extendr-api 0.3.1

Safe and user friendly bindings to the R programming language.
//! rmacros - a set of macros to call actual R functions in a rusty way.

/// Convert a rust expression to an R object.
/// Shorthand for Robj::from(x).
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
/// let fred = r!(1);
/// assert_eq!(fred, Robj::from(1));
/// let int_array = r!([1, 2, 3]);
/// assert_eq!(int_array.len(), 3);
/// let numeric_array = r!([1., 2., 3.]);
/// assert_eq!(numeric_array.len(), 3);
/// let logical_array = r!([true, false, true]);
/// assert_eq!(logical_array.len(), 3);
/// let numeric_array_with_na = r!([Some(1.), None, Some(3.)]);
/// assert_eq!(numeric_array_with_na.len(), 3);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! r {
    ($e: expr) => {

/// Get a local variable from the calling function
/// or a global variable if no such variable exists.
/// Variables with embedded "." may not work.
TODO: As of R 4.1.0, base env cannot be modifed, which makes it difficult to
      test outside of R process, so this doc test is disabled for now. See #211
      for the details.
/// ```no_run
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
///     current_env().set_local(sym!(myvar), 1.0);
///     assert_eq!(var!(myvar), Ok(r!(1.0)));
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! var {
    ($($tokens: tt)*) => {{

/// Get a global variable.
/// Variables with embedded "." may not work.
/// ```
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
///      // The "iris" dataset is a dataframe.
///      assert_eq!(global!(iris)?.is_frame(), true);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! global {
    ($($tokens: tt)*) => {{

/// The sym! macro install symbols.
/// You should cache your symbols in variables
/// as generating them is costly.
/// ```
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
/// let wombat = sym!(wombat);
/// assert_eq!(wombat, r!(Symbol::from_string("wombat")));
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! sym {
    ($($tokens: tt)*) => {

/// Create a dataframe.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
///     let mydata = data_frame!(x=1, y=2);
///     assert_eq!(mydata.inherits("data.frame"), true);
///     //assert_eq!(mydata, r!(List::from_pairs(vec![("x", r!(1)), ("y", r!(2))])).set_class(&["data.frame"])?);
/// }
/// ```
/// Panics on error.
macro_rules! data_frame {
    () => {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {
        call!("data.frame", $($rest)*).unwrap()

/// Create a factor.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use extendr_api::prelude::*;
/// test! {
///     let factor = factor!(vec!["abcd", "def", "fg", "fg"]);
///     assert_eq!(factor.levels().unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec!["abcd", "def", "fg"]);
///     assert_eq!(factor.as_integer_vector().unwrap(), vec![1, 2, 3, 3]);
///     assert_eq!(factor.as_str_iter().unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec!["abcd", "def", "fg", "fg"]);
/// }
/// ```
/// Panics on error.
macro_rules! factor {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {
        call!("factor", $($rest)*).unwrap()

/// Print via the R output stream.
/// Works like [`print!`] but integrates with R and respects
/// redirection with functions like `sink()` and `capture.output()`
macro_rules! rprint {
    () => {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {

/// Print with a newline via the R output stream.
/// Works like [`println!`] but integrates with R and respects
/// redirection with functions like `sink()` and `capture.output()`
macro_rules! rprintln {
    () => {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {

/// Print via the R error stream.
macro_rules! reprint {
    () => {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {

/// Print with a newline via the R output stream.
macro_rules! reprintln {
    () => {
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {

/// Macro for running tests.
/// This starts up the underlying [`extendr_engine`] so that interactions with R will work.
/// Additionally, this allows us to use `?` in example code instead of `unwrap()`.
/// **Note:** This macro is meant to be used in test code (annotated with
/// `#[cfg(test)]`) or in doc strings. If it is used in library code that
/// gets incorporated into an R package, R CMD check will complain about
/// non-API calls.
macro_rules! test {
    () => {
        test(|| Ok(()))
    ($($rest: tt)*) => {
            // this helper function must reside in the macro so it doesn't get compiled
            // unless the macro actually gets used (e.g., in testing code)
            fn test<F: FnOnce() -> Result<()>>(f: F) {

            test(|| {