externref 0.1.0

Low-cost reference type shims for WASM modules
//! Low-cost [reference type] shims for WASM modules.
//! Reference type (aka `externref` or `anyref`) is an opaque reference made available to
//! a WASM module by the host environment. Such references cannot be forged in the WASM code
//! and can be associated with arbitrary host data, thus making them a good alternative to
//! ad-hoc handles (e.g., numeric ones). References cannot be stored in WASM linear memory;
//! they are confined to the stack and tables with `externref` elements.
//! Rust does not support reference types natively; there is no way to produce an import / export
//! that has `externref` as an argument or a return type. [`wasm-bindgen`] patches WASM if
//! `externref`s are enabled. This library strives to accomplish the same goal for generic
//! low-level WASM ABIs (`wasm-bindgen` is specialized for browser hosts).
//! # `externref` use cases
//! Since `externref`s are completely opaque from the module perspective, the only way to use
//! them is to send an `externref` back to the host as an argument of an imported function.
//! (Depending on the function semantics, the call may or may not consume the `externref`
//! and may or may not modify the underlying data; this is not reflected
//! by the WASM function signature.) An `externref` cannot be dereferenced by the module,
//! thus, the module cannot directly access or modify the data behind the reference. Indeed,
//! the module cannot even be sure which kind of data is being referenced.
//! It may seem that this limits `externref` utility significantly,
//! but `externref`s can still be useful, e.g. to model [capability-based security] tokens
//! or resource handles in the host environment. Another potential use case is encapsulating
//! complex data that would be impractical to transfer across the WASM API boundary
//! (especially if the data shape may evolve over time), and/or if interactions with data
//! must be restricted from the module side.
//! [capability-based security]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability-based_security
//! # Usage
//! 1. Use [`Resource`]s as arguments / return results for imported and/or exported functions
//!   in a WASM module in place of `externref`s . Reference args (including mutable references)
//!   and the `Option<_>` wrapper are supported as well.
//! 2. Add the `#[externref]` proc macro on the imported / exported functions.
//! 3. Post-process the generated WASM module with the [`processor`](crate::processor).
//! # How it works
//! The [`externref` macro](macro@externref) detects `Resource` args / return types
//! for imported and exported functions. All `Resource` args or return types are replaced
//! with `usize`s and a wrapper function is added that performs the necessary transform
//! from / to `usize`.
//! Additionally, a function signature describing where `Resource` args are located
//! is recorded in a WASM custom section.
//! To handle `usize` (~`i32` in WASM) <-> `externref` conversions, managing resources is performed
//! using 3 function imports from a surrogate module:
//! - Creating a `Resource` ("real" signature `fn(externref) -> usize`) stores a reference
//!   into an `externref` table and returns the table index. The index is what is actually
//!   stored within the `Resource`, meaning that `Resource`s can be easily placed on heap.
//! - Getting a reference from a `Resource` ("real" signature `fn(usize) -> externref`)
//!   is an indexing operation for the `externref` table.
//! - [`Resource::drop()`] ("real" signature `fn(usize)`) removes the reference from the table.
//! Real `externref`s are patched back to the imported / exported functions
//! by the WASM module post-processor:
//! - Imports from a surrogate module referenced by `Resource` methods are replaced
//!   with local WASM functions. Functions for getting an `externref` from the table
//!   and dropping an `externref` are more or less trivial. Storing an `externref` is less so;
//!   we don't want to excessively grow the `externref`s table, thus we search for null refs
//!   among its existing elements first, and only grow the table if all existing table elements are
//!   occupied.
//! - Patching changes function types, and as a result types of some locals.
//!   This is OK because the post-processor also changes the signatures of affected
//!   imported / exported functions. The success relies on the fact that
//!   a reference is only stored *immediately* after receiving it from the host;
//!   likewise, a reference is only obtained *immediately* before passing it to the host.
//!   `Resource`s can be dropped anywhere, but the corresponding `externref` removal function
//!   does not need its type changed.
//! [reference type]: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/syntax/types.html#reference-types
//! [`wasm-bindgen`]: https://crates.io/crates/wasm-bindgen
//! # Crate features
//! ## `processor`
//! *(Off by default)*
//! Enables WASM module processing via the [`processor`](crate::processor) module.
//! ## `tracing`
//! *(Off by default)*
//! Enables tracing during [module processing](crate::processor) with the [`tracing`] facade.
//! Tracing events / spans mostly use `INFO` and `DEBUG` levels.
//! [`tracing`]: https://docs.rs/tracing/
//! # Examples
//! Using the `#[externref]` macro and `Resource`s in WASM-targeting code:
//! ```no_run
//! use externref::{externref, Resource};
//! // Two marker types for different resources.
//! pub struct Sender(());
//! pub struct Bytes(());
//! #[externref]
//! #[link(wasm_import_module = "test")]
//! extern "C" {
//!     // This import will have signature `(externref, i32, i32) -> externref`
//!     // on host.
//!     fn send_message(
//!         sender: &Resource<Sender>,
//!         message_ptr: *const u8,
//!         message_len: usize,
//!     ) -> Resource<Bytes>;
//!     // `Option`s are used to deal with null references. This function will have
//!     // `(externref) -> i32` signature.
//!     fn message_len(bytes: Option<&Resource<Bytes>>) -> usize;
//!     // This one has `() -> externref` signature.
//!     fn last_sender() -> Option<Resource<Sender>>;
//! }
//! // This export will have signature `(externref)` on host.
//! #[externref]
//! #[export_name = "test_export"]
//! pub extern "C" fn test_export(sender: Resource<Sender>) {
//!     let messages: Vec<_> = ["test", "42", "some other string"]
//!         .into_iter()
//!         .map(|msg| {
//!             unsafe { send_message(&sender, msg.as_ptr(), msg.len()) }
//!         })
//!         .collect();
//!     // ...
//!     // All 4 resources are dropped when exiting the function.
//! }
//! ```

