expry 0.1.2

Execute an expression on an encoded (binary) value, yielding another binary value (either in decoded or encoded form). Supports custom functions. Supports parsing the expression and converting the expression to bytecode.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

// useful to check binary size of parser
// cargo bloat -n 20 --bin bo-expr-parse --filter expry --profile minsize --features mini

extern crate alloc;
use alloc::format;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::ToString;

use core::cmp::min;
use core::cmp::Ordering;

use core::fmt;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use core::str::Chars;
use core::str::Utf8Error;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::Write;

pub mod memorypool;
pub mod raw_utils;
pub mod parser;
pub mod termcolors;
pub mod macros;
pub mod stringparser;

pub use crate::raw_utils::EncodingError;
pub use crate::memorypool::*;
pub use crate::raw_utils::*;
pub use crate::termcolors::*;
pub use crate::parser::*;
pub use crate::stringparser::*;

// FIXME: decide if we want to support this syntax (downside is creating a new value context, which can be slow and memory expensive, alternative is having a stack or registers of values, and replace those variable names with stack/register positions). Stack can work in the same place as globals are kept, as every closure adds/pop a value on the stack. During parsing names of stack variables must be kept.
// x.map(x -> 2*x)
// x.map(i -> {x: i})
// x.map(|i| {x: i})
// x.filter(i -> i > 0)
// x.filter(|i| i > 0)
// x.filter(i -> i > other_variable)
// x.filter(|i| i > other_variable)

const WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK: usize = 3;
const JSON_TYPE_MASK: usize = (1 << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) - 1;
const KEY_HASH_SIZE: usize = 1;

/// Described the different types of value `expry` supports.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ValueType {
    Null = 0,      // length = 0
    String = 1,    // length = 0+
    BoolFalse = 2, // length = 0
    BoolTrue = 3,  // length = 0
    Float = 4,     // length = 4 or 8 bytes of IEEE 754, length = 0 is used by the CreateObjectDiff algorithm to encode 'key is removed'.
    Int = 5,       // length = [0..]
    Object = 6,    // length = [0..]
    Array = 7,     // length = [0..]

impl ValueType {
    pub fn type_string(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            ValueType::Null => "null",
            ValueType::BoolFalse => "bool-false",
            ValueType::BoolTrue => "bool-true",
            ValueType::Int => "int",
            ValueType::Float => "float/double",
            ValueType::String => "string",
            ValueType::Object => "object",
            ValueType::Array => "array",

/// keys in Binary uses a simple 8-bit hash to speed up look ups.
pub type KeyHash = u8;

/// the text for Binary keys (in key-values).
pub type Key<'a> = (KeyHash, &'a [u8]);

/// Returns empty key.
pub const fn key_empty() -> Key<'static> {
    (0, b"")

/// The central data type of Binary. It is modelled similar to JSON, however, contains a couple of
/// noteworthy differences.
/// The differences with JSON:
/// - Floats are either 32-bits or 64-bits;
/// - All strings are u8: they can contain both text or binary data.
#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum DecodedValue<'a> {
    /// Signed 64-bits integer (that is packed into smaller value in the wire format if possible).
    /// 32-bits float type.
    /// 64-bits float type.
    /// Can be both binary data as regular strings. So not necessary UTF-8 (like Rust strings).
    String(&'a [u8]), // not necessary UTF-8 (so in Rust `str` can not be used)

impl<'a> Default for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<'a> DecodedValue<'a> {
    pub fn is_valid_json(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => true,
            DecodedValue::Bool(_) => true,
            DecodedValue::Int(_) => true,
            DecodedValue::Float(_) => true,
            DecodedValue::Double(_) => true,
            DecodedValue::String(s) => core::str::from_utf8(s).is_ok(),
            DecodedValue::Object(m) => {
                for ((_,k),v) in m {
                    if core::str::from_utf8(k).is_err() || !v.is_valid_json() {
                        return false;
            DecodedValue::Array(a) => {
                for v in a {
                    if !v.is_valid_json() {
                        return false;

impl<'a> From<&DecodedValue<'a>> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &DecodedValue<'a>) -> Self {
impl<'a, T: 'a> From<&'a Option<T>> for DecodedValue<'a>
DecodedValue<'a>: From<&'a T>,
    fn from(v: &'a Option<T>) -> Self {
        match v {
            Some(v) => v.into(),
            None => DecodedValue::Null(),
impl<'a> From<&bool> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &bool) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&i64> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &i64) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&f32> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &f32) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&f64> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &f64) -> Self {
impl<'a, const N: usize> From<&'a [u8; N]> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a [u8; N]) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a mut [u8]> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a str) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a mut str> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a mut str) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a &'a str> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a &'a str) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a String> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a String) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a &'a String> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a &'a String) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a BytecodeVec> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'a BytecodeVec) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'_ BytecodeRef<'a>> for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn from(v: &'_ BytecodeRef<'a>) -> Self {
impl<'a, T: 'a, const N: usize> From<&'a &'a [T; N]> for DecodedValue<'a>
    DecodedValue<'a>: From<&'a T>,
    T: Clone,
    fn from(v: &'a &'a [T; N]) -> Self {
        let mut retval = DecodedArray::new();
        for item in *v {
impl<'a, T> From<&'a &'a [T]> for DecodedValue<'a>
    DecodedValue<'a>: From<&'a T>,
    fn from(v: &'a &'a [T]) -> Self {
        Self::Array(v.iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect())
impl<'a, T> From<&'a Vec<T>> for DecodedValue<'a>
    DecodedValue<'a>: From<&'a T>,
    fn from(v: &'a Vec<T>) -> Self {
        Self::Array(v.iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect())

pub type DecodedObject<'a> = BTreeMap<Key<'a>, DecodedValue<'a>>;
pub type DecodedArray<'a> = Vec<DecodedValue<'a>>;

pub trait CloneInMemoryScope<'c, T> {
    fn clone_in(&self, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> T;

impl<'a, 'b, 'c> CloneInMemoryScope<'c, DecodedObject<'b>> for DecodedObject<'a> where 'c: 'b {
    fn clone_in(&self, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> DecodedObject<'b> {
        let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
        for ((hash, k),v) in self {
            retval.insert((*hash, scope.copy_u8(k)), v.clone_in(scope));
impl<'a, 'b, 'c> CloneInMemoryScope<'c, DecodedArray<'b>> for DecodedArray<'a> where 'c: 'b {
    fn clone_in(&self, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> DecodedArray<'b> {
        let mut retval = DecodedArray::new();
        for v in self {

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => write!(f, "null"),
            DecodedValue::Bool(false) => write!(f, "false"),
            DecodedValue::Bool(true) => write!(f, "true"),
            DecodedValue::Int(i) => write!(f, "{}", i),
            DecodedValue::Float(d) => write!(f, "{}f", d),
            DecodedValue::Double(d) => write!(f, "{}", d),
            DecodedValue::String(s) => {
                    if let Ok(s) = core::str::from_utf8(s) {
                        write!(f, "{}", s)
                    } else {
                        write!(f, "{:?}", s)
            DecodedValue::Object(obj) => {
                write!(f, "{{")?;
                let mut first = true;
                for ((_,k),v) in obj {
                    if !first {
                        write!(f, ", ")?;
                    if let Ok(key) = core::str::from_utf8(k) {
                        write!(f, "{}: {:?}", key, v)?;
                    } else {
                        write!(f, "{:?}: {:?}", k, v)?;
                    first = false;
                write!(f, "}}")
            DecodedValue::Array(arr) => write!(f, "{:?}", arr),

fn json_escaped_write(f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>, src: &str) -> Result<(),core::fmt::Error> {
    let mut utf16_buf = [0u16; 2];
    for c in src.chars() {
        match c {
            '\x08' => write!(f, "\\b")?,
            '\x0c' => write!(f, "\\f")?,
            '\n' => write!(f, "\\n")?,
            '\r' => write!(f, "\\r")?,
            '\t' => write!(f, "\\t")?,
            '"' => write!(f, "\\\"")?,
            '\\' => write!(f, "\\\\")?,
            ' ' => write!(f, " ")?,
            c if (c as u32) < 0x20 => {
                let encoded = c.encode_utf16(&mut utf16_buf);
                for utf16 in encoded {
                    write!(f, "\\u{:04X}", utf16)?;
            c => write!(f, "{}", c)?,
impl<'a> core::fmt::Display for DecodedValue<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => write!(f, "null"),
            DecodedValue::Bool(false) => write!(f, "false"),
            DecodedValue::Bool(true) => write!(f, "true"),
            DecodedValue::Int(i) => write!(f, "{}", i),
            DecodedValue::Float(d) => write!(f, "{}", d),
            DecodedValue::Double(d) => write!(f, "{}", d),
            DecodedValue::String(s) => {
                    // because format! does no error handling, throwing an error on utf8
                    // problems will cause panics in format! with a decoded value. We want to avoid
                    // this, so we have to ignore non utf8 chars
                    let s = core::str::from_utf8(s);
                    if let Ok(s) = s {
                        write!(f, "\"")?;
                        json_escaped_write(f, s)?;
                        write!(f, "\"")
                    } else {
                        write!(f, "null")
            DecodedValue::Object(obj) => {
                write!(f, "{{")?;
                let mut first = true;
                for ((_,k),v) in obj {
                    // because format! does no error handling, throwing an error on utf8
                    // problems will cause panics in format! with a decoded value. We want to avoid
                    // this, so we have to ignore non utf8 chars
                    let key = core::str::from_utf8(k);
                    if let Ok(key) = key {
                        if !first {
                            write!(f, ",")?;
                        write!(f, "\"")?;
                        json_escaped_write(f, key)?;
                        write!(f, "\":{}", v)?;
                        first = false;
                    } else {
                        write!(f, "null")?;
                write!(f, "}}")
            DecodedValue::Array(arr) => {
                write!(f, "[")?;
                let mut first = true;
                for v in arr {
                    if !first {
                        write!(f, ",")?;
                    write!(f, "{}", v)?;
                    first = false;
                write!(f, "]")

/// Returns the hash for a name.
fn key_stable_hash(s: &[u8]) -> KeyHash {
    let mut state = 0;
    for (i,b) in s.iter().enumerate() {
        state ^= b.wrapping_add(i as u8);

impl<'a> DecodedValue<'a> {
    pub const fn type_string(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => "null",
            DecodedValue::Bool(_) => "bool",
            DecodedValue::Int(_) => "int",
            DecodedValue::Float(_) => "float",
            DecodedValue::Double(_) => "double",
            DecodedValue::String(_) => "string",
            DecodedValue::Object(_) => "object",
            DecodedValue::Array(_) => "array",
    /// Returns the size needed if we serialize the Binary to a binary wire-format.
    /// See [`DecodedValue::print_binary()`] for explanation of the `compact` argument.
    pub fn size_of_binary(&self, compact: bool) -> usize {
        let mut length_collector = RawWriterLength::new();
        self.print_binary(&mut length_collector, compact).unwrap_infallible();

    /// Converts a Binary to a wire representation of that Binary. This wire representation can be sent
    /// to other implementations as it is stable and 'endian safe'.
    /// For objects we have a compact
    /// representation and one that inserts hints how to process the wire-representation faster when
    /// using an expression to evaluate the Binary to another value. This is controlled with the
    /// `compact` argument.
    /// This function expects that the `writer` has enough room. The needed room can be queried
    /// beforehand by using the [`DecodedValue::size_of_binary`].

    pub fn print_binary<E, Out: RawOutput<E>>(&self, writer: &mut Out, compact: bool) -> Result<(),E> {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => {
                writer.write_u8(ValueType::Null as u8)?;
            DecodedValue::Bool(b) => {
                if *b {
                    writer.write_u8(ValueType::BoolTrue as u8)?;
                } else {
                    writer.write_u8(ValueType::BoolFalse as u8)?;
            DecodedValue::Int(i) => {
                if *i == 0 {
                    writer.write_u8(ValueType::Int as u8)?;
                    return Ok(());
                let size = size_of_i64(*i);
                debug_assert!(size <= 8);
                writer.write_u8((size << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u8 | ValueType::Int as u8)?;
                writer.write_i64(*i, size)?;
            DecodedValue::Float(f) => {
                writer.write_u8((4 << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u8 | ValueType::Float as u8)?;
            DecodedValue::Double(d) => {
                writer.write_u8((8 << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u8 | ValueType::Float as u8)?;
            DecodedValue::String(s) => {
                writer.write_var_u64((s.len() << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u64 | ValueType::String as u64)?;
            DecodedValue::Array(arr) => {
                if arr.is_empty() {
                    writer.write_u8(ValueType::Array as u8)?;
                    return Ok(());
                write_with_header(writer, |writer,total| {
                    writer.write_var_u64((total as u64) << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Array as u64)
                }, |writer| {
                    writer.write_var_u64((arr.len() as u64) << 1)?;
                    for e in arr {
                        e.print_binary(writer, compact)?;
            DecodedValue::Object(obj) => {
                if obj.is_empty() {
                    writer.write_u8(ValueType::Object as u8)?;
                    return Ok(());
                let count = obj.len();
                let local_compact = compact || count <= 4;
                if !cfg!(feature = "mini") && !local_compact {
                    write_with_header(writer, |writer,total| {
                        writer.write_var_u64((total as u64) << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as u64)
                    }, |writer| {
                        let mut positions : Vec<(usize,u8)> = Vec::with_capacity(count); // (pos, hash)
                        let mut jumps : Vec<(usize,usize)> = Vec::new(); // from_pos, to_index
                        for (i,((hash,key), value)) in obj.iter().enumerate() {
                            for j in 0..i.trailing_zeros() {
                                let to_index = i + (2 << j);
                                if to_index >= count {
                                // checks if the entry before has the same hash, if so, jumping has no use,
                                // so skip this jump
                                if obj.iter().nth(to_index-1).unwrap().0.0 == obj.iter().nth(to_index).unwrap().0.0 {
                                jumps.push((writer.pos(), to_index));
                            let key_size = KEY_HASH_SIZE + key.len();
                            writer.write_var_u64((key_size as u64) << 1)?;
                            value.print_binary(writer, compact)?;
                        // in reverse order pop jumps and insert headers with the new construct
                        for (from_pos, to_index) in jumps.iter().rev() {
                            let current = writer.pos();
                            let to_pos = positions[*to_index].0;
                            let jump = to_pos - from_pos;
                            writer.write_var_u64(((jump as u64) << 1) | 1)?;
                            let extra = writer.pos() - current;
                            writer.swap_range(*from_pos, current)?;
                            // HINT: can be made a bit faster if we also store the from_index (part of
                            // the loop can be skipped)
                            for (pos,_) in positions.iter_mut() {
                                if *pos >= *from_pos {
                                    *pos += extra;
                    return Ok(());
                write_with_header(writer, |writer,total| {
                    writer.write_var_u64((total as u64) << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as u64)
                }, |writer| {
                    for ((hash,key), value) in obj {
                        let key_size = KEY_HASH_SIZE + key.len();
                        writer.write_var_u64((key_size as u64) << 1)?;
                        value.print_binary(writer, compact)?;

    /// Converts a Binary to a wire representation of that Binary, in a self contained [`ValueVec`] unsing [`DecodedValue::print_binary`].
    pub fn to_vec(&self, compact: bool) -> ValueVec {
        if cfg!(feature = "mini") {
            let mut writer = RawString::new();
            self.print_binary(&mut writer, compact).expect("expry: problem during actual write");
        } else {
            let len = self.size_of_binary(compact);
            let mut retval : Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; len];
            let mut writer = RawWriter::with(&mut retval[..]);
            self.print_binary(&mut writer, compact).expect("expry: calculated size differs from actual size");
            debug_assert!(writer.left() == 0);

    /// Converts a Binary to a wire representation of that Binary, in a self contained [`ValueVec`] unsing [`DecodedValue::print_binary`].
    pub fn to_scope<'c>(&self, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, compact: bool) -> ValueRef<'c> {
        if cfg!(feature = "mini") {
            // FIXME: convert to delayed deallocation function of MemoryPool
        } else {
            let len = self.size_of_binary(compact);
            let retval = scope.alloc(len);
            let mut writer = RawWriter::with(retval);
            self.print_binary(&mut writer, compact).expect("expry: calculated size differs from actual size");
            debug_assert!(writer.left() == 0);

    /// Convert a Binary value to a JSON output.
    /// Note that some Binary values can not be encoded, because not all strings can be encoded as UTF-8. If this is the case, this method will result in a [`Utf8Error`].
    pub fn print_json(&self, writer: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<(),Utf8Error> {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => {
            DecodedValue::Bool(b) => {
                if *b {
                } else {
            DecodedValue::Int(i) => {
            DecodedValue::Float(f) => {
                writer.extend_from_slice(format!("{:.99}", f).as_bytes());
            DecodedValue::Double(d) => {
                writer.extend_from_slice(format!("{:.99}", d).as_bytes());
            DecodedValue::String(s) => {
            DecodedValue::Array(arr) => {
                let mut comma = false;
                for e in arr {
                    if comma {
                    comma = true;
            DecodedValue::Object(obj) => {
                let mut comma = false;
                for ((_,k),v) in obj {
                    if comma {
                    comma = true;

    fn lookup_field(&self, key: Key) -> Result<Option<DecodedValue<'a>>,EncodingError> {
        if let DecodedValue::Object(values) = self {
        } else {
            Err(EncodingError{line_nr: line!()}) // not an object

impl<'a, 'b, 'c> CloneInMemoryScope<'c, DecodedValue<'b>> for DecodedValue<'a> where 'c: 'b {
    fn clone_in(&self, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> DecodedValue<'b> {
        match self {
            DecodedValue::Null() => DecodedValue::Null(),
            DecodedValue::Bool(v) => DecodedValue::Bool(*v),
            DecodedValue::Int(v) => DecodedValue::Int(*v),
            DecodedValue::Float(v) => DecodedValue::Float(*v),
            DecodedValue::Double(v) => DecodedValue::Double(*v),
            DecodedValue::String(s) => DecodedValue::String(scope.copy_u8(s)),
            DecodedValue::Object(values) => {
                let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
                for ((hash, k),v) in values {
                    retval.insert((*hash, scope.copy_u8(k)), v.clone_in(scope));
            DecodedValue::Array(values) => {
                let mut retval = DecodedArray::new();
                for v in values {

fn write_field(key: &[u8], value: &[u8], writer: &mut RawWriter) -> Result<(),EncodingError> {
    let hash = key_stable_hash(key);
    write_field_key((hash, key), value, writer)

fn write_field_key(key: Key, value: &[u8], writer: &mut RawWriter) -> Result<(),EncodingError> {
    let key_size = KEY_HASH_SIZE + key.1.len();
    writer.write_var_u64((key_size as u64) << 1)?;

