exonum-merkledb 1.0.0

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB which provides APIs to work with Merkelized data structures.
// Copyright 2020 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// This lint is triggered in ranged access to `ProofPath`, because
// `PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS` is currently equal to 1. If we turn on this lint,
// the statements like `inner[PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS..PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS + KEY_SIZE]`
// will be less clear.


use std::{
    cmp::{min, Ordering},
    io::{Cursor, Write},

use leb128;

use exonum_crypto::{Hash, PublicKey, HASH_SIZE};

use crate::{BinaryKey, ObjectHash};

/// This prefix defines a node as a branch.
pub const BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX: u8 = 0;
/// This prefix defines a node as a leaf.
pub const LEAF_KEY_PREFIX: u8 = 1;
/// This prefix defines a node as a value.
pub const VALUE_KEY_PREFIX: u8 = 2;

/// Size in bytes of the `Hash`.
/// Equal to the size of the hash function output (32).
pub const KEY_SIZE: usize = HASH_SIZE;
/// Size in bytes of the `ProofPath`.
pub const PROOF_PATH_SIZE: usize = KEY_SIZE + 2;
/// Position of the byte with kind of the `ProofPath`.
pub const PROOF_PATH_KIND_POS: usize = 0;
/// Position of the beginning of the key.
pub const PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS: usize = 1;
/// Position of the byte with total length of the branch.
pub const PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS: usize = KEY_SIZE + 1;

/// Performs division, rounding the result up.
macro_rules! div_ceil {
    ($a:expr, $b:expr) => {
        ($a + $b - 1) / $b

/// Resets bits higher than the given pos.
fn reset_bits(value: &mut u8, pos: u16) {
    let reset_bits_mask = !(255_u8 << pos as u8);
    *value &= reset_bits_mask;

/// Hashed variant of a key, representing the transform via SHA-256 hash function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Hashed;

/// Raw variant of a key, representing the identity transform.
/// This variant supports only a handful of key types, which have a natural mapping to
/// `[u8; 32]`, such as SHA-256 hashes and Ed25519 public keys.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Raw;

/// Trait defining key transformation into the format usable in Merkle Patricia trees.
/// Merkle Patricia trees can only use keys of a fixed byte length (32 bytes).
/// Since maps frequently have a key type that does not provide an *obvious* mapping to `[u8; 32]`,
/// keys need to be transformed. This transform is encapsulated in the `ToProofPath` trait.
/// There are two supported transforms:
/// - [`Hashed`] hashes the key serialized according to [`BinaryKey`] implementation
///   using the SHA-256 function. The resulting output has the exact length needed
///   for the Merkle Patricia tree.
/// - [`Raw`] is the identity transform and is thus defined only for types with natural
///   mapping to `[u8; 32]`.
/// [`Hashed`]: struct.Hashed.html
/// [`Raw`]: struct.Raw.html
/// [`BinaryKey`]: ../../trait.BinaryKey.html
pub trait ToProofPath<K: ?Sized> {
    /// Transforms the provided key.
    fn transform_key(key: &K) -> ProofPath;

impl<K: ObjectHash + ?Sized> ToProofPath<K> for Hashed {
    fn transform_key(key: &K) -> ProofPath {

impl ToProofPath<PublicKey> for Raw {
    fn transform_key(key: &PublicKey) -> ProofPath {

impl ToProofPath<Hash> for Raw {
    fn transform_key(key: &Hash) -> ProofPath {

impl ToProofPath<[u8; 32]> for Raw {
    fn transform_key(key: &[u8; 32]) -> ProofPath {

