Expand description

A lot of applications and programming language implementations have been recently found to be vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks when a hash function with weak security guarantees, like Murmurhash 3, was used to construct a hash table.

In order to address this, Sodium provides the shorthash() function. This very fast hash functions outputs short, but unpredictable (without knowing the secret key) values suitable for picking a list in a hash table for a given key.

Selected primitive

shorthash() is currently an implementation of SipHash-2-4 as specified in SipHash: a fast short-input PRF


use exonum_sodiumoxide::crypto::shorthash;

let key = shorthash::gen_key();
let data_to_hash = b"some data";
let digest = shorthash::shorthash(data_to_hash, &key);


pub use self::siphash24::*;