/// Creates an object with a single key-value pair inside. Expects `value` to be binary encoded.
pub fn expry_object_with_single_field(key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>,EncodingError> {
    let key_size = key.len() + KEY_HASH_SIZE;
    let entry = size_of_var_u64((key_size as u64) << 1) + key_size + value.len();
    let object_size = size_of_var_u64((entry << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u64) + entry;
    let mut retval : Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; object_size];
    let mut writer = RawWriter::with(&mut retval[..]);
    write_with_header(&mut writer, |writer,total| {
        writer.write_var_u64((total as u64) << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as u64)
    }, |writer| {
        write_field(key, value, writer)
    assert_eq!(writer.left(), 0);

/// create a binary object from individual fields
pub fn expry_object_raw<'c>(scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, slice: &[(Key<'_>, &[u8])]) -> Result<&'c [u8],EncodingError> {
    let mut content_size = 0;
    for (key,value) in slice {
        let key_size = key.1.len() + KEY_HASH_SIZE;
        let entry = size_of_var_u64((key_size as u64) << 1) + key_size + value.len();
        content_size += entry;
    let object_size = size_of_var_u64((content_size << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u64) + content_size;
    let retval = scope.alloc(object_size);
    let mut writer = RawWriter::with(retval);
    write_with_header(&mut writer, |writer,total| {
        writer.write_var_u64((total as u64) << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as u64)
    }, |writer| {
        for (key,value) in slice {
                write_field_key(*key, value, writer)?;
    assert_eq!(writer.left(), 0);
fn json_escape(src: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut escaped : Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(src.len());
    for c in src.chars() {
        match c {
            '\x08' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\b"),
            '\x0c' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\f"),
            '\n' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\n"),
            '\r' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\r"),
            '\t' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\t"),
            '"' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\\""),
            '\\' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"\\\\"),
            ' ' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b" "),
            // c.is_ascii_graphic() 
            c if (c as u32) < 0x20 => {
                let mut utf16_buf = [0u16; 2];
                let encoded = c.encode_utf16(&mut utf16_buf);
                for utf16 in encoded {
                    let s = format!("\\u{:04X}", utf16);
            c => {
                let mut utf8_buf = [0u8; 4];
                escaped.extend_from_slice(c.encode_utf8(&mut utf8_buf).as_bytes());

/// Calculates the key as used in this crate from a str. There is also a `[u8]` version.
pub fn key_str(key: &str) -> Key<'_> {
    let hash = key_stable_hash(key.as_bytes());
    (hash, key.as_bytes())
/// Calculates the key as used in this crate from an u8 slice. There is also a `str` version.
pub fn key_u8(key: &[u8]) -> Key<'_> {
    let hash = key_stable_hash(key);
    (hash, key)

impl TryFrom<usize> for ValueType {
    type Error = EncodingError;

    fn try_from(v: usize) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match v {
            x if x == ValueType::Null as usize => Ok(ValueType::Null),
            x if x == ValueType::String as usize => Ok(ValueType::String),
            x if x == ValueType::BoolFalse as usize => Ok(ValueType::BoolFalse),
            x if x == ValueType::BoolTrue as usize => Ok(ValueType::BoolTrue),
            x if x == ValueType::Float as usize => Ok(ValueType::Float),
            x if x == ValueType::Int as usize => Ok(ValueType::Int),
            x if x == ValueType::Object as usize => Ok(ValueType::Object),
            x if x == ValueType::Array as usize => Ok(ValueType::Array),
            _ => Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() }),
impl<'a> DecodedValue<'a> {
    pub fn decoded_type_of(type_and_length: u64) -> Result<ValueType, EncodingError> {
        ((type_and_length as usize) & JSON_TYPE_MASK).try_into()
    /// Based on a variable length integer read for the wire, return the [`ValueType`] raw number.
    pub const fn type_of_binary(type_and_length: u64) -> u8 {
        ((type_and_length as usize) & JSON_TYPE_MASK) as u8
    /// Based on a variable length integer read for the wire, return the length of the current
    /// entry.
    pub const fn length_of_binary(type_and_length: u64) -> usize {
        (type_and_length >> WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK) as usize
    pub fn decoded_type_and_length(type_and_length: u64) -> Result<(ValueType, usize), EncodingError> {
        Ok((Self::decoded_type_of(type_and_length)?, Self::length_of_binary(type_and_length)))

    /// Parse the wire-format.
    pub fn parse(reader: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'a>, EncodingError> {
        let type_and_length = reader.read_var_u64()?;
        let (t, len) = Self::decoded_type_and_length(type_and_length)?;
        match t {
            ValueType::Null => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::String => {
                let value = reader.read_bytes(len)?;
            ValueType::BoolFalse => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::BoolTrue => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::Float => {
                if len == 4 {
                    let value = reader.read_f32()?;
                } else if len == 8 {
                    let value = reader.read_f64()?;
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::Int => {
                let v = reader.read_i64(len)?;
            ValueType::Array => {
                if len == 0 {
                    return Ok(DecodedValue::Array(vec![]));
                let mut subreader = RawReader::with(reader.read_bytes(len)?);
                let mut count = subreader.read_var_u64()?;
                count >>= 1;
                let mut retval : Vec<DecodedValue> = Vec::with_capacity(min(16384, count as usize)); // limit the max allocation to prevent rouge input data leading to out of memory problems
                for _ in 0 .. count {
                    let v = DecodedValue::parse(&mut subreader)?;
            ValueType::Object => {
                if len == 0 {
                    return Ok(DecodedValue::Object(DecodedObject::new()));
                let mut last : (KeyHash, &[u8]) = (0, b"");
                let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
                let mut subreader = RawReader::with(reader.read_bytes(len)?);
                while !subreader.is_empty() {
                    let mut key_length= subreader.read_var_u64()?;
                    if key_length == 0 {
                        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
                    if key_length & 0x1 != 0 {
                    key_length = (key_length >> 1) - 1; // - 1 to ignore hash (we handle it differently)
                    if key_length as usize > subreader.len() {
                        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
                    let hash = subreader.read_u8()?;
                    let key = (hash, subreader.read_bytes(key_length as usize)?);
                    //let hash = binary_object_stable_hash(&key);

                    let v = DecodedValue::parse(&mut subreader)?;
                    retval.insert(key, v);
                    if key < last {
                        // object not sorted, that is an encoding error
                        return Err(EncodingError{line_nr: line!(), });
                    last = key;

#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum LazyDecodedValue<'a> {
    String(&'a [u8]), // ugly in Rust, because a String is forced to be Unicode

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LazyDecodedObject<'a> {
    reader: RawReader<'a>,

impl<'a> LazyDecodedObject<'a> {

    fn _read_value(reader: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<&'a [u8],EncodingError> {
        let mut reader_type = *reader;
        let type_and_length = reader_type.read_var_u64()?;
        let len = DecodedValue::length_of_binary(type_and_length);
        let v = reader.read_bytes(reader.len() - reader_type.len())?;

    fn _read_key(reader: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<Key<'a>,EncodingError> {
        let mut key_length = reader.read_var_u64()?;
        if key_length == 0  || key_length & 0x1 != 0 {
            // skip lists should have been read away by the the is_empty()
            return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
        key_length = (key_length >> 1) - 1; // - 1 to ignore hash (we handle it differently)
        let hash = reader.read_u8()?;
        let key = reader.read_bytes(key_length as usize)?;
        Ok((hash, key))
    fn _read(reader: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<(Key<'a>, &'a [u8]),EncodingError> {

        Ok((Self::_read_key(reader)?, Self::_read_value(reader)?))

    pub fn lookup_binary<'b>(&self, key: (KeyHash, &'b [u8])) -> Result<Option<&'a [u8]>,EncodingError> where 'a: 'b {
        let mut value_reader = self.reader;
        match evaluate_seek(key.0, key.1, &mut value_reader) {
            Ok(_) => {},
            Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => return Ok(None),
            Err(_) => return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!(), }),

        let binary_value = Self::_read(&mut value_reader)?.1;
    pub fn lookup_value<'b>(&self, key: (KeyHash, &'b [u8])) -> Result<Option<LazyDecodedValue<'a>>,EncodingError> where 'a: 'b {
        let binary_value = self.lookup_binary(key)?;
        if let Some(binary_value) = binary_value {
            Ok(Some(LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(binary_value))?))
        } else {
    pub fn get(&mut self) -> Result<(Key<'a>,LazyDecodedValue),EncodingError> {
        let (key, value) = LazyDecodedObject::<'a>::_read(&mut self.reader)?;
        Ok((key, LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(value))?))
    pub fn is_empty(&mut self) -> Result<bool,EncodingError> {
        while self.reader.len() > 0 && self.reader.clone().read_var_u64()? & 0x1 != 0 {

    pub fn new(reader: RawReader<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {


#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LazyDecodedArray<'a> {
    reader: RawReader<'a>,
    count: u64,

impl<'a> LazyDecodedArray<'a> {
    pub fn get(&mut self) -> Result<LazyDecodedValue,EncodingError> {
        if self.count == 0 {
            return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
        self.count -= 1;
        LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut self.reader)
    pub fn get_raw(&mut self) -> Result<ValueRef<'a>,EncodingError> {
        self.count -= 1;
        let type_and_length = self.reader.clone().read_var_u64()?;
        let len = DecodedValue::length_of_binary(type_and_length);
        Ok(ValueRef(self.reader.read_bytes(len + size_of_var_u64(type_and_length))?))
    pub fn remaining(&self) -> u64 {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.count == 0

impl<'a> LazyDecodedValue<'a> {
    pub fn type_string(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            LazyDecodedValue::Null() => "null",
            LazyDecodedValue::Bool(_) => "bool",
            LazyDecodedValue::Int(_) => "int",
            LazyDecodedValue::Float(_) => "float",
            LazyDecodedValue::Double(_) => "double",
            LazyDecodedValue::String(_) => "string",
            LazyDecodedValue::Object(_) => "object",
            LazyDecodedValue::Array(_) => "array",
    pub fn parse(reader: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<LazyDecodedValue<'a>, EncodingError> {
        let type_and_length = reader.read_var_u64()?;
        let (t, len) = DecodedValue::decoded_type_and_length(type_and_length)?;
        match t {
            ValueType::Null => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::String => {
                let value = reader.read_bytes(len)?;
            ValueType::BoolFalse => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::BoolTrue => {
                if len == 0 {
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::Float => {
                if len == 4 {
                    let value = reader.read_f32()?;
                } else if len == 8 {
                    let value = reader.read_f64()?;
                } else {
                    Err(EncodingError { line_nr: line!() })
            ValueType::Int => {
                let v = reader.read_i64(len)?;
            ValueType::Array => {
                if len == 0 {
                    return Ok(LazyDecodedValue::Array(LazyDecodedArray { count: 0, reader: RawReader::with(b""), }));
                let mut subreader = RawReader::with(reader.read_bytes(len)?);
                let mut count = subreader.read_var_u64()?;
                count >>= 1;

                let retval = LazyDecodedArray {
                    reader: subreader,
            ValueType::Object => {
                if len == 0 {
                    return Ok(LazyDecodedValue::Object(LazyDecodedObject { reader: RawReader::with(b""), }));

/// Reference to a expry value.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValueRef<'a>(pub &'a [u8]);

impl<'a> ValueRef<'a> {
    fn lookup_field(&self, key: Key) -> Result<Option<DecodedValue<'a>>,EncodingError> {
        if self.get().is_empty() {
            return Ok(None);
        let mut value_reader = RawReader::with(self.get());
        if DecodedValue::type_of_binary(value_reader.read_var_u64()?) != ValueType::Object as u8 {
            return Err(EncodingError{line_nr: line!()});
        match evaluate_seek(key.0, key.1, &mut value_reader) {
            Ok(_) => {},
            Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => return Ok(None),
            Err(_) => return Err(EncodingError{line_nr: line!()}),
        let key_length = value_reader.read_var_u64()?;
        if key_length == 0 || (key_length & 0x1) != 0 {
            return Err(EncodingError{line_nr: line!()});
        let _key_name = &value_reader.read_bytes(key_length as usize >> 1)?[1..];
        Ok(Some(DecodedValue::parse(&mut value_reader)?))

    pub fn get(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl<'a> Default for ValueRef<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Self-contained expry value (in encoded form).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValueVec(pub Vec<u8>);

/// Reference to expry expression bytecode.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BytecodeRef<'a>(pub &'a [u8]);

impl<'a> BytecodeRef<'a> {
    pub fn get(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl<'a> Default for BytecodeRef<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Self-contained expry expression bytecode.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BytecodeVec(pub Vec<u8>);

impl BytecodeVec {
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn to_ref(&self) -> BytecodeRef {
    pub fn get(&self) -> &[u8] {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl ValueVec {
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn to_ref(&self) -> ValueRef {
    pub fn get(&self) -> &[u8] {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

// we can use the .into() method to convert (but this is an explicit action)
impl Into<ValueVec> for Vec<u8> {
    fn into(self) -> ValueVec {
impl Into<BytecodeVec> for Vec<u8> {
    fn into(self) -> BytecodeVec {

// safe of misuse to convert from value/bytecode to vec
impl Into<Vec<u8>> for ValueVec {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<u8> {
impl Into<Vec<u8>> for BytecodeVec {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<u8> {

// reads away skip lists
// returns current key, entry length, and the payload type+length
fn peek_key_and_entry<'a>(reader: &'_ mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<(KeyHash,&'a [u8],usize,usize),EncodingError> {
    let mut peeker = *reader;
    while !peeker.is_empty() {
        let mut key_length = peeker.read_var_u64()?;
        if key_length == 0 {
            return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
        if (key_length & 0x1) != 0 {
            let _hash_of_next_entry = peeker.read_u8()?; // read hash of forward reference
            *reader = peeker;
        key_length = (key_length >> 1) - KEY_HASH_SIZE as u64;
        let hash = peeker.read_u8()?;
        let key = peeker.read_bytes(key_length as usize)?;

        let type_and_length = peeker.read_var_u64()?;
        return Ok((hash, key, reader.len() - peeker.len(), type_and_length as usize));
    Ok((0, b"", 0, 0))

/// Merges two objects. Left hand side take preference (so the left hand side value of keys occuring in
/// both is taken). Always producing a compact object
pub fn merge_objects<'b, 'c>(lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<ValueRef<'b>, EncodingError> where 'c: 'b {
    let mut lhs_reader = RawReader::with(lhs.get());
    let mut rhs_reader = RawReader::with(rhs.get());
    // Simple version with higher memory usage
    let lhs = DecodedValue::parse(&mut lhs_reader)?;
    let rhs = DecodedValue::parse(&mut rhs_reader)?;
    if let (DecodedValue::Object(mut lhs),DecodedValue::Object(rhs)) = (lhs, rhs) {
        for (k,v) in rhs {
        Ok(DecodedValue::Object(lhs).to_scope(allocator, true))
    } else {
        Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() })
    let lhs_length_and_type = lhs_reader.read_var_u64()?;
    if DecodedValue::type_of_binary(lhs_length_and_type) != ValueType::Object as u8 {
        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
    if DecodedValue::length_of_binary(lhs_length_and_type) != lhs_reader.len() {
        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
    let rhs_length_and_type = rhs_reader.read_var_u64()?;
    if DecodedValue::type_of_binary(rhs_length_and_type) != ValueType::Object as u8 {
        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });
    if DecodedValue::length_of_binary(rhs_length_and_type) != rhs_reader.len() {
        return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!() });

    let mut chunks : ScopedArrayBuilder<'_, 'c, &[u8]> = ScopedArrayBuilder::new(allocator);
    chunks.push(b""); // place holder we are going to replace at the end with an header
    let mut total : usize = 0;
    let mut lhs_current : (KeyHash,&[u8],usize,usize) = peek_key_and_entry(&mut lhs_reader)?;
    let mut rhs_current : (KeyHash,&[u8],usize,usize) = peek_key_and_entry(&mut rhs_reader)?;
    while !lhs_current.1.is_empty() || !rhs_current.1.is_empty() {
        let (lhs_hash, lhs_key, lhs_entry_length, lhs_value_length_and_type) = lhs_current;
        let (rhs_hash, rhs_key, rhs_entry_length, _) = rhs_current;
        let mut entry : &[u8];
        if lhs_entry_length > 0 && (lhs_hash, lhs_key) <= (rhs_hash, rhs_key) || rhs_entry_length == 0 {
            entry = lhs_reader.read_bytes(lhs_entry_length)?;
            // special 'remove' marker as generated by CreateObjectDiff
            if lhs_value_length_and_type == ValueType::Float as usize { // float of 0 bytes implies a size of 0
                entry = b"";
            // if key is in both, skip the rhs one
            if (lhs_hash, lhs_key) == (rhs_hash, rhs_key) {
                rhs_current = peek_key_and_entry(&mut rhs_reader)?;
            lhs_current = peek_key_and_entry(&mut lhs_reader)?;
        } else {
            entry = rhs_reader.read_bytes(rhs_entry_length)?;
            rhs_current = peek_key_and_entry(&mut rhs_reader)?;
        if !entry.is_empty() {
            total += entry.len();
    let retval = chunks.build();
    retval[0] = to_var_length(allocator, total << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as usize);
    let retval = allocator.concat_u8(retval);

#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum JSONToken<'a> {
    String(&'a [u8]),

    Field(&'a str),
    FunctionCall(&'a str),

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct LexerError {
    line_nr: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CompileErrorDescription<'a> {
    Parser(&'a str),