/// Trait signalling that a key is usable as a key of `RawProofMapIndex`.
/// This trait is unsafe because the implementation is responsible for ensuring the invariants
/// expected from raw keys (uniform distribution, absence of collisions, etc.)
pub unsafe trait RawKey {
    /// Returns the key bytes.
    fn to_raw_key(&self) -> [u8; HASH_SIZE];

impl<T: RawKey> ToProofPath<T> for Raw {
    fn transform_key(key: &T) -> ProofPath {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum ChildKind {

impl ops::Not for ChildKind {
    type Output = Self;

    fn not(self) -> Self {
        match self {
            Self::Left => Self::Right,
            Self::Right => Self::Left,

/// Bit slice type used internally to serialize `Hash`s.
/// A single slice can contain from 1 to [`PROOF_MAP_KEY_SIZE`]`* 8` bits.
/// # Binary representation
/// | Position in bytes     | Description                                           |
/// |-------------------    |----------------------------------------------         |
/// | 0                     | `ProofPath` kind: (0 is branch, 1 is leaf)            |
/// | 1..33                 | `Hash` bytes.                                         |
/// | 33                    | Total length in bits of `Hash` for branches.          |
/// # JSON serialization
/// Serialized as a string of `'0'` and `'1'` chars, corresponding exactly to bits in the slice.
/// [`PROOF_MAP_KEY_SIZE`]: constant.PROOF_MAP_KEY_SIZE.html
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ProofPath {
    bytes: [u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE],
    start: u16,

impl ProofPath {
    /// Checks if this is a path to a leaf `ProofMapIndex` node.
    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {
        self.bytes[0] == LEAF_KEY_PREFIX

    /// Returns the byte representation of contained `Hash`.
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Constructs the `ProofPath` from the raw bytes.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the given bytes has different length than the `KEY_SIZE`.
    pub(crate) fn from_bytes(bytes: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
        let mut inner = [0; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
        inner[0] = LEAF_KEY_PREFIX;
        inner[PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS..PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS + KEY_SIZE].copy_from_slice(bytes.as_ref());
        inner[PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS] = 0;

    /// Constructs the `ProofPath` from the inner buffer.
    fn from_inner(bytes: [u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE]) -> Self {
            (bytes[PROOF_PATH_KIND_POS] != LEAF_KEY_PREFIX) || (bytes[PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS] == 0),
            "ProofPath is inconsistent"

        Self { bytes, start: 0 }

    /// Sets the right border of the bit range.
    fn set_end(&mut self, end: Option<u8>) {
        // Updates ProofPath kind and right bound.
        if let Some(pos) = end {
            self.bytes[0] = BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX;
            self.bytes[PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS] = pos as u8;
        } else {
            self.bytes[0] = LEAF_KEY_PREFIX;
            self.bytes[PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS] = 0;

/// The bits representation of the `ProofPath`.
pub(crate) trait BitsRange {
    /// Returns the left border of the range.
    fn start(&self) -> u16;

    /// Returns the right border of the range.
    fn end(&self) -> u16;

    /// Returns length in bits of the range.
    fn len(&self) -> u16 {
        self.end() - self.start()

    /// Returns true if the range has zero length.
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.end() == self.start()

    /// Gets bit at index `idx`.
    fn bit(&self, idx: u16) -> ChildKind {
        debug_assert!(self.start() + idx < self.end());

        let pos = self.start() + idx;
        let chunk = self.raw_key()[(pos / 8) as usize];
        let bit = pos % 8;
        let value = (1 << bit) & chunk;
        if value == 0 {
        } else {

    /// Returns a copy of this bit range with the given left border.
    fn start_from(&self, pos: u16) -> Self;

    /// Returns a copy of this bit range shortened to the specified length.
    /// This action changes the `ProofPath`'s type to a branch as well.
    /// TODO Clarify documentation. [ECR-2820]
    fn prefix(&self, len: u16) -> Self;

    /// Returns a copy of this bit range where the start is shifted by the `len`
    /// bits to the right. This action doesn't affect a type of `ProofPath`.
    /// TODO Clarify documentation. [ECR-2820]
    fn suffix(&self, len: u16) -> Self;

