exonum-time 1.0.0

The time oracle service for Exonum.
# Exonum Time Oracle

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`exonum-time` is a time oracle service for [Exonum blockchain framework](https://exonum.com/).
This service allows to determine time,
import it from the external world to the blockchain
and keep its current value in the blockchain.

## Usage

Include `exonum-time` as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`:

exonum = "1.0.0"
exonum-cli = "1.0.0"
exonum-time = "1.0.0"

## Examples

Examples of the node with `exonum-time` service, and service using
`exonum-time` service to obtain current time can be found in
the [examples](examples) folder:

- [node example]
- [service example]

## Further Reading

Consult the [service description in Exonum docs](https://exonum.com/doc/version/latest/advanced/time)
for a more high-level perspective, in particular, the design rationale
and the proof of correctness.

## Other languages support

- [Java Time Oracle]https://github.com/exonum/exonum-java-binding/tree/master/exonum-java-binding/time-oracle

## License

`exonum-time` is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0).
See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.

[node example]: examples/exonum_time.rs
[service example]: examples/simple_service/main.rs