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CompileError<'a> {
    pub error: CompileErrorDescription<'a>,
    pub start: usize, // counted from the back of the input string
    pub end: usize, // counted from the back of the input string
    pub extra: Option<(usize, usize)>,

impl<'a> CompileError<'a> {
    pub fn error_start(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn error_end(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn error(&self) -> CompileErrorDescription<'a> {
    pub fn extra(&self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {

impl<'a> core::fmt::Display for CompileErrorDescription<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            CompileErrorDescription::NoToken() => write!(f, "could not tokenize remaining value"),
            CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(err) => write!(f, "{:?} (in lexer)", err),
            CompileErrorDescription::Parser(msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg),
            CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(msg) => write!(f, "{} (during optimizing)", msg),

fn get_codepoint_from_hex(chars: &mut Chars) -> Result<u32,LexerError> {
    let first = chars.next().and_then(|x| from_hex(x).ok());
    let second = chars.next().and_then(|x| from_hex(x).ok());
    let third = chars.next().and_then(|x| from_hex(x).ok());
    let fourth = chars.next().and_then(|x| from_hex(x).ok());
    if let (Some(first), Some(second), Some(third), Some(fourth)) = (first, second, third, fourth) {

        let unicode = (first as u32) << 12 | (second as u32) << 8 | (third as u32) << 4 | (fourth as u32);
    } else {
        Err(LexerError{ line_nr: line!() })

fn json_unescape<'b>(str: &'_ str, allocator: &'_ mut MemoryScope<'b>, extended: bool) -> Result<&'b [u8], (LexerError,usize)> {
    // see spec http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt; section 2.5:
    let mut retval = ScopedStringBuilder::new(allocator);
    let mut chars = str.chars();
    let mut err_pos = 0;
    while let Some(c) = chars.next() {
        err_pos += 1;
        if c != '\\' {
        match chars.next() {
            Some('b') => retval.push_char('\x08'),
            Some('f') => retval.push_char('\x0c'),
            Some('n') => retval.push_char('\n'),
            Some('r') => retval.push_char('\r'),
            Some('t') => retval.push_char('\t'),
            Some('\\') => retval.push_char('\\'),
            Some('"') => retval.push_char('"'),
            Some('\'') if extended => retval.push_char('\''),
            Some('u') => {
                let unicode = get_codepoint_from_hex(&mut chars).map_err(|x| (x,err_pos))?;
                err_pos += 4;
                if unicode <= 0x7F {
                    retval.push_char((unicode & 0x7F) as u8 as char);
                } else if unicode <= 0x7FF {
                    retval.push_char(char::from_u32(unicode).ok_or((LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}, err_pos))?);
                } else if (0xD800..=0xDBFF).contains(&unicode) {
                    // surrogate pair
                    if let (Some('\\'), Some('u')) = (chars.next(), chars.next()) {
                    } else {
                        return Err((LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}, err_pos));
                    let unicode2 = get_codepoint_from_hex(&mut chars).map_err(|x| (x, err_pos))?;
                    err_pos += 4;
                    let u = (((unicode & 0x3FF) as u32) << 10 | (unicode2 & 0x3FF) as u32) + 0x10000;
                    retval.push_char(char::from_u32(u).ok_or((LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}, err_pos))?);
                } else {
                    retval.push_char(char::from_u32(unicode).ok_or((LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}, err_pos))?);
            _ => return Err((LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}, err_pos)),
fn json_tokenize<'b,'c>(reader: &mut &'b str, context: &mut JSONParserContext<'_,'b,'c>) -> Result<(JSONToken<'b>,usize), (CompileErrorDescription<'b>,usize,usize)>
where 'c: 'b
    // might be faster using https://github.com/maciejhirsz/logos
    *reader = reader.trim_start();
    let remaining = reader.len();

    if reader.is_empty() {
        return Ok((JSONToken::End(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("null") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::NullObject(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("true") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bool(true), remaining));
    if reader.accept("false") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bool(false), remaining));
    if reader.accept(",") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comma(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("[") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::ArrayOpen(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("]") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::ArrayClose(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("{") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::ObjectOpen(), remaining));
    if reader.accept(":") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Colon(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("}") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::ObjectClose(), remaining));

    let mut string_matcher = StringLiteralSpanner::new('"');
    if let Some(value) = string_matcher.span(reader) {
        debug_assert!(value.len() >= 2);
        if string_matcher.unescape_needed {
            let err = |x,offset| (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(x), remaining-1-offset,reader.len());
            let unescaped = json_unescape(&value[1..value.len()-1], context.allocator, false).map_err(|(x,offset)| err(x, offset))?;
            return Ok((JSONToken::String(unescaped), remaining));
        return Ok((JSONToken::String(value[1..value.len()-1].as_bytes()), remaining));
    // FIXME: 
    // 0 is a special case; numbers can not start with 0 execpt if it is the number zero or a real number with only digits after the comma
    // FIXME: -0000000.1 is not accounted for (is not allowed)
    // -0 is allowed!
    let mut number_matcher = NumberSpanner::new();
    if let Some(value) = number_matcher.span(reader) {
        let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!() }), remaining,reader.len());
        if !number_matcher.float {
            // given the number spanner, we know that value is UTF8
            let number : i64 = value.parse().map_err(|_| err())?;
            return Ok((JSONToken::Int(number), remaining));
        // given the number spanner, we know that value is UTF8
        let number : f64 = value.parse().map_err(|_| err())?;
        return Ok((JSONToken::Double(number), remaining));
    Err((CompileErrorDescription::NoToken(), remaining,reader.len()))

struct JSONParserContext<'a,'b,'c> {
    allocator: &'a mut MemoryScope<'c>,
    static_value: &'a DecodedValue<'b>,

type JSONParserState<'b,'a,'c> = ParserState<'b,JSONToken<'b>,CompileErrorDescription<'b>, JSONParserContext<'a,'b,'c>>;
type JSONParserResult<'b,T> = ParserResult<T,CompileErrorDescription<'b>>;

fn json_expr<'b>(parser: &mut JSONParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> JSONParserResult<'b,DecodedValue<'b>> {
    match parser.get()? {
        (JSONToken::NullObject(),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::Null()),
        (JSONToken::Bool(b),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(b)),
        (JSONToken::Int(b),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::Int(b)),
        // strictly not part of the JSON spec, so depends of the lexer produces a float. This is used in the predicate parsing
        (JSONToken::Float(b),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::Float(b)),
        (JSONToken::Double(b),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::Double(b)),
        (JSONToken::String(b),_) => Ok(DecodedValue::String(b)),
        (JSONToken::ObjectOpen(), open) => {
            let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
            parser.opt(|parser| {
                json_object_entry(parser, &mut retval)?; 
                parser.repeat(|parser| {
                    parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
                    json_object_entry(parser, &mut retval)?;
            parser.accept(JSONToken::ObjectClose(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected '}' to close object"))?;
        (JSONToken::ArrayOpen(), open) => {
            let mut retval : Vec<DecodedValue<'b>> = Vec::new();
            parser.opt(|parser| {
                json_array_entry(parser, &mut retval)?; 
                parser.repeat(|parser| {
                    parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
                    json_array_entry(parser, &mut retval)?;
            parser.accept(JSONToken::ArrayClose(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ']' to close array"))?;
        (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected primary"))),

fn json_object_entry<'b>(parser: &mut JSONParserState<'b,'_,'_>, value: &mut DecodedObject<'b>) -> JSONParserResult<'b,()> {
    match parser.get()? {
        (JSONToken::String(k),_) => {
            parser.accept(JSONToken::Colon(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ':' as field delimeter for an object field"))?;
            let v = json_expr(parser)?; 
            value.insert(key_u8(k), v);
        (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected string as object field"))),
fn json_array_entry<'b>(parser: &mut JSONParserState<'b,'_,'_>, value: &mut Vec<DecodedValue<'b>>) -> JSONParserResult<'b,()> {
    let v = json_expr(parser)?;

fn json_top_level<'b>(parser: &mut JSONParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> JSONParserResult<'b,DecodedValue<'b>> {
    let retval = json_expr(parser)?;
    parser.accept(JSONToken::End(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected end of input (possibly an operator was missing, or a '{'/'[')"))?;

impl<'a> DecodedValue<'a> {
    pub fn parse_json<'c>(reader: &'a str, allocator: &'_ mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'a>,CompileError<'a>> where 'c: 'a {
        let static_value = DecodedValue::Object(DecodedObject::new());
        let mut parser = JSONParserState::new_with(reader, json_tokenize, JSONParserContext{allocator, static_value: &static_value});
        parser.parse(json_top_level, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("unexpected token"), CompileErrorDescription::Parser("too much parser recursion")).map_err(|(error, start, end, extra)| CompileError{ error, start, end, extra })
    pub fn parse_expry_value<'c>(reader: &'a str, scope: &'_ mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'a>,CompileError<'a>> where 'c: 'a {
        let bytecode = expry_compile(reader, None, scope)?;
        expry_eval(bytecode, ValueRef::new(), scope).map_err(|err| err.into())

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum ExpryComparison {

impl ExpryComparison {
    fn reverse(&self) -> Option<ExpryComparison> {
        match self {
            ExpryComparison::LessEqual =>    Some(ExpryComparison::GreaterEqual),
            ExpryComparison::Less =>         Some(ExpryComparison::Greater),
            ExpryComparison::GreaterEqual => Some(ExpryComparison::LessEqual),
            ExpryComparison::Greater =>      Some(ExpryComparison::Less),
            ExpryComparison::Equal =>        Some(ExpryComparison::Equal),
            ExpryComparison::NotEqual =>     Some(ExpryComparison::NotEqual),
            _ => None,

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Arithmetic {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Logical {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Bitwise {

fn expry_tokenize<'b,'c>(reader: &mut &'b str, context: &mut JSONParserContext<'_,'b,'c>) -> Result<(JSONToken<'b>,usize), (CompileErrorDescription<'b>,usize,usize)> where 'c: 'b,
    // might be faster using https://github.com/maciejhirsz/logos
    loop {
        *reader = reader.trim_start();
        let start_of_comment = reader.len();
        if reader.accept("/*") {
            if let Some((_comment, tail)) = reader.split_once("*/") {
                *reader = tail;
            } else {
                return Err((CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), start_of_comment,reader.len()))
        if reader.accept("//") {
            if let Some((_comment, tail)) = reader.split_once('\n') {
                *reader = tail;
            } else {
                *reader = "";
    let remaining = reader.len();

    if reader.is_empty() {
        return Ok((JSONToken::End(), remaining));

    // parse hex values 0x
    if reader.accept("0x") {
        if let Some(value) = reader.span_fn(&mut |x| from_hex(x).is_ok()) {
            let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len());
            return Ok((JSONToken::Int(i64::from_str_radix(value, 16).map_err(|_| err())?), remaining));
        } else {
            return Err((CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len()));
    // parse binary values 0b
    if reader.accept("0b") {
        if let Some(value) = reader.span_fn(&mut |x| x == '0' || x == '1') {
            let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len());
            return Ok((JSONToken::Int(i64::from_str_radix(value, 2).map_err(|_| err())?), remaining));
        } else {
            return Err((CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len()));

    // parse single precision floats which have the suffix 'f' (this is not part of the JSON spec)
    let mut reader_copy = *reader;
    let mut number_matcher = NumberSpanner::new();
    if let Some(value) = number_matcher.span(&mut reader_copy) {
        if reader_copy.accept("f") {
            *reader = reader_copy;
            let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len());
            // given the number spanner, we know that value is UTF8
            let number : f32 = value.parse().map_err(|_| err())?;
            return Ok((JSONToken::Float(number), remaining));
    // call regular JSON lexer
    match json_tokenize(reader, context) {
        Ok(v) => return Ok(v),
        Err((CompileErrorDescription::NoToken(),_,_)) => {},
        Err(err) => return Err(err),

    // parse single quoted strings
    let mut string_matcher = StringLiteralSpanner::new('\'');
    if let Some(value) = string_matcher.span(reader) {
        debug_assert!(value.len() >= 2);
        if string_matcher.unescape_needed {
            let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len());
            return Ok((JSONToken::String(json_unescape(&value[1..value.len()-1], context.allocator, true).map_err(|_| err())?),remaining));
        return Ok((JSONToken::String(value[1..value.len()-1].as_bytes()),remaining));

    // parse strings starting with 'x"'
    let mut alt = false;
    if reader.accept("x\"") || (alt = true, reader.accept("x'")).1 {
        if let Some((hex,tail)) = reader.split_once(if alt { "'" } else { "\"" }) {
            *reader = tail;
            let err = || (CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len());
            return Ok((JSONToken::String(context.allocator.copy_unhex(hex.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| err())?),remaining));
        } else {
            return Err((CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len()));

    // parse strings starting with `r##"..."##`
    if reader.starts_with('r') && reader.len() >= 2 {
        let count = reader[1..].chars().take_while(|x| *x == '#').count();
        if let Some(x) = reader.chars().nth(1+count) {
            if x == '"' || x == '\'' {
                let delim : String = format!("{}{}", x, &reader[1..1+count]);
                *reader = &reader[2+count..];
                if let Some((string,tail)) = reader.split_once(&delim) {
                    *reader = tail;
                    return Ok((JSONToken::String(string.as_bytes()), remaining));
                } else {
                    return Err((CompileErrorDescription::Lexer(LexerError{ line_nr: line!()}), remaining,reader.len()));

    if reader.accept("$=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::EndsWith), remaining));
    // parse functions with '(' after (with a variable string spanner)
    // parse fields (with a variable string spanner) (handle `this` differently)
    let mut matcher = |c: char| c == '$' || c == '_' || c == '\\' || c.is_ascii_alphanumeric();
    if let Some(value) = reader.span_fn(&mut matcher) {
        // field name or function call (peek at next)
        if !reader.is_empty() && reader.starts_with('(') {
            return Ok((JSONToken::FunctionCall(value), remaining));
        } else {
            return Ok((JSONToken::Field(value), remaining));

    if reader.accept("<=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::LessEqual), remaining));
    if reader.accept("<<") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bitwise(Bitwise::ShiftLeft), remaining));
    if reader.accept("<") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::Less), remaining));
    if reader.accept(">=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::GreaterEqual), remaining));
    if reader.accept(">>") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bitwise(Bitwise::ShiftRight), remaining));
    if reader.accept(">") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::Greater), remaining));
    if reader.accept("==") || reader.accept("=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::Equal), remaining));
    if reader.accept("!=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::NotEqual), remaining));
    if reader.accept("!") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Not(), remaining));
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    if reader.accept("**") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Pow), remaining));
    if reader.accept("*=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::Contains), remaining));
    if reader.accept("^=") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Comparison(ExpryComparison::StartsWith), remaining));
    if reader.accept("&&") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Logical(Logical::And), remaining));
    if reader.accept("||") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Logical(Logical::Or), remaining));
    if reader.accept("&") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bitwise(Bitwise::And), remaining));
    if reader.accept("|") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bitwise(Bitwise::Or), remaining));
    if reader.accept("^") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Bitwise(Bitwise::Xor), remaining));
    if reader.accept("(") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Open(), remaining));
    if reader.accept(")") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Close(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("???") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::TryOperator(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("??") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::NullOperator(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("?") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Conditional(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("...") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Spread(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("..") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Concat(), remaining));
    if reader.accept(".") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Dot(), remaining));
    if reader.accept("+") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Add), remaining));
    if reader.accept("-") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Sub), remaining));
    if reader.accept("*") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Mul), remaining));
    if reader.accept("/") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Div), remaining));
    if reader.accept("%") {
        return Ok((JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Mod), remaining));
    Err((CompileErrorDescription::NoToken(), remaining,reader.len()))

type ExpryParserState<'a,'b,'c> = JSONParserState<'a,'b,'c>;
type ExpryParserResult<'b, T> = ParserResult<T,CompileErrorDescription<'b>>;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum UnaryOperation {

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum ValueSource {
    Computed, // can be either one of the others, but that is only dynamically known

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct ASTProperties<'a> {
    minimal_field: Key<'a>,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    needs_dynamic_eval: bool,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    source: ValueSource,

impl<'a> ASTProperties<'a> {
    fn constant() -> Self {
        Self {
            minimal_field: key_empty(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            needs_dynamic_eval: false,
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            source: ValueSource::Expression,

    fn field(minimal_field: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self {
            minimal_field: key_str(minimal_field),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            needs_dynamic_eval: true,
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            source: ValueSource::Value,

    fn dynamic() -> Self {
        Self {
            minimal_field: key_empty(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            needs_dynamic_eval: true,
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            source: ValueSource::Computed,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum ExpryAST<'b> {
    Field(&'b str),
    ObjectAccessWithString(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, &'b str, ASTProperties<'b>),
    ObjectAccessWithExpr(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Arithmetic(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Arithmetic, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Comparison(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ExpryComparison, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Logical(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Logical, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    //Logical(Logical, Vec<ExpryAST<'b>>),
    Bitwise(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Bitwise, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Concat(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    UnaryExpression(UnaryOperation, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Function(&'b str, Vec<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Method(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, u8, Vec<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Conditional(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Object(Vec<(ExpryAST<'b>, ExpryAST<'b>)>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    MergeObjects(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Array(Vec<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Try(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),
    Null(Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, Box<ExpryAST<'b>>, ASTProperties<'b>),

fn fast_path(ast: &ExpryAST) -> bool {
    match ast {
        ExpryAST::Constant(_) => true,
        ExpryAST::Field(_) => true,
        ExpryAST::All() => true,
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(lhs, _, _) => fast_path(lhs),
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(lhs, rhs, _) => fast_path(lhs) && fast_path(rhs),
        _ => false,

fn ast_properties<'b>(ast: &ExpryAST<'b>) -> ASTProperties<'b> {
    match ast {
        ExpryAST::Constant(_) => ASTProperties::constant(),
        ExpryAST::Field(field) => ASTProperties::field(field),
        ExpryAST::All() => ASTProperties::dynamic(),
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Arithmetic(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Comparison(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Logical(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Bitwise(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Concat(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Function(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Method(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Conditional(_, _, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Object(_, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Array(_, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Try(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::Null(_, _, prop) => *prop,
        ExpryAST::MergeObjects(_, _, prop) => *prop,
fn ast_properties_plus<'a>(x: &ASTProperties<'a>, y: &ASTProperties<'a>) -> ASTProperties<'a> {
    ASTProperties {
        minimal_field: expry_min(x.minimal_field, y.minimal_field),
        #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
        needs_dynamic_eval: x.needs_dynamic_eval || y.needs_dynamic_eval,
        #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
        source: ValueSource::Computed,
fn ast_properties_plus_ast<'a>(x: &ExpryAST<'a>, y: &ExpryAST<'a>) -> ASTProperties<'a> {
    ast_properties_plus(&ast_properties(x), &ast_properties(y))
fn ast_properties_combine<'a>(args: &[ExpryAST<'a>]) -> ASTProperties<'a> {
    args.iter().fold(ASTProperties::constant(), |x,y| {
        let y = ast_properties(y);

fn ast_properties_iter<'a,'b, Iter>(args: Iter) -> ASTProperties<'a>
where Iter: Iterator<Item=&'b &'b ExpryAST<'a>>, 'a: 'b
    args.fold(ASTProperties::constant(), |x,y| {
        let y = ast_properties(y);
        ASTProperties {
            minimal_field: expry_min(x.minimal_field, y.minimal_field),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            needs_dynamic_eval: x.needs_dynamic_eval || y.needs_dynamic_eval,
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            source: ValueSource::Computed,

fn expry_parse_primary_not<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    parser.accept(JSONToken::Not(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
    let lhs = expry_parse_primary(parser)?;
    let lhs_prop = ast_properties(&lhs);
    Ok(ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(UnaryOperation::Not, Box::new(lhs), lhs_prop))

fn expry_parse_primary_minus<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    parser.accept(JSONToken::Arithmetic(Arithmetic::Sub), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
    let info = parser.token_info()?;
    let lhs = expry_parse_primary(parser)?;
    match lhs {
        ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Double(number)) => {
            return Ok(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Double(-number)));
        ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Float(number)) => {
            return Ok(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Float(-number)));
        ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Int(number)) => {
            let value = number.checked_neg();
            if let Some(value) = value {
                return Ok(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Int(value)));
            return Err(parser.error_other(&info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("could not negate the int number")));
        _ => {},
    let lhs_prop = ast_properties(&lhs);
    Ok(ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(UnaryOperation::Negate, Box::new(lhs), lhs_prop))