    /// Checks if this bit range contains the other bit range as a prefix,
    /// provided that the start positions of both ranges are the same.
    fn starts_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.common_prefix_len(other) == other.len()

    /// Returns the raw bytes of the key.
    fn raw_key(&self) -> &[u8];

    /// Returns the number of matching bits with `other`, where checking bits for equality starts
    /// from the specified position (`from`).
    /// Bits preceding `from` are not checked and assumed to be equal in both ranges (e.g.,
    /// because they have been checked previously).
    fn match_len(&self, other: &Self, from: u16) -> u16 {
        debug_assert_eq!(self.start(), other.start(), "Misaligned bit ranges");
        debug_assert!(from >= self.start() && from <= self.end());

        let from = from / 8;
        let to = min(div_ceil!(self.end(), 8), div_ceil!(other.end(), 8));
        let max_len = min(self.len(), other.len());

        for i in from..to {
            let x = self.raw_key()[i as usize] ^ other.raw_key()[i as usize];
            if x != 0 {
                let tail = x.trailing_zeros() as u16;
                return min(i * 8 + tail - self.start(), max_len);


    /// Checks if this range of bits matches the other one starting from the specified offset.
    fn matches_from(&self, other: &Self, from: u16) -> bool {
        self.match_len(other, from) == other.len()

    /// Returns the length of the common prefix between this and the other range,
    /// provided that they start from the same position.
    /// If start positions differ, returns 0.
    fn common_prefix_len(&self, other: &Self) -> u16 {
        if self.start() == other.start() {
            self.match_len(other, self.start())
        } else {

impl BitsRange for ProofPath {
    fn start(&self) -> u16 {

    fn end(&self) -> u16 {
        if self.is_leaf() {
            KEY_SIZE as u16 * 8
        } else {

    fn start_from(&self, pos: u16) -> Self {
        debug_assert!(pos <= self.end());

        let mut key = Self::from_inner(self.bytes);
        key.start = pos;

    fn prefix(&self, len: u16) -> Self {
        let end = self.start + len;
        let key_len = KEY_SIZE as u16 * 8;
        debug_assert!(end < key_len);

        let mut key = Self::from_inner(self.bytes);
        key.start = self.start;
        key.set_end(Some(end as u8));

    fn suffix(&self, len: u16) -> Self {
        self.start_from(self.start() + len)

    fn raw_key(&self) -> &[u8] {

impl PartialEq for ProofPath {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.len() == other.len() && self.starts_with(other)

impl std::fmt::Debug for ProofPath {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        // 8 bits + '|' symbol per byte.
        let mut bits = String::with_capacity(KEY_SIZE * 9);
        for byte in 0..self.raw_key().len() {
            let chunk = self.raw_key()[byte];
            for bit in (0..8).rev() {
                let i = (byte * 8 + bit) as u16;
                if i < self.start() || i >= self.end() {
                } else {
                    bits.push(if (1 << bit) & chunk == 0 { '0' } else { '1' });

            .field("start", &self.start())
            .field("end", &self.end())
            .field("bits", &bits)

impl BinaryKey for ProofPath {
    fn size(&self) -> usize {

    fn write(&self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
        // Trims insignificant bits in the last byte.
        if !self.is_leaf() {
            let right = div_ceil!(self.end(), 8) as usize;
            if self.end() % 8 != 0 {
                reset_bits(&mut buffer[right], self.end() % 8);
            for i in buffer.iter_mut().take(KEY_SIZE + 1).skip(right + 1) {
                *i = 0

    fn read(buffer: &[u8]) -> Self::Owned {
        debug_assert_eq!(buffer.len(), PROOF_PATH_SIZE);
        let mut data = [0; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];

impl PartialOrd for ProofPath {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
        if self.start() != other.start() {
            return None;
        // NB: This check can be moved to "real" code; the code below does not work
        // if `self.start() % 8 != 0` without additional modifications.
        assert_eq!(self.start(), 0);

        let right_bit = min(self.end(), other.end());
        let right = div_ceil!(right_bit, 8) as usize;

        for i in 0..right {
            let (mut self_byte, mut other_byte) = (self.raw_key()[i], other.raw_key()[i]);

            if i + 1 == right && right_bit % 8 != 0 {
                // Cut possible junk after the end of path(s)
                let tail = right_bit % 8;
                reset_bits(&mut self_byte, tail);
                reset_bits(&mut other_byte, tail);

