exonum-merkledb 1.0.0

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB which provides APIs to work with Merkelized data structures.
// Copyright 2020 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! An implementation of a Merkelized version of a map (Merkle Patricia tree).

pub(crate) use self::key::{BitsRange, ProofPath};
pub use self::{
    key::{Hashed, Raw, RawKey, ToProofPath, KEY_SIZE as PROOF_MAP_KEY_SIZE, PROOF_PATH_SIZE},
    proof::{CheckedMapProof, MapProof, MapProofError, ValidationError},

use exonum_crypto::Hash;

use std::{fmt, io, marker::PhantomData};

use self::{
    key::{ChildKind, VALUE_KEY_PREFIX},
    node::{BranchNode, Node},
    proof_builder::{BuildProof, MerklePatriciaTree},
use crate::{
    access::{Access, AccessError, FromAccess},
    indexes::iter::{Entries, IndexIterator, Keys, Values},
        BinaryAttribute, IndexAddress, IndexState, IndexType, RawAccess, RawAccessMut, View,
    BinaryKey, BinaryValue, HashTag, ObjectHash,

mod key;
mod node;
mod proof;
mod proof_builder;
mod tests;

// Necessary to allow building proofs.
impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> MerklePatriciaTree<K, V> for ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ToOwned + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    fn root_node(&self) -> Option<(ProofPath, Node)> {

    fn node(&self, path: &ProofPath) -> Node {

    fn value(&self, key: &K) -> V {

/// A Merkelized version of a map that provides proofs of existence or non-existence for the map
/// keys.
/// `ProofMapIndex` implements a Merkle Patricia tree, storing values as leaves.
/// `ProofMapIndex` requires that keys implement the [`BinaryKey`] trait and
/// values implement the [`BinaryValue`] trait.
/// [`BinaryKey`]: ../../trait.BinaryKey.html
/// [`BinaryValue`]: ../../trait.BinaryValue.html
pub struct ProofMapIndex<T: RawAccess, K: ?Sized, V, KeyMode: ToProofPath<K> = Hashed> {
    base: View<T>,
    state: IndexState<T, ProofPath>,
    _k: PhantomData<K>,
    _v: PhantomData<V>,
    _key_mode: PhantomData<KeyMode>,

/// TODO Clarify documentation. [ECR-2820]
enum RemoveAction {
    Branch((ProofPath, Hash)),

/// The internal key representation that uses to address values.
/// Represents the original key bytes with the `VALUE_KEY_PREFIX` prefix.
/// TODO Clarify documentation. [ECR-2820]
trait ValuePath {
    /// Converts the given key to the value path bytes.
    fn to_value_path(&self) -> Vec<u8>;

impl<T: BinaryKey + ?Sized> ValuePath for T {
    fn to_value_path(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut buf = vec![0_u8; self.size() + 1];
        buf[0] = VALUE_KEY_PREFIX;
        self.write(&mut buf[1..]);

impl BinaryAttribute for ProofPath {
    fn size(&self) -> usize {

    fn write(&self, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>) {
        let mut tmp = [0_u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
        BinaryKey::write(self, &mut tmp);

    fn read(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
        if buffer.len() != PROOF_PATH_SIZE {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                "Invalid `ProofPath` size",
        Ok(<Self as BinaryKey>::read(buffer))

impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> FromAccess<T> for ProofMapIndex<T::Base, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: Access,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    fn from_access(access: T, addr: IndexAddress) -> Result<Self, AccessError> {
        let view = access.get_or_create_view(addr, IndexType::ProofMap)?;

/// Raw variant of the `ProofMapIndex`, useful for keys that mapped directly to
/// `ProofPath` without hashing. For example `Hash` and `PublicKey`.
/// It's possible to use any type that can be represented with byte array of length 32
/// as a key for this map.
pub type RawProofMapIndex<T, K, V> = ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, Raw>;

impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    pub(crate) fn new(view: ViewWithMetadata<T>) -> Self {
        let (base, state) = view.into_parts();
        Self {
            _k: PhantomData,
            _v: PhantomData,
            _key_mode: PhantomData,

    fn get_root_path(&self) -> Option<ProofPath> {

    fn get_root_node(&self) -> Option<(ProofPath, Node)> {
        self.get_root_path().map(|key| {
            let node = self.get_node_unchecked(&key);
            (key, node)

    fn get_node_unchecked(&self, key: &ProofPath) -> Node {
        // TODO: Unwraps? (ECR-84)
        if key.is_leaf() {
        } else {

    fn get_value_unchecked(&self, key: &K) -> V {
        self.get(key).expect("Value for the given key is absent")

    pub(crate) fn merkle_root(&self) -> Hash {
        match self.get_root_node() {
            Some((path, Node::Leaf(hash))) => HashTag::hash_single_entry_map(&path, &hash),
            Some((_, Node::Branch(branch))) => branch.object_hash(),
            None => Hash::zero(),