// Documentation settings.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/externref/0.1.0")]
// Linter settings.
#![warn(missing_debug_implementations, missing_docs, bare_trait_objects)]
#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]

use core::marker::PhantomData;

mod error;
#[cfg(feature = "processor")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "processor")))]
pub mod processor;
mod signature;

pub use crate::{
    error::{ReadError, ReadErrorKind},
    signature::{BitSlice, BitSliceBuilder, Function, FunctionKind},
#[cfg(feature = "macro")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "macro")))]
pub use externref_macro::externref;

/// `externref` surrogate.
/// The post-processing logic replaces variables of this type with real `externref`s.
#[doc(hidden)] // should only be used by macro-generated code
pub struct ExternRef(usize);

/// Host resource exposed to WASM.
/// Internally, a resource is just an index into the `externref`s table; thus, it is completely
/// valid to store `Resource`s on heap (in a `Vec`, thread-local storage, etc.). The type param
/// can be used for type safety.
pub struct Resource<T> {
    id: usize,
    _ty: PhantomData<fn(T)>,

impl<T> Resource<T> {
    /// Creates a new resource converting it from.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method must be called with an `externref` obtained from the host (as a return
    /// type for an imported function or an argument for an exported function); it is not
    /// a "real" `usize`. The proper use is ensured by the [`externref`] macro.
    #[doc(hidden)] // should only be used by macro-generated code
    pub unsafe fn new(id: ExternRef) -> Option<Self> {
        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
        #[link(wasm_import_module = "externref")]
        extern "C" {
            #[link_name = "insert"]
            fn insert_externref(id: ExternRef) -> usize;

        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
        unsafe fn insert_externref(id: ExternRef) -> usize {

        let id = insert_externref(id);
        if id == usize::MAX {
        } else {
            Some(Self {
                _ty: PhantomData,

    /// Obtains an `externref` from this resource.
    /// # Safety
    /// The returned value of this method must be passed as an `externref` to the host
    /// (as a return type of an exported function or an argument of the imported function);
    /// it is not a "real" `usize`. The proper use is ensured by the [`externref`] macro.
    #[doc(hidden)] // should only be used by macro-generated code
    pub unsafe fn raw(this: Option<&Self>) -> ExternRef {
        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
        #[link(wasm_import_module = "externref")]
        extern "C" {
            #[link_name = "get"]
            fn get_externref(id: usize) -> ExternRef;

        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
        unsafe fn get_externref(id: usize) -> ExternRef {

        get_externref(this.map_or(usize::MAX, |resource| resource.id))

    /// Obtains an `externref` from this resource and drops the resource.
    #[doc(hidden)] // should only be used by macro-generated code
    pub unsafe fn take_raw(this: Option<Self>) -> ExternRef {

/// Drops the `externref` associated with this resource.
impl<T> Drop for Resource<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
        #[link(wasm_import_module = "externref")]
        extern "C" {
            #[link_name = "drop"]
            fn drop_externref(id: usize);

        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
        unsafe fn drop_externref(_id: usize) {
            // Do nothing

        unsafe { drop_externref(self.id) };