fn expry_parse_primary_function_call<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    match parser.get()? {
        (JSONToken::FunctionCall(fname),_) => {
            let open = parser.accept(JSONToken::Open(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected '(' to open function call"))?;
            let mut args : Vec<ExpryAST<'b>> = vec!();
            parser.opt(|parser| {
                parser.repeat(|parser| {
                    parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
            parser.accept(JSONToken::Close(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ')' to close function call"))?;
            let mut prop = ast_properties_combine(&args);
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
                prop.needs_dynamic_eval = internal_function(fname, args.len()).is_none();
            Ok(ExpryAST::Function(fname, args, prop))
        (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))),

fn expry_parse_primary_field<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    match parser.get()? {
        (JSONToken::Field(x),info) => {
            resolve(x, parser).map_err(|_| parser.error_other(&info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("error decoding static value")))
        (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))),

fn resolve<'b>(x: &'b str, parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> Result<ExpryAST<'b>,EncodingError> {
    if x == "$this" {
        return Ok(ExpryAST::Constant(parser.context.static_value.clone()));
    if x == "this" {
        return Ok(ExpryAST::All())
    if let Some(value) = parser.context.static_value.lookup_field(key_str(x))? {
        return Ok(ExpryAST::Constant(value));

fn expry_parse_primary_field_raw<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    match parser.get()? {
        (JSONToken::Field(x),_info) => {
        (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))),

fn expry_parse_json<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {

fn expry_parse_primary_parenthesis<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let open = parser.accept(JSONToken::Open(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
    let value = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
    parser.accept(JSONToken::Close(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ')' to close '('"))?;

fn expry_parse_primary<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
                  || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected expr primary (possibly mismatched closing '}'/']')"))

fn expry_parse_primary_object_access<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_primary(parser)?;
    // implement static (with .) and dynamic (with []) object access
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Dot(), _) => {
                match parser.get()? {
                    (JSONToken::Field(name),_) => {
                        let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                        let lhs_prop = ast_properties(&lhs);
                        retval = ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(Box::new(lhs), name, lhs_prop);
                    (JSONToken::FunctionCall(name), open) => {
                        parser.accept(JSONToken::Open(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
                        let mut args : Vec<ExpryAST<'b>> = Vec::new();
                        parser.repeat(|parser| {
                            let value = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
                            Ok(parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("")).is_ok())
                        parser.accept(JSONToken::Close(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected a ')' to close this '('."))?;
                        let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                        let prop = ast_properties_plus(&ast_properties(&lhs), &ast_properties_combine(&args));
                        let opcode = internal_method(name, args.len()).map_err(|err| parser.error_other(&open, err))?;
                        retval = ExpryAST::Method(Box::new(lhs), opcode, args, prop);
                    (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected field name to access object"))),
            (JSONToken::ArrayOpen(), open) => {
                let rhs = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
                parser.accept(JSONToken::ArrayClose(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ']' to close this dynamic field access"))?;
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected field name to access object"))),

fn expry_parse_exponentation<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_primary_object_access(parser)?;
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Arithmetic(x),_) if matches!(x, Arithmetic::Pow) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_primary_object_access(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Arithmetic(Box::new(lhs), x, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected primary as rhs for exponentation"))),
fn expry_parse_multiplication<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_exponentation(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Arithmetic(x),_) if matches!(x, Arithmetic::Mul | Arithmetic::Div | Arithmetic::Mod) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_exponentation(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Arithmetic(Box::new(lhs), x, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected exponentation as rhs for multiplication"))),

fn expry_parse_addition<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_multiplication(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Arithmetic(x),_) if matches!(x, Arithmetic::Add | Arithmetic::Sub) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_multiplication(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Arithmetic(Box::new(lhs), x, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected multiplication as rhs for an addition"))),

fn expry_parse_bitwise_shift<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_addition(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Bitwise(x),_) if matches!(x, Bitwise::ShiftLeft | Bitwise::ShiftRight) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_addition(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Bitwise(Box::new(lhs), x, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected addition as rhs for an bitwise shift"))),

fn expry_parse_bitwise_logical<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_bitwise_shift(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Bitwise(x),_) if matches!(x, Bitwise::And | Bitwise::Or | Bitwise::Xor) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_bitwise_shift(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Bitwise(Box::new(lhs), x, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected bitwise-shift as rhs for an bitwise-logical"))),

fn expry_parse_concat<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_bitwise_logical(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Concat(),_) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_bitwise_logical(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Concat(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected bitwise-logical as rhs for a concat"))),

fn expry_parse_comparison<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_concat(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Comparison(c),_) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_concat(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Comparison(Box::new(lhs), c, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected concat as rhs for a comparison"))),

fn expry_parse_logical<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_comparison(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::Logical(c),_) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_comparison(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Logical(Box::new(lhs), c, Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token,info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected concat as rhs for a comparison"))),

fn expry_parse_try_catch<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = expry_parse_logical(parser)?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::TryOperator(),_) => {
                // changes here should also be applied to expry_parse_slice_key
                let rhs = parser.opt(expry_parse_logical)?;
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                if let Some(rhs) = rhs {
                    let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                    retval = ExpryAST::Try(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs), prop);
                } else {
                    let prop = ast_properties(&lhs);
                    retval = ExpryAST::Try(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null())), prop);
            (JSONToken::NullOperator(),_) => {
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                let rhs = expry_parse_logical(parser)?;
                let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                retval = ExpryAST::Null(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))),

fn expry_parse_conditional<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let value = expry_parse_try_catch(parser)?;
    if let Some(info) = parser.opt(|parser| {
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Conditional(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))
    })? {
        let value_then = expry_parse_try_catch(parser)?;
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Colon(), Some(&info), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
        let value_else = expry_parse_conditional(parser)?;
        let prop = ast_properties_iter([&value, &value_then, &value_else].iter());
        return Ok(ExpryAST::Conditional(Box::new(value), Box::new(value_then), Box::new(value_else), prop))

fn expry_parse_expr<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {

fn expry_parse_slice_key<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let mut retval = parser.choose(&[
    || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected constant or field"))?;
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        match parser.get()? {
            (JSONToken::TryOperator(),_) => {
                let rhs = parser.opt(expry_parse_logical)?;
                let lhs = core::mem::replace(&mut retval, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()));
                if let Some(rhs) = rhs {
                    let prop = ast_properties_iter([&lhs, &rhs].iter());
                    retval = ExpryAST::Try(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs), prop);
                } else {
                    let prop = ast_properties(&lhs);
                    retval = ExpryAST::Try(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null())), prop);
            (token, info) => Err(parser.error_token(token, info, |_| CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))),

// spread syntax returns (None, expr)
// 'key: value' syntax returns (Some(expr), expr)
fn expry_parse_slice<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, (Option<ExpryAST<'b>>, ExpryAST<'b>)> {
    if let Some(value_expr) = parser.opt(|parser| {
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Spread(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
        let value_expr = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
    })? {
        return Ok((None, value_expr));
    if let Some((key_expr,value_expr)) = parser.opt(|parser| {
        let open = parser.accept(JSONToken::Open(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))?;
        let key_expr = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Close(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ')' to close this dynamic field specifier"))?;
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Colon(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ':' as field delimeter for an object field"))?;
        let value_expr = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
        Ok((key_expr, value_expr))
    })? {
        return Ok((Some(key_expr), value_expr));
    // we need to match expry_parse_expr so we can also match with the try operator (which is specified
    // last)
    let err_info = parser.token_info()?;
    let key = expry_parse_slice_key(parser)?;
    // label
    if let Some((label, expr)) = parser.opt(|parser| {
        parser.accept(JSONToken::Colon(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ':' as field delimeter for an object field"))?;
        let value = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
        match key {
            ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(name)) => Ok((name, value)),
            ExpryAST::Field(name) => Ok((name.as_bytes(), value)),
            _ => Err(parser.error_other(&err_info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("field name should be a constant string or a variable name"))),
    })? {
        return Ok((Some(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(label))), expr));
    // implicit (so only a field, string, or try operating with one of both)
    match key {
        ExpryAST::Field(name) => Ok((Some(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(name.as_bytes()))), resolve(name, parser).map_err(|_| parser.error_other(&err_info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("error decoding static value")))?)),
        ExpryAST::Try(lhs, expr, prop) => {
            match *lhs {
                ExpryAST::Field(name) => Ok((Some(ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(name.as_bytes()))), ExpryAST::Try(Box::new(ExpryAST::Field(name)), expr, prop))),
                _ => Err(parser.error_other(&err_info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("implicit field names only work for the try operator if the left-hand-side of the try operator is a variable name"))),
        _ => Err(parser.error_other(&err_info, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("field without a name should be a variable name"))),

fn expry_parse_object<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let open = parser.accept(JSONToken::ObjectOpen(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected '{' to open object"))?;
    // previous operations such as SliceObject and MergeObjects
    let mut lhs : Option<ExpryAST> = None;
    // lazy accumulator of current SliceObject
    let mut accumulator : Vec<(ExpryAST, ExpryAST)> = Vec::new();
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        let (key,value) = expry_parse_slice(parser)?;
        process_slice(&mut lhs, &mut accumulator, key, value);
        Ok(parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("")).is_ok())
    parser.accept(JSONToken::ObjectClose(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected a '}' to close this object"))?;
    Ok(combine(lhs, accumulator))

// combine lhs and accumulator into one value and return that value
fn combine<'a>(lhs: Option<ExpryAST<'a>>, accumulator: Vec<(ExpryAST<'a>, ExpryAST<'a>)>) -> ExpryAST<'a> {
    if let Some(lhs) = lhs {
        if accumulator.is_empty() {
            // ends with spread syntax
            return lhs;
        // earlier a spread syntax occured (which should be in in lhs)
        let current = make_object(accumulator);
        let prop = ast_properties_plus_ast(&lhs, &current);
        ExpryAST::MergeObjects(Box::new(lhs), Box::new(current), prop)
    } else if accumulator.is_empty() {
        // nothing, so empty object
    } else {
        // only fields, no spread syntax

fn process_slice<'a>(lhs: &mut Option<ExpryAST<'a>>, accumulator: &mut Vec<(ExpryAST<'a>, ExpryAST<'a>)>, key: Option<ExpryAST<'a>>, value: ExpryAST<'a>) {
    if let Some(key) = key {
    let l = lhs.take();
    let acc = core::mem::take(accumulator);
    // check if there is something to combine
    if l.is_none() && acc.is_empty() {
        *lhs = Some(value);
    let l = combine(l, acc);
    let prop = ast_properties_plus_ast(&l, &value);
    *lhs = Some(ExpryAST::MergeObjects(Box::new(l), Box::new(value), prop));

fn make_object<'a>(retval: Vec<(ExpryAST<'a>, ExpryAST<'a>)>) -> ExpryAST<'a> {
    let prop = retval.iter().map(|(x,y)| ast_properties_plus_ast(x, y)).fold(ASTProperties::constant(), |x,y| {
    ExpryAST::Object(retval, prop)

fn expry_parse_array<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let open = parser.accept(JSONToken::ArrayOpen(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected '[' to open array"))?;
    let mut retval : Vec<ExpryAST> = Vec::new();
    parser.repeat(|parser| {
        if let Some(value) = parser.opt(expry_parse_expr)? {
            Ok(parser.opt(|parser| {
                parser.accept(JSONToken::Comma(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser(""))
        } else {
    parser.accept(JSONToken::ArrayClose(), Some(&open), || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected ']' to close array"))?;
    let prop = ast_properties_combine(&retval);
    Ok(ExpryAST::Array(retval, prop))

fn expry_parse_top_level<'b>(parser: &mut ExpryParserState<'b,'_,'_>) -> ExpryParserResult<'b, ExpryAST<'b>> {
    let retval = expry_parse_expr(parser)?;
    parser.accept(JSONToken::End(), None, || CompileErrorDescription::Parser("expected end of input (possibly an operator was missing)"))?;

/// Parse expressions that can be executed with an optional binary value as argument. These
/// expressions can be compiled to bytecode and executed very fast so it is suitable as a query
/// language, performing selection and modification of values on the server.
fn parse_expry_expr<'a,'b,'c>(reader: &'b str, static_value: &DecodedValue<'b>, allocator: &'a mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<ExpryAST<'b>,(CompileErrorDescription<'b>,usize,usize,Option<(usize,usize)>)> where 'c: 'b, 'b: 'a {
    let mut parser = ExpryParserState::new_with(reader, expry_tokenize, JSONParserContext{ allocator, static_value});
    parser.parse(expry_parse_top_level, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("unexpected token"), CompileErrorDescription::Parser("too much parser recursion"))

enum ExpryBytecode {
  Invalid = 0,
  Find = 1,
  SliceObjectStatic = 2,
  SliceArray = 3,
  Conditional = 4,
  FindAndField = 5, Field = 6, All = 7,
  MergeObjects = 8,
  SliceObjectDynamic = 9,
  Concrete = 10,
  FieldAccessFastPath = 11,
  FieldAccessCompute = 12,
  Call = 16,
  ArithmeticPlus = 20, ArithmeticMin, ArithmeticMul, ArithmeticDiv, ArithmeticMod, ArithmeticShiftLeft, ArithmeticShiftRight, ArithmeticUnaryMin, ArithmeticBitwiseAnd, ArithmeticBitwiseOr, ArithmeticBitwiseXor,
  Not = 32, And, Or,
  Equal = 35, NotEqual,
  ParseEqual = 40, ParseNotEqual,
  NumericLess = 45, NumericGreaterEqual, NumericGreater, NumericLessEqual,
  StringContains = 55, StringStartsWith, StringEndsWith,
  StringConcat = 65,
  OpenObject = 70,
  NotNullElse = 76,
  Try = 77,
  Defined = 78,
  Undefined = 79,
  ArithmeticSin = 80, ArithmeticTan, ArithmeticCos, ArithmeticSqrt, ArithmeticAbs, ArithmeticLog, ArithmeticCeil, ArithmeticFloor, ArithmeticTrunc, ArithmeticRound, ArithmeticLog10, ArithmeticLog2,
  #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
  StringUpper = 100, StringLower, StringTrim, StringHex, StringXxhash32, StringXxhash64, StringSha1, StringSha512, StringHtmlescape, StringUrlescape,
  StringDirname = 111, StringBasename, StringSubstringFromTo, StringCount, StringSplit, StringSubstringFrom,
  ToInteger = 124, ToFloat, ToDouble, ToString,
  TypeIsNull = 128, TypeIsBool, TypeIsNumber, TypeIsInteger, TypeIsFloat, TypeIsDouble, TypeIsString, TypeIsArray, TypeIsObject,
  Length = 140,

fn expry_cmp<'a>(lhs: Key<'a>, rhs: Key<'a>) -> Ordering {
    if lhs.1.is_empty() {
        return Ordering::Greater;
    if rhs.1.is_empty() {
        return Ordering::Less;
fn expry_min<'a>(lhs: Key<'a>, rhs: Key<'a>) -> Key<'a> {
    if lhs.1.is_empty() {
        return rhs;
    if rhs.1.is_empty() {
        return lhs;
    core::cmp::min(lhs, rhs)

#[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
fn expry_ast_optimize<'b,'c>(ast: &'_ mut ExpryAST<'b>) -> Result<(),EvalError<'b>> where 'c: 'b
    match ast {
        ExpryAST::Constant(_) => {},
        ExpryAST::Field(_) => {},
        ExpryAST::All() => {},
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(lhs, _, _) => {
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            if let ExpryAST::All() = **lhs {
                if let ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(name)) = **rhs {
                    *ast = ExpryAST::Field(core::str::from_utf8(name).map_err(|_| EvalError::Other())?);
                    return expry_ast_optimize(&mut *ast);
        ExpryAST::Arithmetic(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            if matches!(op, Arithmetic::Add | Arithmetic::Mul) {
                if ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field < ast_properties(lhs).minimal_field {
                    core::mem::swap(lhs, rhs);
                // (first_key + last_key) + middle_key should be converted to
                // (first_key + middle_key) + last_key (+ -> all ops for this branch)
                match lhs.as_mut() {
                    ExpryAST::Arithmetic(_, subop, subrhs, _) if subop == op => {
                        if ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field < ast_properties(subrhs).minimal_field {
                            core::mem::swap(subrhs, rhs);
                    _ => (),
        ExpryAST::Comparison(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            if ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field < ast_properties(lhs).minimal_field {
                if let Some(rop) = op.reverse() {
                    core::mem::swap(lhs, rhs);
                    *op = rop;
        ExpryAST::Logical(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            if matches!(op, Logical::And | Logical::Or) {
                if ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field < ast_properties(lhs).minimal_field {
                    core::mem::swap(lhs, rhs);
                // (first_key + last_key) + middle_key should be converted to
                // (first_key + middle_key) + last_key (+ -> all ops for this branch)
                match lhs.as_mut() {
                    ExpryAST::Logical(_, subop, subrhs, _) if subop == op => {
                        if ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field < ast_properties(subrhs).minimal_field {
                            core::mem::swap(subrhs, rhs);
                    _ => (),
        ExpryAST::Bitwise(lhs, _, rhs, _) => {
        ExpryAST::Concat(lhs, rhs, _) => {
        ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(_, lhs, _) => {
        ExpryAST::Function(_, args, _) => {
            for v in args {
        ExpryAST::Method(lhs, _, args, _) => {
            for v in args {
        ExpryAST::Conditional(c, t, e, _) => {
        // object creation optimisations (> etc can be reversed)
        // object creation can be optimized in two ways:
        // 1) sort on the output field,
        // 2) sort on the field accesses
        // Probably (2) is better, because they are more expensive than keeping something sorted
        // (that we should anyhow)
        ExpryAST::Object(fields, _) => {
            let mut ordered : Vec<(Key, ExpryAST, ExpryAST)> = vec!();
            for (k,v) in fields.iter_mut() {
                let minimal = ast_properties_plus(&ast_properties(k), &ast_properties(v));
                        core::mem::replace(k, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null())),
                        core::mem::replace(v, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()))
            ordered.sort_by(|x,y| x.0.cmp(&y.0));
            *fields = ordered.iter_mut().map(|(_,k,v)| (
                    core::mem::replace(k, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null())),
                    core::mem::replace(v, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::Null()))
        ExpryAST::MergeObjects(lhs, rhs, _) => {
        ExpryAST::Array(arr, _) => {
            for v in arr {
        ExpryAST::Try(lhs, rhs, _) => {
        ExpryAST::Null(lhs, rhs, _) => {