    /// Returns a value corresponding to the key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// assert_eq!(None, index.get(&hash));
    /// index.put(&hash, 2);
    /// assert_eq!(Some(2), index.get(&hash));
    /// ```
    pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<V> {

    /// Returns `true` if the map contains a value for the specified key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// assert!(!index.contains(&hash));
    /// index.put(&hash, 2);
    /// assert!(index.contains(&hash));
    /// ```
    pub fn contains(&self, key: &K) -> bool {

    /// Returns the proof of existence or non-existence for the specified key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// let proof = index.get_proof(Hash::default());
    /// ```
    pub fn get_proof(&self, key: K::Owned) -> MapProof<K::Owned, V, KeyMode> {

    /// Returns the combined proof of existence or non-existence for the multiple specified keys.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, String, u8>("name");
    /// let proof = index.get_multiproof(vec!["foo".to_owned(), "bar".to_owned()]);
    /// ```
    pub fn get_multiproof<KI>(&self, keys: KI) -> MapProof<K::Owned, V, KeyMode>
        KI: IntoIterator<Item = K::Owned>,

    /// Returns an iterator over the entries of the map in ascending order.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// for val in index.iter() {
    ///     println!("{:?}", val);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn iter(&self) -> Entries<'_, K, V> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the keys of the map in ascending order.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// for key in index.keys() {
    ///     println!("{:?}", key);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn keys(&self) -> Keys<'_, K> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the values of the map in ascending order of keys.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// for val in index.values() {
    ///     println!("{}", val);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn values(&self) -> Values<'_, V> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the entries of the map in ascending order starting from the
    /// specified key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// for val in index.iter_from(&hash) {
    ///     println!("{:?}", val);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn iter_from(&self, from: &K) -> Entries<'_, K, V> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the keys of the map in ascending order starting from the
    /// specified key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// for key in index.keys_from(&hash) {
    ///     println!("{:?}", key);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn keys_from(&self, from: &K) -> Keys<'_, K> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the values of the map in ascending order of keys starting from the
    /// specified key.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let index = fork.get_proof_map::<_, Hash, u8>("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// for val in index.values_from(&hash) {
    ///     println!("{}", val);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn values_from(&self, from: &K) -> Values<'_, V> {

impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccessMut,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    fn insert_leaf(&mut self, proof_path: &ProofPath, key: &K, value: V) -> Hash {
        let hash = HashTag::hash_leaf(&value.to_bytes());
        self.base.put(proof_path, hash);
        self.base.put(&key.to_value_path(), value);

    fn remove_leaf(&mut self, proof_path: &ProofPath, key: &K) {

    fn update_root_path(&mut self, path: ProofPath) {

    // Inserts a new node of the current branch and returns the updated hash
    // or, if a new node has a shorter key, returns a new key length.
    fn insert_branch(
        &mut self,
        parent: &BranchNode,
        proof_path: &ProofPath,
        key: &K,
        value: V,
    ) -> (Option<u16>, Hash) {
        let child_path = parent
        // If the path is fully fit in key then there is a two cases
        let i = child_path.common_prefix_len(proof_path);
        if child_path.len() == i {
            // check that child is leaf to avoid unnecessary read
            if child_path.is_leaf() {
                // there is a leaf in branch and we needs to update its value
                let hash = self.insert_leaf(proof_path, key, value);
                (None, hash)
            } else {
                match self.get_node_unchecked(&child_path) {
                    Node::Leaf(_) => {
                        unreachable!("Something went wrong!");
                    // There is a child in branch and we needs to lookup it recursively
                    Node::Branch(mut branch) => {
                        let (j, h) = self.insert_branch(&branch, &proof_path.suffix(i), key, value);
                        match j {
                            Some(j) => {
                            None => branch.set_child_hash(proof_path.bit(i), &h),
                        let hash = branch.object_hash();
                        self.base.put(&child_path, branch);
                        (None, hash)
        } else {
            // A simple case of inserting a new branch
            let suffix_path = proof_path.suffix(i);
            let mut new_branch = BranchNode::empty();
            // Add a new leaf
            let hash = self.insert_leaf(&suffix_path, key, value);
            new_branch.set_child(suffix_path.bit(0), &suffix_path, &hash);
            // Move current branch

            let hash = new_branch.object_hash();
            self.base.put(&proof_path.prefix(i), new_branch);
            (Some(i), hash)

    fn remove_node(
        &mut self,
        parent: &BranchNode,
        proof_path: &ProofPath,
        key: &K,
    ) -> RemoveAction {
        let child_path = parent
        let i = child_path.common_prefix_len(proof_path);

        if i == child_path.len() {
            match self.get_node_unchecked(&child_path) {
                Node::Leaf(_) => {
                    self.remove_leaf(proof_path, key);
                    return RemoveAction::Leaf;
                Node::Branch(mut branch) => {
                    let suffix_path = proof_path.suffix(i);
                    match self.remove_node(&branch, &suffix_path, key) {
                        RemoveAction::Leaf => {
                            let child = !suffix_path.bit(0);
                            let key = branch.child_path(child);
                            let hash = branch.child_hash(child);