            // Try to find a first bit index at which this path is greater than the other path
            // (i.e., a bit of this path is 1 and the corresponding bit of the other path
            // is 0), and vice versa. The smaller of these indexes indicates the actual
            // larger path. In turn, the indexes can be found by counting trailing zeros.
            let self_zeros = (self_byte & !other_byte).trailing_zeros();
            let other_zeros = (!self_byte & other_byte).trailing_zeros();

            let cmp = other_zeros.cmp(&self_zeros);
            if cmp != Ordering::Equal {
                return Some(cmp);


impl ProofPath {
    /// Creates a compressed binary representation of the given proof path.
    /// # Binary format
    /// - **`bits_len`** - total length of the given `ProofPath` in bits compressed
    ///   by the `leb128` algorithm
    /// - **bytes** - non-null bytes of the given `ProofPath`, i.e. the first
    ///   `(bits_len + 7) / 8` bytes.
    pub(crate) fn write_compressed(&self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
        let bits_len = u64::from(self.end());
        let whole_bytes_len = div_ceil!(bits_len, 8) as usize;
        let key = &self.raw_key()[0..whole_bytes_len];

        let bytes_written = {
            let mut writer = Cursor::new(&mut *buffer);
            let mut bytes_written = leb128::write::unsigned(&mut writer, bits_len).unwrap();
            bytes_written += writer.write(key).unwrap();
        // Trims insignificant bits in the last byte.
        let bits_in_last_byte = bits_len % 8;
        if whole_bytes_len > 0 && bits_in_last_byte != 0 {
            let tail = self.end() % 8;
            reset_bits(&mut buffer[bytes_written - 1], tail);

    /// Returns bits in the path expressed as the minimum necessary number of bytes
    /// and zero-padded if necessary.
    pub(crate) fn path_bits(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let bits_len = self.end() as usize;
        let whole_bytes_len = div_ceil!(bits_len, 8);
        let mut key = self.raw_key()[0..whole_bytes_len].to_vec();

        // Trims insignificant bits in the last byte.
        let bits_in_last_byte = bits_len % 8;
        if whole_bytes_len > 0 && bits_in_last_byte != 0 {
            let tail = self.end() % 8;
            reset_bits(&mut key[whole_bytes_len - 1], tail);

mod tests {
    use rand::{self, Rng};
    use serde_json::{self, json, Value};
    use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};

    use std::io::Read;

    use super::*;

    const MAX_PROOF_PATH_BITS: u16 = 256;

    impl ProofPath {
        fn compressed(&self) -> SmallVec<[u8; 64]> {
            let mut buf = smallvec![0_u8; 64];
            let bytes_written = self.write_compressed(&mut buf);

        /// Reads the proof path from the compressed binary representation.
        fn read_compressed(value: &[u8]) -> Self {
            let mut reader = Cursor::new(value);
            let bits_len = leb128::read::unsigned(&mut reader).unwrap() as usize;
            debug_assert!(bits_len <= KEY_SIZE * 8);

            let mut raw = [0_u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
            let _read = reader
                .read(&mut raw[PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS..PROOF_PATH_KEY_POS + KEY_SIZE])
            if bits_len == KEY_SIZE * 8 {
                raw[PROOF_PATH_KIND_POS] = LEAF_KEY_PREFIX;
            } else {
                raw[PROOF_PATH_LEN_POS] = bits_len as u8;

