ext-php-rs 0.10.0

Bindings for the Zend API to build PHP extensions natively in Rust.
//! Functions relating to the Zend Memory Manager, used to allocate
//! request-bound memory.

use crate::ffi::{_efree, _emalloc};
use std::{alloc::Layout, ffi::c_void};

/// Uses the PHP memory allocator to allocate request-bound memory.
/// # Parameters
/// * `layout` - The layout of the requested memory.
/// # Returns
/// A pointer to the memory allocated.
pub fn emalloc(layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
    // TODO account for alignment
    let size = layout.size();

    (unsafe {
            _emalloc(size as _, std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, std::ptr::null_mut(), 0)
            _emalloc(size as _)
    }) as *mut u8

/// Frees a given memory pointer which was allocated through the PHP memory
/// manager.
/// # Parameters
/// * `ptr` - The pointer to the memory to free.
/// # Safety
/// Caller must guarantee that the given pointer is valid (aligned and non-null)
/// and was originally allocated through the Zend memory manager.
pub unsafe fn efree(ptr: *mut u8) {
            ptr as *mut c_void,
        _efree(ptr as *mut c_void)