#[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
fn expry_ast_fold<'b,'c>(ast: &'_ mut ExpryAST<'b>, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<(),EvalError<'b>> where 'c: 'b
    // if this is a 'static' subtree, replace with a constant
    if !ast_properties(ast).needs_dynamic_eval {
        let bytecode = expry_ast_to_bytecode(scope, ast).map_err(EvalError::Expression)?;
        // storing bytecode in allocator, as evaluating might create a reference to the bytecode
        let mut bytecode_reader = RawReader::with(bytecode.get());
        let mut value_reader = RawReader::with(b"");
        let mut context = Context { original: ValueRef(b""), custom: &mut NoCustomFuncs{} };
        let value = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut bytecode_reader, &mut value_reader, &mut context, scope)?;
        *ast = ExpryAST::Constant(value);
        return Ok(());

    match ast {
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(lhs, _, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Arithmetic(lhs, _, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Comparison(lhs, _, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Logical(lhs, _, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Bitwise(lhs, _, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Concat(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(_, lhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Function(_, args, _) => {
            for v in args {
                expry_ast_fold(v, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Method(lhs, _, args, _) => {
            for v in args {
                expry_ast_fold(v, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Conditional(c, t, e, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(c, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(t, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(e, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Object(fields, _) => {
            for (k,v) in fields.iter_mut() {
                expry_ast_fold(k, scope)?;
                expry_ast_fold(v, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Array(arr, _) => {
            for v in arr {
                expry_ast_fold(v, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Try(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        ExpryAST::Null(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            expry_ast_fold(lhs, scope)?;
            expry_ast_fold(rhs, scope)?;
        _ => {},

fn to_var_length<'c>(scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, len: usize) -> &'c [u8] {
    let header_size = size_of_var_u64(len as u64);
    let header = scope.alloc(header_size);
    let mut writer = RawWriter::with(header);
    writer.write_var_u64(len as u64).unwrap();
    debug_assert!(writer.left() == 0);

fn internal_method_expects(_name: &str, _args: usize) -> CompileErrorDescription<'static> {
    CompileErrorDescription::Parser("wrong number of arguments")
fn internal_method(name: &str, args: usize) -> Result<u8,CompileErrorDescription<'static>> {
    match name {
        "len" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::Length as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "sub" => if args == 1 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringSubstringFrom as u8)
        } else if args == 2 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringSubstringFromTo as u8)
        } else {
            Err(CompileErrorDescription::Parser(".sub() expects 1 or 2 arguments"))
        "upper" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringUpper as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "lower" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringLower as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "trim" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringTrim as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "hex" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringHex as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "urlescape" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringUrlescape as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "htmlescape" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringHtmlescape as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "dirname" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringDirname as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "basename" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringBasename as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "splitn" => if args == 2 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::StringSplit as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 2))
        "tostring" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::ToString as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "tointeger" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::ToInteger as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "tofloat" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::ToFloat as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        "todouble" => if args == 0 {
            Ok(ExpryBytecode::ToDouble as u8)
        } else {
            Err(internal_method_expects(name, 0))
        // do not call defined/undefined here, as it will mess up the interpreter due to early abort on error (so need to write a fixed length)
        // on error
        _ => Err(CompileErrorDescription::Parser("only built-in methods are supported")),

fn internal_function(_name: &str, _args: usize) -> Option<u8> {

fn expry_ast_to_bytecode<'a,'c>(scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, ast: &'a ExpryAST<'a>) -> Result<BytecodeRef<'c>,&'static str> {
    const MAX_DEPTH: usize = 128;
    if cfg!(feature = "mini") {
        let next_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
        let mut current_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
        let mut writer = RawString::new();
        if !_expry_ast_to_bytecode(ast, &mut current_position, next_position, &mut writer, MAX_DEPTH).expect("binary encoding error") {
            return Err("too complex AST to convert to bytecode");
        // FIXME: use delayed deallocation function of MemoryScope here
    } else {
        let length;
            let next_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
            let mut current_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
            let mut length_collector = RawWriterLength::new();
            if !_expry_ast_to_bytecode(ast, &mut current_position, next_position, &mut length_collector, MAX_DEPTH).unwrap_infallible() {
                return Err("too complex AST to convert to bytecode");
            length = length_collector.length();
        let next_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
        let mut current_position: Key<'a> = key_empty();
        let retval = scope.alloc(length);
        let mut writer = RawWriter::with(retval);
        if !_expry_ast_to_bytecode(ast, &mut current_position, next_position, &mut writer, MAX_DEPTH).expect("expry: calculated size differs from actual size") {
            return Err("too complex AST to convert to bytecode");
        debug_assert!(writer.left() == 0);

fn _expry_ast_to_bytecode<'a, 'b, E, Out>(ast: &'b ExpryAST<'b>, current_position: &mut Key<'a>, next_position: Key<'a>, writer: &mut Out, depth: usize) -> Result<bool,E>
    Out: RawOutput<E>,
    'b: 'a,
    if depth == 0 {
        return Ok(false);
    let mut retval = true;
    match ast {
        ExpryAST::Constant(v) => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Concrete as u8)?;
            v.print_binary(writer, false)?;
        ExpryAST::All() => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::All as u8)?;
        ExpryAST::Field(name) => {
            let sorted_name = key_str(name);
            debug_assert!(current_position.1.is_empty() || expry_min(*current_position,sorted_name) == *current_position); // ensure that currentPosition <= field
            let min_this_and_next = expry_min(next_position, sorted_name);
            if min_this_and_next == sorted_name {
                // later operation do not need a field earlier as our field, so we can do FIND_AND_FIELD
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::FindAndField as u8)?;
                *current_position = min_this_and_next;
            } else if *current_position != min_this_and_next {
                // later operation needs a field before our current field, so first seek (FIND) to that
                // field for a later operation, and then perform a FIELD operation for our own
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Find as u8)?;

                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Field as u8)?;

                *current_position = min_this_and_next;
            } else {
                // later operation needs the current field, so only FIND
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Field as u8)?;
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithExpr(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            if !cfg!(feature = "mini") && fast_path(lhs) && fast_path(rhs) {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessFastPath as u8)?;
            } else {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessCompute as u8)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::ObjectAccessWithString(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            if !cfg!(feature = "mini") && fast_path(lhs) {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessFastPath as u8)?;
            } else {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessCompute as u8)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;

            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Concrete as u8)?;
            DecodedValue::String(rhs.as_bytes()).print_binary(writer, false)?;
        ExpryAST::Arithmetic(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            let op_bin : u8 = match op {
                Arithmetic::Add => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8,
                Arithmetic::Sub => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8,
                Arithmetic::Mul => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8,
                Arithmetic::Div => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8,
                Arithmetic::Mod => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8,
                #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
                Arithmetic::Pow => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPower as u8,

            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Try(lhs, rhs, _) | 
        ExpryAST::Null(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            // Value is reset on dynamic error, so we have two independent current_positions.
            // This will speed up evaluation, because all field accesses will be faster.
            if matches!(ast, ExpryAST::Try(_, _, _)) {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Try as u8)?;
            } else {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::NotNullElse as u8)?;
            let mut lhs_current = *current_position;
            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, &mut lhs_current, next_position, writer, depth-1)

            let mut rhs_current = *current_position;
            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, &mut rhs_current, next_position, writer, depth-1)

            *current_position = expry_min(lhs_current, rhs_current);
        ExpryAST::Method(obj, opcode, args, _) => {
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(obj, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
            for arg in args {
                retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(arg, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Comparison(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            // equal and unequal
            let mut op_bin : u8 = match op {
                ExpryComparison::Equal => ExpryBytecode::ParseEqual as u8,
                ExpryComparison::NotEqual => ExpryBytecode::ParseNotEqual as u8,
                ExpryComparison::Less => ExpryBytecode::NumericLess as u8,
                ExpryComparison::LessEqual => ExpryBytecode::NumericLessEqual as u8,
                ExpryComparison::Greater => ExpryBytecode::NumericGreater as u8,
                ExpryComparison::GreaterEqual => ExpryBytecode::NumericGreaterEqual as u8,
                ExpryComparison::Contains => ExpryBytecode::StringContains as u8,
                ExpryComparison::StartsWith => ExpryBytecode::StringStartsWith as u8,
                ExpryComparison::EndsWith => ExpryBytecode::StringEndsWith as u8,
            // if the source is the same, the encoding is probably the same and we can use a raw compare
            #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            if ast_properties(lhs).source != ValueSource::Computed && ast_properties(lhs).source == ast_properties(rhs).source {
                if op_bin == ExpryBytecode::ParseEqual as u8 {
                    op_bin = ExpryBytecode::Equal as u8;
                } else if op_bin == ExpryBytecode::ParseNotEqual as u8 {
                    op_bin = ExpryBytecode::NotEqual as u8;

            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;

        ExpryAST::Logical(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            let op_bin : u8 = match op {
                Logical::And => ExpryBytecode::And as u8,
                Logical::Or => ExpryBytecode::Or as u8,

            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)
        ExpryAST::Bitwise(lhs, op, rhs, _) => {
            let op_bin : u8 = match op {
                Bitwise::And => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseAnd as u8,
                Bitwise::Or => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseOr as u8,
                Bitwise::Xor => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseXor as u8,
                Bitwise::ShiftLeft => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftLeft as u8,
                Bitwise::ShiftRight => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftRight as u8,

            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Concat(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::StringConcat as u8)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::UnaryExpression(op, lhs, _) => {
            let op_bin : u8 = match op {
                UnaryOperation::Not => ExpryBytecode::Not as u8,
                UnaryOperation::Negate => ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticUnaryMin as u8,
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Function(name, args, _) => {
            if *name == "undefined" && args.len() == 1 {
                // special handling because length of expression is needed (because of early abort
                // on error)
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Undefined as u8)?;
                retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                    _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&args[0], current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)
            } else if *name == "defined" && args.len() == 1 {
                // special handling because length of expression is needed (because of early abort
                // on error)
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Defined as u8)?;
                retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                    _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&args[0], current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)
            } else if let Some(opcode) = internal_function(*name, args.len()) {
                for arg in args {
                    retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(arg, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
            } else {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Call as u8)?;
                writer.write_var_u64(args.len() as u64)?;
                for i in 0..args.len() {
                    let next = expry_min(ast_properties_combine(&args[i+1..]).minimal_field, next_position);
                    _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&args[i], current_position, next, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Conditional(c, t, e, _) => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::Conditional as u8)?;

            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(c, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(t).minimal_field, expry_min(ast_properties(e).minimal_field, next_position)), writer, depth-1)

            let mut t_current = *current_position;
            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(t, &mut t_current, next_position, writer, depth-1)

            let mut e_current = *current_position;
            retval &= write_with_header(writer, Out::write_var_u64, |writer| {
                _expry_ast_to_bytecode(e, &mut e_current, next_position, writer, depth-1)

            *current_position = expry_min(t_current, e_current);
        ExpryAST::Object(fields, _) => {
            let slice_static = fields.iter().all(|(k,_)| matches!(k, ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(_))));
            if slice_static {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectStatic as u8)?;
            } else {
                writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectDynamic as u8)?;
            writer.write_var_u64(fields.len() as u64)?;
            for i in 0..fields.len() {
                // FIXME: benchmark the code, becuase it might be slow because it calculates a
                // property over the remaining entries.
                let next = expry_min(fields[i+1..].iter().map(|(x,y)| ast_properties_plus_ast(x, y)).fold(ASTProperties::constant(), |x,y| {
                }).minimal_field, next_position);
                if slice_static {
                    if let ExpryAST::Constant(DecodedValue::String(key)) = fields[i].0 {
                } else {
                    let next_with_value = expry_min(next, ast_properties(&fields[i].1).minimal_field);
                    retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&fields[i].0, current_position, next_with_value, writer, depth-1)?;
                retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&fields[i].1, current_position, next, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::MergeObjects(lhs, rhs, _) => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::MergeObjects as u8)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(lhs, current_position, expry_min(ast_properties(rhs).minimal_field, next_position), writer, depth-1)?;
            retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(rhs, current_position, next_position, writer, depth-1)?;
        ExpryAST::Array(fields, _) => {
            writer.write_u8(ExpryBytecode::SliceArray as u8)?;
            writer.write_var_u64(fields.len() as u64)?;
            for i in 0..fields.len() {
                let next = expry_min(ast_properties_combine(&fields[i+1..]).minimal_field, next_position);
                retval &= _expry_ast_to_bytecode(&fields[i], current_position, next, writer, depth-1)?;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum EvalError<'a> {
// errors in the _encoding_ of the expression bytecode
// errors in the static types of the expression (e.g. if a certain expression always produces a boolean, but a different type was expected this implies an error during generation of the expression)
	Expression(&'a str),
// errors in the _encoding_ of the value
	Value(&'a str),
// type errors, division by zero
// these errors depends on the data given
	Dynamic(&'a str),
// errors if a field is not found
	FieldNotFound(&'a str),
// other errors (if it is unclear what is the source of the error)
impl<'a> core::fmt::Debug for EvalError<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)
impl<'a> core::fmt::Display for EvalError<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            EvalError::Expression(msg) => write!(f, "error in decoding expression: {}", msg),
            EvalError::Value(msg) => write!(f, "error in decoding value: {}", msg),
            EvalError::Dynamic(msg) => write!(f, "dynamic error: {}", msg),
            EvalError::FieldNotFound(msg) => write!(f, "field '{}' not found", msg),
            EvalError::Other() => write!(f, "unknown error"),

impl<'a> From<EvalError<'a>> for CompileError<'a> {
    fn from(err: EvalError<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {
            error: CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(err),
            start: 0,
            end: 0,
            extra: None,

/// Trait that can be used to pass a custom user-provided function handler to `expry` eval functions.
pub trait CustomFuncs {
    fn call<'b,'c>(&'_ mut self, name: &'_ str, args: &'_ [DecodedValue<'b>], scope: &'_ mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'b>,&'b str> where 'c: 'b;

/// An provided implementation of the custom function handler, that directly throws an error when
/// invoked.
pub struct NoCustomFuncs {

impl CustomFuncs for NoCustomFuncs {
    fn call<'b,'c>(&'_ mut self, _name: &'_ str, _args: &'_ [DecodedValue<'b>], _scope: &'_ mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'b>,&'b str> where 'c: 'b {
        Err("no custom functions defined")

struct Context<'a,'b> {
    original: ValueRef<'b>, // needed for the `this` input
    custom: &'a mut dyn CustomFuncs,

// does not throw an error if the object is not sorted, because we can not reliable detect all
// cases (if first item after previous call to evaluate_seek is less, we can not detect it without
// adding state).
fn evaluate_seek<'a,'b>(looking_for_hash: KeyHash, looking_for_key: &'b [u8], value: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<(),EvalError<'b>> {
    //eprintln!("seeking {}/{}", sorted_key.hash, String::from_utf8_lossy(sorted_key.key));
    while !value.is_empty() {
        let mut peeker = *value;
        let mut key_length = peeker.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Could not read additional field"))?;
        //eprintln!("got key length {} -> {}", key_length, key_length & 0x1);
        if (key_length & 0x1) != 0 {
            let hash_of_next_entry = peeker.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Invalid skip hash"))?;
            if looking_for_hash >= hash_of_next_entry {
                peeker.skip(key_length as usize >> 1).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("seek yielded invalid index in value"))?;
            *value = peeker;
        key_length = (key_length >> 1) - 1;
        let current_hash = peeker.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Invalid hash"))?;
        let current_key = peeker.read_bytes(key_length as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Invalid key"))?;
        //eprintln!("looking at {}/{} -> {:?}", hash_of_key, String::from_utf8_lossy(key.key), sorted_key.cmp(&key));
        match (looking_for_hash,looking_for_key).cmp(&(current_hash, current_key)) {
            Ordering::Less => break,
            Ordering::Equal => return Ok(()),
            Ordering::Greater => {},

        let length_and_type = peeker.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Could not read additional field"))?;
        let length = DecodedValue::length_of_binary(length_and_type);
        peeker.skip(length as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("seek yielded invalid index in value"))?;
        *value = peeker;
    Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(looking_for_key).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?))

fn read_hashed_string<'a>(expression: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<(KeyHash,&'a [u8]),EvalError<'a>> {
    let hash = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("read hashed string resulted in error"))?;
    let key = expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("read hashed string resulted in error"))?;
    Ok((hash, key))
fn evaluate_find<'a>(expression: &mut RawReader<'a>, value: &mut RawReader<'a>) -> Result<(),EvalError<'a>> {
    let (looking_for_hash, looking_for_key) = read_hashed_string(expression)?;
    evaluate_seek(looking_for_hash, looking_for_key, value)

fn get_double<'a,'b>(v: &DecodedValue<'a>) -> Result<f64,EvalError<'b>> {
    match v {
        DecodedValue::Int(n) => Ok(*n as f64),
        DecodedValue::Float(n) => Ok(*n as f64),
        DecodedValue::Double(n) => Ok(*n),
        _ => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("expected a number, found something else")),
fn compare<'a,'b,'c>(lhs: &DecodedValue<'a>, rhs: &DecodedValue<'a>, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<Ordering,EvalError<'b>> where 'c: 'b {
    if let (DecodedValue::Int(l), DecodedValue::Int(r)) = (&lhs, &rhs) {
        return Ok(l.cmp(r));
    if let (DecodedValue::Float(l), DecodedValue::Float(r)) = (&lhs, &rhs) {
        return match l.partial_cmp(r) {
            None => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("uncomparable floats")),
            Some(v) => Ok(v),
    if let (DecodedValue::Double(l), DecodedValue::Double(r)) = (&lhs, &rhs) {
        return match l.partial_cmp(r) {
            None => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("uncomparable doubles")),
            Some(v) => Ok(v),
    Err(EvalError::Dynamic(write!(scope, "trying to compare two values that differ in type: {} and {}", lhs.type_string(), rhs.type_string())))
fn find_subsequence<T>(haystack: &[T], needle: &[T]) -> Option<usize>
where for<'a> &'a [T]: PartialEq
    haystack.windows(needle.len()).position(|window| window == needle)