    /// Creates a random non-leaf, non-empty path.
    fn random_path<T: Rng>(rng: &mut T) -> ProofPath {
            let mut buf = [0; 32];
            rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
        .prefix(1 + rng.gen::<u16>() % 255)

    fn test_proof_path_serialization_fuzz() {
        let path = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]).prefix(3);
        assert_eq!(serde_json::to_value(&path).unwrap(), json!("100"));
        let path: ProofPath = serde_json::from_value(json!("101001")).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(path, Raw::transform_key(&[0b_0010_0101; 32]).prefix(6));

        // Fuzz tests for roundtrip.
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        for _ in 0..1000 {
            let path = random_path(&mut rng);

            let value = serde_json::to_value(&path).unwrap();
            let other_path: ProofPath = serde_json::from_value(value.clone()).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(other_path, path);

            if let Value::String(s) = value {
                assert_eq!(s.len(), path.len() as usize);
                for (i, byte) in s.bytes().enumerate() {
                        match path.bit(i as u16) {
                            ChildKind::Left => b'0',
                            ChildKind::Right => b'1',
            } else {
                panic!("Incorrect ProofPath serialization, string expected");

    fn test_proof_path_compress_fuzz() {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        for _ in 0..1000 {
            let key = random_path(&mut rng);
            let buf = key.compressed();
            let key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
            assert_eq!(key2, key);
            // Trims insignificant bits in the last byte.
            let trimmed_key = {
                let mut buf = vec![0_u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
                key.write(&mut buf);
            assert_eq!(key2, trimmed_key);
            assert_eq!(key2.bytes.as_ref(), trimmed_key.bytes.as_ref());

    fn test_proof_path_ordering_fuzz() {
        assert!(ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]) > ProofPath::from_bytes(&[254; 32]));
            ProofPath::from_bytes(&[0b0001_0001; 32]) > ProofPath::from_bytes(&[0b0010_0001; 32])
        assert!(ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]) == ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]));
            ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]).prefix(6)
                == ProofPath::from_bytes(&[129; 32]).prefix(6)
        assert!(ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]).prefix(254) < ProofPath::from_bytes(&[1; 32]));

        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        for _ in 0..1000 {
            let (x, y) = (random_path(&mut rng), random_path(&mut rng));
            let x_bits = (0..x.len()).map(|i| x.bit(i));
            let y_bits = (0..y.len()).map(|i| y.bit(i));
            assert_eq!(x.partial_cmp(&y).unwrap(), x_bits.cmp(y_bits));

    fn test_match_len_fuzz() {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        for _ in 0..10_000 {
            let (x, y) = (random_path(&mut rng), random_path(&mut rng));
            let min_len = min(x.len(), y.len());
            let start = rng.gen::<u16>() % min_len;
            let match_len = x.match_len(&y, start);

                match_len <= min_len,
                "{:?}.match_len({:?}, {}) = {}",

            for i in start..match_len {
                    "{:?}.match_len({:?}, {}) = {}",

            if match_len < min_len {
                    "{:?}.match_len({:?}, {}) = {}",

    fn test_proof_path_storage_key_leaf() {
        let key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[250; 32]);
        let mut buf = vec![0; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
        key.write(&mut buf);
        let key2 = ProofPath::read(&buf);

        assert_eq!(buf[0], LEAF_KEY_PREFIX);
        assert_eq!(buf[33], 0);
        assert_eq!(&buf[1..33], &[250; 32]);
        assert_eq!(key2, key);

    fn test_proof_path_storage_key_branch_regular() {
        let mut key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[255_u8; 32]);
        key = key.prefix(11);
        key = key.suffix(5);

        let mut buf = vec![0; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
        key.write(&mut buf);
        let mut key2 = ProofPath::read(&buf);
        key2.start = 5;