                            return RemoveAction::Branch((key, hash));
                        RemoveAction::Branch((key, hash)) => {
                            let new_child_path = key.start_from(suffix_path.start());
                            branch.set_child(suffix_path.bit(0), &new_child_path, &hash);
                            let h = branch.object_hash();

                            self.base.put(&child_path, branch);
                            return RemoveAction::UpdateHash(h);
                        RemoveAction::UpdateHash(hash) => {
                            branch.set_child_hash(suffix_path.bit(0), &hash);
                            let h = branch.object_hash();

                            self.base.put(&child_path, branch);
                            return RemoveAction::UpdateHash(h);
                        RemoveAction::KeyNotFound => return RemoveAction::KeyNotFound,

    /// Inserts the key-value pair into the proof map.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// index.put(&hash, 2);
    /// assert!(index.contains(&hash));
    /// ```
    pub fn put(&mut self, key: &K, value: V) {
        let proof_path = KeyMode::transform_key(key);
        let root_path = match self.get_root_node() {
            Some((prefix, Node::Leaf(prefix_data))) => {
                let prefix_path = prefix;
                let i = prefix_path.common_prefix_len(&proof_path);

                let leaf_hash = self.insert_leaf(&proof_path, key, value);
                if i < proof_path.len() {
                    let mut branch = BranchNode::empty();
                    branch.set_child(proof_path.bit(i), &proof_path.suffix(i), &leaf_hash);
                    branch.set_child(prefix_path.bit(i), &prefix_path.suffix(i), &prefix_data);
                    let new_prefix = proof_path.prefix(i);
                    self.base.put(&new_prefix, branch);
                } else {
            Some((prefix, Node::Branch(mut branch))) => {
                let prefix_path = prefix;
                let i = prefix_path.common_prefix_len(&proof_path);

                if i == prefix_path.len() {
                    let suffix_path = proof_path.suffix(i);
                    // Just cut the prefix and recursively descent on.
                    let (j, h) = self.insert_branch(&branch, &suffix_path, key, value);
                    match j {
                        Some(j) => branch.set_child(suffix_path.bit(0), &suffix_path.prefix(j), &h),
                        None => branch.set_child_hash(suffix_path.bit(0), &h),
                    self.base.put(&prefix_path, branch);
                } else {
                    // Inserts a new branch and adds current branch as its child
                    let hash = self.insert_leaf(&proof_path, key, value);
                    let mut new_branch = BranchNode::empty();
                    new_branch.set_child(proof_path.bit(i), &proof_path.suffix(i), &hash);
                    // Saves a new branch
                    let new_prefix = prefix_path.prefix(i);
                    self.base.put(&new_prefix, new_branch);
            None => {
                self.insert_leaf(&proof_path, key, value);

    /// Removes a key from the proof map.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// index.put(&hash, 2);
    /// assert!(index.contains(&hash));
    /// index.remove(&hash);
    /// assert!(!index.contains(&hash));
    /// ```
    pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &K) {
        let proof_path = KeyMode::transform_key(key);
        match self.get_root_node() {
            // If we have only on leaf, then we just need to remove it (if any)
            Some((prefix, Node::Leaf(_))) => {
                if proof_path == prefix {
                    self.remove_leaf(&proof_path, key);

            Some((prefix, Node::Branch(mut branch))) => {
                // Truncate prefix
                let i = prefix.common_prefix_len(&proof_path);
                if i == prefix.len() {
                    let suffix_path = proof_path.suffix(i);
                    match self.remove_node(&branch, &suffix_path, key) {
                        RemoveAction::Leaf => {
                            // After removing one of leaves second child becomes a new root.
                            let root_path = branch.child_path(!suffix_path.bit(0));
                        RemoveAction::Branch((key, hash)) => {
                            let new_child_path = key.start_from(suffix_path.start());
                            branch.set_child(suffix_path.bit(0), &new_child_path, &hash);
                            self.base.put(&prefix, branch);
                        RemoveAction::UpdateHash(hash) => {
                            branch.set_child_hash(suffix_path.bit(0), &hash);
                            self.base.put(&prefix, branch);
                        RemoveAction::KeyNotFound => {}
            None => {}

