.as_mut().set_input(data, data_len);


    /// Create a `PluginRef` from a context
    /// - Reinstantiates the plugin if `should_reinstantiate` is set to `true` and WASI is enabled
    pub fn new(ctx: &'a mut Context, plugin_id: PluginIndex, clear_error: bool) -> Option<Self> {
        trace!("Loading plugin {plugin_id}");

        let epoch_timer_tx = ctx.epoch_timer_tx.clone();

        if !ctx.plugin_exists(plugin_id) {
            error!("Plugin does not exist: {plugin_id}");
            return ctx.error(format!("Plugin does not exist: {plugin_id}"), None);

        if clear_error {
            trace!("Clearing context error");
            ctx.error = None;

        // `unwrap` is okay here because we already checked with `ctx.plugin_exists` above
        let plugin = ctx.plugin(plugin_id).unwrap();

            let plugin = unsafe { &mut *plugin };
            if clear_error {
                trace!("Clearing plugin error: {plugin_id}");

            // Reinstantiate plugin after calling _start because according to the WASI
            // applicate ABI _start should be called "at most once":
            // https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/main/legacy/application-abi.md
            if plugin.should_reinstantiate {
                plugin.should_reinstantiate = false;
                if let Err(e) = plugin.reinstantiate() {
                    error!("Failed to reinstantiate: {e:?}");
                    return plugin.error(format!("Failed to reinstantiate: {e:?}"), None);

        Some(PluginRef {
            id: plugin_id,
            _t: std::marker::PhantomData,

impl<'a> AsRef<Plugin> for PluginRef<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Plugin {
        unsafe { &*self.plugin }

impl<'a> AsMut<Plugin> for PluginRef<'a> {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Plugin {
        unsafe { &mut *self.plugin }

impl<'a> Drop for PluginRef<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        trace!("Dropping PluginRef {}", self.id);
        // Cleanup?