expry 0.4.1

Execute an expression on an encoded (binary) value, yielding another binary value (either in decoded or encoded form). Supports custom functions. Supports parsing the expression and converting the expression to bytecode.
/// Construct a `expry::DecodedValue` from a JSON-like literal.
/// ```
/// # use expry::value;
/// #
/// let value = value!({
///     "code": 200,
///     "success": true,
///     "payload": {
///         "features": [
///             "expry",
///             "json"
///         ]
///     }
/// });
/// ```
/// Variables or expressions can be interpolated into the JSON literal. Any type
/// interpolated into an array element or object value must implement the From<_>
/// trait, while any type interpolated into a object key must
/// implement `Into<String>`. If the `Serialize` implementation of the
/// interpolated type decides to fail, or if the interpolated type contains a
/// map with non-string keys, the `json!` macro will panic.
/// ```
/// # use expry::value;
/// let code = 200;
/// let features = vec!["expry", "json"];
/// let value = value!({
///     "code": code,
///     "success": code == 200,
///     "payload": {
///         features[0]: features[1]
///     }
/// });
/// ```
/// Trailing commas are allowed inside both arrays and objects.
/// ```
/// # use expry::value;
/// let value = value!([
///     "notice",
///     "the",
///     "trailing",
///     "comma -->",
/// ]);
/// ```
/// Adapted from <https://github.com/serde-rs/json/blob/master/src/macros.rs>.
macro_rules! value {
    // Hide distracting implementation details from the generated rustdoc.
    ($($json:tt)+) => {

// Changes are fine as long as `value_internal!` does not call any new helper
// macros and can still be invoked as `value_internal!($($json)+)`.
macro_rules! value_internal {
    // TT muncher for parsing the inside of an array [...]. Produces a vec![...]
    // of the elements.
    // Must be invoked as: value_internal!(@array [] $($tt)*)

    // Done with trailing comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*]) => {

    // Done without trailing comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr),*]) => {

    // Next element is `null`.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] null $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!(null)] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is `true`.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] true $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!(true)] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is `false`.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] false $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!(false)] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is an array.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] [$($array:tt)*] $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!([$($array)*])] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is a map.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] {$($map:tt)*} $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!({$($map)*})] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is an expression followed by comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] $next:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!($next),] $($rest)*)

    // Last element is an expression with no trailing comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] $last:expr) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* value_internal!($last)])

    // Comma after the most recent element.
    (@array [$($elems:expr),*] , $($rest:tt)*) => {
        value_internal!(@array [$($elems,)*] $($rest)*)

    // Unexpected token after most recent element.
    (@array [$($elems:expr),*] $unexpected:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {

    // TT muncher for parsing the inside of an object {...}. Each entry is
    // inserted into the given map variable.
    // Must be invoked as: value_internal!(@object $map () ($($tt)*) ($($tt)*))
    // We require two copies of the input tokens so that we can match on one
    // copy and trigger errors on the other copy.

    // Done.
    (@object $object:ident () () ()) => {};

    // Insert the current entry followed by trailing comma.
    (@object $object:ident [$($key:tt)+] ($value:expr) , $($rest:tt)*) => {
        let _ = $object.insert($crate::key_str($($key)+), $value);
        value_internal!(@object $object () ($($rest)*) ($($rest)*));

    // Current entry followed by unexpected token.
    (@object $object:ident [$($key:tt)+] ($value:expr) $unexpected:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {

    // Insert the last entry without trailing comma.
    (@object $object:ident [$($key:tt)+] ($value:expr)) => {
        $object.insert($crate::key_str($($key)+), $value);

    // Next value is `null`.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: null $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!(null)) $($rest)*);

    // Next value is `true`.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: true $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!(true)) $($rest)*);

    // Next value is `false`.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: false $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!(false)) $($rest)*);

    // Next value is an array.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: [$($array:tt)*] $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!([$($array)*])) $($rest)*);

    // Next value is a map.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: {$($map:tt)*} $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!({$($map)*})) $($rest)*);

    // Next value is an expression followed by comma.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: $value:expr , $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!($value)) , $($rest)*);

    // Last value is an expression with no trailing comma.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: $value:expr) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object [$($key)+] (value_internal!($value)));

    // Missing value for last entry. Trigger a reasonable error message.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (:) $copy:tt) => {
        // "unexpected end of macro invocation"

    // Missing colon and value for last entry. Trigger a reasonable error
    // message.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) () $copy:tt) => {
        // "unexpected end of macro invocation"

    // Misplaced colon. Trigger a reasonable error message.
    (@object $object:ident () (: $($rest:tt)*) ($colon:tt $($copy:tt)*)) => {
        // Takes no arguments so "no rules expected the token `:`".

    // Found a comma inside a key. Trigger a reasonable error message.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) (, $($rest:tt)*) ($comma:tt $($copy:tt)*)) => {
        // Takes no arguments so "no rules expected the token `,`".

    // Key is fully parenthesized. This avoids clippy double_parens false
    // positives because the parenthesization may be necessary here.
    (@object $object:ident () (($key:expr) : $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object ($key) (: $($rest)*) (: $($rest)*));

    // Refuse to absorb colon token into key expression.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) (: $($unexpected:tt)+) $copy:tt) => {

    // Munch a token into the current key.
    (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) ($tt:tt $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
        value_internal!(@object $object ($($key)* $tt) ($($rest)*) ($($rest)*));

    // The main implementation.
    // Must be invoked as: value_internal!($($json)+)

    (null) => {

    (true) => {

    (false) => {

    ([]) => {

    ([ $($tt:tt)+ ]) => {
        $crate::DecodedValue::Array(value_internal!(@array [] $($tt)+))

    ({}) => {

    ({ $($tt:tt)+ }) => {
            let mut object = $crate::DecodedObject::new();
            value_internal!(@object object () ($($tt)+) ($($tt)+));

    // Any Serialize type: numbers, strings, struct literals, variables etc.
    // Must be below every other rule.
    // ($other:expr) => {
    //     $crate::to_value(&$other).unwrap()
    // };
    ($other:expr) => {
        <_ as ::core::convert::Into<$crate::DecodedValue<'_>>>::into((&$other))

// The value_internal macro above cannot invoke vec directly because it uses
// local_inner_macros. A vec invocation there would resolve to $crate::vec.
// Instead invoke vec here outside of local_inner_macros.
macro_rules! value_internal_vec {
    ($($content:tt)*) => {

macro_rules! value_unexpected {
    () => {};

macro_rules! value_expect_expr_comma {
    ($e:expr , $($tt:tt)*) => {};

macro_rules! clear {
    ( $name:ident in $x:expr ) => {
        let mut $name = &mut ($x);      // Create a new lifetime for the allocations handed out from this scope.
        let mut $name = $name._clear(); // Have a mutable object to distribute the allocations from,
                                        // so that the lifetime of this object and the allocations
                                        // are not coupled. Mutable so that new scopes can be
                                        // created from this scope.
    ( $name:ident ) => {
        let mut $name = &mut $name;
        let mut $name = $name._clear();

macro_rules! rewind {
    ( $name:ident in $x:expr ) => {
        let mut $name = &mut ($x);         // For explanation, see above.
        let mut $name = $name._rewind();
    ( $name:ident ) => {
        let mut $name = &mut $name;
        let mut $name = $name._rewind();

macro_rules! pool {
    ( $name:ident ) => {
        let mut $name = MemoryPool::new();