fn evaluate_to_decoded_value<'a,'b,'c>(expression: &mut RawReader<'b>, value: &mut RawReader<'b>, context: &mut Context<'a,'b>, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'b>,EvalError<'b>>
where 'c: 'b, 'b: 'a
    let opcode = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("Expected more bytes in expression"))?;
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Find as u8 {
        match evaluate_find(expression, value) {
            Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => {},
            Err(x) => return Err(x),
            _ => {},
        return evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::And as u8 {
        let mut sub = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("corrupted AND"))?);
        while !sub.is_empty() {
            let value = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut sub, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::Bool(v) = value {
                if !v {
                    return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(false));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("value for AND was not a boolean"));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(true));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Or as u8 {
        let mut sub = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("corrupted OR"))?);
        while !sub.is_empty() {
            let value = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut sub, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::Bool(v) = value {
                if v {
                    return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(true));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("value for OR was not a boolean"));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(false));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Call as u8 {
        let function_name = expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("invalid CALL"))?;
        let arg_count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("invalid CALL"))?;
        let mut args : Vec<DecodedValue> = Vec::new();
        for _ in 0..arg_count {
            let v = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        return context.custom.call(core::str::from_utf8(function_name).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("function name is not UTF8"))?, &args, allocator).map_err(EvalError::Dynamic);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::All as u8 {
        let mut reader = RawReader::with(context.original.get());
        return DecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted original input"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Field as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::FindAndField as u8 {
        let mut value_copy : RawReader;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Field as u8 {
            value_copy = *value;
            evaluate_find(expression, &mut value_copy)?;
        } else {
            evaluate_find(expression, value)?;
            value_copy = *value;
        let key_length = value_copy.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("expected key_length"))?;
        if key_length == 0 || (key_length & 0x1) != 0 {
            return Err(EvalError::Value("invalid key_length"));
        let _key_name = &value_copy.read_bytes(key_length as usize >> 1).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value(""))?[1..];
        //eprintln!("using field {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(_key_name));
        let retval = DecodedValue::parse(&mut value_copy).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted field from value"))?;
        return Ok(retval);
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessFastPath as u8 {
        // This op can be implemented faster because the value does not need to be decoded at all for the field access to work.
        // fast_path should only be triggered for operations that return a whole value in output
        // (such as Concrete, All, Field, FieldAccess*)
        let mut output = Vec::new();
        evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, &mut output)?;
        debug_assert!(output.len() == 1);
        if let Some(first) = output.first() {
            let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::String(key) = rhs {
                if let LazyDecodedValue::Object(obj) = LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(*first)).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted lhs for field access"))? {
                    if let Some(value) = obj.lookup_binary(key_u8(key)).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted lhs for field access"))? {
                        let retval = DecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(value)).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted field from value"))?;
                        return Ok(retval);
                    } else {
                        return Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(key).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?));
                } else {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (fast path) for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (fast path) for a right-hand-side that resolves to something different than a string"));
        } else {
            return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (fast path) for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessCompute as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let DecodedValue::Object(mut obj) = lhs {
            let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::String(key) = rhs {
                if let Some(value) = obj.get_mut(&key_u8(key)) {
                    let value = core::mem::replace(value, DecodedValue::Null());
                    return Ok(value);
                return Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(key).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (compute) for a right-hand-side that resolves to something different than a string"));
        } else {
            return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (compute) for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Concrete as u8 {
        let value = DecodedValue::parse(expression).map_err(|_| {
            EvalError::Expression("Corrupted concrete value")
        return Ok(value)
    // can be disabled for smaller binary size (no tables to make operation faster are compiled in)
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPower as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let l = get_double(&lhs)?;
        let r = get_double(&rhs)?;
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l.powf(r)));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftLeft as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftRight as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseOr as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseXor as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseAnd as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let (DecodedValue::Int(l), DecodedValue::Int(r)) = (&lhs, &rhs) {
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_add(*r).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("int add resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_sub(*r).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("int sub resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_mul(*r).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("int mul resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 {
                if *r == 0 {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("Division by zero"));
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_div(*r).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("int div resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 {
                if *r == 0 {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("Modulo zero"));
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l % r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftLeft as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_shl((*r).try_into().map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("shift-left resulted in overflow"))?).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("shift-left resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftRight as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_shr((*r).try_into().map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("shift-right resulted in overflow"))?).ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("shift-right resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseOr as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l | r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseXor as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l ^ r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseAnd as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l & r));
        let l = get_double(&lhs)?;
        let r = get_double(&rhs)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l + r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l - r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l * r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 {
            if r == 0.0 {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("Division by zero"));
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l / r));
        // disabled for smaller binary size
        #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 {
            if r == 0.0 {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("Modulo zero"));
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l % r));
        return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("Arithmetic operation without proper arguments (maybe a bitwise operation on a float or a comparison between a float and int?)"));
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Equal as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::NotEqual as u8
        let mut lhs_output = Vec::new();
        evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, &mut lhs_output)?;
        let mut rhs_output = Vec::new();
        evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, &mut rhs_output)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NotEqual as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs_output != rhs_output));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs_output == rhs_output));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Not as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let DecodedValue::Bool(b) = &lhs {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(!b));
        return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("NOT expects a boolean"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ParseEqual as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ParseNotEqual as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::Equal as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::NotEqual as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ParseNotEqual as u8 ||
           opcode == ExpryBytecode::NotEqual as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs != rhs));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs == rhs));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericLess as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericLessEqual as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericGreater as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericGreaterEqual as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericLess as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(compare(&lhs, &rhs, allocator)? == Ordering::Less));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericLessEqual as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(compare(&lhs, &rhs, allocator)? != Ordering::Greater));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericGreater as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(compare(&lhs, &rhs, allocator)? == Ordering::Greater));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NumericGreaterEqual as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(compare(&lhs, &rhs, allocator)? != Ordering::Less));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringContains as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringStartsWith as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringEndsWith as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        match (lhs, opcode, rhs) {
            (DecodedValue::String(lhs), op, DecodedValue::String(rhs)) if op == ExpryBytecode::StringContains as u8 => {
                if rhs.is_empty() {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("string contains operation with zero-size right hand size"));
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(find_subsequence(lhs, rhs).is_some()));
            (DecodedValue::String(lhs), op, DecodedValue::String(rhs)) if op == ExpryBytecode::StringStartsWith as u8 => {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs.starts_with(rhs)));
            (DecodedValue::String(lhs), op, DecodedValue::String(rhs)) if op == ExpryBytecode::StringEndsWith as u8 => {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(lhs.ends_with(rhs)));
            _ => return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("string operation (contains, starts-with, ends-with) expects two string arguments")),
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringConcat as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        match (lhs, rhs) {
            (DecodedValue::String(lhs), DecodedValue::String(rhs)) => {
                let value = allocator.concat_u8(&[lhs, rhs]);
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(value));
            (lhs, rhs) => return Err(EvalError::Dynamic(write!(allocator, "string concat expects two string arguments, not {} and {}", lhs.type_string(), rhs.type_string()))),
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Length as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        match lhs {
            DecodedValue::String(s) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(s.len() as i64)),
            DecodedValue::Array(arr) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(arr.len() as i64)),
            DecodedValue::Object(obj) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(obj.len() as i64)),
            _ => return Err(EvalError::Dynamic(write!(allocator, "taking len() from non supported value type: {}", lhs.type_string()))),
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringDirname as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringBasename as u8
        let string = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let DecodedValue::String(string) = string {
            let mut it = string.rsplitn(2, |x| *x == b'/');
            if let (Some(basename), dirname) = (it.next(), it.next()) {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringBasename as u8 {
                } else if let Some(dirname) = dirname {
                } else {
        } else {
            return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("trying to apply basename()/dirname() to non supported value type"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringSplit as u8 {
        let string = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let max = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let split_on = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let (DecodedValue::String(mut string), DecodedValue::Int(mut max), DecodedValue::String(split_on)) = (string, max, split_on) {

            let mut retval = DecodedArray::new();
            if max > 1 {
                max -= 1;
                while let Some(pos) = find_subsequence(string, split_on) {
                    let (begin, end) = string.split_at(pos);
                    string = &end[split_on.len()..];
                    if retval.len() >= max as usize {
            if !string.is_empty() {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Array(retval));
        } else {
            return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("splitn() method expects to be called on a string, with a int and string argument"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringSubstringFromTo as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringSubstringFrom as u8 {
        let string = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let start = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let length = if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringSubstringFromTo as u8 {
            evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?
        } else {
        if let DecodedValue::String(string) = string {
            if let DecodedValue::Int(start) = start {
                if let DecodedValue::Int(length) = length {
                    // u32 for 32-bits targets
                    let start = start.clamp(0, u32::MAX as i64) as usize;
                    let length = length.clamp(0, u32::MAX as i64) as usize;
                    let from = core::cmp::min(start, string.len());
                    let to = core::cmp::min((start).saturating_add(length), string.len());
                    return Ok(DecodedValue::String(&string[from..to]));
                } else {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("substring needs an int as third argument"));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("substring needs an int as second argument"));
        } else {
            return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("substring from string needs a string as first argument"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringUpper as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringLower as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringTrim as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringHex as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringHtmlescape as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringUrlescape as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        match lhs {
            DecodedValue::String(s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringUpper as u8 => {
                // full utf-8 to_uppercase() makes the resulting binary a lot larger (~50 KiB)
                let retval = allocator.copy_u8(s);
                for c in retval.iter_mut() {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(retval));
            DecodedValue::String(s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringLower as u8 => {
                // full utf-8 to_lowercase() makes the resulting binary a lot larger (~50 KiB)
                let retval = allocator.copy_u8(s);
                for c in retval.iter_mut() {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(retval));
            DecodedValue::String(mut s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringTrim as u8 => {
                let from = s.iter().position(|x| *x != b' ');
                if let Some(from) = from {
                    let to = s.iter().rev().position(|x| *x != b' ');
                    if let Some(to) = to {
                        s = &s[from..s.len()-to];
                    } else {
                        s = &s[from..];
                } else {
                    s = b"";
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(s));
            DecodedValue::String(s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringHex as u8 => {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(allocator.copy_hex(s)));
            DecodedValue::String(s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringHtmlescape as u8 => {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(allocator.copy_with_replacement(s, html_escape_inside_attribute_u8).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("string replacement error"))?));
            DecodedValue::String(s) if opcode == ExpryBytecode::StringUrlescape as u8 => {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::String(allocator.copy_with_dynamic_replacement(s, url_escape_u8).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("string replacement error"))?));
            _ => return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("string function expects a string argument"))
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToString as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToInteger as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToFloat as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToDouble as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToString as u8 {
            if !lhs.is_valid_json() {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("TO_STRING resulted in Utf8Error"));
            return Ok(DecodedValue::String(write!(allocator, "{}", lhs).as_bytes()));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToInteger as u8 {
            return match lhs {
                DecodedValue::Int(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Int(v as i64)),
                DecodedValue::Float(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Int(v as i64)),
                DecodedValue::Double(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Int(v as i64)),
                DecodedValue::String(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Int(core::str::from_utf8(v).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for tointeger()"))?.parse().map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("could not parse in tointeger()"))?)),
                _ => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("tointeger() expects a number or a string")),
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToFloat as u8 {
            return match lhs {
                DecodedValue::Int(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Float(v as f32)),
                DecodedValue::Float(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Float(v as f32)),
                DecodedValue::Double(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Float(v as f32)),
                DecodedValue::String(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Float(core::str::from_utf8(v).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for tofloat()"))?.parse().map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("could not parse in tofloat()"))?)),
                _ => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("tofloat() expects a number or a string")),
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ToDouble as u8 {
            return match lhs {
                DecodedValue::Int(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Double(v as f64)),
                DecodedValue::Float(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Double(v as f64)),
                DecodedValue::Double(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Double(v as f64)),
                DecodedValue::String(v) => Ok(DecodedValue::Double(core::str::from_utf8(v).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for todouble()"))?.parse().map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("could not parse in todouble()"))?)),
                _ => Err(EvalError::Dynamic("todouble() expects a number or a string")),
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticUnaryMin as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        match lhs {
            // signed overflow protection here (generating a dynamic error)
            // signed int can overflow if -i64::MIN is calculated
            DecodedValue::Int(i) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(i.checked_neg().ok_or(EvalError::Dynamic("UNARY_MIN resulted in overflow"))?)),
            DecodedValue::Float(i) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Float(-i)),
            DecodedValue::Double(i) => return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(-i)),
            _ => return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("UNARY_MIN expects a boolean")),
    // FIXME: is_type etc
    // FIXME: math functions: ceil, floor, trunc, round, sqrt, abs
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Defined as u8 ||
       opcode == ExpryBytecode::Undefined as u8
        let mut lhs_reader = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in (UN)DEFINED"))?);
        let result = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut lhs_reader, value, context, allocator);
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Defined as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(result.is_ok()));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(result.is_err()));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Try as u8 {
        let value_copy = *value;
        let mut lhs_reader = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?);
        let rhs_size = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?;
        match evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut lhs_reader, value, context, allocator) {
            Ok(v) => {
                expression.skip(rhs_size as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?;
                return Ok(v);
            Err(err) if matches!(err, EvalError::Dynamic(_) | EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => {
                *value = value_copy;
                return evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator);
            Err(err) => {
                return Err(err);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::NotNullElse as u8 {
        let value_copy = *value;
        let mut lhs_reader = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in NOTNULLELSE"))?);
        let rhs_size = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in NOTNULLELSE"))?;
        match evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut lhs_reader, value, context, allocator) {
            Ok(DecodedValue::Null()) => {
                *value = value_copy;
                return evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator);
            Ok(v) => {
                expression.skip(rhs_size as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?;
                return Ok(v);
            Err(err) => {
                return Err(err);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectDynamic as u8 {
        let count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
        let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
        for _ in 0..count {
            match evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)? {
                DecodedValue::String(key) => {
                    let hash = key_stable_hash(key);
                    retval.insert((hash, key), evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?);
                _ => {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("expected string as key for a SLICEOBJECT"));
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Object(retval));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectStatic as u8 {
        let count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
        let mut retval = DecodedObject::new();
        for _ in 0..count {
            let hash_of_key = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("invalid hash in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
            let key_length = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
            let key = expression.read_bytes(key_length as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("Invalid key in slice object"))?;
            retval.insert((hash_of_key, key), evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?);
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Object(retval));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::MergeObjects as u8 {
        let mut lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let mut rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let (DecodedValue::Object(lhs), DecodedValue::Object(rhs)) = (&mut lhs, &mut rhs) {
            for (k,v) in rhs {
                let v = core::mem::replace(v, DecodedValue::Null());
                lhs.insert(*k, v);
            let v = core::mem::take(lhs);
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Object(v));
        return Err(EvalError::Dynamic(write!(allocator, "merging object (with e.g. spread syntax) expects two objects as arguments: lhs={}, rhs={}", lhs.type_string(), rhs.type_string())));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceArray as u8 {
        let count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEARRAY"))?;
        let mut retval = DecodedArray::new();
        for _ in 0..count {
            retval.push(evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?);
        return Ok(DecodedValue::Array(retval));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Conditional as u8 {
        let mut c = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in CONDITIONAL condition"))?);
        let t = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in CONDITIONAL then"))?);
        let e = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in CONDITIONAL else"))?);
        match evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut c, value, context, allocator) {
            Ok(DecodedValue::Bool(c)) => {
                return evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut if c { t } else { e }, value, context, allocator);
            Ok(_) => {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("conditional expects a boolean for the condition"));
            Err(err) => {
                return Err(err);
    Err(EvalError::Expression(write!(allocator, "Unrecognized opcode {}", opcode)))

fn create_object_header<'c>(scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, hash_of_key: u8, key: &[u8]) -> &'c [u8] {
    let prefix = scope.alloc(size_of_var_u64(((key.len() + KEY_HASH_SIZE) << 1) as u64) + KEY_HASH_SIZE + key.len());
    let mut writer = RawWriter::with(prefix);
    writer.write_var_u64(((key.len() + KEY_HASH_SIZE) << 1) as u64).unwrap();
    debug_assert!(writer.left() == 0);

// maybe return an array of [u8], to avoid copying. Only concat the value in the expry_slice_func
// function. Using this approach MergeObjects can also be efficiently implemented.
fn evaluate_to_binary<'a,'b,'c>(expression: &mut RawReader<'b>, value: &mut RawReader<'b>, context: &mut Context<'a,'b>, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, output: &mut Vec<&'b [u8]>) -> Result<(),EvalError<'b>>
where 'c: 'b, 'b: 'a
    let expression_original = *expression;
    if !cfg!(feature = "mini") {
        let opcode = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("Expected more bytes in expression"))?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Find as u8 {
            match evaluate_find(expression, value) {
                Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => {},
                Err(x) => return Err(x),
                _ => {},
            return evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, output);
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::All as u8 {
            return Ok(());
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Field as u8 ||
            opcode == ExpryBytecode::FindAndField as u8 {
            let mut value_copy : RawReader;
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Field as u8 {
                value_copy = *value;
                evaluate_find(expression, &mut value_copy)?;
            } else {
                evaluate_find(expression, value)?;
                value_copy = *value;
            let key_length = value_copy.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("expected key_length"))?;
            if key_length == 0 || (key_length & 0x1) != 0 {
                return Err(EvalError::Value("invalid key_length"));
            let _key_name = &value_copy.read_bytes(key_length as usize >> 1).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value(""))?[1..];

            // decoded correct length and copy only that (not the remainder)
            let mut reader = value_copy;
            let type_and_length = reader.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("expected type_and_length of object"))?;
            let len = (value_copy.len() - reader.len()) + DecodedValue::length_of_binary(type_and_length);
            return Ok(());
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Concrete as u8 {
            let mut expression_copy = *expression;
            let type_and_length = expression_copy.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| {
                EvalError::Expression("Corrupted concrete value")
            let (_, len) = DecodedValue::decoded_type_and_length(type_and_length).map_err(|_| {
                EvalError::Expression("Corrupted concrete value")
            output.push(expression.read_bytes(len + expression.len() - expression_copy.len()).map_err(|_| {
                EvalError::Expression("Corrupted concrete value")
            return Ok(());
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessFastPath as u8 {
            // fast_path should only be triggered for operations that return a whole value in output
            // (such as Concrete, All, Field, FieldAccess*)
            let mut lhs_output = Vec::new();
            evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, &mut lhs_output)?;
            debug_assert!(lhs_output.len() == 1);
            if let Some(first) = lhs_output.first() {
                let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
                if let DecodedValue::String(key) = rhs {
                    if let LazyDecodedValue::Object(obj) = LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(*first)).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted lhs for field access"))? {
                        if let Some(value) = obj.lookup_binary(key_u8(key)).map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("Corrupted lhs for field access"))? {
                            return Ok(());
                        } else {
                            return Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(key).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?));
                    } else {
                        return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
                } else {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access for a right-hand-side that resolves to something different than a string"));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessCompute as u8 {
            // avoid serializing a complete object before only taking part of it
            let lhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::Object(mut obj) = lhs {
                let rhs = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
                if let DecodedValue::String(key) = rhs {
                    if let Some(value) = obj.get_mut(&key_u8(key)) {
                        let value = core::mem::replace(value, DecodedValue::Null());
                        let len = value.size_of_binary(false);
                        let buffer = allocator.alloc(len);
                        let mut writer = RawWriter::with(buffer);
                        value.print_binary(&mut writer, false).map_err(|_| EvalError::Other())?;
                        return Ok(());
                    return Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(key).map_err(|_| EvalError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?));
                } else {
                    return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access for a right-hand-side that resolves to something different than a string"));
            } else {
                return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("field access for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
        // if opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectStatic as u8 ||
        //     opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectDynamic as u8 {
        //     let count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
        //     let index = output.len();
        //     output.push(&[]); // reserve space for object header

        //     if opcode == ExpryBytecode::SliceObjectStatic as u8 {
        //         // FIXME: sort output based on key (as input is sorted on accesses and not on
        //         output key)
        //         let mut last_key = None;
        //         for _ in 0..count {
        //             let hash_of_key = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| EvalError::Value("invalid hash in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
        //             let key_length = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in SLICEOBJECT"))?;
        //             let key = expression.read_bytes(key_length as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("Invalid key in slice object"))?;

        //             if let Some(last_key) = last_key {
        //                 debug_assert!(last_key < key);
        //             }
        //             last_key = Some(key);