        assert_eq!(buf[0], BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX);
        assert_eq!(buf[33], 11);
        assert_eq!(&buf[1..3], &[255, 7]);
        assert_eq!(&buf[3..33], &[0; 30]);
        assert_eq!(key2, key);

    fn test_proof_path_storage_key_roundtrip() {
        let origin = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[255_u8; 32]);
        for i in 0..MAX_PROOF_PATH_BITS {
            let key = origin.prefix(i);
            let mut buf = vec![0; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
            key.write(&mut buf);
            let mut key2 = ProofPath::read(&buf);
            assert_eq!(key2, key);
            for j in i..MAX_PROOF_PATH_BITS {
                assert_eq!(key2.bit(j), ChildKind::Left);

    fn test_proof_path_compress_leaf_regular() {
        let key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[250; 32]);
        let buf = key.compressed();
        let key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
        assert_eq!(key2, key);

    fn test_proof_path_compress_leaf_shortest() {
        let mut key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[250; 32]);
        key = key.prefix(0);
        let buf = key.compressed();
        let key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
        assert_eq!(key2, key);

    fn test_proof_path_compress_leaf_longest() {
        let mut key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[250; 32]);
        key = key.prefix(255);
        let buf = key.compressed();
        let key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
        assert_eq!(key2, key);

    fn test_proof_path_compress_branch() {
        let mut key = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[255_u8; 32]);
        key = key.prefix(11);
        key = key.suffix(5);

        let buf = key.compressed();
        let mut key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
        key2.start = 5;
        assert_eq!(key2, key);
        // Trims insignificant bits in the last byte.
        let trimmed_key = {
            let mut buf = vec![0_u8; PROOF_PATH_SIZE];
            key.write(&mut buf);
            let mut key = ProofPath::read(&buf);
            key.start = 5;
        assert_eq!(key2, trimmed_key);
        assert_eq!(key2.bytes.as_ref(), trimmed_key.bytes.as_ref());

    fn test_proof_path_compress_roundtrip() {
        let origin = ProofPath::from_bytes(&[255_u8; 32]);
        for i in 0..MAX_PROOF_PATH_BITS {
            let key = origin.prefix(i);
            let buf = key.compressed();
            let mut key2 = ProofPath::read_compressed(buf.as_ref());
            assert_eq!(key2, key);
            for j in i..MAX_PROOF_PATH_BITS {
                assert_eq!(key2.bit(j), ChildKind::Left);

    fn test_proof_path_suffix() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00\x01\x02\xFF\x0C0000000000000000000000000000\x20");

        assert_eq!(b.len(), 32);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(0), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(7), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(8), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(9), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(15), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(16), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(20), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(23), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(26), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(27), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.bit(31), ChildKind::Left);
        let b2 = b.suffix(8);
        assert_eq!(b2.len(), 24);
        assert_eq!(b2.bit(0), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b2.bit(1), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b2.bit(7), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b2.bit(12), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b2.bit(15), ChildKind::Right);
        let b3 = b2.suffix(24);
        assert_eq!(b3.len(), 0);
        let b4 = b.suffix(1);
        assert_eq!(b4.bit(6), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b4.bit(7), ChildKind::Left);
        assert_eq!(b4.bit(8), ChildKind::Right);

    fn test_proof_path_prefix() {
        // spell-checker:disable
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00\x83wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x08");
        assert_eq!(b.len(), 8);
        assert_eq!(b.prefix(1).bit(0), ChildKind::Right);
        assert_eq!(b.prefix(1).len(), 1);

    fn test_proof_path_len() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x00");
        assert_eq!(b.len(), 256);

    #[should_panic(expected = "self.start() + idx < self.end()")]
    fn test_proof_path_at_overflow() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x0F");

    #[should_panic(expected = "pos <= self.end()")]
    fn test_proof_path_suffix_overflow() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\xFF");
        assert_eq!(b"\x01qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x00".len(), 34);