    /// Clears the proof map, removing all entries.
    /// # Notes
    /// Currently, this method is not optimized to delete a large set of data. During the execution of
    /// this method, the amount of allocated memory is linearly dependent on the number of elements
    /// in the index.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use exonum_merkledb::{access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex};
    /// use exonum_crypto::Hash;
    /// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
    /// let fork = db.fork();
    /// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
    /// let hash = Hash::default();
    /// index.put(&hash, 2);
    /// assert!(index.contains(&hash));
    /// index.clear();
    /// assert!(!index.contains(&hash));
    /// ```
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {

/// `object_hash()` of a proof map is uniquely determined by its contents (i.e.,
/// keys and corresponding values). It does not depend on the order of key insertion.
/// # Specification
/// The `object_hash` is defined as
/// ```text
/// h = sha256( HashTag::MapNode || root_hash )
/// ```
/// where `root_hash` is computed according to one of the three cases as follows.
/// ## Empty map
/// ```text
/// root_hash = Hash::zero().
/// ```
/// ## Map with a single entry
/// ```text
/// root_hash = sha256( HashTag::MapBranchNode || path || child_hash ).
/// ```
/// Here, the map contains a single `path`, and `child_hash` is the hash
/// of the object under this key. `path` is serialized as
/// ```text
/// LEB128(bit_length) || bytes,
/// ```
/// where
/// - [LEB128] is a compact serialization format for unsigned integers
/// - `bit_length` is the number of bits in the path
/// - `bytes` is the path serialized as the minimum necessary number of bytes,
///   with zero padding at the end if necessary.
/// ## Map with multiple entries
/// ```text
/// root_hash = sha256(
///     HashTag::MapBranchNode
///     || left_path || right_path
///     || left_hash || right_hash
/// ).
/// ```
/// Here, the root node in the Merkle Patricia tree corresponding to the map has `left_path` /
/// `right_path` as child paths, and `left_hash` / `right_hash` are hashes of child nodes.
/// These hashes are defined according to the same formula for branch nodes, and for leaves as
/// ```text
/// leaf_hash = sha256( HashTag::Blob || serialized_value ).
/// ```
/// `ProofPath`s are serialized in the same way as in the previous case.
/// [LEB128]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LEB128
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use exonum_merkledb::{
/// #     access::CopyAccessExt, TemporaryDB, Database, ProofMapIndex, HashTag, ObjectHash,
/// # };
/// # use exonum_crypto::Hash;
/// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
/// let fork = db.fork();
/// let mut index = fork.get_proof_map("name");
/// let default_hash = index.object_hash();
/// assert_eq!(HashTag::empty_map_hash(), default_hash);
/// index.put(&default_hash, 100);
/// let hash = index.object_hash();
/// assert_ne!(hash, default_hash);
/// ```
impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> ObjectHash for ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    fn object_hash(&self) -> Hash {

impl<'a, T, K, V, KeyMode> IntoIterator for &'a ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    type Item = (K::Owned, V);
    type IntoIter = Entries<'a, K, V>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> IndexIterator for ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    type Key = K;
    type Value = V;

    fn index_iter(&self, from: Option<&K>) -> Entries<'_, K, V> {
        Entries::with_detached_prefix(&self.base, &VALUE_KEY_PREFIX, from)

impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> fmt::Debug for ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>
    T: RawAccess,
    K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
    V: BinaryValue + fmt::Debug,
    KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        struct Entry<'a, T: RawAccess, K: ?Sized, V: BinaryValue, KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>> {
            index: &'a ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>,
            path: ProofPath,
            hash: Hash,
            node: Node,

        impl<'a, T, K, V, KeyMode> Entry<'a, T, K, V, KeyMode>
            T: RawAccess,
            K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
            V: BinaryValue,
            KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
            fn new(
                index: &'a ProofMapIndex<T, K, V, KeyMode>,
                hash: Hash,
                path: ProofPath,
            ) -> Self {
                Self {
                    node: index.get_node_unchecked(&path),

            fn child(&self, self_branch: &BranchNode, kind: ChildKind) -> Self {

        impl<T, K, V, KeyMode> fmt::Debug for Entry<'_, T, K, V, KeyMode>
            T: RawAccess,
            K: BinaryKey + ?Sized,
            V: BinaryValue + fmt::Debug,
            KeyMode: ToProofPath<K>,
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                match self.node {
                    Node::Leaf(ref value) => f
                        .field("key", &self.path)
                        .field("hash", &self.hash)
                        .field("value", value)
                    Node::Branch(ref branch) => f
                        .field("path", &self.path)
                        .field("hash", &self.hash)
                        .field("left", &self.child(branch, ChildKind::Left))
                        .field("right", &self.child(branch, ChildKind::Right))

        if let Some(prefix) = self.get_root_path() {
            let root_entry = Entry::new(self, self.object_hash(), prefix);
                .field("entries", &root_entry)
        } else {