        //             let prefix = create_object_header(allocator, hash_of_key, key);
        //             output.push(prefix);

        //             evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, output)?;
        //         }
        //     } else {
        //         // FIXME: sort output based on key (as input is sorted on accesses and not on
        //         output key)
        //         for _ in 0..count {
        //             match evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)? {
        //                 DecodedValue::String(key) => {
        //                     let hash_of_key = key_stable_hash(key);
        //                     let prefix = create_object_header(allocator, hash_of_key, key);
        //                     output.push(prefix);
        //                     evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, output)?;
        //                 },
        //                 _ => {
        //                     return Err(EvalError::Dynamic("expected string as key for a SLICEOBJECT"));
        //                 }
        //             }
        //         }
        //     }
        //     let size = output[index+1..].iter().fold(0usize, |sum,val| sum + val.len());
        //     output[index] = to_var_length(allocator, size << WIDTH_OF_JSON_TYPE_MASK | ValueType::Object as usize);

        //     return Ok(());
        // }
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Try as u8 {
            let value_copy = *value;
            let mut lhs_reader = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?);
            let rhs_size = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?;
            let output_len = output.len();
            match evaluate_to_binary(&mut lhs_reader, value, context, allocator, output) {
                Ok(()) => {
                    expression.skip(rhs_size as usize).map_err(|_| EvalError::Expression("error in TRY"))?;
                    return Ok(());
                Err(err) if matches!(err, EvalError::Dynamic(_) | EvalError::FieldNotFound(_)) => {
                    *value = value_copy;
                    return evaluate_to_binary(expression, value, context, allocator, output);
                Err(err) => {
                    return Err(err);
        // FIXME: add case for NotNullElse
        // FIXME: add case for SliceArray

    // use dynamic evaluation and convert to a binary value
    *expression = expression_original;
    let value = evaluate_to_decoded_value(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
    let len = value.size_of_binary(false);
    let buffer = allocator.alloc(len);
    let mut writer = RawWriter::with(buffer);
    value.print_binary(&mut writer, false).map_err(|_| EvalError::Other())?;

// FIXME: add properties to the result value (as a seperate struct):
// - needs dynamic evaluation;
// - is a super simple slicer (only returns 1 part of the input value or bytecode)
// - is a simple slicer (only returns a composition of multiple values)
/// Compiles an expression to bytecode that can quickly be evaluated using [`expry_eval`] and
/// [`expry_slice`].
pub fn expry_compile<'b,'c>(expr: &'b str, static_value: Option<&DecodedValue<'b>>, scope: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<BytecodeRef<'b>, CompileError<'b>> where 'c: 'b {
    if expr.len() >= u32::MAX as usize {
        return Err(CompileError{error: CompileErrorDescription::Parser("input too large to parse (max 4 GiB)"), start: expr.len(), end: 0, extra: None});
    let default_value = DecodedValue::Object(DecodedObject::new());
    let static_value = static_value.unwrap_or(&default_value);
    let mut object = parse_expry_expr(expr, static_value, scope).map_err(|(error, start, end, extra)| CompileError{ error, start, end, extra })?;
    #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
        // FIXME: return source range where the error is triggered (in the fold/optimize)
        expry_ast_fold(&mut object, scope).map_err(|x| CompileError{error: CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(x), start: 0, end: 0, extra: None})?;
        expry_ast_optimize(&mut object).map_err(|x| CompileError{error: CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(x), start: 0, end: 0, extra: None})?;
    let bytecode = expry_ast_to_bytecode(scope, &object).map_err(|x| CompileError{error: CompileErrorDescription::Parser(x), start: 0, end: 0, extra: None})?;

/// Formats errors from compilation with a nice layout and underlines on the source lines, so that
/// users can easily understand what to do. Returns the line number of the main error, and a string
/// that can be displayed to the user.
pub fn expry_compile_error_format(expr: &str, e: &CompileError, extra_line_no: u32) -> (u32,String) {
    let mut retval = String::new();
    let line_context = LineContext::new(expr);
    let (line_no, prefix, error_msg) = line_context.format_error_context(expr, e.start, e.end, extra_line_no).map_or((0u32, String::new(), String::new()), |x| x);
    if line_no > 0 {
        writeln!(&mut retval, "{}{}error at line {}:{} {}", prefix, TERM_BRIGHT_RED, line_no, TERM_RESET, e.error).ok();
    if let Some((start, end)) = e.extra {
        let (line_no, prefix, error_msg) = line_context.format_error_context(expr, start, end, extra_line_no).map_or((0u32, String::new(), String::new()), |x| x);
        if line_no > 0 {
            writeln!(&mut retval, "{}{}related at line {}:{} expected it here (or earlier)", prefix, TERM_DIM_CYAN, line_no, TERM_RESET).ok();
    (line_no, retval)

pub fn expry_compile_error_format_short(expr: &str, e: &CompileError) -> String {
    let mut retval = String::new();
    let line_context = LineContext::new(expr);
    let error_msg = line_context.format_error_context_short(expr, e.start, e.end).map_or(String::new(), |x| x);
    writeln!(&mut retval, "error: {}", e.error).ok();
    if let Some((start, end)) = e.extra {
        let error_msg = line_context.format_error_context_short(expr, start, end).map_or(String::new(), |x| x);
        retval.push_str("\nrelated: expected it here (or earlier)\n");

/// Evaluate expression bytecode in the context of the given `value`, resulting in a **decoded**
/// object.
pub fn expry_eval<'a,'c>(bytecode: BytecodeRef<'a>, value: ValueRef<'a>, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<DecodedValue<'a>, EvalError<'a>> where 'c: 'a {
    let mut funcs = NoCustomFuncs{};
    expry_eval_func(bytecode, value, allocator, &mut funcs)
/// Evaluate expression bytecode in the context of the given `value`, resulting in a **decoded**
/// object. This version supports custom user defined functions.
pub fn expry_eval_func<'a,'b,'c>(bytecode: BytecodeRef<'b>, value: ValueRef<'b>, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>, funcs: &'a mut dyn CustomFuncs) -> Result<DecodedValue<'b>, EvalError<'b>>
where 'c: 'b, 'b: 'a
    let mut bytecode_reader = RawReader::with(bytecode.0);
    let mut value_reader = RawReader::with(value.0);
    let mut context = Context { original: value, custom: funcs};
    let err = || EvalError::Value("value type can not be decoded");
    if !value_reader.is_empty() && DecodedValue::type_of_binary(value_reader.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| err())?) != ValueType::Object as u8 {
        // still useful, because the `this` field can obtain the int, bool, etc variable
        value_reader = RawReader::with(b"");
    let result = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut bytecode_reader, &mut value_reader, &mut context, allocator)?;

/// Evaluate expression bytecode in the context of the given `value`, resulting in an **encoded**
/// object. This version supports custom user defined functions.
/// This object can be directly transfered over a wire.
/// This version is cheaper because values
/// can be included directly in encoded form, so a decoding step is skipped.
pub fn expry_slice_func<'a,'b,'c>(bytecode: BytecodeRef<'b>, value: ValueRef<'b>, allocator: &'a mut MemoryScope<'c>, funcs: &'a mut dyn CustomFuncs) -> Result<ValueRef<'b>, EvalError<'b>>
where 'c: 'b, 'b: 'a
    let mut bytecode_reader = RawReader::with(bytecode.0);
    let mut value_reader = RawReader::with(value.0);
    let mut context = Context { original: value, custom: funcs};
    let err = || EvalError::Value("value type can not be decoded");
    if !value_reader.is_empty() && DecodedValue::type_of_binary(value_reader.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| err())?) != ValueType::Object as u8 {
        // still useful, because the `this` field can obtain the int, bool, etc variable
        value_reader = RawReader::with(b"");
    let mut output = Vec::new();
    evaluate_to_binary(&mut bytecode_reader, &mut value_reader, &mut context, allocator, &mut output)?;
    let output = allocator.concat_u8(&output);

    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        let mut reader = RawReader::with(output);
        let len = reader.read_var_u64().unwrap();
        debug_assert_eq!(DecodedValue::length_of_binary(len), reader.len());
        debug_assert!(DecodedValue::parse(&mut RawReader::with(output)).is_ok());


/// Evaluate expression bytecode in the context of the given `value`, resulting in an **encoded**
/// object.
/// The encoded resulting value can be directly transfered over a wire.
/// This version is cheaper because values
/// can be included directly in encoded form, so a decoding step is skipped.
pub fn expry_slice<'b,'c>(bytecode: BytecodeRef<'b>, value: ValueRef<'b>, allocator: &mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> Result<ValueRef<'b>, EvalError<'b>> where 'c: 'b {
    expry_slice_func(bytecode, value, allocator, &mut NoCustomFuncs{})

extern crate quickcheck;

extern crate quickcheck_macros;

mod tests {

    use core::time;
    use std::{time::{Instant, Duration}, fs::File, io::{BufReader, Read}};

    use crate::*;

    fn convert_test(v: &DecodedValue) {
        println!("testing {:?}", v);
        let len = v.size_of_binary(false);
        let mut buffer = vec![0u8; len];
        let mut writer = RawWriter::with(&mut buffer[..]);
        v.print_binary(&mut writer, false).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(writer.left(), 0);
        let mut reader = RawReader::with(&buffer[..]);
        let v2 = DecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).expect("error");
        assert_eq!(reader.len(), 0);
        assert_eq!(*v, v2);

    fn quickcheck_binary_int(v: i64) -> bool {
        let v = DecodedValue::Int(v);
        println!("testing {:?}", v);
        let len = v.size_of_binary(false);
        let mut buffer = vec![0u8; len];
        let mut writer = RawWriter::with(&mut buffer[..]);
        v.print_binary(&mut writer, false).unwrap();
        let writer_left = writer.left();
        if buffer.len() - writer_left != len {
            println!("wrong expected size of binary representation");
            return false;
        println!("binary representation: {:?}", buffer);
        let mut reader = RawReader::with(&buffer[..]);
        let v2 = DecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).expect("error");
        println!("left reader: {}; left writer: {}", reader.len(), writer_left);
        reader.len() == writer_left && v == v2
    fn basic() {
        let mut foo = DecodedValue::Null();
        assert_eq!(foo, foo);

        println!("testing null");
        foo = DecodedValue::Null();
        assert_eq!(1, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing bool");
        foo = DecodedValue::Bool(false);
        assert_eq!(1, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        foo = DecodedValue::Bool(true);
        assert_eq!(1, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing float");
        foo = DecodedValue::Float(0.0);
        assert_eq!(5, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing double");
        foo = DecodedValue::Double(0.0);
        assert_eq!(9, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing string");
        foo = DecodedValue::String("foobar".as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(7, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("foo string = {:?}", foo);

        println!("testing int");
        foo = DecodedValue::Int(0);
        assert_eq!(1, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        foo = DecodedValue::Int(1);
        assert_eq!(2, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        foo = DecodedValue::Int(2);
        assert_eq!(2, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        foo = DecodedValue::Int(-1);
        assert_eq!(2, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing array");
        foo = DecodedValue::Array(vec![]);
        assert_eq!(1, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        let arr = vec![DecodedValue::Null()];
        foo = DecodedValue::Array(arr);
        assert_eq!(3, foo.size_of_binary(false));

        println!("testing object");
        foo = value!({
            "null": null,
            "one": 1,
            "foo": {
                "null": null,
                "one": 1,
        assert_eq!(36, foo.size_of_binary(false));
    pub fn throughput(dur: time::Duration, bytes: usize) -> u64 {
        let mut megabytes_per_second = bytes as u64 / dur.as_micros() as u64;

        // Round to two significant digits.
        if megabytes_per_second > 100 {
            if megabytes_per_second % 10 >= 5 {
                megabytes_per_second += 10;
            megabytes_per_second = megabytes_per_second / 10 * 10;

    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_binary_parse_fat() {
        // let _guard = sentry::init(("https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0", sentry::ClientOptions {
        //     release: sentry::release_name!(),
        //     ..Default::default()
        // }));
        //     panic!("Everything is on fire!");

        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let v = get_data(&mut scope);
        let bytes = v.to_vec(false);
        let before = Instant::now();
        let count = 256;
        for _ in 0..count {
            let mut reader = RawReader::with(bytes.get());
            let _ = DecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).expect("error");
            assert_eq!(0, reader.len());
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;
        //println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), throughput(dur, count*bytes.len()));
        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*bytes.len()) as u128)/dur.as_micros());

        let mut reader = RawReader::with(bytes.get());
        let v = DecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).expect("error");
        let mut buffer : Vec<u8> = vec!();
        v.print_json(&mut buffer).unwrap();
        // let mut f = File::create("twitter.json").unwrap();
        // f.write_all(&buffer).unwrap();
        // drop(f);
        let (v, pos) = parse(&bytes[..]).expect("error");
        assert_eq!(pos, bytes.len());
        let len = size_of_binary(&v, false);
        let mut writer = vec![0u8; len];
        let used_len = print(&v, &mut writer[..], false);
        assert_eq!(used_len, len);
        let (v2, pos) = parse(&writer[..]).expect("error");
        assert_eq!(pos, writer.len());
        assert_eq!(v, v2);
        // println!("{:?}", v);

    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_binary_parse_lazy() {
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let v = get_data(&mut scope);
        let bytes = v.to_vec(false);
        let before = Instant::now();
        let count = 256;
        for _ in 0..count {
            let mut reader = RawReader::with(bytes.get());
            let _ = walk_lazy_binary_object(LazyDecodedValue::parse(&mut reader).expect("error")).expect("error2");
            assert_eq!(0, reader.len());
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;
        //println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), throughput(dur, count*bytes.len()));
        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*bytes.len()) as u128)/dur.as_micros());

    fn walk_lazy_binary_object(value: LazyDecodedValue) -> Result<(),EncodingError> {
        match value {
            LazyDecodedValue::Null() => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::Bool(_) => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::Int(_) => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::Float(_) => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::Double(_) => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::String(_) => Ok(()),
            LazyDecodedValue::Object(mut obj) => {
                while !obj.is_empty()? {
                    let ((_,_),v) = obj.get()?;
            LazyDecodedValue::Array(mut arr) => {
                while !arr.is_empty() {
                    let v = arr.get()?;
                if !arr.reader.is_empty() {
                    return Err(EncodingError{ line_nr: line!(), });
    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_binary_print() {
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let v = get_data(&mut scope);
        let len = v.size_of_binary(false);
        let count = 256;
        let before = Instant::now();
        for _ in 0..count {
            let len = v.size_of_binary(false);
            let mut buffer = vec![0u8; len];
            let mut writer = RawWriter::with(&mut buffer[..]);
            v.print_binary(&mut writer, false).unwrap();
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;
        //println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), throughput(dur, count*bytes.len()));
        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*len) as u128)/dur.as_micros());
    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_json_print() {
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let v = get_data(&mut scope);
        let count = 256;
        let len = 466908;
        let before = Instant::now();
        for _ in 0..count {
            let mut buffer : Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(len);
            v.print_json(&mut buffer).unwrap();
            assert!(buffer.len() > 0);
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;
        //println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), throughput(dur, count*bytes.len()));
        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*len) as u128)/dur.as_micros());

    fn get_data<'a,'c>(scope: &'a mut MemoryScope<'c>) -> DecodedValue<'a> where 'c: 'a {
        let f = File::open("twitter.json").unwrap();
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
        let mut bytes = String::new();
        reader.read_to_string(&mut bytes).unwrap();
        let bytes = scope.copy_str(&bytes);
        println!("read {} bytes", bytes.len());
        DecodedValue::parse_json(bytes, scope).expect("error")
    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_json_parse() {
        let f = File::open("twitter.json").unwrap();
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
        let mut bytes = String::new();
        reader.read_to_string(&mut bytes).unwrap();
        println!("read {} bytes", bytes.len());

        let before = Instant::now();
        let count = 256;
        let mut min_loop : Duration = Duration::MAX;
        for _ in 0..count {
            let before_loop_body = Instant::now();
            let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
            let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
            let parsed = DecodedValue::parse_json(&bytes, &mut scope);
            let after_loop_body = Instant::now();
            let dur = after_loop_body - before_loop_body;
            min_loop = Duration::min(min_loop, dur);
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;

        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*bytes.len()) as u128)/dur.as_micros());
        println!("fastest loop body in {} ms -> {} MB/s", min_loop.as_millis(), ((bytes.len()) as u128)/min_loop.as_micros());
    #[test] #[ignore]
    fn twitter_json_eval() {
        let f = File::open("twitter.json").unwrap();
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
        let mut bytes = String::new();
        reader.read_to_string(&mut bytes).unwrap();
        println!("read {} bytes", bytes.len());

        let before = Instant::now();
        let count = 256;
        let mut min_loop : Duration = Duration::MAX;
        for _ in 0..count {
            let before_loop_body = Instant::now();
            let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
            let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
            let mut parsed = parse_expry_expr(&bytes, &DecodedValue::Object(DecodedObject::new()), &mut scope);
            if let Ok(parsed) = &mut parsed {
                #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
                expry_ast_fold(parsed, &mut scope).unwrap();
                #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
                let bytecode = expry_ast_to_bytecode(&mut scope, &parsed).expect("bytecode generator error");
            } else {

            let after_loop_body = Instant::now();
            let dur = after_loop_body - before_loop_body;
            min_loop = Duration::min(min_loop, dur);
        let after = Instant::now();
        let dur = after - before;

        println!("{}x in {} ms -> {} MB/s", count, dur.as_millis(), ((count*bytes.len()) as u128)/dur.as_micros());
        println!("fastest loop body in {} ms -> {} MB/s", min_loop.as_millis(), ((bytes.len()) as u128)/min_loop.as_micros());
    fn insert_jumps() {
        let size : u32 = 9;
        for i in 0..size {
            for j in 0..i.trailing_zeros() {
                let to = i + (2 << j);
                if to > size {
                println!("jump to {}", to);
            println!("{}", i);
    fn parsing_json() {
        //let test = br#"[PI,123,456,789,1e9,0.001,-42,"foobar",{"a":1,"b":2}]"#;
        let test = r#"{"a":1,"b":2}"#;
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let object = DecodedValue::parse_json(test, &mut scope).unwrap();
        println!("Parsed object: {:?}", object);
    fn expression_tester<'a>(v: &ValueVec, expr: &str, expected: Result<DecodedValue<'a>,EvalError<'a>>) {
        println!("testing expr {}, expecting {:?}", expr, expected);
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let bytecode = expry_compile(expr, None, &mut scope);
        if let Ok(bytecode) = bytecode {
            let result = expry_eval(bytecode, v.to_ref(), &mut scope);
            assert_eq!(expected, result);
        } else if let Err(error) = bytecode {
            println!("{}", expry_compile_error_format(expr, &error, 0).1);
    fn expression_tester_parser_error<'a>(expr: &str, expected: CompileErrorDescription<'a>) {
        println!("testing expr {}, expecting {:?}", expr, expected);
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let bytecode = expry_compile(expr, None, &mut scope);
        if let Err(CompileError{error: got_error, ..}) = bytecode {
            assert_eq!(expected, got_error);
        } else {
            println!("instead got: {:?}", bytecode);
    fn basic_expressions() {
        let value = value!({
            "null": null,
            "zero": 0,
            "one": 1,
            "two": 2,
            "two_f32": 2.25f32,
            "two_f64": 2.55555555,
            "three": 3,
            "sub": {
                "subnull": null,
                "subzero": 0,
                "subone": 1,
                "subtwo": 2,
                "subthree": 3,
            "x": 1,
            "y": 1,
        let v = value.to_vec(false);
        expression_tester(&v, r#"2.14"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Double(2.14)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"2.14f"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Float(2.14f32)));

        expression_tester(&v, r#"-42"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(-42)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"-2.14"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Double(-2.14)));