    #[should_panic(expected = "self.start() + idx < self.end()")]
    fn test_proof_path_suffix_bit_overflow() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\xFF");

    fn test_proof_path_common_prefix_len() {
        let b1 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01abcd0000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        let b2 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01abef0000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        assert_eq!(b1.common_prefix_len(&b1), 256);
        let c = b1.common_prefix_len(&b2);
        assert_eq!(c, 17);
        let c = b2.common_prefix_len(&b1);
        assert_eq!(c, 17);
        let b1 = b1.suffix(9);
        let b2 = b2.suffix(9);
        let c = b1.common_prefix_len(&b2);
        assert_eq!(c, 8);
        let b3 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01\xFF0000000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        let b4 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01\xF70000000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        assert_eq!(b3.common_prefix_len(&b4), 3);
        assert_eq!(b4.common_prefix_len(&b3), 3);
        assert_eq!(b3.common_prefix_len(&b3), 256);
        let b3 = b3.suffix(30);
        assert_eq!(b3.common_prefix_len(&b3), 226);
        let b3 = b3.prefix(200);
        assert_eq!(b3.common_prefix_len(&b3), 200);
        let b5 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01\xF00000000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        assert_eq!(b5.prefix(0).common_prefix_len(&b3), 0);

    fn test_proof_path_match_len() {
        let b1 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01abcd0000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        let b2 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01abef0000000000000000000000000000\x00");

        for start in 0..256 {
            assert_eq!(b1.match_len(&b1, start), 256);
        for start in 0..18 {
            assert_eq!(b1.match_len(&b2, start), 17);
            assert_eq!(b2.match_len(&b1, start), 17);
        for start in 32..256 {
            assert_eq!(b1.match_len(&b2, start), 256);
            assert_eq!(b2.match_len(&b1, start), 256);

        let b2 = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01abce0000000000000000000000000000\x00");
        for start in 0..25 {
            assert_eq!(b1.match_len(&b2, start), 24);
            assert_eq!(b2.match_len(&b1, start), 24);

        let b1 = b1.prefix(19);
        for start in 0..19 {
            assert_eq!(b1.match_len(&b2, start), 19);
            assert_eq!(b2.match_len(&b1, start), 19);

    fn test_proof_path_is_leaf() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x00");
        assert_eq!(b.len(), 256);
        assert_eq!(b.suffix(4).is_leaf(), true);
        assert_eq!(b.suffix(8).is_leaf(), true);
        assert_eq!(b.suffix(250).is_leaf(), true);
        assert_eq!(b.prefix(16).is_leaf(), false);

    fn test_proof_path_is_branch() {
        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\xFF");
        assert_eq!(b.len(), 255);
        assert_eq!(b.is_leaf(), false);

    fn test_proof_path_debug_leaf() {
        use std::fmt::Write;

        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x01qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\x00");
        let mut buf = String::new();
        write!(&mut buf, "{:?}", b).unwrap();
            "ProofPath { start: 0, end: 256, bits: \"01110001|01110111|01100101|01110010|01110100|0111\
             1101|00110001|00110010|00110011|00110100|00110101|00110110|\" }"

    fn test_proof_path_debug_branch() {
        use std::fmt::Write;

        let b = ProofPath::from_inner(*b"\x00qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456\xF0").suffix(12);
        let mut buf = String::new();
        write!(&mut buf, "{:?}", b).unwrap();
            "ProofPath { start: 12, end: 240, bits: \"________|0111____|01100101|01110010|01110100|011\
             01101|00110001|00110010|00110011|00110100|________|________|\" }"

    fn test_path_bits() {
        let path = ProofPath::from_bytes([127; HASH_SIZE]);
        assert_eq!(path.path_bits(), vec![127; HASH_SIZE]);
        let prefix = path.prefix(5);
        assert_eq!(prefix.path_bits(), vec![0b_0001_1111]);
        let prefix = path.prefix(8);
        assert_eq!(prefix.path_bits(), vec![127]);