extendr-api 0.1.1

Safe and user friendly bindings to the R programming language.
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extendr - A safe and user friendly R extension interface.

This library aims to provide an interface that will be familiar to first-time users of Rust or indeed any compiled language.

Anyone who knows the R library should be able to write R extensions.

See the Robj struct for much of the content of this crate. Robj provides a safe wrapper for the R object type.

This library is just being born, but goals are:

Implement common R functions such as c() and print()


let v = c!(1, 2, 3);
let l = list!(a=1, b=2);
print!(v, l);

Provide a wrapper for r objects.


let s = Robj::from("hello");
let i = Robj::from(1);
let r = Robj::from(1.0);

Provide iterator support for creation and consumption of r vectors.


let res = (1..=100).iter().collect::<Robj>();
for x in res {

Provide a procedural macro to adapt Rust functions to R


fn fred(a: i32) -> i32 {
a + 1

In R:

result <- .Call("fred", 1)