        //expression_tester(&v, br#"-one"#, Ok(Binary::Int(-1));
        //expression_tester(&v, br#"-two_f32"#, Ok(Binary::Float(-2.25f32));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"one + two"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(3)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"one - two"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(-1)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"two * two"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(4)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"three / two"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(1)));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"three % two"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(1)));
        //expression_tester(&v, r#"three ** two"#, Ok(Binary::Double(9.0)));

        expression_tester(&v, r#""a" .. "b""#, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"ab")));
        expression_tester(&v, r#""a" .. /* "c" .. */ "b""#, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"ab")));
        expression_tester(&v, r#""a" .. "b" // .. "c""#, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"ab")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" r#"foo"# "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "\uD83D\uDE00" "##, Ok("😀".into()));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" '\uD83D\uDE00' "##, Ok("😀".into()));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'fo\'o' "##, Ok(b"fo'o".into()));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'fo\'o'.upper() "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"FO'O")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'fo\'o'.upper() "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"FO'O")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" '<html>'.htmlescape() "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"&lt;html&gt;")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'fo\'o'.sub(1, 2) "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"o'")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'foobar'.sub(0, 1000) "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"foobar")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'foobar'.sub(1001, 1000) "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'foobar'.sub(3, -1) "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" 'foobar'.sub(3) "##, Ok(DecodedValue::String(b"bar")));

        // in mini mode, the code is not folded, so this error is not triggered
        #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
            expression_tester_parser_error(r##"!1"##, CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::Dynamic("NOT expects a boolean")));
            expression_tester_parser_error(r##"1f>>3"##, CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::Dynamic("Arithmetic operation without proper arguments (maybe a bitwise operation on a float or a comparison between a float and int?)")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##"1=!!!!faalse"##, Err(EvalError::FieldNotFound("faalse")));

        expression_tester(&v, r#"0???"#, Ok(DecodedValue::Int(0)));
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"--9223372036854775808"#, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("could not negate the int number"));

        expression_tester(&v, r#"foo(1)"#, Err(EvalError::Dynamic("no custom functions defined")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" one < two "##, Ok(value!(true)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" two > one "##, Ok(value!(true)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" "foo".basename() "##, Ok(value!("foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "foo".dirname() "##, Ok(value!("")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "/foo".basename() "##, Ok(value!("foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "/foo".dirname() "##, Ok(value!("")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "x/foo".basename() "##, Ok(value!("foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "x/foo".dirname() "##, Ok(value!("x")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "x/y/foo".basename() "##, Ok(value!("foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "x/y/foo".dirname() "##, Ok(value!("x/y")));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" "x/y/foo".splitn(999, "/") "##, Ok(value!(["x", "y", "foo"])));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" {...this, x:2}.x "##, Ok(value!(2)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" {x:2, ...this}.x "##, Ok(value!(1)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" {x:1,y:2}.tostring() "##, Ok(value!(r#"{"x":1,"y":2}"#)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42).tointeger() "##, Ok(value!(42)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.5).tointeger() "##, Ok(value!(42)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.5f).tointeger() "##, Ok(value!(42)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42).tofloat() "##, Ok(value!(42f32)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.0).tofloat() "##, Ok(value!(42f32)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.0f).tofloat() "##, Ok(value!(42f32)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "42.5".tofloat() "##, Ok(value!(42.5f32)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42).todouble() "##, Ok(value!(42f64)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.0).todouble() "##, Ok(value!(42f64)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" (42.0f).todouble() "##, Ok(value!(42f64)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" "42.5".todouble() "##, Ok(value!(42.5f64)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" {("foo" .. (2).tostring()): 42} "##, Ok(value!({"foo2":42})));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" undefined(foobarfoobar)"##, Ok(value!(true)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" undefined(null)"##, Ok(value!(false)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" undefined(one)"##, Ok(value!(false)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" defined(foobarfoobar)"##, Ok(value!(false)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" defined(null)"##, Ok(value!(true)));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" defined(one)"##, Ok(value!(true)));

        expression_tester(&v, r##" '   foo   '.trim() "##, Ok(value!("foo")));
        expression_tester(&v, r##" '   foo   '.trim() == 'foo' "##, Ok(value!(true)));

        expression_tester(&v, r#"[]"#, Ok(value!([])));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"[1]"#, Ok(value!([1])));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"[1,]"#, Ok(value!([1,])));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"[1,2]"#, Ok(value!([1,2])));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"[1,2,]"#, Ok(value!([1,2,])));

        expression_tester(&v, r#"{}"#, Ok(value!({})));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"{a:1}"#, Ok(value!({"a":1})));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"{a:1,}"#, Ok(value!({"a":1,})));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"{a:1,b:2}"#, Ok(value!({"a":1,"b":2})));
        expression_tester(&v, r#"{a:1,b:2,}"#, Ok(value!({"a":1,"b":2,})));

        // based on fuzzing some weird test cases
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"0f.F**fa"#, CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::Dynamic("field access (fast path) for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object")));
        // triggers a stack overflow without the depth protection that is build in
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["#, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("too much parser recursion"));
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"#, CompileErrorDescription::Parser("too much parser recursion"));
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"j>$this.t"#, CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::FieldNotFound("t")));
        expression_tester_parser_error("m/d..d8666*k666*6*=6*=6*333*6*=666*6*=6=66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6&&6*6*=666*6*=6=66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*66*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6**6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=66*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*66*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*8888888=6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*66*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**0*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=66*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*66*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6666*6*=6*=6*66*68*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=86*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6**6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=66*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*666*6*=6*=6*66*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*65=66**6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6=6*6*=6*6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6**65=66**6*=6=6*6*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6**6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*6$=666*6*=6*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=5*=6*=6==66*=6*666*66=66**6*=6=6*6*66*6*=666*6*=6=6*6*6*=6*=6", CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::Expression("too complex AST to convert to bytecode")));
        expression_tester_parser_error(r#"00404&04=664000<04&000<04&04=664004=04=66>004=00404&04=664000<04&000<04&04=664000=04=66>004=46>4=04=66>00004=04=4&000<04&46>4=04=46>004=4628=664004=04=66>004=46>4=04=664004=04==00404&04=664000<04&000<04&04=664000=04=66>004=46>4=04=66>00004=04=4&000<04&46>4=04=46>004=4628=664004=04=66>004=46>4=04=664004=04=66>004=00404&04=664000<04&000<04&04=664000=04=66>004=46>4=04=66>00004=04=4&000<04&46>4=04=46>004=4664=664004=04=66>004=46>4=04=646>4=04=66>004=46>4004=04=66>004=46>4=04=66>0044=646>4=04=66>004=46>4004=04=66>004=46>4=04=66>004=46>004=466*=t66>66>004=46>4=04=66>004=46>004=466*=t"#, CompileErrorDescription::Optimizer(EvalError::Expression("too complex AST to convert to bytecode")));

    fn merge() {
        let s = String::from("foo");
        let lhs_value = value!({
            "null": null,
            "zero": 0,
            "one": 1,
            "two_f32": 2.25f32,
            "two_f64": 2.55555555,
            "three": 3,
        let lhs = lhs_value.to_vec(false);

        let rhs_value = value!({
            "zero": 1, // this is not zero, so we can test the merge function
            "two": 2,
            "foo": s,
        let rhs = rhs_value.to_vec(false);

        let result_value = value!({
            "null": null,
            "zero": 0,
            "one": 1,
            "two": 2,
            "two_f32": 2.25f32,
            "two_f64": 2.55555555,
            "three": 3,
            "foo": s,
        let expected = result_value.to_vec(true);

        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let result = merge_objects(lhs.to_ref(), rhs.to_ref(), &mut scope).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(expected.to_ref(), result);
    fn parsing_objects() {
        let subthree_str = "subthree";
        let sub = value!({
            "subnull": null,
            "subzero": 0,
            "subone": 1,
            "subtwo": 1+1,
            subthree_str: 3,
        let value = value!({
            "null": null,
            "zero": 0,
            "one": 1,
            "two": 2,
            "three": 3,
            "sub": sub,
        let value_packed = value.to_vec(false);
        println!("Using value {:?}", value);
        println!("Packed value {:?}", value_packed);
        //let test = br#"1+2+3"#;
        //let test = br#"f(1*2+3*4,5,6,"foo", "bar")"#;
        //let test = br#"f("foo",field) >= foo && true"#;
        //let test = br#"a ? b : c ? d : e"#;
        //let test = br#"{name: 1+2*3+4, field2: 42, "field3": 37}"#;
        //let test = br#"a.b???c??d"#;
        //let test = br#"{a:1f,foo???}"#;
        // let test = br#"c + (b + a)"#;
        // println!("a = {:?}", key("a"));
        // println!("b = {:?}", key("b"));
        // println!("c = {:?}", key("c"));
        //let test = br#"10.5 % 2.25"#;
        //let test = br#"10.5 / 0 ??? 42"#;
        //let test = br#"zero + one + [1,2,3].len()"#;
        //let test = br#"zero + sub.subone + sub.subtwo"#;
        let test_expr = r#"zero + sub["subone"] + sub.subtwo"#;
        //let test = br#"null ?? 42"#;
        //let test = br#" "foo".len()"#;
        //let test = br#"one == 0 ? "true" : "false""#;
        //let test = br#"[1,2,3]"#;
        //let test = br#"{"one":one,"two":two,"three":three}"#;
        //let test = br#"{"one":1,"two":2,"three":3}"#;
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope2 = allocator.rewind();
            let mut scope1 = scope2.rewind();
            let mut ast = parse_expry_expr(test_expr, &value!({}), &mut scope1);
            if let Ok(object) = &mut ast {
                let mut scope = scope1.rewind();
                println!("Parsed eval {:?}", object);
                #[cfg(not(feature = "mini"))]
                let bytecode = expry_ast_to_bytecode(&mut scope, object).expect("bytecode generator error");
                println!("Bytecode {:?}", bytecode);
                let mut bytecode_reader = RawReader::with(bytecode.get());
                let mut value_reader = RawReader::with(value_packed.get());
                let mut context = Context { original: value_packed.to_ref(), custom: &mut NoCustomFuncs{}, };
                let result = evaluate_to_decoded_value(&mut bytecode_reader, &mut value_reader, &mut context, &mut scope).unwrap();
                println!("Result {:?}", result);
                assert_eq!(result, value!(3));
            } else {
                println!("Parse error {:?}", ast);
            // will trigger a compiler warning: because expry_parse_ast_optimize will modify the ast in
            // place and that will result in a dependency on the lifetime of `scope` (which is not
            // available here anymore).
            // let mut scope3 = scope1.scope();
            // expry_parse_ast_optimize(&mut object.unwrap(), &mut scope3).unwrap();

// helper data type to type check a binary expression
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum TypeValue<'a> {
pub type TypeObject<'a> = BTreeMap<Key<'a>, TypeValue<'a>>;
pub type TypeArray<'a> = Vec<TypeValue<'a>>;

enum TypeError<'a> {
    Expression(&'a str),
    Other(&'a str),

fn get_type<'b>(expression: &mut RawReader<'b>, types: &TypeValue<'b>) -> Result<TypeValue<'b>,TypeError<'b>>
    let opcode = expression.read_u8().map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("Expected more bytes in expression"))?;
    // FIXME: find?
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::And as u8 {
        let mut sub = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("corrupted AND"))?);
        while !sub.is_empty() {
            let clause = get_type(&mut sub, types)?;
            if !matches!(clause, TypeValue::Bool) {
                return Err(TypeError::Other("value for AND was not a boolean"));
        return Ok(TypeValue::Bool);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Or as u8 {
        let mut sub = RawReader::with(expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("corrupted OR"))?);
        while !sub.is_empty() {
            let clause = get_type(&mut sub, types)?;
            if !matches!(clause, TypeValue::Bool) {
                return Err(TypeError::Other("value for OR was not a boolean"));
        return Ok(TypeValue::Bool);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Call as u8 {
        let function_name = expression.read_var_string().map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("invalid CALL"))?;
        let arg_count = expression.read_var_u64().map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("invalid CALL"))?;
        let mut args : Vec<TypeValue> = Vec::new();
        for _ in 0..arg_count {
            let v = get_type(expression, types)?;
        return context.custom.call(core::str::from_utf8(function_name).map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("function name is not UTF8"))?, &args).map_err(TypeError::Expression);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::All as u8 {
        return Ok(types.clone());
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Field as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::FindAndField as u8 {
        let key = read_hashed_string(expression).map_err(|_| TypeError::Expression("Expected more bytes in expression"))?;
        if let TypeValue::Object(object) = types {
            if let Some(subtypes) = object.get(&key) {
                return Ok(subtypes.clone());
        return Err(TypeError::Other("current value should be an object"));
    // FIXME: implement fast path for FieldAccessFastPath. This op can be implemented faster because
    // the value does not need to be decoded at all for the field access to work.
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessCompute as u8
        || opcode == ExpryBytecode::FieldAccessFastPath as u8 {
        let lhs = evaluate_to_object(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        if let DecodedValue::Object(mut obj) = lhs {
            let rhs = evaluate_to_object(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
            if let DecodedValue::String(key) = rhs {
                if let Some(value) = obj.get_mut(&key_u8(key)) {
                    let value = core::mem::replace(value, DecodedValue::Null());
                    return Ok(value);
                return Err(TypeError::FieldNotFound(core::str::from_utf8(key).map_err(|_| TypeError::Dynamic("invalid UTF8 for key"))?));
            } else {
                return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("field access for a right-hand-side that resolves to something different than a string"));
        } else {
            return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("field access for a left-hand-side that resolves to something different than an object"));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::Concrete as u8 {
        let value = DecodedValue::parse(expression).map_err(|_| {
            TypeError::Expression("Corrupted concrete value")
        return Ok(to_type(value));
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 {
        let clause = get_type(expression, types)?;
        if !matches!(clause, TypeValue::Int) {
            return Err(TypeError::Other("value for + should be an int"));
        let clause = get_type(expression, types)?;
        if !matches!(clause, TypeValue::Int) {
            return Err(TypeError::Other("value for + should be an int"));
        return Ok(TypeValue::Int);
    if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPower as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftLeft as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftRight as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseOr as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseXor as u8 ||
        opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseAnd as u8
        let lhs = evaluate_to_object(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        let rhs = evaluate_to_object(expression, value, context, allocator)?;
        // disabled for smaller binary size
        // if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPower as u8 {
        //     let l = get_double(&lhs)?;
        //     let r = get_double(&rhs)?;
        //     return Ok(Binary::Double(l.powf(r)));
        // }
        if let (DecodedValue::Int(l), DecodedValue::Int(r)) = (&lhs, &rhs) {
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_add(*r).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("int add resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_sub(*r).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("int sub resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_mul(*r).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("int mul resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 {
                if *r == 0 {
                    return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("Division by zero"));
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_div(*r).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("int div resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 {
                if *r == 0 {
                    return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("Modulo zero"));
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l % r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftLeft as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_shl((*r).try_into().map_err(|_| TypeError::Dynamic("shift-left resulted in overflow"))?).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("shift-left resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticShiftRight as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(
                        l.checked_shr((*r).try_into().map_err(|_| TypeError::Dynamic("shift-right resulted in overflow"))?).ok_or(TypeError::Dynamic("shift-right resulted in overflow"))?
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseOr as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l | r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseXor as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l ^ r));
            if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticBitwiseAnd as u8 {
                return Ok(DecodedValue::Int(l & r));
        let l = get_double(&lhs)?;
        let r = get_double(&rhs)?;
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticPlus as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l + r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMin as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l - r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMul as u8 {
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l * r));
        if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticDiv as u8 {
            if r == 0.0 {
                return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("Division by zero"));
            return Ok(DecodedValue::Double(l / r));
        // disabled for smaller binary size
        // if opcode == ExpryBytecode::ArithmeticMod as u8 {
        //     if r == 0.0 {
        //         return Err(ExpryTypeError::Dynamic("Modulo zero"));
        //     }
        //     return Ok(Binary::Double(l % r));
        // }
        return Err(TypeError::Dynamic("Arithmetic operation without proper arguments (maybe a bitwise operation on a float or a comparison between a float and int?)"));

fn to_type(value: DecodedValue) -> TypeValue {
    match value {
        DecodedValue::Null() => TypeValue::Null,
        DecodedValue::Bool(_) => TypeValue::Bool,
        DecodedValue::Int(_) => TypeValue::Int,
        DecodedValue::Float(_) => TypeValue::Float,
        DecodedValue::Double(_) => TypeValue::Double,
        DecodedValue::String(_) => TypeValue::String,
        DecodedValue::Object(obj) => {
            let mut retval = TypeObject::new();
            for (k,v) in obj {
                retval.insert(k, to_type(v));
        DecodedValue::Array(arr) => {
            let mut retval = TypeArray::new();
            for v in arr {
     * value!() knows all the types, even if something is None the full type should be
     * available (CHECK THIS). If this is the case, value!() can return a tuple, one with the
     * concrete value, and one with the type info. This second tuple can then be used for
     * checking types compile time on invocation sites. These needs a macro, e.g.
     * expry_static_eval!("a+b", val); with let val = value!(..);
     * This only works with static available expressions.
     * The same can be done for hair templates if they are known statically.
     * The type checker for hair templates can work with get_type(), because types
     * are derived from binary expressions. And then assigned to loop variables and such.
     * We can also have a function to dynamically type check an expression. But I don't know
     * how useful that will be. It gives a bit more certainty, but is there a big advantage
     * besides just running it the template/expry? There is a bit of a mismatch between one
     * type instance or all possible types. But I can not imagine when to use that.

    fn type_check() {
        let expr = "a+b";
        let mut allocator = MemoryPool::new();
        let mut scope = allocator.rewind();
        let bytecode = expry_compile(expr, None, &mut scope);
        if let Ok(bytecode) = bytecode {
            //let result = expry_eval(bytecode, v.to_ref(), &mut scope);
            let mut types = TypeObject::new();
            types.insert(key_str("a"), TypeValue::Int);
            types.insert(key_str("b"), TypeValue::Int);
            get_type(&mut RawReader::with(bytecode.get()), &TypeValue::Object(types)).unwrap();

